He also left Hood and his army to do whatever they wanted. Bragg. According to Catton, what role did slavery play as a cause of the Civil War? Ch 7: Lee and Jackson were in Richmond in between McClellens army which was in near the James River and John Popes army which was coming down from the Shenandoah Valley. Bruce Catton writes superbly; this book reads very well. Eventually Lincoln had the prisoners released and apologized and the British backed off. In the fighting surrounding the Second Battle of Bull Run, what two armies did Lee and Jackson face? Douglass main goal was to end the argument over slavery; however, too many people were so passionate over the issue. There was a problem loading your book clubs. I think it probably gave great confidence to Grants subordinates that he was letting them have almost complete control of their given duty. What were the political and military consequences of this battle? Slavery was a huge issue because it was the financial backbone of the Southern states and specific Northerners were preaching hell and damnation for slave-owners. He concludes with a short yet penetrating chapter on the immediate and long-term effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination: how Secretary of War Edwin Stanton took over temporarily and permanently damaged any hope of a true reconciliation between North and South by placing the blame for the assassination squarely on the Confederate Government, when in fact that soon-to-be disbanded body had nothing whatsoever to do with it. Many have looked at this as justification for conscription. The Navy had plenty of ships, but none of these ships were going to be helpful in inforcing the blockade. However, the Federals were sending two armies at two different times so Johnstons figured his only hope was to attack Grants army before Buells arrived. But in 1793, Eli Whitney, a northerner, invented the cotton gin which turned slavery around and the country started to profit from it again. Buell caught him and had a standoff battle. Coach Phillips. Chapter 6: The reaction of the United States government was the immediately repeal the treaty and write another one. This was a good overview on the Civil War. What were the consequences? 9 Battle of Chancellorsville with Lee and Hooker. i also highly recommend his trilogy on the army of the Potomac, as an introduction to the civil war for anyone who even has a casual interest and would like to know more. This chapter explains what happened after the war. The climactic battle was the third day of fighting (July 3) when George Pickett attacked at Cemetary Ridge, his failed assault being the end of the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln ordered that all issues involving readmission of states into the Union, restoration of political and civil rights, and the abolition of slavery to be left up to him. He writes from a northern perspective of the war, which I feel provides a fresh examination for students from the South. I heard about it in reviews for other books and that piqued my interest. Unless the citizens were forced to suffer, the war would continue indefinitely. He tried to trapLee. BP. The book begins with a harebrained scheme advanced by, among others, General Judson Kilpatrick (often called Kill Cavalry for his willingness to engage in dangerous actions), to have cavalry raid Richmond. This meant that cities were destroyed, people had to evacuate their homes, and crops were ravaged. --Baltimore Sun Infinitely readable and absorbing, Pulitzer Prize-winner Bruce Catton's The Civil. Through his brilliant and stirring narrative, Bruce Catton conveys the human aspect of history and translates meticulously researched historical fact into an absorbing chronicle of the war. A concise yet comprehensive explanation of the major causes, political events, military movements, and (to a lesser extent) aftermaths of the Civil War. Political Revolt XI. However, the summary was exactly what I wanted. I think the passing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was one of the huge contributing factors to the start of the war. I have not confirmed that, but I did find it an enjoyable, engaging, and overall helpful read. Now that most of you are engaged, I would like to make a suggestion. Bruce Catton's Reflections on the Civil War is the magisterial summary of a great historian who thought deeply on the Civil War and its meaning over the course of a lifetime. A superbly written text from a master historian. Chapter 2: I couldnt have said it better myself. Grant took 15,000 men and a squadron of new ironclad gunboats commanders by Flag Officer Andrew Foote. He thought this would force Sherman to follow him and he knew he had a much better chance of victory in the forests of Georgia. # 2. The Radical Republicans used Lincolns funeral for their advantage. Chapter Two: The governments of the North and South played a role in their success. FREE Standard shipping on all items. His strategy was based on the idea that they would continue to fight no matter how much territory was occupied. Bruce Catton (1899 1978) was a journalist and a notable historian of the American Civil War. Chapter 3 discusses how unprepared the two sides of the Civil War were. The Civil War had a more lasting impact on the South than on the North for many obvious reasons. The Army of the Tennessee (led by General Ulysses S. Grant and located along the Mississippi River), The Army of the Cumberland ( led by William S. Rosecrans and located mainly in Tennessee), and The Army of the Potomac ( led by Major General Ambrose E. Burnside and located in Virginia). Ch. Eligible for Return, Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt. Describe the attrocities associated with conscription in the North and South. . This victory gave one less place to bring important goods into the South. The war was not going to be one from naval battles so the Union decided that they would just blockade the Souths harbors. 4. You aluded to this in your answer. Ch. 16 Giving it after the Battle of Antietam made it a more powerful statement that had strength behind it. Everyone thought his plans would never work, because a lot of people knew about them. Although they had the will to fight, they did not have the supplies to fight. I have outlined the major points with my questions. Ch 3 The Civil War by Bruce Catton The terms of surrender made by Lee and Grant were quite different from a lot of surrenders at that time. They were fighting the easier war, but lacked motive. Lincoln obliged and stuck to a one-war-at-a-time policy. Superb book about the Army of the Potomac and the battles with Lee's Army. What type of intervention was the English government considering during the fall of 1862? Lee knew that they could not defeat them head on so they flanked them. The assaulting column fell back on Federal lines and Gettysburg was over. ch12 Can you identify a factor which made it more of a passionate and emotional issue? Its rank and file soldiers through their blood, sweat and unflagging determination defeated the Army of Northern Virginia in spite of every attempt of their leaders to lose the war (and kill their soldiers in the process). Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. There is a lot that happens in the Civil War. How was it a tragedy for the South? Bragg tried to captiltalize on Hallecks mistake. 13 The North kept telling themsleves they couldnt beat the South. There were still disciplined and very important generals that were on both sides; the North had people such as McDowell, McClellan, and Harney, the South had Davis, Beauregard, Johnston, and Lee, the common thing they all shared was that most of them went to west point and they all were veterans of war. I also think that there wasnt a single area where the South progressed through the war. Product Information. McClellan was a very organized man and cautious with his troops. This chapter discusses the presidential representatives and politics during the civil war. The United States sent Phil Sheridan and 50,000 veterans to the Mexican border, Seward filed a protest against the French occupation of Mexico, and Napoleon withdrew his soldiers. I have been reading a book on the Booth Conspiracy and after what Lewis Powell did to Secretary of State Seward as directed by John Wilkes Booth, it is amazing to me that they granted clemency to Southern leaders. Lincoln just eventually decided to surround the Southern coast. These battles made citizens and troops alike see that the war could and would be won. How the south grew even without slave, and how, in a weird way, the war united our country. Thus, this novel exemplifies the civil war; its causes, as well as its impact in the modern world. Every glance at the news has to make us question our own collective enlightenment, our. The Alabama and Shenandoah were not very important, even though they drew a great deal of importance during the war time. What was McClellans Plan to take Richmond? Without these three victories which rose the spirits of the Northerners, Lincoln probably would not have been re-elected and the next President probably would have ended the war. He could have walked in Lincolns office and shot him. He left part of his men in Fredericksburg, while taking 45,000 of his men to Chancellorsville to Hooker. I think this is still relevant today, to an extent. In the North, Lincoln was also surrounded by impressive men like Seward and Stanton. The Northwest Gets Excited XIV. is one of the most widely read general histories of the war available in a single volume. After losing Atlanta, Hood relized that Sherman had to be forced from the South. Napoleon III took great political advantage of the Civil War. List Price: $29.75. I think this was albsolute GENIUS by Seward. Lee took his army back to Virginia, causing the North to be considered the winner of the battle. With this approach the author is able to narrate the war as a comprehensible story, elucidating how one event leads to another and how they progress in a historical arch. Because of the Battle of Antietam, the British did not recognize the South as a separate nation as they had planned to do. Bull Run was the first example that a defensive battle is easier to win, but it would not have been possible at all without Johnstons escape to Manassas. In this chapter we discover Booth makes some dumb mistakes. 16 : What was the naval objective of the United States during the Civil War? Border states were a key in the war. Ch. Hoods army attacked McPherson three times and even though McPherson was killed, his men still defeated Hood. This victory opened the road to PA for the Confederacy. Almost 300 pages left. Chapter 7 discusses the Emancipation Proclamation and how Lincoln didnt want to issue it until the North had one the battle of Antietam. The Union army eventually would destroy everything on their marches across the South, including freeing all the slaves. The armies needed things, too. These armies added up to about 100,000 men. McDowells and Beauregards strategies at the Battle of Bull Run were very similar. 4. The only problem with the South was the fact they hardly had any heavy weapons. They were Mobile Bay and Atlanta. BP. Southerners in a desire to remember the good old days, remembered them much better than they were. I think in some cases this was a disadvantage because the officers could not get a tight discipline on their soldiers in the camp or on the march. The Union lost about 13,000 men while the Confederates lost only about 10,000. Chapter 6 Other countries knew that a civil war weakens a country significantly, and debated intense involvement. With the threat of 11,000 soldiers in Canada, England asked for the prisoners and an apology. On the night of the first day of Shiloh in which Grants army had almost been driven into the Tennessee River by AS Johnston, Sherman was overhead telling him, We have had the devils own day. Grant responds, Yea, but well lickem tomorrow. Juan Carlos Buells refinforcements show up that night and they drove the Confederates from the battlefield the next day! Summary; Recently Viewed; Bids/Offers; Watchlist; Purchase History; Buy Again; Selling; . Everybody was trying to get rich on the back of this unlucky army and the policies of the political powers of the day. This particular edition is in a Hardcover format. mr.catton's writing style is distinctly in the way of a novelist, which makes all of his books, a better, more understandable read than most contemporary authors, writing about the same subject matter. Because of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, proslavery and abolitionist factions swarmed into Kansas to make sure that Kansas was what they wanted it to be, slave or free. Describe the conflict between proslavery and abolitionist factions in Kansas in the 1850s. Booth was boastful of his plans. Later he would almost relieve one of his greatest officers General George Thomas, The Rock of Chickamauga from command of the Army of the Tennessee because Grant was freaking out with impatience near the end of the war. The armies were headed toward Atlanta, but Atlanta was not the objective. These armies were : the army of the Potomac, army of the Cumberland, and the army of Tennessee. Tension was all over continental united states. Two Southern diplomats to England and France were aboard the British mail steamer, the Trent. The bloackade runners were transporters for the Confederates and Britain. Ch9 Fought at the same time in early July, 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg and Battle of Vicksburg broke the back of the Confederacy. yeah This book is very informative on the Army of the Pottomic and how the Lincoln administration nearly destroyed it by manhandling it. The Confederate navy got the Merrimac because the Union had scuttled it. They also were less orderly, and organized, and they also often had to resort to makeshift weapons. The army of the Tennessee was not in Tennessee but was mostly stationed along the Mississippi river. With that being said, the South took the initiative to build iron clad steam boats. Despite physicality, Missouri literally remained divided, but on paper they were for the Union. San Jacinto, was returning with his crew from a long tour of duty on the African coast. What would have been the probable result if Lincoln had lost the election? I also see a bit of irony in their peaca of mind. I just didn't prefer the style he told it in. On the other hand, many Northerners were from urban areas and didnt have the experience that the South did. It was a good thought for ahead, but it left Hood and his army behind to destroy whatever they needed or wanted to without defense. Good observation that Hood and Shermans armies went in opposite directions. Why did Lincoln wait until the Battle of Antietam to unvail the document? This clarifies why much of the south, western Virginia, eastern Tennessee, northern Alabama, were opposed to the war. In your opinion, which was the most significant victory and why? Shelby Foote writes with an irony reflecting the human forbles, the immense dark comedic tragedy that was the Civil War. The Civil War was mainly fought in the Confederate territory and campaigns such as Shermans scarred the land. Yesssssssssssssss!!!!! Strangely, he used a combination of tactful delicacy and hardfisted reuthlesness. Just how far have we actually evolved in the hundred-and-fifty-plus years since the ending of the Civil War? Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Bruce Catton was America's greatest Civil War historian, and he made the events of that seminal conflict come alive for millions. 1. You will have a maximum of six weeks to complete nineteen chapters. This book is a condensed version of the War (weighing in at slightly over 300 pages after including three appendices), yet seemingly nothing was left out. In spite of all that McDowell did, he was forced to move because his troops did not see the need for discipline and the war cry Forward to Richmond! was too compelling. Chapter 11 tells us about how the lack of industrialism in the South damaged the Confederacy in the Civil War. I would recommend Shelby Foote's masterwork trilogy, The Civil War: A Narrative. Consider this a group activity. 1. Who had the advantagea the outset of the war? A huge factor was probably Lees division of his army into three parts although this had worked for him in the past, he shouldnt have divided his army at such a crucial battle of the war. Who was hesitantly chosen by Lincoln to cut off Lee? His three greatest books chronicle the shifting military and political fortunes of the Army of. What steps did England take to prepare for war? What factors allowed the Union farmer to increase production and enjoy the wealth of the war years? Add to Wish List Link to this Book Add to Bookbag Sell this Book Buy it at Amazon Compare Prices. Bruce Catton was a great and talented author, and this book is clearly written as a summary of the main events of the Civil War rather than any in depth review. Chapter 7 was all about alliance and foreign aid. Because the south was on the verge of losing the war, Britain and France refused. (LogOut/ Something that covers the larger conflicts, movementsboth political and militarily, yet more well-written than your standard U.S. History textbook. Ch. The issue of slavery had a huge impact. A wonderful short book that is a survey of the Civil War. 1861) (No. Sku. The union wins. The Confederates were forced back but never retreated. Great flow. The conflict (I think) was Bleeding Kansas and the surrounding violence over the issue of slavery in Kansas. Sorry Im behind everyone, Mr. Phillips, Ive been on vacation. I did some more research and found out they both went to West Point where they were classmates. How did improvements in military technology regarding small arms and artillery change the tactics of war? The objective was to destroy the army commanded by Joe Johnston. Gettysburg stopped Lees advance and destroyed any chance of the South being recognized as a country. Davis cabinet was little help to him. 15 The American Civil War is one of the most written about conflicts in history. I highly recommend this to people who are just beginning to learn about the war, or to teenagers. January 6. He constructed a new plan to go east to Fredricksburg, cross the Rappahannock, force Lee to battle between Fredricksburg and Richmond, then toward the Confederate Capital. It was Grant who changed the strategy to all out war and destroying the Confederate armies when he was appointed in command of all Union armies by Lincoln. The Union army retreated to Chattanooga and settled in for a siege. 4. The Union on Trial XIII. The initial naval objective of the United States during the Civil War was a naval blockade of the South. They both lacked uniforms, tents, and guns. 3: The Union army had more casualties than the Confederate army. The determination of both factions started as contradiction in Kansas and quickly turned to violence with potential of popular sovereignty. 3: He forced Bragg and his men to retreat. vividly traces one of the most moving chapters in American history, from the early division between the North and the South to the final surrender of Confederate troops. The south, although passionate about what they fought for were at an obvious disadvantage at the start. The Battle of Fort Sumter was not really a battle but more like General Beauregard bombarding Major Anderson, who was holding Fort Sumter, into submission without killing anybody; but that still did not hamper the fact that the Battle of Fort Sumter allowed the South to get much needed weapons and solidified the fact that war had come to the states. The slaves could run a farm with relatively little help but the owners, the main strength of the south, was on the firing line so nothing in the south could really be improved. If you are looking for a good overview of the war and the key persons involved that is fast-paced and enjoyable to read, this is it! Excellent and succinct overview of the entire Civil War by one of America's leading historians on the subject. Bruce Catton was the go to Civil War author prior to Shelby Foote. The South had more soldiers but they were on the west side of the Miss. The Unions wheat industry became prevalent in Great Britain. Discounts, promotions, and special offers on best-selling magazines. Includes initial monthly payment and selected options. I agree with Parker that one of the main reasons the Southern culture was impacted more than that of the North was because of the amount of destruction in the South. Chapter 12 discusses the war being an the first unlimited war. In what ways did the demands of the Union army contribute to growth in specific industries? The middle chapters have a tad too much economic determinism in this for my tastes. What were the results? More than 40 percent of wheat Great Britain imported was from the US. What was McClellans biggest weakness? 2. Chapter 14 discusses the politics of the Civil War. This chapter explains the ending of the war and the abolishment of slavery. Chapter 9: Catton believed that Booth was pretty much insane, as did most people at the time. In what major battlewas Lees first offensive into the North brought to an end? I have never been to another battle site here it was as easy to visualize the fighting. This helped the north win the war. The Army of the Potomac was now led by Major General Ambrose E. Burnside. They both wanted to surprise out-flank the other army in order to gain an advantage. In order to trap the Union army, Bragg retreated and made a stand at La Fayette, Georgia, awaiting reinforcements. 1. Grant wrote and signed a document that forbid the Union from hanging high ranking officials from the Confederacy. He stopped the ship and took the confederates back to the US where he was hailed as a hero. ISBN-13: 9780844669373. I learned a whole lot and I enjoyed it at the same time. Johnston and Beauregard attacked Grants army at the Battle of Shiloh and the Confederates were defeated. Grant won the battle with help from reinforcements, and captured 15,000 confederates along the way. Beauregard and Johnston combined their forces in order to save the South from losing western land. I love this because it allows us to see the human insecurities in Grant. It's a wonder the South did not defeat the North just on the incompetence of the Lincoln administration alone. A Union ship searched a British commerce ship and captured some members. Lee lost about 1/3 of his army and was forced to retreat. The textiles of the North had to have been a major contributor to the profitsof the South. Chapter 8 addresses the fact that the three major Union armies had stopped Confederate offensives during the fall, but were now stalled during the winter of 1862-63. I believe that part of the reason they were so different is because the south did not need to be industrial because of the existence of slavery. Pope returning the fight was confused when Lee and his army followed Jacksons path and ended up there too. - Improve exam technique with sample answers, examiner's tips and exam . Lists containing this Book MyWishList from Eric Hodge Read from Gary Disoteo American Civil War from Hthom Loading Related Books History Created February 18, 2009 6 revisions The real strength is how he tells about the battles from the soldiers' points of view. Excellent summary of the war and the issues surrounding it. During the election of 1864, the Republicans and the Union party nominated Lincoln and Johnson.The more Democrats along with the Copperheads nominated General McClellan as their Presidential candidate with George Pendleton of Ohio named for the Vice-Presidency. Main goal was to destroy the army of Tennessee desire to remember the good old,. Was mostly stationed along the Mississippi river my interest Lees first offensive the. Were headed toward Atlanta, but none of these ships were going to be in. Prefer the style he told it in into the North, Lincoln was also by. Plans would never work, because a lot of people knew about.... 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