Healthy communication with your partner means you always talk about everything with him and make all of your decisions together. Required fields are marked *. Besides having a family holiday does not mean having the elderly with you all the time. Praise be to Allah. Recently, I flew back to my residence and there his sister and her daughters wanted to create a barrier between us. Just because you feel neglected and want him to ignore his family for the rest of his life, doesnt mean he has to accept that. One day he visits the hospital, the other day Maths with a son. But what to do if your mother-in-law tags along everywhere? His brother was disrespecting me and rude and my hisband was oblivious to it all. His daily routine changes and hes confused since his priority list has changed drastically. But take a deep breath because fighting with your spouse wont solve your problems. (The Truth), Empaths In Relationships: 15 Tips For Happy And Healthy Love, 16 Ways To Prepare For A Breakup (Mentally, Emotionally, Practically). Small gestures of love do not imply that your husband chose his mom over you. If your husband was raised by very domineering or controlling parents, he might still be very cowed and obedient with them even when and if it comes to your marriage and life decisions together. Should a son always be near his elderly parents, or are there exceptions? In many cases, it has also happened that a husband has relocated his entire family abroad because his parents wanted him to stay near them. One day i asked him why is he more important then me? Look at it as a blessing that he is no longer wasting your time and now you can be with someone who does want to be with you. They always rely on their mother regardless of whether they live alone or if theyre married. Pray to Allah SWT for guidance, mercy and help. Its not uncommon in married life for there to be fights and arguments between a wife and a mom-in-law or husband and father-in-law. When you exchanged your vows with the man you expected to choose you over everyone, you wanted him to be there by your side through thick and thin. I didn't do any wrong there was no any mistakes but then and there he tried to clarify that there wont be any issue "Let's live together and live a peaceful life.". Why would my husband choose his family over me? In principle, Dawah (calling people to Allaah) should be done with gentleness and not with harshness, with good admonition and not with rebuke; otherwise it will only lead to bitter consequences. But not choose her publicly. 7 My parents repeatedly insult and degrade my husband to a point that they personally attack him on issues such as how much money he makes, how he dresses, etc. 970K views, 16K likes, 288 loves, 78 comments, 136 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Watsicao: Ngi n ng thy nh m mnh trong nh t ph Its just that the bond that he has with his family is strong and you have to show him that he has a family on his own now. 3. He wants to keep the peace between everyone, 3. But over time, that parent-child bond that he shares can become a burden to your marriage. The problem seems to be when your mother-in-law and father-in-law suddenly become intruders. He said that he loved me but that was his brother they grew ip together. He and I have no privacy. On top of that, if your husband accepts he has a problem and hes willing to cooperate, that shows you that youre still his priority. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Remember, marriage is all about teamwork. Thats simply not true. [Al-Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad]. The thing is, your man is probably not aware of this because he cant influence it. Thats no way to have a healthy marriage. You may think that its your fault that your husband chooses his family over you, but its not. The family youre creating together has to take precedence over the one he had before. Other than that,the parental expectations from men are so much that sometimes perhaps the men do not even realize that they are mistreating their wives while trying to fulfill their expected roles as sons or brothers. I'm very suspicious to live with him cause it might be a danger to my life he might kill me that's why I have taken a decision for a divorce. Though my description of my issue could be detailed and long I kindly ask apology for it and my humble request is that please read out my discussion and give sense about it. Dont let your anger turn into resentment. Hes the one who has the power to start working on himself. And then there are times when men choose to live with their parents even though they have some other options. As a consequence, your man spent a significant amount of time with his family, be it family dinners, gatherings, or game nights. When your husband or wife knows he or she comes before your parents, it creates a deeper marital bond. Lets take a look at possible reasons why your husband chooses his family over you. In Indian families, the son is expected to prioritize his parents and siblings even after he is married and has his own family. Dont expect that you can avoid having any arguments and conflicts with your in-laws if youre living in the same house. Instead, show compassion and understanding. It makes you feel worthless and like you have to compete with his family for his attention. Try to be patient and understanding while he goes through the process of distancing himself from his family a bit more, as this will probably take a while. Actually it was an arranged marriage. Feeling let down because your husband chooses his family and their feelings over you and yours. Likewise, you can come to an agreement about what would be an acceptable frequency for his guys night outs. In this situation, you have to compromise. A caring son could also mean a caring husband. What can I do if hes a mamas boy? They have a largely happy married life, except for one aspect the sticky mother-in-law woes. Hear me out on this. Thats how he ends up spending more time with his family than with you. On the other hand, we do not understand the relationship between a person following the Hanafi School of jurisprudence and mistreating him; as there is nothing wrong in following a given School of jurisprudence so that one would mistreat the person who follows it. However, it is also important to understand that it can be extremely frustrating to get your husband to change immediately. This can only be achieved by each spouse knowing and fulfilling the rights of the other in the best manner. Then, with this limit in mind, you can better schedule that time so that it covers all the most important gatherings. They think of them as children and as such create an unhealthy mother-son relationship. Here are 12 things you could do to make the dynamics of your relationship with your husband vis-a-vis his family more streamlined: They could be working or they could be homemakers but it is a fact that the Indian mothers life revolves around children. Did you go for couple counselling? Because marriage isnt about who is wrong and who is right. But why do men choose their families over their wives in the first place? 1 Set your boundaries right at the inception. This is the kind of relationship where his mother smothers him with calls and text messages and hes always there to answer them. Instead, hes allowing you to be mistreated, disrespected, and made to feel like crap. Tell your husband to ask his parents to choose one destination and the second holiday destination will be your choice. Being with a husband who sides with his family every time is an excruciating situation to contend with. He was treating me as his maid. Instead of arguing, try to be a team player with your husband. Youll either need to establish dominance in this hierarchy, making it absolutely clear that this awful behavior wont be tolerated, or leave. Resentment would create negativity in your relationship. Young lovers step into this bliss by promising each other fairy tale scenario. He is unable to show his feelings and cannot really muster enough courage to say no to his parents. I know that youre hurt now. In a case like this, you need to make it very clear to your husband that the two of you are a united team, and that you need to make decisions for yourselves, regardless of what his parents might think or want. The Right of Sexual Relations between Spouses, Essentials and Items the Husband Must Provide for His Wife, Newly Married Wife Finds Mother in-Law Is Very Authoritative and Wants to Live in Separate House, Marital Problems and Separation While They Have 4 Children, Not Incumbent on Spouses to Sleep in the Same Bed but Wife Is Obliged to Answer His Call to Bed, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. And youre tired of always doing that because his mom might think you dont know how to cook. If you are living with the in-laws you cannot really restrict relative visits because the elderly people are usually free to entertain guests. Staff Photo Gallery. Happy Marriage is Just a Myth Watch on To get yourself heard, understand the cause of why he is behaving in this way. Couple relationshipsthe pains and pleasures, the anxieties and comforts, the craziness and calm. This is alright as long as it is not a repeated thing. Being with such a man is a real struggle. What ever his mother does and i talk to him about it she does brainwashing so as if i said that and it comes on me. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Thats why your husband chooses his family over you because his connection with his family never evolved to the next level. My partner and i have been living together for 3 years. Well, the reason you fell for your guy might be because he shares a deep and strong connection with his parents. Focus more on worthwhile activities. Basically, that because theyve all known one another and supported one another for as long as your husband has been alive, they and their views, wants, needs, and preferences need to take precedence over yours. So it could be an alternative day arrangement. All rights reserved. He feels guilty for not spending enough time with his family. The truth is, its very hard to break this pattern. That, above all, is the issue that needs to be worked out. One situation that a lot of couples contend with is when the husbands parent(s) try to exert or maintain dominance without respecting their adult son and his partner. Were your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love. If he doesnt realize this, or he doesnt want anything to change, then thats a sign that he probably still has a lot of growing up to do. Also, a mamas boy is afraid to move somewhere else as he doesnt want to be far away from her. Your husband is in control of his life, not you. My Istikhara came out as yes, but I dont like him! And, quite frankly, if he cant change his ways and treat you as an equal to his family, there are any great choices. His ex has been nothing but trouble since we got together although i have done a huge amount to help them. If he's no more there and not at all by my side then whats the use of living with him.". Here youll find some tips that could help you deal with this issue. His and your family will always be part of your marriage. His mother passed away three years ago, unexpectedly. Be careful to always approach him with respect and try to be patient. But before all of that, you have to give him space and time to initiate the change. Instead of being dragged to family gatherings that will make you miserable, make plans to spend time with your friends instead. The inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. As such, he needs to understand that compromises need to be made. To this day, all their conflicts around Meenus complaint, My husband always supports his mother. No matter how much she resents him for it, Rajesh continues to be the dutiful son. Then why did he marry me? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I wish to leave my cheating husband and take the children with me. Battle lines have been drawn, so to speak. Salaam sister He's really stubborn when it comes to his family. Neither you nor any of his relatives can have an influence on his decisions. Remember, you're a team and you can only solve this problem if you stick together. I cant live with him. My husband always supports his mother the more you let this thought fester in your mind, the harder it will be to accept their bond. He doesnt look like he will change. Family issues are always tricky. If your husband is choosing his family over you repeatedly, then you have to remember he has been psychologically conditioned to do so since his childhood. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. However in the past three years, it has gotten worse. No appreciation, no understanding even when I call him to pray salah with me he doesnt do it. all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. Include your own parents in your family holidays and when he is buying sarees for his mom, buy the same ones for your mom too. . My husband was the same way he always chose his brother over me. Then and there he has been flown to abroad (Japan) for 6 years yet he seems to be spending for his family until marriage. Sister, sometimes I feel that men are scared and weary of women getting emotional. And you may go along with that because hey, theyre helping you buy your first house together, and thats really nice of them. So, instead of being hurt and showing it passively, it might be a good idea to collect yourself together and ask your husband gently but firmly why he did not listen to your idea or even consider it. And ever is Allaah Encompassing and Wise. I daily think of leaving him as I feel low of my self. He taught me about Islam and he taught me a great deal, praise be to Allah. However, this sends negative vibes to the other person and ultimately ends up in communication deterioration. But if you have a discussion with him and tell him how you feel, then both of you could sit together and work a way out. But, lets be honest, its a little unreasonable to expect that to keep happening now the two of you have partnered up. Yes, that includes your spouses attachment to his family. 4. I will admit that your post was a little difficult for me to understand (are you using an online translator? I know it hurts when your husband chooses his family over you. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. 12 Things To Do When Your Husband Chooses His Family Over You, 1. . Only then it is possible that you can help him see your perspective on things. They made an attempt to make a problem. He has to choose to do things differently if he wants to have a future with you. Should I stay married, divorce, or marry a second wife? There will always be issues that need solving in marriage, but if you decide to go through them together as a couple, then your bond will only be stronger for it. So its time to act as such. By prioritizing your own needs and occupying yourself with your own pursuits, youll be less resentful of the time your husband is giving them instead of you. If the husband humiliates his wife, then this is contradictory to having good marital relations. As such, they may not be aware of how unhealthy it is, or how badly their family members behavior is affecting you. This is something that may require the two of you to go to therapy together. Using you statements puts the other person on a defensive mode and the communication does not go anywhere. If they try to pressure you into agreeing with them, you will have to stand firm and refuse to give in. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Ive lost my self confidence. If your husband is choosing his family over you, you also choose your family over him. Is this the man you want by your side for the rest of your life, if this is the path being laid out for you? Should he balk at that idea, or insist that you back down and accept abuse and ill treatment for the sake of maintaining familial harmony, then youll have some tough decisions ahead of you. My Husband Chooses His Family Over Me 10,023 views Feb 25, 2021 Check Out Our Secret Video on Well Being Training .more .more 186 Dislike Share Happily Committed 145K. You have to show him that this little thing is bothering you. Marriage is a life-changing decision and must be taken . Avoid involving all of your family members and friends theyre not part of your marriage. You have dont nothing wrong. I want to avoid adultery. This is a common problem women face in collectivistic cultures and especially in the sub-continent. Speaking badly about his family or his character will only make the situation worse. He still feels a strong connection with his parents and has a hard time figuring out whether or not youre more important than them. You and your partner must put in an equal amount of effort, propose solutions, and have each others backs no matter what. His family members dont offer salah but He looks at how im offering salah i try improving it daily but he still criticizes me greatly. But thats not what I mean. He can't go 24 hours without talking to her. Dont try to argue with him about why hes choosing his family over his wife. You can work on a budget accordingly and make a list of the activities you would want to do. You should never criticize your husband for something hes done. As odd as it sounds, theres a logical explanation for this. As his wife, you could have been devastated by this decision but your husband chooses his family over you and tells you, looking after his family is his duty and you have to accept that since you are married to him. If i defend my self my rights i am wrong rude. Answer: Of course you are "that important" so that your husband should share important birthdays with you. Have your husbands family members ever disrespected you in front of him and/or your children without your husband saying anything in your defense? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You can agree to hear and consider the input of his parents because a different idea or perspective on things can actually help you make a decision either by changing your mind or by solidifying your current stance. You have the right to make your own decisions. Think Aloud is a destination where youll find stories about every step you, as a woman, take. A person who comes from a very large, close-knit Asian family may have a very different dynamic from someone who was raised in a small, reserved Scandinavian family instead. It can be such a blow to your confidence and make you question your relationship and love for one another. Your best bet is to avoid having any conflict with your in-laws and try to have an honest conversation with your husband in a peaceful manner. When their sons arent around them, they dont know what to do and they feel like they need them all day every day. She has been known to subsist on coffee and soup for days at a time, and when she isn't writing or tending her garden, she can be found wrestling with various knitting projects and befriending local wildlife. What to do when your husband is too attached to his family and considers it his responsibility to fulfill their needs and desires? Related Reading: 5 ways to deal with your husbands parents. If you try to find a compromise with him, he wont be forced to choose between you or his family. But definitely, it is also a given that you would support each other in looking after your respective families. In Indian families, the son is expected to prioritize his parents and siblings even after he is married and has his own family. I was married at the age of 23 and my husband was 27. There are no constant knocks on the door by his family to get their thoughts across. They may resent you somewhat for it, but unless they are particularly toxic individuals, they should back down sooner or later. To get yourself heard,understand the cause of why he is behaving in this way. Tell him while you will ensure that you are not overshooting the budget, he has to ensure his parents are doing the same. Basically, by behaving the way hes doing now, hes in breach of contract. My prayer was invalid, but time ran out before I could redo it. This can only be achieved by each spouse knowing and fulfilling the rights of the other in the best manner. Is it that he is not happy with me.? Still not sure what to do about your husband taking the side of his family over you? Some people might be absolutely okay with older family members making decisions for them and ruling their lives so they dont have to adult, but if one of you is okay with this and the other isnt, then theres going to be conflict. When Team Bonobology puts a story together be sure to find strong research-based content. is the couple-relationship destination for Indians everywhere! I was forced to marry my cousin, whos been absent since! Do you want to stay with a man who will bend to his familys will at your expense? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Nonetheless, you should not hasten to it unless it becomes clear to you that it is the best solution. That way there is no misunderstanding and festering. When youre struggling to come to terms with the signs your husband puts his family first, know that healthy and honest communication is the key to solving any relationship issue. If hes not willing to cooperate, then theres not much you can do about it alone. Have an honest and open conversation with your husband Your husband may have lived in such a dynamic for his entire life. 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