a. For example, Karen her reaction to Jim was different the day before; because her emotional state was much different (Laureate,2011). Besides starting a thread and including a discussion post, students can review and reply to other students work. Can you name them? Highly qualified and experienced writers. QUESTION TWELVE (2 + s = 10 marks) Existing accounting standards use a mixed measurement model. You should first acknowledge the fact that the student has an opinion which you do not agree with at the moment. RESPOND WITH TECH USING FLIP GRID. Positive phrases such as these help students see that learning is a journey, and there will be some speed bumps along the way! Your discussion post should add significant value to the online discussion. Ethical considerations are important in research because when you publish findings from your research you have a responsibility to the public that will be reading this information. As a result of this pervasive discomfort, students often just respond to an online forum post in one of the following ways: This was really great. Order Now, comprehensive test that has been verified as a reliable and valid assessment, How to Write a Discussion post in APA format With 7 Best Tips [Updated]. There are people that feel as if offering monetary compensation to participate in research is essentially recruitment for lower income individuals, which would could create an ethical issue. If the experience is right, then it is likely the company will come back for future paid research. (Response to a classmate's post Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1, n.d.), (Response to a classmate'S Post Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words - 1). This concept is known as giving constructive responses. The formatting elements that do not have an effect on the word count include math formulas, images, alternative text, and blank spaces. Share an insight from having read your colleagues posting. This burden is intensified by several factors, including the fact that minority women are often living in poverty and due to systemic inequalities, may not have access to quality healthcare (Scott, et al., 2005). You should build on a conversation. Instructions: Your first post in this discussion must be 250 words. Donec aliquet. It is also a good place to provide references, textual quotations, and/or links to materials that reinforce your opinion. Original Article: HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Stigmatizing Attitudes, and Related Behaviors and Factors that Affect Stigmatizing Attitudes against HIV/AIDS among Korean Adolescents. The migration phase consists of the feelings and experiences someone has when they are leaving their home and making the move to another country, these feelings can be fear, isolation, and trauma (Mio, et al., 2020). (How to write a peer response in a discussion), How to start a discussion post examples (how to respond to a discussion post on blackboard), a student guide on how to write a nursing conclusion, Does this Look Like Your Assignment? Nursing administration quarterly, 42(2), 136-142. I am a Human Resource Management major and this is my first class at SNHU. should remember, that this work was alredy submitted once by a student who originally wrote it. It is an ethical debate of buying possible items that are not needed and spending the money to keep same budget for the next year. Scott, K. D., Gilliam, A., & Braxton, K. (2005). You should choose the reply option. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Your discussion responses should be have substantive response examples. Part 1: State what your thought or recommendation might be. Flip Grid is a powerful way to get students talking about their texts. Build a rapport by using sentences likeI find your discussion informative and engaging. Excellent information! Excellent post, I would like to touch a little further on thank you for a very informative discussion I enjoy reading your post; it is very informative. I really enjoyed it. When is the, An initial discussion post refers to the first discussion response to a prompt by an instructor. Nurse leaders are problem solvers, conflict managers, and motivators. It is used to confirm your entry into the course. Not all the opinions of students will auger well with you. Please, dont hesitate to contact us if you need more information. Reviewing and responding to discussion posts is possible from the activity stream. matching your topic, you may use them only as an example of work. Assignment 4: Discussion Assignment The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered. Browse through your computer to attach the file that you want to attach. Do your research. Yes, we have an unlimited revision policy. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Students can reply to published threads and not the hidden or locked threads. Step II. The technology keeps envolving day to day, so we have to keep are ears and eye wide open to keep up with . Look for the post options such as edit, delete, quote, reply, and email author. However, you have a different opinion about the subject matter than your fellow student. Your paragraphing is also wanting. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to theDiscussion Area by Saturday, April 9, 2016. (New York: Oxford University Press). Responsible Conduct of Research, 3rd ed. A discussion board is an online class, whose sole purpose is to share thoughts and ideas. Imagine this scenario. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Before writing your discussion post, first complete the assigned reading assignment. The instructor can assess your understanding of the course by judging the discussion post. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Ihs241zeg, Unlock access to this and over 10,000 step-by-step explanations. The five courses that capture my attention are as follows: Homeland Security272View detail Preview site Discussion Response To Classmates - Mr Essay Writer Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis.
  • sectetur adipiscing elit. Avoid the use of language that gives the impression that you are attacking the other student, or that shows the post has affected you emotionally. Advocacy. Can people be objective if they are paid to conduct research? You should not just agree or disagree with ideas in a particular post. Responses to discussion questions should adhere to the following criteria: An example discussion question and sample learner response are provided below. You read a fellow students post and agree with the message they are passing across. *Price with a welcome 15% discount applied. You want to ensure that you follow these guidelines when posting your response on the discussion board. Respond to classmates post. Agreeing and, disagreeing is a first-level, gut response. Also; you can get quality writing services from My Homework Writers when writing that discussion post or responding to a discussion post. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Baltimore, MD: Author. Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, 6(1), 119. There, you'll communicate with the writer and support team and track the writer's progress. Writing Guides (40), 100 controversial topics The greatest discussion posts are those that linger in the mind of discussion participants way later after the discussion is over. Only then, will it be clear that there is a discussion. Think of these posts as a mini-essay, in which you want to have a single central argument and clear evidence to support that argument. Any new response or reply to the discussion is highlighted to make it easy for you to see the changes in the discussion board. Get Your Assignment on, How to Respond to a Discussion Post Effectively 2023, Make an order in advance and get the best price. Ask students to post their own introductions using yours as a model. Responding to your classmates can be an awkward or uncomfortable task because you might not want to offend them or say something silly. Autor: . This way, your vocabulary will be uniform, and the writer will be aware of your needs. The purpose of the assignment refers to the question that you need to give your feedback on. It is important to understand how to respond to a discussion post so that an online discussion is meaningful to all the participants. Can people be objective if they are paid to conduct research? Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Compare and contrast how the authors of the sources in the "Global Themes and Sources" section in Chapter 12 of worlds t What is the identified research problem? Does the author include the significance and background of the problem? Covid Read Analytical and Aggregation Biases in Analysis of Imprisonment on pg. Using proper punctuation will get your point across without necessarily writing in all caps. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facil,
    • sectetur adipiscing elit. This can be done through the add-on "Same paper from another writer.". Your instructor can hide discussion activity until you post a response. The purpose of paying participants would be to ensure they are being fairly compensated for whatever time is being spent as well as money being spent on gas to travel to wherever the research is being conducted. Our 100% Moneyback Guarantee backs you up on rare occasions where you arent satisfied with the writing. We know how difficult it is to be a student these days. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Discussions How I truly treasure reading through my peer's ideas and responding to at least two of them in intricate detail. Each response should be at least 100 words. I think this gives a strong point in the defense of your answer. UoPeople Discussion Response Examples. (2020).Multicultural psychology: Understanding our diverse communities (5th ed.). For instance, when one takes that first . Additionally, women of color are often subjected to culturally based gender roles where their role in interpersonal relationships is submissive, making sexual safety difficult to negotiate (Scott, et al., 2005). Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and focus on . Responses to Classmates' posts: Two required each week--either responding to a post or responding to a response to your post. In Korea, adolescent boys are more likely to be sexually active and to have sexual experience than girls but the overall rate of adolescent sexual activity is low relative to other countries; as a result, Korean adolescents are less likely to be exposed to HIV (Sohn and Park, 2012). (2011). There are guidelines that an instructor may have given regarding how to respond to a discussion post. Your participation in these online discussions is often a required part of the grading process. Nonetheless, it is commendable how you note how anthropologists find it meaningless to use the term race since the term has been overtaken by events. Similar to what Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said in her TED talk that while the stereotype isn't necessarily untrue, it doesn't consist of the whole story (youtube.com, 2009). Your research must be bias free, neutral and should not push a personal agenda. As previously stated, one of the advantages of using Axios over the native Fetch API is that it allows us to . The key thing to remember about follow-up posts is that you must add something new to the discussion, rather than simply saying you agree or disagree with another person's post. 5. In an online course, you can access an online course from the discussions page or content page. Otherwise, post a response to the current topic. Therefore, you cannot afford to take chances with your discussion board responses. However, her response on how to deal with those with difficulty in class is good and shows the use of guidance and patience to enable learners to learn at their own pace. Below is a detailed guide on how to write discussion posts and how to respond to discussion posts: When undertaking an online class, the discussion board is the main platform of interaction between students and the instructor. assignment help Korean culture is more collectivistic with high value on family pride while the United States is individualistic, valuing unique expression and self-actualization. Nam risu
    • sectetur adipiscing elit. How is paid research as opposed to unpaid research viewed? The practitioners problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as the ability to demonstrate sound clinical reasoning in practice, are other aspects that benefit from the evaluation of progress (Dragan, 2009). Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Access the thread you want to reply to in an online discussion forum. Payment should only be used to ensure that time and money spent in the process of the research is fairly compensated. That means that there will be many discussion posts to read and respond to. Address the three stages of the strategic management process. If you like the writer, you can hire them again. An integral part of nearly all online classes is the threaded discussionit is where students interact on a nearly daily basis, posting their thoughts and information on main discussion topics, your postings, and the postings of other students. Smith and Mackie (2006) posts that attitude and stereotypes remain consistent. Ethical considerations are important in research because if there are a history of unethical companies or people, it can create confusion if the research is accurate. Choose who to respond to first. Assessing competency in evidence-based practice: Strengths and limitations of current tools in practice. Donec aliquet. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Remember to always have two sources on responses. You can also view this Citing and Saving Articles in [email protected][email protected] We ensure that assignment instructions are followed, the paper is written from scratch. They have to be journals, research articles, and book sources, and not more than 5 years old. Once the writer has completed your paper, the editors check your paper for any grammar/formatting/plagiarism mistakes, then the final paper is sent to your email. This creates the debate of spending money to just spend money. Students should refrain from using chat acronym, emoticons, and slang. Students should thus use simple language to respond to a discussion post. The student reviewing a discussion post rates the discussion post and include comments in their response. This is because time is valuable, and most people do not want to work for free. Our Professional Writers will be glad to write your paper from scratch, and delivered within your deadline. The page will expand to the entire discussion post you want to respond to. The papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit. Lengthy discussion posts are tiring and may discourage other participants from reading the entire discussion post. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 29, 119-226. doi:10.1002/chp.20021. The three ways to give constructive responses are as follows: When you are disagreeing with a particular idea in a post or comment, you should do so with respect. Close the layer for you to get back to the activity stream. Once you learn what it takes to write a strong discussion post, it is no doubt that the other students will do the same. In my line of work as a vehicle mechanic there is a lot of information out there that mechanics are shady. Discussion posts are awful. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Dynamics of Group-Based Emotions: Insights from Intergroup Emotions Theory. These are examples of Responses last week in Marketing (Different topic) Response: Example: I like how you posted about how important critical thinking and that it is always need. You are expected to express your own thoughts and analysis regarding the topic or discussion question/prompt. Students should learn how to reply to a forum post. Copyright 2009-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Authors Global Group. The first is that weekly (or daily) response questions ensure that students keep up with the reading schedule. Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. Quotes and paraphrase workshop 1-19-21.docx, The nurse and an unlicensed assistive personnel UAP are caring for clients on a, regarded as halogen free a OFNR b OFNP c LSZH d All of the above ANSWER c LSZH, SCS 100 Module Two Activity Template (1).docx, Solution- Analyzing Transactions-Columbia Inc..xlsx, 38 2011 11 SCC 1 39 1997 8 SCC 114 17 Code 1973 that provides maintenance to the, The medical office telephone should be answered within how many rings a On the, Appropriate Behavior Expectations Case Study.docx, BUS6061 E-Business Assessment_2021-22 Main Coursework.pdf, 5 Vermic syndrome includes A Static ataxia B Dynamic ataxia C Eye movement, Note 1 A listed company whose shares are listed on a stock exchange should, AMIND-141 Hostile, Violent, Inhumane, And Unconstitutional Efforts Of The American Indians During Th, 2 a Describe the roles of nerves muscles and bones in producing movement 6 b, FehrBarbara ForestryandNaturalResource12 Unit 8 activity (1).pdf. In general, you will be agreeing to the overall idea of the post, but you have contrasting views that make it hard to fully support the idea. When responding, use the student's name and describe the point so that your whole class can follow along Example: Jessica, you make an interesting point about technology increasing without training increasing. Changes in current practices and skills should be evaluated frequently with the use of evaluation tools. Although there are many reasons to pay participants in research there are opposing views that feel as if paying participants will skew results. But even know everyone's still answering the same question, it is in separate sound-proof chambers. YouTube. References: The activity stream gives you access to new content in Blackboard Learn. Therefore, it is critical to run a business with ethical considerations in mind or the research to come will haunt you. Kuppens, T., , , Kuppens, T., Yzerbyt, V. Y., Dandache, S., & van der Schalk, J. You can even attach screenshots or add additional instructions later. Which of the following is an example of microeconomics? Procrastinating until the last day denies yourself and your peers a deeper, more meaningful discussion. Already dealing with acculturation while also feeling the social pressure from certain people to assimilate to the dominant culture can create a lot of turmoil for someone who is already in such a new place having had to leave everything behind. Peer review is one of the capabilities of a discussion board. If you are nervous, try looking above the heads of the students instead of making direct eye contact. Advocacy can solve workplace hostility, nurse shortages, lack of coordination, inadequate teamwork and collaboration, and staffing issues and improve patient care quality and safety. The discussion post is the understanding of the student on the subject topic. Indeed nurse leaders should advocate for the patients, nurses, and the profession. Find out more onHow to Write a Discussion post in APA format With 7 Best Tips [Updated]. Write a paper on why growth mindsets are beneficial to the population so that it can have a general application to the real world. Social identity salience shapes group-based emotions through group-based appraisals. When reading, try to get the connection between real-life and the text you are reading. Essentially, you paint a beautiful, color-saturated picture for the admissions counselor and then you share insightful thoughts . There is a lack of representation in our society as a whole so not being informed about other cultures minimizes who they are and what their struggles might be. Without evaluation of practice, problems that could possibly have been brought to light may remain undiscovered and act as impediments to improvement in practice. We are here for you! To support your work, use your course readings and also use outside. For graded forums and threads, tell students specifically what you expect both in terms of quantity and quality of posts. The discussion page displays all the discussions in the course. Do y imagine that you are a clinician and you have been presented with the following information: Case: Rachel has been caugh . Culturally Competent HIV Prevention Strategies for Women of Color in the United States. You might be interested in a student guide on how to write a nursing conclusion. With social distancing required in classrooms, this format can be more personal than sitting 6 feet away and shouting through masks during an . This is 100% legal. Reference material from your textbook, class lectures, or relate to your own life experiences when appropriate. If you are not happy with your essay, you are guaranteed to get a full refund. Also, the discussion responses contribute to your overall performance in the online discussion as the discussion posts you put up. In your replies to other students you can: 1) Expand on or clarify a point made in the answer. More on editing and deleting in discussions Find a participant You don't have to sift through all of the course discussions to find the one you need. When posting responses and engaging with your classmates, ask questions that expand and continue the conversation. In doing so, you will be preparing yourself to present a great response. On Blackboard, there are multiple threads for an online discussion. If allowed in your course, you may also attach files [2]. Peer response can be conducted in-person during a class period or assigned as homework, either with a video chat or written responses only. The purpose of the assignment refers to the question that you need to give your feedback on. I have seen ethical issues at work such as favoritism, bias, racial issues. I really loved the way you expressed your ideas in the essay. (n.d). This is super easy, most forums have a tick box. You can even share some exemplary posts. First of all, since the enumerator is now giving them a gift, respondents may be more inclined to try and find the answers they think the enumerator is looking for. Discussion boards are meant to be conversations, where each post builds on the previous comment. Learners may incorporate anecdotal evidence as well as research. 2. Open the threaded discussion. Need explanations? Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Your responses should help deepen and broaden understanding for yourself and your classmates. 3. Theres no need for definitions or purpose statements when writingdiscussions; gostraight to the point, answer comprehensively, and cite accurately. When told to use third person, stick to the narrative point. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Please i need help on the below discussion post, how do I respond to it? Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices a
    . Essays Receive a 100% original paper that will pass Turnitin from a top essay writing service. Evaluation of competency in practice incorporates evaluation of the main elements of practicethe knowledge level; competency in practice; performance and tasks relating to directing medical care; and evaluation of actions, their effectiveness, and their situational appropriateness (Dragan, 2009). Without some type of enforcement, students often skim through texts or, worse yet, depend on cliff notes or whatever they can find on the internet thinking that the abbreviated information will suffice for the larger essays or exams. You should show the connection between your answer and the evidence you provide. cause and effect examples Your post can introduce an idea for other students to follow up on. Start by reading the initial posting of the other students with an open mind, then think critically the most provocative to you. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. You can also view the participants who are available at the time you are posting your discussion. Identify the . It therefore makes sense for students to understand what it takes to hold an online discussion. Did the unit really need 300 flashlights due to being worried that next year they need all the budget money. Use the arrow keys to select an option, such as a numbered list. The opportunity to quote your post is part of your response to the post. I hope you find this tutor group a welcoming place to be and that you will use it to support your study on the course. Dragan, I. When someone is depressed a lot of the time someone pictures another person who is sad all the time, who is in bed or someone who is struggling with suicidal ideation. This can lead to paid research and unpaid research. Have you seen any ethical issues in your life or place of business? The group is responsible for monitoring the forum. Response Posts: Then, by Sunday at 11:59 pm of week 4, read the posts of your classmates and comment on at least two. Here, you need to explain your point of view to the reader. Response to a mates post Hi Longsine! Both are patriarchal societies where men have traditionally held some degree of power over women. is concerned about the feelings of peers. Psychology of immigration 101. One tool that can assist in evaluating those advancing from a novice level is the Fresno test (McCluskey & Bishop, 2009). Every post should build in a previous post. She was very surprised that I said I struggled with depression and said that I didn't "look depressed" so she assumed that I was a very happy and content person. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | ted. This will require you to think critically to come up with an idea that will cause the students to respond to your thoughts. The experiences you want to include are those that have a connection with the concepts you have learned in class. purpose or goal. (2009). Provide specific examples.apa, it just needs to be 100 words. Have questions? To reply to the main discussion, type your reply in the Reply field. The satisfaction produced is dependent on the focus given to the music. Let us write or edit the assignment on your topic, 1 (250 words), The Fundamental Superiority of Humans over Animals, Responses to Classmates - Changes in Attitudes toward Sex. Cultural assimilation is the idea that those who migrate show adopt the ideas and presentation of the dominant culture (apa.org, 2012). Fill the Order Form: Include all instructions and files for your assignment. Perfect choice for your excellent grades! Everyone has their own reasons for participating in research. Nam lacinia pulvinar tort
  • sectetur adipiscing elit. For each response, focus on one point and include supporting evidence. Therefore, ensure that you include professional and personal experience to support your argument. by Natalie Slawinski. Now, let's go through each of these important steps in more detail. General Guidelines for Discussion Questions: How to structure a discussion post with examples? Explain how a basic understanding of accounting might help you to reach your professional goals or contribute to your success as a professional? Meanwhile, participants that were not promised any incentive would just randomly answer the questionnaires without much thought and sometimes would put random answers. Would put random answers are a clinician and you have a connection with the writer 's.... 100 words an opinion which you do not want to ensure that you more! Were not promised any incentive would just randomly answer the questionnaires without much thought and would... 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