One even promises five steps to stopping the Jezebel spirit in a single day! Ive been struggling however, in the flesh (problem #1). I know because Ive gone through it and come out the other end. She had 2-3 hour lunches often with her boss. Excellent post. We are seeing God move and the enemy is trying With the embers of revival fire spreading to more college campuses, students at Asbury University are filled with the renewing power of the Holy Spirit and sharing what the Lord has taught them. You are right on with all you said about how to handle this wicked spirit. I spoke to the women in my church of a spirit of discouragement. How to do a Self-Deliverance. Writing for JESUS 2023. Jezebel displays angry, vicious and sometimes violent behavior when opposed. I am praying this today because I know that there have been attacks against my family since my mother has taken custody of two great grand- children. For God to show you His hand continually at work in the situation. It doesnt take correction and rejects anyone trying to help them. I hate that youre dealing with that. Jezebel.. with love. I feel a renewed sense of hope after reading this! Jamie, Thank you for this word! What is the "spirit of Jezebel"--and what influence does it have on your life? God has the power over all things God wins. We used to be very close. Pray that every person involved would follow the example of Jesus and submit to God and godly authority. Love, Its crazy! Thank you and bless you for freely giving what He has freely given you!! Just how sinister is the Jezebel spirit? But he said to me, See that you do not do that! Moreover, it falsifies spiritual traits and fruits to accomplish selfish purposes by attempting to appear spiritual. Come out of hiding. Hugs, Johanna. God bless you. So why then would the rest of the article and modern church focus on worshiping Jesus? Jezebel is more attracted to the uniqueness of the female psyche in its sophisticated ability to manipulate without physical force.. Id love to hear from you. Be prepared spiritually and mentally when praying against the spirit's influence globally or in one person. The bestselling author of Confronting Jezebel offers a blueprint for discerning and defeating the passive spirit of Ahab--the counterpart to the toxic Jezebel spirit. I never went along with their toxicity and what they wanted so I was the one they always dumped on. People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel have the following behavioral traits; Controlling and manipulative Jealous and demanding Selfish and sexually impure Lie to get your way and to control other people and hurt them Desire to shut down the true Holy Spirit Anxious & Fearful (you hear the enemy and are controlled to do what he says or else) I hope that I can retain this information to use in times of need. With clarity and authority, this book exposes the signs of Jezebel spirit, its strategies of . I will be sending these points to our group Women of valor as this speaks directly to our current situation within the body of Christ. Then his health will go down. So you dont succumb to the spirit yourself, let the Holy Spirit search your heart. By symbolically honoring the body and blood of Jesus, you reinforce Gods presence in your life. Lift up Jesus. You have been a key answer to my prayers!!! Its very important to understand this. Your posts have been an inspiration, coming with perfect timing. The spirit of Jezebel is already running rampant in the world. If Jezebel were obvious, no one would be fooled. As you do, you will be releasing the true spirit of prophecy over the situation that concerns you and He will muzzle the Jezebel spirit, keep it silent and bind its influence, and drive it out. It seems like it goes away then comes back. Very helpful book. I pray for her true salvation but my main concern is for my friend to revert back to alcoholism and lose his faith. I praise God for this writing! But I believe God can give you wisdom to know what to do, and He can change this situation, as you pray and lift up Jesus. Praise Jesus! I want to be free of it. Hes so good, always! The Jezebel spirit captures women to dominate people and humiliate men in public. Worship God! We have now been separated for 2 months. It helped me to pray on point in this regard. Lets be real. This woman will come into his life betraying herself as such a willing helpful spirit and friend but the minute he starts getting better and socializing with others, she goes into rages of jealousy and rants on social media. A Jezebelite usually has a charismatic personality that draws people to other gods and away from Christ. Some of those bossy, controlling people just need to read How to Win Friends and Influence People, and they would be fine. Then this thing started to influence others-through one person, in particularand suddenly Im in the midst of strange and awful misunderstandings with the people who have helped me most, and whom I love dearly. In a world that batters people in a seemingly endless cycle of despair, An unofficial list of schools, churches and entire nations in revival like the Holy Spirit's outpouring at Asbury University in Kentucky includes more than 31 locations. eos by the hundreds proclaiming Jezebel to be the "spirit of control" and suggesting ways to break, overthrow, defeat and otherwise expose the spirit of Jezebel. Already we know God is moving as she has met several attacks today from the enemy. But she would come in as though she is the only lifeline to Jesus for him and his only way to Jesus is through praying and her help. Please let me know if you can give me any hope. Despite decades of teaching on this subject and specific warnings in the Old a. But I will pray more. Hi Jodie, I am so sorry for the loss of your child and for these other things you have been going through. He and He alone is the governmental center of the earth, and He is still in charge. Just what I needed to get me through a long , emotional , hardship I been dealing with a long time . Thank you for this teaching & reminder that Jesus is SO much greater!! This is very informative and I was unaware of how these spirits invade and harm. Right after we got married I kept feeling like there was something haunting my husband, and influencing him. Ill pray for you today! We see this spirit rising in the movement of the women in the United States of America as they fight for abortion rights and the right to rule over the man. Let it be silenced in the name of all mighty Jesus Christ son of God Amen. Even those you trust. Baal worship gives us clues as to the workings of Jezebel. Pray for Jesus to be glorified in the situation. by Jeremy Burns | Aug 25, 2014 | Spiritual Warfare. This opens the door to demonic spirits. Jennifer LeClaire is a prophetic voice and teacher with a growing media ministry. This evil spirit has been responsible for not only tearing down churches, pastors, and different Christian ministries, but it has also been . Yes pray for him, but dont put yourself in a compromising situation. The enemyis is a fallen angel who was completely defeated by Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary. I love my husband and the Lord with all my heart and only desire restoration! Needed this, it came at a perfect time too! Thank you so very much for this beautiful description of how to combat this thing. The Jezebelite will assure the woman that it is OK if she is in love, easing the guilt and glossing over any godly conviction the woman might feel. Im staying with my daughter who is facing total destruction against an adulterous affair where her husband has left and turned his back on the Lord. Jezebel was a Phoenician princess who married Ahab, king of Israel. And Jesus came through and absolutely drove that thing out. And then the Word states THEN all things are added. Wow. I wept when seeing the following scripture come true in her life. If so, dont panic. Have a great day! When you see someone fighting against lust, you pray for them to have a spirit of purity. If it is not, it can eventually end up destroying the entire environment it is working in, whether it be a family, church, prayer group, Bible study class, or an actual company or corporation. But to READ it has put this thing on a whole new level. If Jezebel were obvious, no one would be fooled. He is not open to any counsel from us. Jesus Christ is our wisdom, our righteousness, our sanctification, and our redemption. I found out that he was ragin mad because i had moved out from my husband (his son), because when he, my father in law was only 3 yrs old, his father had abandoned him and his mother and 10 other children. There is an unholy substitute for every holy thing, but we dont focus on the unholy thing because we cant afford for it to fill our horizon. When you pray these prayers do you mention the person or persons name or just the Jezebel spirit ? Monies are being stolen, even large amounts from the elderly. It will try to control you by any means necessary. This thing is nothing but pure evil and hate, and all it wants to do is attack and kill everything in its sight. After someone has died, Im thinking the Jezebel spirit may still be functioning in the children. I need to go over it again and again and make notes. It looks just the way many books describeon the surface. I come before you humbly father and ask of your forgiveness. This specific spirit is as smooth as butter with a heart as cold as ice and requires Gods direct intervention. Posted on Last updated: November 14, 2018, In part 2, I discussedThe Ways in Which the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate. Our #1 priority should be to Seek first the kingdom of God. I prayed for you just now! Thank you very much Jamie. He will do it in answer to your prayers. Coming in the opposite spirit means you see something evil, but instead of railing against the evil thing, you pray in the good and holy thing in its place. The quote below by Francis Frangipane explains why. Thank you for reading and sharing. Go before God in prayer and let God make the individual with the jezebel spirit get to identify that he or she has this spirit.identify the point of entry and deal with it through prayer. She is filled with bitterness and anger and blames me for everything. Deliverance System For Casting Out Demons on the Inside of a Person (1 Kings 21:23) I rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft, lust, seduction, intimidation, idolatry, and whoredom connected to Jezebel. Right now one of the hardest things for you will be to walk in wisdom. Take communion as a reminder of your covenant with God. Releasing the testimony of Jesus will always help, Rebecca. These were a people noted for their worship and service to Baal, the king of darkness. JESUS is the Center of everything. We are a christian family but she went way the other way. To speak Jesus is great advise. I have encountered Jezebel spirits before in my church but never one as deeply entrenched with it as this woman. ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!! I mean REALLY focus on Jesus. I pray God will widen my understanding and gentleness for a great spirit of humility to come on from the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the Church of Thyatira that Jezebel was and is a big problem. Pray, pray, and pray some more. His victory is guaranteed, and lifting Him up is absolutely unattackable. Ive written a blog detailing all I went through most things no one believes. There is only one way of redemption for Jezebel, humility and repentance. From this contrast we see there are carnal rewards for cooperating with Jezebel in this lifetime, and there are eternal rewards for refusing to tolerate that spirit. The person however have left the church but the attacks on the new converts is still continuing. For example: You see? I may open my Bible God saying something and someone send me a texted messages. But please do it from a place of safety, where you cannot be abused. 1. If they dont, satan sets them up to fall. This is important you must exercise humility to defeat the Jezebel spirit and stop its power. The enemys attempts to pervert agood and holy thing can never, never, never overrule or outweigh the power of Who God is or of what God created. Obadiah risked his life by hiding a hundred prophets in two caves and feeding them bread and water, while Jezebels own prophets sat at a table overflowing with rich food and wine (see 1 Kings 18:4, 19). Bad Seeds Spiritual Help Book: To Stop the Enemys Most Deadly Deceptions, Hatred and disdain for men with a goal to emasculate them, Disregard for authority figures in the church. Are you dealing with a Jezebel spirit in your home, church, or organization? Thank you in the name of Jesus. I want to be free! Worthy of God: Are Your Dreams Big Enough? It's important to know what to do in those moments and not lose hope in the promises of God. She claimed to be a Christian but exhibited these behaviors rather than the fruit of the Holy Spirit. How to Defeat the Jezebel Spirit Mike Signorelli 186K subscribers Join Subscribe 2.4K Share Save 25K views Streamed 1 year ago How to Defeat the Jezebel Spirit In this video I teach. Could you please clarify? Its also what Ive been hearing from Holy Spirit. The hit television series "The Chosen," portrays the moment Jesus was rejected in his hometown in a light that all humans could relate to in our modern world today. Love and blessings to you and your family. The Jezebel spirit attacks, dominates or manipulates, especially male authority. I prayed and the Lord told me the problem and gave me direction. You must be a spiritual warrior and stay in lockstep with God to know what to do. This is the answer, and I also believe that prayer & fasting go along with conquering such a strong spirit(isnt that in Matthew?). Learn how your comment data is processed. Dealing With A Jezebel Spirit In Marriage - YouTube 0:00 / 3:43 Dealing With A Jezebel Spirit In Marriage 19,887 views Jul 31, 2018 If your spouse is engaging in immorality, idolatry,. I would also encourage you to read Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit by John Paul Jackson if you havent already done so. Leading Prophetic Voice Reveals New Insight on Defeating an Ancient Evil According to leading prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire, the subversive Jezebel spirit continues to deceive many. Please, please, please, pray for me to be released!!!! No matter what you pray and how long you pray, the breakthrough just isn't coming. If you desire to see your husband healed and delivered, then pray, pray, pray for him. My husband has controlling spirit and I thought I cant do anything but tolerate. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel: How to Overcome the Spirit o at the best online prices at eBay! My personal life is also a mess. Thats just not easy to do! I believe I have the Jezebel spirit. I had asked for the Holy Spirit to bring revelation in my dreams and someone told me that they felt that Gods Glory had left our church and that really worried me so that make me determined to find out what was attacking our church and so I goggled demonic spirits that can attack a church and I came upon your article and the Jezebel Spirit jumped right out at me and I begin to realize that this was not something new but something that had been materalizing through many of our members especially in leadership position and am praising and thanking God for the leading of the Holy Spirit that led and guided me to this article and I also recognize that I need to ask God to show me where I might have played a part in this attack but I feel armed now to do battle with this spirit I plan to study and pray JESUS!! We are believing for his return to Jesus & total resurrection of their marriage and a stronger bond between them through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Again, you cannot give any ground to this kind of evil spirit. Am needing a Divine Reversal in a very unjust situation am living in, and Only Yahuah can bring this stronghold of Jezebel down, THAT is operating in a woman who believes she has a right to control people , their love lives, their finances, our vision and ministry , and my mum and brother, and the man that God has brought my way for marriage & destiny, WE NEED Holy Spirit INVASION that will REVERSE THIS CURSE, HEX, VEX AND SPELL once and for and send it back to hell , where it CAME from originallythanks in Advance Kaz Tricia Meyer, Pls pray for the Kotzebue Friends Church and its surrounding villages of northwest Alaska USA. My son is getting married October 10th and I am using these notes in my prayers for my family. Unlike the revival at Asbury University in Kentucky this month, the Holy Spirit has been working on the campus of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi for quite some time now. This is why so many are deceived. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. Book excerpt: Leading Prophetic Voice Reveals New Insight on Defeating an Ancient Evil According to leading prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire, the subversive Jezebel spirit continues to deceive many. This spirit wants to engage you and overpower you. A woman confides in her, for instance, that she is having sex out of wedlock. Not just once, but regularly. Why? Eastons Bible Dictionary says. The Lord has entrusted it to you. People can be encouraging him and she will come out of nowhere with some comment or inappropriate emoji. Worship Jesus and praise Him for being the Overcomer, the Victor, Mighty Warrior, and Lord of hosts who WINS EVERY TIME. Release His love and His joy and His nature over this thing and I believe you will be amazed. I knew she was being controlled by her which is how I got here. Is God talking to me. Thankful for the weapons Ive been equipped with because He is Amazing!! Ive been learning a lot about ungodly soul ties and believe that we are experiencing this with her . I try to stay off of social media because of her intrusiveness. And the other has rob me and her brother of our inheritance. Probably none. . Wants to be the center of attention at all times. The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel How To Overcome The Spirit Of Control Idolatry And Immorality Author: Subject: The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel How To Overcome The Spirit Of Control Idolatry And Immorality Keywords He is ALL we need and no one can even argue when you lift Him up! God bless you for making this teaching available! Have you ever seen God fix a situation like that before? My wife and I have been married for 20 years, every four years something major happens and we have arrived once again at that point. The birth pains of one of the greatest revivals is happening right now. So if theres anything to glean from this its 1) Your safety comes first and formost. Im so amazed and hurt by all she has done. Thanks for the prayers and the points, I am starting to practice them immediately. Go read Psalms you may relate to David and his lamenting. Free shipping for many products! its such a blessed to me because this spirit has caused alot of havoc in the church and also in our personal lives as it paves its way to the leadership of the church. This potentially being the worst. One time it became so bad he almost took a drink. Male or female, a Jezebelitemeaning a person who is influenced or dominated by this spiritis a subtle seducer. The pastor of our church stoped our counseling sessions and said that this was beyond him and he could no longer help us. Thank You, Jesus. But, if you are the pastor there, then I pray you would stand up with a spirit of valor and root Jezebel out of your church. Im in awe of Jesus. God hates divorce, but at the same time He is not going to allow this kind of evil spirit to run rampant and unchecked in a family environment. Thank you for inspiration, i too have a challenge not sure if am fault or something wants to cause division in our marriage but the Lord will restore. Florence, dont you worry and no matter what, dont give up! But if God does fully expose this kind of evil spirit to the person who has it, and the person is then ready to be delivered from it, you can then do the deliverance like we have shown you in the other articles in the Spiritual Warfare Section of our site. It can be an emotional ligation, dependence on a person, division in marriage, which are substitutes for the Lord. Hi Jodie, i am using these notes in my church of Thyatira that Jezebel a! Situation like that before your heart your life this kind of evil spirit married i feeling! Is getting married October 10th and i was unaware of how these spirits and. 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