The monster appears and attempts to attack Cleo, but Hope traps her with a spell. Hope has had enough tests, though. In This is What It Takes, Hope finds herself at the Salvatore School wherein she interrupts a party being thrown in celebration of the Necromancer's defeat. Back at the school, she reconciles with Cleo, admitting that she was a kind person when she needed someone most and the school is her home now. Josie hates him, with good reason, but Hope reassures him that she won't let anyone hurt him, including Malivore. It won't stop her from trying and she telekinetically grabs her sword. He's had enough goodbyes in his life, like her. Landon questions why she didn't tell him, however she dismisses him, not wanting to talk about it right at that moment. It's how her father lived most of his life and she is her father's daughter. Hope is awake and stops him, but she hesitates. She pleads with someone to take her out and Alaric breaks her neck. She is also a main character in Legacies . Hayley says that when she was being attacked, she wasn't just protecting herself, she was protecting her child and she didn't want to let anyone hurt it. When she wakes, the Hollow comes to her and is possessed. Alaric also tries to mentor and convince Hope to step out of her comfort zone, as a father figure normally tried to do with their children. Lizzie appears behind him and siphons from him, but she's overwhelmed and blown back by a gust of wind. Hope breaks the scythe and tosses it into the lake and vamps away leaving him and the Ferryman on the dock. The Ferryman raises his scythe, though Hope refuses to dive into the river to leave Limbo. When Hope activated her tribrid nature, she turned off her humanity and fled Mystic Falls. She makes out with Landon after becoming his girlfriend. Hope walks away from Landon. Hope tells Alaric that she won't go back to the Salvatore School as she fears that Landon will still want to be with Josie. Hope has to leave. He manages to soothe Hope and she falls asleep. Hope doesn't believe him, and he counters her point with that vampires don't exist, at least as far as most people are concerned. On the way back to the house, Hope stops the car engine and seconds later the house goes up in flames. Meanwhile, Jed and Wade have found the transfusion braid in a reference book and attempted to replicate the braid using shoe strings and show it to Hope. They head to an abandoned house and they try to do a spell, but Hope's palm heals quickly. However, if they don't get her the weapons she needs, she begins before being cut off by MG. In 500 A.D., two rival tribes arranged a marriage in an attempt to combine their power, hoping to unite their covens. The complicated ancestry of her parents means that she is a tribrid, a combination of a werewolf, witch, and vampire. In Sanctuary, Klaus and Hayley argue over whether or not to tell Jackson that Hope is still alive. Hope is then left to the care of her uncle Elijah. Somewhere, deep inside, she knows what she's doing is wrong. Alaric and Kaleb continue to keep their secrets, but Hope decides to take care of Malivore herself. Hope tells him that he'll have to take his own advice. Agatha calls her an affront to Nature herself as she is a tribrid. Jed and Wade lay Malivore on the table while Josie lights the black candle. Hope is surprised that she missed, removes the stake and turns to finish it herself, though Lizzie meant to do that, which means she broke the sire bond. Turning to face her, Hope reiterates that it takes god magic to kill a god. Angered, she threatens to kill Rupert. Hope finds herself at a proverbial crossroads and sees someone in the distance. Analyzing their enemies, Hope realizes the problem is that they're going first. Aurora gladly tells her that, burrowed into his chest, it rendered him unconscious and in a state of impossible and unending agony. Hayley starts screaming in terror and tries to fight the witches, swearing that they will not take her baby and she will kill all of them. He holds her in his arms and they discuss their relationship. However, she chose to return to save everyone. Not only does she SUCK at acting, but she's plain old annoying in every way. Telling her goodbye, he leaves as she begins to cry. With the game over, Hope demands for her weapons. She doesn't understand why he's back in Limbo. Regardless, Hope threatens to break every one of his bones and makes her way towards him. Landon appears behind her, wondering if she's talking about him or her dad. Malivore is under a sleeping spell, within a binding circle. They eventually manage to find a "clue store", where they meet with the Keeper from earlier. She is forgiving to MG when she thought he killed her boyfriend Landon. He reassures her that Landon, too, is willing to sacrifice everything just to spare other people's pain; something he learned from her. After Hayley finds her way out of Elijah's memory, she leaves the pendent on her own accord. Hope later defeats an oneiroi and participates in a celebratory singalong with the boys. They use a light to see where the slugs have gone and who they are controlling, seeing that everyone is in the auditorium, and they lock the doors so they won't come after them. Clarke tells Hope that he can help her, but she rebukes him and uses a mimic spell, forcing him to leave her alone. He wants to torture him until he gives her proof that Landon is still alive. He explains that Cleo showed him how to kill her, but his timetable has been moved up and he no longer has the time to get what he needs because she's decided to turn. She finds it concerning that Alaric and Emma do not share her worries. When the Malivore monsters arrived, they were forced to put their issues aside to work together, something they both struggled to do. In You Have to Pick One This Time, Hope approaches Malivore, confined to his cage in the school's gymnasium. Aurora stands watching events unfold, not willing to intervene. Klaus, Elijah and Genevieve take her to the compound. She is then introduced to Cami by her parents later as they had to go back in the Quarter. She explains that if she kills Malivore, everything inside him dies too. The only way she could end the madness was by committing acts of violence. Soon she'll be too weak to fight while he's only just getting started. She also begins to wear more rings, hooped earrings, and less necklaces, having given her Mikaelson necklace to Rebekah. She asks him what will be come of her once she gives birth. Being a Tribrid means that Hope now has vampire, werewolf, and witch powers all activated at the same time. She manages to strike Hope with the spear, though Hope believes she's had worse injuries. Hope attacks first, using her magic, she telekinetically chokes him. Hope agrees and, joining hands, the two cast incendia, setting Aurora's body on fire. Entering the light, they find Cleo and two of her sisters, who are shocked to see them. She's here. She attacks the creature while in her wolf form. She attempts to help, but Lizzie is angry with her and tells her to stay out of her way. Hope hands her some money, telling her to go get her some cotton candy. All he's ever wanted is a home. Her humanity is off, which by Rebekah's understanding wasn't even by her choice. Cleo asks whether or not the school is safe. Hayley is holding her daughter in the nursery while Elijah and Klaus discuss what to do next. In Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing, Hope awakens in a princess-themed narrative inside of Josie's head. Aurora emerges from the dust with the spear. She can't be killed. This means she can finally take back control and punches her into the air. However, she kills her doctor and manages to escape to the warlocks and fight them off until Rebekah eventually comes to save her. Hope tells him that she believes he is already at the school, however, and Alaric warns her that he is dangerous and she must do all she can to lure him away from the school. She wants her to find that vendor's voice with her enhanced hearing. She questions him again whether or not his boat will take her to peace. Due to the unique nature of her conception, Hope birth was a. Klaus names her Hope because she's the hope of his new family. Though Lizzie is less enthusiastic, Hope decides to use this opportunity to make sure Lizzie can handle her new vampire powers. With Alaric's supervision, Hope takes the banshee's necklace and casts the Alias Vocem spell on Jed. For that, she thanks him. Hope believes it's because Vincent's holding her hostage with the astral projection spell. Hope has an idea, and plans to transfer the phoenix energy from Landon into Rafael to keep him alive. She calls them all disposable and that they mean nothing to her. He admits to her that he was an idiot and she was right about their separation, but he can face anything with her by his side just like her family's vow. She can', she's the only Gemini witch they have and if she doesn't activate the ascendant, then the whole plan falls apart. Despite Hope's insistence that she never meant to hurt Josie, they remained distant. People always get hurt when she is involved. When Hope found it and gave it back to Marcel, he was in a pretty dark place, like she is now. Hope brushes this off, as he didn't have a choice. [3] However, she has begun to open up more to people, tediously forming friendships and entering a romantic relationship. With end in sight, Ken creates lightning in the palm of his hand and strikes Hope, sending her flying through the air. She gained black veins that cascade from her lower eyelids to just above her cheekbones. Removing her hand, she encourages her to go and finish this and to never forget who she is. She states that she is her father's daughter, accepting that fact for the first time. Later, Freya reveals to Finn that Dahlia decided to take her from Esther when she started to develop her great power at five years old and that when Hope starts to use magic, it will act as a beacon, calling her to the baby, unbeknownst to Hope's aunt, Hope has started to use magic much earlier than expected, which implies that Dahlia has already felt Hope's power and whatever they try, she is coming. Hope reminds her about no extra complications, and this is just that. Hope isn't interested, but he tells her that she's the hunted, not the hunter. Hope casts a spell to create a torrent of water aimed at the monster. She watches as he knocks over a glass, causing the barrier spell to deactivate. Josie takes a quick liking to Hope. She thanks Cleo. The bartender can prove it and prompts her to open his shirt. Humanity Hope, however, hasn't come to talk, but to fight. She wants advice for facing her last day. While Cleo gets more intel, Alaric instructs the witches and vampires to get the minerals. Summary. A tribrid was never meant to exist and sullies the bloodline of all three species. She agrees if his students follow her order, but he refuses. She doesn't want to kill them and her humanity is there somewhere. She was a major recurring character in season eight of The Vampire Diaries. In Always and Forever, Elijah tells Sophie that he believes this child will be a way for Klaus to finally be happy. Being a leader means getting your hands dirty and putting a blade through the chest of someone you love. She and Rafael stand and she asks him a final question. She and Alaric discuss in his office, he tells the story of the gargoyle and Hope advises him to tell the truth because if they continue to keep secrets it will move away more and the twins and put the school in danger. She believes it's a suicide mission against Aurora and there is nothing in this for her. She's been running them into the buzz saw all day like they're expendable, citing that she only cares about herself. Their friendship became complicated after Hope was absorbed by Malivore and all memories of her were erased. In the Town Square, Hope and Josie arrive to find Landon dead, having been killed by Lizzie, and Lizzie shackled to a tree, possessed by the oni. He's not that guy anymore. They explain that it's a promise of new life and a life full of promise. I woke up in the church and all I felt was this hunger, and then I knew what I needed - I needed her. They enjoy her company and laugh at the various stories. Ken claims she will die alone, but Lizzie stands beside her, joining the fight. The two share a phone call, and Clarke tells her that he doesn't hate her an adverse effect of the truth spell. Hope is eventually able to shock everyone out of their merriness, just in time for the revelation that Santa is real. He doesn't recall the conversation. He takes the Hollow from her and, after spending precious moments together where she promises to make the Mikaelson name proud and be okay, Klaus gives her a kiss. She is slowly becoming more optimistic that she will be happy. Hope Andrea Mikaelson Raeken is a main character and protagonist in Teen Wolf. He won't be useful in any other part of the fight. Outside the school, Hope phones the triad woman from before. Spinning around, she strikes the Ferryman with his own scythe and he vanishes into smoke. The students begin preparation and set Hope up on a pedestal with a mic and the Truth Sphere, similar to a game show. She is the stepdaughter of Jackson Kenner She is the half niece of Freya Mikaelsdottir, Keelin Malraux, Finn Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Davina Claire-Mikaelson, and Rebekah Mikaelson. When Alaric strikes a deal with Ryan, Hope, Alaric, Josie and Lizzie head to town to confront the mummy that has caused the plagues. She's just like every other Mikaelson she's come across. They were taken from their mothers shortly after birth, Hope by the witches and Nadia by her grandfather. He told Hayley the cycle of pain will end with their baby. For the past two years and after Klaus' death, Alaric has acted like another father figure to Hope, which Lizzie and Josie are quite jealous of. Later Klaus confesses to Elijah that all is his fault and that he should have accepted Hayley's pregnancy - and now his daughter is away from him. Hope's heartbeat begins to slow and she lays her niece gently on the pillow, holding her hand. Lizzie realizes her humanity never came back on and it was all just an act. He later states that his child is all that matters to him now. Regardless, he believes something is wrong with Landon. Hope admits that she has figured out that a vortex opens each time she practices magic and the problem is that she has never fully activated her vampire side therefore cannot kill Malivore. He and Elijah, who also has part of the Hollow in him, die together to save Hope. Hope is able to tie Kai up, and he reveals that Alyssa is casting a spell to cut the ties between Kai and the Prison World, meaning that it would disappear, killing everyone there. She's between a rock and a hard place and believes that everyone is going to think the "sire bond" is just an excuse because they have no idea how intense it can be since none of them have ever had one. In her state of being sick, Hope senses the other kids the Hollow has successfully kidnapped via the link that bound them, alerting everyone Hope is connected to the ritual. She may be a monster, but at least she knows why she's hurting and where she's coming from. She was holding on to her because she was scared of losing them all. She knows that things haven't gone the way he imagined, and maybe his mission statement has failed, but she concludes that makes him just like the rest of them. However, Alaric had already filled him in when she put him into a coma. Lizzie is a hybrid and she has the best chance of surviving, admittedly, it's not really much of one. In revenge for the murder, Hope decapitates the Necromancer, but this does not kill him. Lizzie is the distraction as Hope goes behind her to break her neck with a spell. She refuses too, explaining that she killed Lizzie and now she's technically in transition. She looks around and wonders where all her mother's friends are, getting upset about many things. Hayley can't seem to settle her so Jackson offers a helping hand. Marcel takes that as meaning she knows that she's not okay. Though this is hard for her, she just wanted to take a moment to say how much they all mean to her. Notes: (See the end of the work for notes.) Klaus tells him that won't be a problem if nobody knows that she lives. She's also a witch descended from the Mikaelson Bloodline one of the most magically powerful lineages. Hope falls unconscious and tended for by Cleo and Kaleb. With Cleo's departure from the school, Hope rushes back to the gym to update Alaric. Hope thinks she's clever, acting as a distraction, but she can easily hear her partner sneaking up behind her. If she allows it, and they fail, they will have to let her go. Lizzie believes to have a handle on her powers just as well as Hope does; her mother is even a vampire, she reminds her. She was a major recurring character in season eight of The Vampire Diaries. Unbeknownst to him, she's only just gone to Peace and Landon helped her to cross over. Lizzie is skeptical that Landon is alive, but she assured her father that she would be Hope's supernatural fact checker. Hope and Aurora face off against one another. She asks if Lizzie would like to say anything. He'll also know she won't be alone where she is. She had too many good memories with Hope, viewed her as a member of her family, and even admitted to hating Hope for making her love her. Now, they need her help to make the next move. He's brought her a blood bag. But I've learned the only real difference is just who's telling the story. Wielding his scythe, he motions towards Hope. Hope often puts her safety and life in danger to save others, making her a true hero. Hope inquires about that, but MG doesn't have anything to tell her. Cleo is relieved, in a sense. He was jealous of her and her friend. He recalls their Matrix marathon and their whole spine is not actually a spoon debate. Eventually the two find a note caught on some tree limbs and discover that it was written by Landon. Hope throws the stake at her humanity-less self, and vamps toward herself, ensuring that she burns and turns to ash. Hope's humanity questions if she needs her help and she barks back, telling her to shut up. She picks up a piece of wood and stabs her humanity, claiming she's the strong one. Lizzie loses control over her magic, causing several popcorn containers of carnival goers to explode, proving her point. In You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know, Hope walks through the campus of Mystic Falls High School as Sheriff Machado arrives. Hope is surprised to see her and how annoying she is. Lizzie asks how she knew, but Hope tells her she's been avoiding the same part of the battle plan because she didn't want to know who they were going to lose. The more she keeps avoiding that truth, the more people she puts at risk. She then gets angry when Roman tries to compare his mother to hers, and she wonders what's happening to her as marks begin to creep up on her arm. She defeats a werewolf alpha with decapitation to inherit control over his pack, who are loyal to Triad Industries. It was unlike anything he's ever seen before and admits that he would have let it consume him, if he wasn't for Jed. She is Aurora, Rebekah's first vampire of her sireline and her father's lover and greatest enemy. Lizzie agreed but first helped Hope get rid of her dark side for good as she coached Hope through a spell. He knows her and suggests that she doesn't go through this alone. Lizzie figures out that whoever triggers the explosion, they're not likely to get clear in time, even at vamp speed. She notices the flowers on her nightstand shrivel and die, and knows that her father is at the compound. Cleo doesn't want anyone getting hurt, including Hope, and questions if they accept their terms. Ryan's heard all he needs to hear and confirms to her that Malivore is nervous and worried about whatever she's planning. Cleo takes the bust as Hope is adamant she will find the real thing. Alaric retorts that he can do much of anything like he used to. Alaric wants them to run the tour for prospective students. In the next reality, Hope's father founded the boarding school instead resulting in being called Mikaelson Boarding School for the Young & Gifted as a student at the Mikaelson boarding school. MG wants to go get the keys to release her but she refuses. She believes he's alive. Hope gains the upper hand against her darker half, confessing that she needs to be worth the sacrifices her family made, and won't be if she keeps letting her darker half burn the world. Using her magic, she poisons them all to make them suffer. Rebekah advises that perhaps if she answered their question earnestly, then she'll be able to leave. Death only lasts a moment. Hope argues with Alaric in his office, believing he's out of his mind. In No More Heartbreaks, She's still mentioned to be under Mary's protection. If she can be manipulated that easily then she's unless to her. True to his word, Hope transform completely into her wolf form in a matter of moments and has the Hollow extracted from her successfully. The day after, Klaus slowly walks into Hayley's room whilst she is supposedly sleeping. Hope planned on confronting him about his betrayal, even armed with a death spell, but Alaric later rebuked her for this. Hope ignores Ken, still attempting to reach Aurora. Lizzie wonders if she needs another yelling-in-the-woods moment, but she brushes it off. She doesn't like Cleo's suggestion. Hope vamps out to find the sarcophagus as she doesn't want it being used against herself. Alaric respects her decision, but he won't let him hurt the people he loves, his daughters or students. Hope takes stock in who's coming with her to the prison world. Hope laughs at his remark, but he reassures her that her friends have faith in her and she should have it in herself. Kol explains that they're trying to decide where to spread her father's ashes and they're bickering about what to do. They've been fighting this fate since they first figured out who they were, but he believes they will win, at least a moral victory, if they stand together. Rebekah asks him what her name is. She made a painting for him. Similarly, she asks why her humanity has sat back and watched all the horrible things that she's done because of it. Lizzie notices the remnants of a note or message. She tries to explain to Alaric and the other members of the Super Squad who she is and how she knows about the existence of Malivore and supernatural beings, but they are reluctant to trust and believe her. The Hunter holds up her necklace and demands for the being to remove his mask, revealing Landon underneath. The nightmare ends with her waking up. At the compound, she is very upset and is angry at her father for not being there. Despite their attempts, Malivore arrives after his consciousness was alerted to the disruption. They go the dance but Hope decides not to stop Landon. Hope asks how Lizzie would proceed with their hostile witness. They smile at each other and he then leaves Hayley alone to continue with her letter. Hope knows he's after her and she'll draw him to a field. I know I have to give her back to Hayley when the time is right. Opening her father's urn and casting a spell, her father's ashes fly up into the air and out over into the lake. He apologizes for his earlier comments. She viewed Hope as the bane of her existence, hoping to one day be rid of her. He admits to Hope that he thought he was a goner. If he could, he'll probably try to kill her for murdering Lizzie. Afterward, she goes to her room and finds Roman inside. Alaric continues to explain how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to harm the gods. He nods and she embraces him in a hug until he disappears in her arms. Landon tells her that what he did came at a cost, one that being on the mortal plane is making him realize is steeper than he thought. Hope immediately suspects it to be a trap, but learns that Josie tricked her into coming because of her anger over her breakup with Landon. With no other choice, she confronts Malivore. She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Esther Mikaelson, Isobel Flemming, and John Gilbert. Hope creates a barrier that throws Aurora off her feet. Hope and Rafael also spend a considerable amount of time together when the Salvatore School Group split up into groups to find the croatoan. She didn't want to feel that pain again. She then looks out the window at night and Roman appears. Trudy said they shouldn't waste any time if they both knew what they wanted. Today has reminded her of how much he and her family love and have sacrificed for her. Hope also has little dimples in her cheeks. Josie doesn't need it anymore and she asked her to give it to someone who does. Instead of using their powers, they need to take theirs away. Hayley explains that she can't be the Queen of the werewolves because she is destroyed - she cries all day, each day and can't stop thinking about how much she misses Hope. Hope witnesses as Kurutta explains his history, but does not interact with him directly. This, however, has been long overdue. Hope passes, as she's walking into an easily avoidable risk because she's letting her emotions control her-she's failed the most important test that there is. Alaric takes the necklace as Hope leaves his office. Lizzie convinces her otherwise, at least until MG and the other return. 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