He's determined to get to the bottom of Potter's mysteries, and if Harry isn't going to be the hero then Severus will step up and get it done. Harry's father - James - had been the man's best friend growing up. i love james as much as the next gal but i'm tired of hearing about how harry just his clone. Harry/Multi. y/n, let's play roblox. As everyone around her celebrated, she was alone in mourning as this would always be the Anniversary of her Daughters death. Both share the same courage and selfless nature, thinking nothing of dying if it means sparing those they love. Rating: M The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. And did we mention married? Tony has no idea if he can be a father, especially to someone who looks so lost but he will die trying, that's for sure. So that means, he can attack and destroy each of your monstersand you take a total of 9,300 points of damage. That is where our story begins, at Nevermore Academy, when one lonely boy meets one headstrong girl. Harry Potter is exposed to Dark Energon and uses it to conquer the world and eventually, the universe. M/M, Multi/Harem, Creature, Sub Harry. I'm a 4th year at Dumstrang # 9. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11063298/chapters/24670002, https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12382425/1/Like-a-Red-Headed-Stepchild. While ;+;;+;;+;;+;;+;;+;;+;; Years later, he's determined to make Harry more than a friend. Sometimes this grudge goes too far, as evidencedby Harry's (completely justified) obsession with Malfoy inHalf-Blood Prince. "Yes Malfoy what the bloody hell is so important to wake me up at 2 in the morning for?!" and utter disaster While. Becomes a Draco Malfoy love story later on Latest new chapter posted on 2/27/2023 features H.G Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13. Tom Marvolo Riddle does not do failure. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. There are liars and plotters everywhere but what's that to someone who can see through every manipulation. Lily fumed silently. Why not conquer Wizarding Britain instead, and everything that comes with it? *This is an Anthology, each chapter will be with a different Futa lady, however, the scenario will remain the same, with some variations for the woman*. . "But no one was able to do it in 5000 years! Hermione deserves better and will be getting it. She at first was instructed to be taken to her godfather, Sirius Black's house and he took her until he was arr An "ordinary" young woman with a strong desire to die, had finally died due to unknown reasons. What if someone did? Her effect charms all of your dragons and brings them under my control! Press J to jump to the feed. NEXT: 10 Ways James Potter Got Worse And Worse In Harry Potter. But who is he most like? Harry decides to learn from Sirius the summer after he meets him and learns everything about magic and Animagi. As Lupin then points out,his father would feel exactly the same and would have seenmistrusting his friends as the "height of dishonor." Edit - I've read the souls touch au and rise of a dark lord. After the death of James Potter, a paranoid Lily isolated herself and Harry from the world, not trusting anyone but herself to keep her son safe. However,when he was orphaned, he had no other option than to be raised by his aunt and uncle. The Quintessential Marauders Era to fake date one another. As the barriers fall between this life and the last, Hera will have to navigate through who she was to stay who she is. Draco and Harry delve into their new relationship, whilst dealing with Dumbledore's manipulation, a jealous Ginny, and a Dark Lord rising, who might be not as Dark as th "I will kill you and everyone you have ever met don't your dare lie to me. Give it up, Potter. It's definitely dark so if you can't handle that please do not read it. A Barn owl stood there. RELATED: 10 Most Heartbreaking Separations In Harry Potter, Ranked. Grey but good MC. What do you want me to say brother the girl i have dreaming about is actually my own niec "Why do you keep avoiding me, Draco?!" During Hogsmeade weekend during Harry's sixth year he sees Ginny flirting with another boy. Harry Potter And The- so I really am Fate's Bitch? A long running anthology featuring Harry Potter and a variety of women from different fandoms (including his own) in smutty situations. With all their friends, enemies and surprisingly their family who are as old as they are, the story of their lives from the summer of their first year to their seventh year is told. The war had lasted years too long and Harry was left alone, the only one to survive on the battle field. Tom Marvolo Riddle does not do distractions. Harry Potter never got to know his parents, but he still manages to share a lot of traits with both James and Lily. Harry envy's the boys position which makes Harry make a choice that could change his life forever. Dear Miss Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you ahve been acepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. After returning home from his first year of Hogwarts, he was very confused as to why all the older girls wanted to hug him, and when they did, he was also very confused as to why they were trying to touch his bottom. Grey Harry/Huge Harem. His view on who he can trust is altered, and his eyes opened to the true meaning of the war. Features different men (mostly Harry) and women in various situations. "Always." It's a word that fans of Harry Potter love to invoke as a romantic refrain, remembering their favorite anti-hero with fondness and respect for his many years of servitude to the Order of the Phoenix, pivotal role in the Order's success, and, of course, his devotion to one Lily Evans Potter. This time, he is called Harry Potter. This habit is something readers ofOrder of the Phoenix will recognize from "Snape's Worst Memory." Gifted this chance, Harry sets out to learn about about what has been denied to him since he lost his parents. in which a two enemies agree Are you awake." As a result, he starts Hogwarts with very little understanding of magicand expresses his fears to Ron that this will slow him down. Lily the elf is bound to her Harry, she also Luvs her Harry, they carry on as Harry hits puberty early. Don't use too much brain since this story works on porn logic which is there is such thing as logic. And with that, my mother was dead. Loki gets a chance to change everything. Thanks to a ritual in his first life, hes been reincarnating for millennia. A tribrid. 500k+ words, 103 chapters, complete. Evelyn Clermont, Fleur's sister, goes to Hogwarts despite everyone's expectations for her to attend Beauxbatons where she meets Harry Potte Tom Riddle x Harry Potter "Potter. John Constantine- "And that was a Special Summon--you're allowed to take a monster from your graveyard and Special Summon it too. Sarcasm had always been her fort. But Death had different plans for him. This sounds like a real thing you can do in Yu-Gi-Oh and that's why I don't play it. He will take it upon himself to replace his dad and fulfil his mum's carnal needs. Also the fic has the absolute miracle of creating a good and friendly relationship between Holly and Rita Skeeter. Even though Harry has more fame and wealth as a child than most people do in a lifetime, it never goes to his head. Or down right cruel. She was just a sixteen year old girl. Dark!Harry. Told from Minerva McGonagall's perspective, this story shows how Harry settles back into teaching, and back into life after the war. Professor Lily Evans-Potter hated Halloween. While dominating every female that comes across him. Incest! I can't seem to find the story, have you got a link? After nine years reading fanfiction, this remains to this day my favourite fanfic of all time. While Lily at least had one magical friend in Snape as a child, as a Muggle-born, shestill grew up in a Muggle environment. This flair for troubleissomething he inherited from James. Vincet by Nos Tres Reges has this in spades. This story is a Work In Progress. Supposedly a god, even. She was born 30 January 1960 and died on 31 October 1981 at age 21. He's generous with this money,treating Ron and Hermioneon a regular basis, just as his father did with his own friends. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, A drunk Slughorn reveals the true nature of the Slug Club. It was with a collective gasp of gut-wrenching pain that every single living person with magic in their blood was awoken on July 28th, 1995. Years later, Mia and her fellow Avengers all find themselves summoned to Hogwarts during her brother's 5th year, where they are told that they are to watch her story to learn of a great future threat. When Dumbledore tried to take her children away from her after her husband and the Dark Lord's death, Lily Potter nee Evans turned to the Potter Family's long standing allies on the Continent for sanctuary: The Delacour Family. He doesn't trust anyone, and never stays in one spot for long, lives his life on the run. Despite the fact Voldemort tries to kill him on a near-yearly basis, Harry considers Malfoy to be hismost hatedrival. Of course, theirony of both being newcomers tothe wizarding world is that both also ended up saving it. AU, Alive!Potters, Ruthlessl!Harry, Time travel, Incest, Smut! Harry/multi. It's theirdeaths that kickstart the entire plotwhen their son is the sole survivor of Voldemort's attack. Summary: "And that was a Special Summon--you're allowed to take a monster from your graveyard and Special Summon it too." "Fine," Malfoy said. Disclaimer: I only own my own original characters and plot. Harry fucks his mother around the house and James is totally okay with it.That's the entire story. AU oneshot. In the end Lord Potter tells Albus how and why he took over his world. Albus Dumbledore watched two visionaries start as driven, powerful, brilliant young men, and become monsters. For example: souls touch. ' . While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He has no heir, no protege of equal power to step in should another one rise, and he is old. To be honest she had long lost any real love for the man after that night 14 years ago. Impossible!" of "truth or dare", leading to complete In which, while cleaning Grimmauld Place, Sirius Black " " Insert Harry, a mother con, who worships the very ground his mum walks on. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Reject Hinny, return to Lunarry, embrace HHR, bless Flowerpot, https://archiveofourown.org/works/15432591, https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lomonaaeren/pseuds/Lomonaaeren. Author: Tweety-src-clt9. Who is Thanos to threaten everything she loves? The famous marauder Sirius Black had a daughter, who was assumed dead. It changes everything about who Harry identifies with, who he wants to grow up to be, and who he thinks he is. The Norns, having become tired of Odin's meddling in the Weave, have decided enough is enough. But hey, at least he's not a horse, so there's that. James is a womanizer who doesn't take proper care of his wife's needs. Slytherin!Harry HP/HG and then HP/HG/TN. [/copypasta]. A nearly ten years old Harry Potter wakes up with the power of the Gamer. I really am Harry Potter." "Wow, Susan, you meet Harry Potter on your first day at school. Press J to jump to the feed. . Due perhaps to cosmic ineffability one of these summer school kids can lead the Elric brothers to precisely who the Truth had in mind. He is, of course, wrong. Harry Potter is a nexus of destiny. Also on Gryffindor'shouse team, multiple characters comment on James' skill on the Quidditch pitch throughout the series, with Sirius directly comparing them to Harry's. But nothing tops finding out that he has a son. A Cadmean Victory by DarknessEnthroned. For better or worse, their memories live on through Harry and so do their personalities. Well, that's the idea. Spouting offsome of the shadiest burns inall ofHarry Potter, book-Harry isn't as flamboyantly funny as Fred and George, but he is extremely witty and unafraid to use this to his advantage. Halloween Masquerade Parties are a Pureblood tradition. This started with Harry Potter at the age of five but soon expanded to cover the likes of Star Wars, Marvel, Disney, and just about every theme park that's ever been built. I d " ", ? .."I'm quite sure this isn't allowed""When has that ever stopped us? Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, but they will love each other so damn much at the end, it wasn't supposed to be and I'm very disappointed with myself, Bill is a Teribble Human being in this one, McGonagall just decides she's Harry's grandmother now and people will just have to deal with it, romance won't start until Harry's an adult, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood/Draco Malfoy, Jrmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), A Hunter and a Metamorphmagus Walk (Are Abducted) Into a Dungeon, pre-Gabriel/Sam Winchester - Relationship, Random arrival of Teddy and Sam brotp that I didn't know I had, And Harry Potter Books exist too because it's fun to imagine Harry bitching about them, Not Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Compliant, harry sets out to prove Tony is technically a villain, it's the facial hair that starts it all of course, it skirts around canon straight up til infinity war, A Dunderhead Walks into a Bar (he meets a hero there), Deathly Hallows and Drunken Butterflies: Variations on a Theme, not ron and hermione friendly but not bashing either, Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses, Harry uses his money to buy nice things because why the hell not, in this house we love theo nott and blaise zabini, in this house we believe in women supremacy. Luckily for the plot, Sirius knows of Harry's true parentage and decides it'll be better for everyone if Harry just pops over to America to be emancipated so he could then live with his godfather; it's not like this Tony Stark guy will put up much of a fuss right?Right??? In the end, he's close toa small groupof people who he'd rather die for than betray. He's determined to get to the bottom of Potter's mysteries, and if Harry isn't going to be the hero then Severus will step up and get it done. It may never be finished. And if she lies, what will it do to their good relationship? We will not be ordered by anyone! Radian Potter was the Twin Voldemort liked and sought to make his p Lucy Evans, radiant of confidence, fiery hair, fiery temper. When Harry sees her in Snape's memories, she's just as awed by magic as he was at the age of 11. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Consequently, their battle escalates before it threatens the very existence of the planet. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, A long running anthology featuring Harry Potter and a variety of women from different fandoms(including his own) in smutty situations. Harry willingly walks to face Voldemort for one last time. ", "Wellthat's impressive for a single monster, but he's still outnumbered," Malfoy said. and most importantly, 'Why does everyone treat squibs so terribly? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (45), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (2), Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game) (2), Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s) (21), Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Harry Potter (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harry Potter Smutty One-Shots & Mini-Series, Tracey Davis/Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Tracey Davis/Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter/Terry Boot, Harry Potter/Lily Evans Potter/Lily Luna Potter, Harry Potter/Lily Evans Potter/Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter And The Magic of Nature and Change, Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Harry Potter/Andromeda Black Tonks, Harry Potter/Andromeda Black Tonks/Nymphadora Tonks, Katie Bell/Angelina Johnson/Harry Potter/Alicia Spinnet, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), Astoria and Daphne Greengrass's Mother/Harry Potter, Euphemia Potter II | Mia Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Hogwarts Years: A Change in the Balance of Power, Apolline Delacour/Fleur Delacour/Gabrielle Delacour/Harry Potter, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game), Fleur Delacour/Gabrielle Delacour/Harry Potter, Astoria Greengrass/Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Magical Motherly Love, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Potter, Apolline Delacour/Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter, Lily Evans Potter & Original Female Character(s), Apolline Delacour/Harry Potter/Lily Evans Potter. Powerful SI into Harry Potter during the Dumbledore vs Voldemort battle in the ministry atrium. ", "It's my Axe of Despair. Uniform. Harry was born with a power the Dark Lord knows not: the magic to see into shadows, to walk the shadows, and to send the shadows everywhere. "You only have one card left in your hand. At least, not right away. Harry comes into a surprised creature inheritance on the night of his 14th birthday. ", "I play the Spell Card Ultra Evolution Pill," Harry said. Harry's creature heritage leads him to take control of his life, and the women around him. ""Were you? I have all 8,000 life points, you only have 500. A son he didn't know about. AU of Year One. This is my first time writing anything,so Goodluck! The Potters have long been a wealthy wizarding family, but neither James nor Harry are too flash with their cash. Rape! Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction K+ | Words: 16,772 | Reviews: 586 | Favs: 5,025 | Follows: 1,258 | Published: 8/27/2007 | Status: Complete | id: 3750393 | Language: English | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI, There's a very interesting take on ruthless Harry in this: linkao3(1117301). ;+;;+;;+;;+;;+;;+;;+;; But when Harriet goes to Hogwarts with her br harry potters secret sister she was there when Voldemort came to godric hollow she was hit with the killing curse but Dumbledore didnt know she had survived she was fou A story about Harry Potter's sister, who was treated differently from her brother. We are the TERRORCONS!". Instead of having James Potter as his idol, Lily Potter turns out to be a much better influence. How will this strange family fare against the dangers of Hogwarts. This isn't always intentional, as he tells Mrs. Weasley, troubleusually finds him, not the other way around. Harry also has James' aptitude for defensive wandwork, as James wasskilled enough to duelSnape (who haddark magic on his side) and held his own against Voldemort on three separate occasions. While my litt 10 year old Maddison Potter is the little sister of Harry Potter who was raised by the Malfoy's after Lily and James died. Mildly Infuriating | Harry Potter. 50.8K 925 27. GoF AU.". This magic ultimately and unintentionally gives his friends and allies some protection from the Dark Lord, allowing good to triumph over evil in the Final Battle. Work Search: A muggleborn who knows nothing of the world she has yet to discover. Role in the Books Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level. RELATED:7 Harry Potter Characters With The Best Parents. KEY word assumed while the wizarding saw a family who lived and enjoyed their freedom from the dar. This (I don't own Harry Potter nor Constantine, just the plot and occasional hand-drawn art) I hope you all like it! It all changed when they both received letters from Hogwarts School of Witchcraf. The one with the hammer. Amoral!Harry. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Even his brood realizes this and decides to do something. When a young Tom Riddle demands a friend in the middle of the night, he did not truly expect anything to happen. After Pettigrew and Voldemort's deaths, Harry assumed that he would have a peaceful life. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. harrypotter. She didn't even like James Potter, much less could she ever imagine wanting to marry him and having a child with him. - Harry James Potter at thirteen years old was adopted by an American family visiting England. On my phone, so I dont think the links will work https://archiveofourown.org/works/15432591 https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lomonaaeren/pseuds/Lomonaaeren. He thinks of the bonds of family, and the opportunity he has to shape his world's politics, and of a corrupt magical elite who've signed on with two Dark Lords over hatred of Muggles. Perfect! It's a full-circle moment, considering Harry's story started with a similar choice from his mother. Voldemort's stray soul found its' way into Hogwarts grounds and possessed a magical snake, one strong enough to give him the sanity he needed to survive. Rated M.] Okay, so this isn't the film actor for James Potter. dracomalfoy. Harry Potter and the Mother Who Lived by Gracques reviews. And the perfect view to watch. What happens when his closest brush to death sparks the arrival of a forgotten connection to his parents? Excited, Lily took hers. This one was one of those, especially the warm folds of Lilys pussy and the fullness from James cock. Hannah, meet Harry Potter! Harry being neglected by his parents for his twin brother so he leaves to japan and is adopted by a certain cat and his then harry shihoin. Grab the infinity stone and let's go", (an au to my 'chosen (blood) family' au - they chose Hulk to be their dad). Harry said. Likewise, Snape finds, despite his "The moon is the reflection of your heart and moonlight is the twinkle of your love." This was part of the Lily Lives Through Elf Power!, story plot I did, but was unhappy with the way the story was going, so this no longer fit. Who is Dumbledore to think a child should be responsible to win a war? What if she is as strong as Voldermort? From what fans know about James, this is true. James Potter casts his own spell to protect his only son; but he was never as good with Charms as Lily was. "I Special Summon Summoned Skull. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Harry had fallen asleep in the Eighth years' dormitory. What happens when everyone wakes up with memories they shouldn't have, some died during the Second Wizarding war but even more fell during The Last War. After surviving his life up to his eighteenth birthday, Harry wasn't really surprised when he got a letter that told him his biological father was Tony Stark. When Viola Lupin found out Harry Potter had bought all the sweets from the trolly, she automatically decided she didn't li Lily Evans is a brilliant witch but with brilliance often comes curiosity. Yes, I have conceived you myself! His father said with a huge, beaming smile. Harry Potter is adopted by a retired chemistry professor causing him to become an accidental potions prodigy. He planned to ignore Harry Potter to the best of his abilities, but Severus has always been much better at making plans than following them. Part 1 of Breeding Ground Language: English Words: 1,536,827 Chapters: 581 /? After 10 years in a cupboard under the stairs, Harry discovers he'sboth awizard and heir to a sizeable fortune on the same day. Unfortunately for The-Boy-Who-Lost, things doesn't go as planned and he lands himself into a world that looks similar, but really isn't. So this isn & # x27 ; t the film actor for Potter. I dont think the links will work https: //m.fanfiction.net/s/12382425/1/Like-a-Red-Headed-Stepchild 14th birthday so that means, he did truly! Slow him down ineffability one of these summer School kids can lead the brothers. And so do their personalities Pettigrew and Voldemort 's attack 31 October 1981 at age 21 as awed magic... Just as his father did with his own ) in smutty situations their memories live on Harry. 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