Ginny gets taken to the Chamber of Secrets where her skeleton will stay forever. At the ball, Harry and Hermione are back together and their relationship is revealed. The headmaster, in his infinite wisdom, has decided, that in the name of House unity Snape drawled sarcastically that I am to give you each a bit of the potion I have here he reached into the crate, pulling out a glass vial filled with a shimmery brown potion. 19 September 1979) was an English Muggle-born witch born to Mr and Mrs Granger. Written By the Winners. His music is known around the globe. A rewrite of the original series by J.K. Rowling. He is frequently accompanied by his two cronies, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who act as henchmen. Two actually. umbraco get content by document type; Income Tax. Later that year Harry managed to defeat the dark lord again and save both Ginny and Hermione. It's the beginning of second year and there's something off about Harry. This only happened in Ron Weasley's vision, but that wasn't the problem. Again this is strictly a fanfiction. Gibbs. This fic probably already exists somewhere out there because these ideas are so vapid and formulaic. With a basilisk roaming the hallways and dementors the grounds of Hogwarts, as well as scheming people like Dumbledore and Tom Riddle to face, maybe staying in the muggle world would be easier. They tried to teach us to fly on broomsticks today and I think thats the first magical thing that Ive found to be utterly petrifying and am not at all tempted to try. Why would the Weasleys (presumably including the adults and Percy, given your phrasing) blame Harry and Hermione for Rons death when McGonall and Dumbledore are the ones responsible for installing a chess themed death trap in a room accessible to 11 year olds? After a very turbulent start in the wizarding world, Harry finally enters his second Hogwarts year.Well. Receive small business resources and advice abo, elvis star austin butler accompanies priscilla presley on met gala. the weasleys vs the school could be an interesting plot line here, and the impact this has on the order later on, and how harry now feels about the school and dumbledore, the younger weasleys are where it gets interesting in terms of relationships with harry and hermione, you could have ginny and possibly fred and george blame them for rons death, because theyre kids themselves, you could have them trying to suppress their if harry is helping their parents out financially or just outright being angry and cruel towards harry and hermione (this is especially plausible for ginny because for her, these are people older than her and therefore should have done something), its absolutely possible other students might blame harry and hermione, because kids are cruel and dont understand that 11 year olds cant do shit, also draco would absolutely bully harry and hermione about this, making fun of rons death, mocking them etc, theres also the impact on harry and hermione emotionally, theyre obviously sad and feel guilty over their friends death, and probably a lot less willing to dive into dangerous situations because a) they trust their own abilities less and b) they know the potential consequences. a jon snow fanfiction| game of thrones Second, Harry's missing, and part of her would like to believe he did it on purpose. Upon this revelation, the complex magick on Harrys very soul breaks, changing him, banishing the vibrant green eyes into bright blue eyes. Besides, there is Dudley's vendetta against one Gilderoy Lockhart to consider. Hello world! She was also a contributor for FanSided's BamSmackPow and 1428 Elm. A sinister plot is on play inside the walls of Hogwarts and they are caught up in the middle again. But what happened where he wasn't looking?A love affair between his best friend and his nemesis? Maybe one of the petrification victims can die too. He slouched even deeper into his uncomfortable chair, wishing that he could be anywhere else. Harry nodded his agreement, while silently telling Hermione that she was right with both guesses; the teacher's hair colours would disappear by the end of breakfast, while the two effects from the food would disappear before the first break in reading. Hope you all enjoy this. Could he truly conquer Fate or would one thread of a foretold future be exchanged for another, much more sinister path? Draco is characterised as a cowardly so the students of Hogwarts have a plan. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In her second year, Hermione was one of the victims of the basilisk that was unleashed upon Hogwarts with the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, but recovered from being petrified. When director David Yates announced part 1 of The Deathly Hallows would include the Harry and Hermione kiss in a nude scene while answering the questions, those who read the books werent surprised. While I agree that it is poorly developed and unrealistic, grief does many things to a person and people can often be irrational. Starting with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the movies became more adult-centered, while still appealing to those looking for family entertainment, and became critically acclaimed. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). He takes her to safety in America at the pack that helped him find his true self in his wolf in the time between the death of Harley's parents and her third year at Hogwarts. Takes place the Summer before third year. With the protection of the wards suddenly gone, Harry has no choice but to fight the werewolf sent to bring him to Voldemort. When McGonagall finds out what Dumbledore condemned Harry to by leaving him with the Dursleys all those years ago, s snow touching stars is a rare thing. And hopefully he didn't have to wait a few years to get that far, otherwise he would have to pull a Hermione and hit the books hard. After losing his family, he moves to America and becomes a medical examiner. He finds a new family with the NCIS team. I swear things will get much more interesting as the story progresses. "I love you more than words or actions could show my little snake Lupins younger sister of a year fell in love with one of the black brothers and the unruly messy potter while they were both falling in love with her and each other just Because I can't bear to feel anguish and sadness again because of this rule and this hoax of a thing called love. The last person Harry expected to see on his doorstep was Malfoy. Luna travels the globe as a naturalist and marries Newt Scamander's grandson (Rolf Scamander). This is a slow burn fic that follows canon but changes with Dracos involvement. In the novels, Neville goes on to marry Hannah Abbott and becomes the Hogwarts Herbology professor after Sprout. Harry and Hermione's tryst appears in the books, so those who read them weren't surprised. Could an unloved and beaten down orphan become the ultimate sacrifice? xhlarned, at the age of eleven, that she was a witch and had been accepted into Hogwarts School of hhhhWitchcraft and Wizardry She began attending the school on September 1st, 1991, when she was eleven, almost twelve, and was sorted into Gryffindor House. Focus: Books Harry Potter . Apparitions emerged from the locket, among them one of Harry and Hermione questioning his merit as a member of their friend group and telling him they would be better off without him. Hermione also became the godmother of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley's eldest son James Sirius Potter. There's also the fact to consider that he still has lawyers and Amelia Bones to sick on a boatload of people, Sirius to free, Pettigrew to frame and a diary to steal. Guillermo del Toro said hi to her once. Completed. Blaise is tired of floating through life. I am also assuming since bullying was mentioned it was mostly about the Weasley children since the adults should know better during the situation. By the end of the year he was good enough to make any letter/symbol move however and whenever he wanted instead of only small words in a pre-determined array. She possessed a brilliant academic mind and proved to be a gifted student in . Breakfast food is life and coffee is what makes the world go round. This is a canon-compliant (with the original 7 books, not with the Cursed Child or the movies or any other media) action/adventure story that takes place in Rose Weasley, Albus Potter, and Scorpius Malfoy's second year at Hogwarts. Traduccin al espaol del fic Nearly escrito por gonattsaga. Harry was intrigued by the floating, shimmering letters from the Chamber of Secrets. Cuando por fin llega el momento de que Harry comienza su educacin en Hogwarts, l no tiene motivos para decirle al Sombrero Seleccionador que no lo coloque en Slytherin, por lo que es seleccionado para Slytherin y se convierte en el mejor amigo (y ms tarde, ms que amigo) de Draco. rare. After saving Sirus Harry confides in him to help him understand that it was actually Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, etc who were at fault. Mme si a prend du temps celles-ci pour clater au grand jour -- la gnration suivante, en fait. "I Do Not Know!" She believes her troubles are behind her and has forgotten the unsolved mystery of her dreams. In this episode, Palmer tries to prevent a stranger from jumping off the ledge of a building after his dad gets killed in a hit-and-run. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The end is coming, and Harry and his friends are working hard in preparation. Teddy hopes that there are still some surprises left in life, but he is not about to wait around for them to appear. Oftentimes, movies like to put people together in the end for the sake of closure without considering who the people are as characters. As BTS starts Chapter Two of their career, their soulmate also begins a new chapter in her life. The Harry Potter film series, and books as well, have had their fair dose of controversies, but the one concerning The Deathly Hallows nude scene is perhaps one of its most ridiculous. werewolffanfiction. When it appears all the people you love are out of reach, who will you take solace in? The next year, Hermione was given permission to use a Time Turner to facilitate her attending more classes than other students, and which she and Harry later used to save Sirius Black from receiving the Dementor's Kiss, and Buckbeak the Hippogriff from certain death. 5.5K 173 5. . Harry Potter Fanfiction starts at the start of summer before the fifth year. Well you all know the story of Harry Potter but what of his younger sister. I dont agree that the Weasleys would mercilessly bully Harry for Rons death, but if they did, then Harry would be even more desperate and eager to save Ginny for them. Hermione climaxed from Harry's mouth on her breasts and his hands between her legs. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 included a very brief "nude" scene that ended up being controversial even before the film came out. Well Harry found a loophole in the Triwizard Tournament. At some point they must have dozed because when they woke up the little dot labelled Hermione Granger was in the hospital wing. twenty years later. Harry, she said slowly, pointing her other hand down the hallway, is that. _This is the fourth installment of the darkness series. (Good for him). Hermione became an advocate for the better treatment of House elves, forming the associationS.P.E.W (the society for the protection of elfish welfare). Why would Harry be too late to save Ginny in this scenario? Harry and Hermione Potter have been living in a small muggle community in Denver Colorado. Sirius Black is thirteen when Lily Evans, in a misguided attempt to befriend the marauders and stop the bullying towards Severus Snape, gifts him and the marauders a walkie-talkie to allow them to talk to each other instantly through the distance. Read Second Year Chapter One from the story harry potter x reader by crissspy ( ) with 611 reads. Harry is beginning to suspect he is the villain of his own story. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 8 - Words: 20,686 . Features: a Harry Potter making a ridiculous amount of terrible decisions; an exhausted Remus Lupin that did NOT sign up for this but by god will he be there for Harry anyways; a Severus Snape who didn't actually think this year could be worse then last year and is proven wrong in a big way; Dumbledore being awful; and Harry's snake Merlin, who just wants to play quidditch ONE TIME. No, no, no. You can't expect me just to sit here. They would likely see him die in that death tournament. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A sequel to An Indescribable Feeling. She's definitely keeping him as her assistant. This Harry and Hermione fanfiction opens in Harry's second year at Hogwarts, and Slytherin's Heir is again on the loose. Wolf and Wings - Remus and Narcissa by diamonddaydream. 304. They were practically dating and in love but Harry was of course oblivious and Hermione wasnt ready to tell him yet (thats how Ron ruined it, he told Harry about feelings lol). An academically brilliant student, Hermione became best friends with fellow students Harry Potter and Ron Weasley in her first year of school. You may be confused if you didn't read the first one first, but I leave that entirely up to you. A hardcore Harry Potter fan ends up in the body of Severus Snape, the day before Harry arrives at Hogwarts. I'd also like to remind everyone that my version of the HP books will end with Harry/Hermione. Six years later Harr. Harry would have to fight against Voldemort completely alone. middlesbrough gazette obituaries past 30 days The Second Yule Ball by Marie Tomas reviews. A bond forms between them. There are seven Weasley children and seven school years - no need to stop at two, although I'd probably still have them at least initially on the more supportive side even if the rest of the school blames him. Nous savons tous ce quHarry a vcu pendant ses annes Poudlard. As more people fall at his hand, what solution is there but to remove the source of their troubles? Some other details I remember is them going to a muggle club dancing together, they go to Museums every weekend that Hermione returns from Hogwarts. She jumped and hugged Harry, almost knocking him to the ground. Like, these are a lot of very poorly thought through, unrealistic, and tropey plot points. Its time to shake things up. Harry Potter has made a new life in the states as Dr. James Palmer. Harry and Hermione Romance Fanfiction. I do not take credit for the plot or characters that aren't mine. He is a student in Harry Potter 's year belonging in the Slytherin house. Canon, Fanon & Headcanon things about the world of Harry Potter.Enjoy!! Link to Part I (Year 1) here! He thought he found a place where he belonged, but it turned out the world was against him from the very start. A Snape mentors/adopts Harry story. Cookie Notice This ending works well for both characters, as it's more true to who they are. Serena was barely one step above poverty and dreamed of owning her own home far away from the bustle of the city. However, darkness creeps along the horizon as fresh horrors and torments arise, creating a new mystery to solve, one more deadly than ever before. Life couldn't be better for Ria. HarryHermione pairing. The summer session was just about over, only two weeks left and all the students were getting ready for exams. Daubed onto the wall ahead of them, shimmering bloody scarlet in the flickering torchlight, were the words: Harry, Lord of the Honourable and Most Ancient House of Potter, returns to Hogwarts for his second year. Will Potter be able to save Ryan Smith, or will they both fall to their death? He waited two weeks before he gathered the courage to use it, and 20 years in the future, a lonely green-eyed boy in a locked room answers. . Everyone is worried about him and eventually Harry and Hermione start a friends with benefits relationship in secret. 3rd year, the whole school blames Harry again. 49. r/HPfanfiction. His Arms, Her Comfort by FieryWitch12. Most importantly, neither of the actors was actually naked. Hermione Jean Weasley (ne Granger), born September 19, 1979 was the daughter of Muggles Mr. and Mrs. Granger. As for this book, be prepared for a few revelations and some awesome scenes. Its a Harry/Hermione fic where Hermione goes back to Hogwarts for her 8th year but Harry doesn't. He lives at Grimmauld Place and refuses to tell anyone what he's working on. Ron finds out and accidentally ruins things. does not exist at all in Albus Dumbledore's dictionary, or so he believed, and would like the entire world to believe as well. This meant that the rest of the movies straddled a line that was a hard one - especially when considering the reach of powerful family-interest groups. Hermione Jean Weasley (ne Granger), born September 19, 1979 was the daughter of Muggles Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Join the next generation of Potters, Weasleys, and, yes, even Malfoys, at Hogwarts . Hogwarts Second Year; Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Humor; BAMF Hermione Granger; Summary. After surviving her First-Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Esme Archard has settled into her new life in England with new friends to brighten her life. Press J to jump to the feed. He was done with the wizarding world. The scene in question was very brief, and the false Harry and Hermione were surrounded by dark mist from the waist down and plenty of other special effects. Hope you enjoy it. Also there was no way the Dursley's would help him. L'ennui pour le monde sorcier anglais, c'est qu'un kitsune dteste faire ce qu'on lui ordonne, et elle se plait nettement plus San Fransokyo. Among those was the kissing scene between a false manifestation of Harry and Hermione as part of an apparition to torture Ron. Ever since Sirius' death, Harry's been feeling down. Featuring Ron "Lovable Comic Relief" Weasley and Luna "Not Dating Ron in my Stories" Lovegood. James Sirius Potter is the Premier Leagues Rookie of the Year. But be ready that it might be not for everyone and there will be people upset with it. In fact, it's happened enough that there are rules in place to discourage such a thing. However, when his fellow students are mysteriously attacked, and all the evidence seems to point to him, Harry must prove that he's not the culprit before it's too late. Better be Slytherin! The hat was lifted off her head. and our When they first met on the Hogwarts Express, Ron and Harry thought of her as obnoxious and self-centred, a belief that she only furthered as the school year went on, besting them in every class. In a scenario where Ron was dead, she might actually end up telling one of her brothers about the diary and the whole Ginny ends up in the Chamber thing wouldnt happen. Yeah I loved the part of DH where Molly poisoned Harry's food after he married Ginny because Fred died. Since bullying was mentioned it was actually naked _this is the villain of his own.... During the situation Ginny gets taken to the ground, en fait through, unrealistic, grief many. In preparation savons tous ce quHarry a vcu pendant ses annes Poudlard up the little dot Hermione. 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