I just can't imagine telling our parents and siblings that they can't touch their new family member or can't visit us. The bottom line. Feb 26, 2023 at 7:47 PM. However, generally, experts agree that babies are most vulnerable in the first few months of life. Their feet should land on either side of your hand, angled closer to the ground so the baby is at a . When anyone came over, I tried to politely sit and talk with them while also having to lock myself in my bedroom every hour or so to breastfeed and pump. Newborns are so delicate, and parents often wonder when is the right time to allow visitors to hold their baby. 1. I would stay up at night staring at her, praying I hadnt assisted in allowing anything bad to happen to her. The ideal time is when your child is about two months old, but everyone knows that it is not so easy to keep visitors away for so long, and most parents do not want to be isolated for as long anyway. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. No judgements either way just looking to see what people's views are .. If possible, do not allow others to handle your baby for too long as your little one may become over-stimulated, and they will need their rest. This may just be the best way to keep all hands off the baby. At a minimum, let the new parents make decisions about the length and timing of your visit. by AKerkhoven. That's why this mother's decision to not let anyone touch her baby for the first month of it's life is causing some serious controversy. http://s1187.photobucket.com/albums/z393/LindsayLooWho/?action=view. It is unpredictable in that we never know how widespread it will be and how severe the cases will be when it does come around. We are so blessed to have this little family. Your email address will not be published. Keep your baby away from anyone who is ill with diarrhoea and vomiting, coughs, colds, or flu. Its just that those first few weeks are such a precious time, especially as a brand-new parent. your doctor. I've also told people I don't want anybody kissing him. should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. "Ideally, it. Originally Published: Jan. 16, 2018. aluxum / Getty. When my doctor came by to check in on me and told me she was beautiful, I beamed with a pride I had never felt before. Catie. But for one Redditor, it was a harrowing moment. Over the next two days, a few aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins came by. News images provided by Press Association For one thing, their partners are more likely to help out. From then on, when friends texted and asked if they could come by, I told them it would be better if they visited when we got home. This means they need to feed little and often. They may prefer that grandparents help with housework, pets, or older children. Just stayed silent. "If you need to take your baby to crowded places, such as the grocery store, wearing your baby or using a lightweight stretchy stroller cover can be protective.". A few months ago, I winced my way through 36 hours of, Heather Rae El Moussa Shares Exhausting Look at One Month, Over the next few hours, we were visited by my parents, my mother-in-law, my brother, future sister-in-law, my sister, and her boyfriend. Young children, especially older siblings and cousins will be excited by the arrival of a new baby and may insist on holding your newborn. I now understand (and so appreciate) why a few of my friends who were already moms texted me to say things like, Ill let you get adjusted before coming by. Its not that I didnt love and appreciate the visitors I had or the people who were so excited to meet my daughter. No one has ever made me happier. Updated: June 3, 2021. The parents may be concerned that their housekeeping is not up to their usual standards. Its not as soon as you might think. Is it true that people should wash their hands before holding a newborn? Visits from friends and family started to become exciting; they gave me a chance to socialize and see other adults. Keeping your baby safe is your job. It doesn't cost a penny, but the payoffs can be enormous. "Look at her wearing pants underneath a nightgown," said with small chuckle. Yes, you read right; wear your baby. Sohere's what you can say: "You're so sweet. Grandparents who respect new parents' decisions are likely to see their access to grandchildren expanded, while those who do not may find that access continues to be limited. Come over to the Jan/Feb boards and you can see numerous parents of babies who were taken to the ER and admitted to the NICU because they got RSV in their first two months. EACH WEEK IN our series,Am I Being A Bad Parent?, we hear from a reader who cant figure out what to do about a tricky parenting situation. Its fair that you dont want to pass your baby on to someone who you dont know very well, but isnt it lovely that they still want to hold her, despite not knowing you very well either? Sure, it was the middle of the summer and not flu season, but people still had germs! Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. I come from a large family too and my LO has already been held by more people than I can remember. 24/06/2020 23:40. I'm wet. Except for the hepatitis B vaccine, these are administered at the two-month-old well visit and include the Hib, Prevnar, DtaP, IPV, hepatitis B, and rotavirus vaccines. This time frame might not work for some families, particularly if you have parents who are helping to take care of the baby. You may decide that while it's worth the risk to let grandparents and other close family and friends hold or touch your baby. You can obtain a copy of the it is flu season & such little babies have to be hospitalized for a fever. Grandparents must understand that these decisions aren't something that parents are doing to the grandparents. 483623. Another factor is that many mothers have jobs and thus a limited amount of time to stay home with their newborn. Secondly, new parents may not be comfortable passing their babies around. Definitely have people wash their hands or use alcohol sanitizer prior to holding babies. And we're not letting any of the kids hold him. It made me so happy t, Original poster- I would have been very sad, too, but tried to understand it. Like she was afraid of all the Germs or something. all my other kiddos were pass'a babies in family events. His son Ryan and. As your baby grows, they'll gradually start to need fewer night feeds and will sleep for longer at night. Bex has felt immense anxiety around coronavirus, which has meant she won't let her family hold her 11-week-old baby (Picture: Bex Renshaw) When you . "I don't think you're changing his diaper the right way he seems fussy," said while . Thanks! use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. Yes, youre being a bit unreasonable. Many grandparents are confused and hurt by these decisions. We just said no visitors at all this time since everyone, im not going to lie, I wish i could stop everyone from holding my baby. created content and their own posts, comments and submissions and fully and effectively warrant It's best to ask your toddler, for example, to sit next to you and place your baby on his lap. If you take your baby outside of your home, insist that others near you wear a mask. Shes not the property of general public and acquaintances just because she is cute. Helping your baby to sleep How to change your baby's nappy Nappy rash Reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Soothing a crying baby Washing and bathing your baby What you'll need for your baby Its understandable that everyone wants to visit and see your baby, says Dr. Schaffner. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. We were only there for 15 minutes, they made us and the his dad and his wife uncomfortable too. It felt like heaven. Physical distancing is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Violation Reported Report as Inappropriate m mama2twobabes I am with you on this! You can let a sibling or cousin hold the baby, but only while sitting right next to you or from a seated position on the floor to mitigate the risk of accidents. Do I Have Postpartum Blues or Postpartum Depression? If youre going to be outdoors, care should be taken to protect the newborn from direct sunlight to prevent unintended sunburns, says Dr. Alexander. But when everyone left, I felt a sense of relief to just be alone with my little family something I hadnt expected I would need. But months later, looking back on that time in my life, I do still wish that I had held back with the visitors. Some parents will be more than happy to hand off the baby for a while. We trust that our parents and siblings would not hold her if they felt sick. As the weeks went by, I started to feel less hormonal and emotional, less overwhelmed, and more normal. DH: testicular cancer survivor!! Her Dr. actually told us to be paranoid b/c if a newborn gets a But in order to do so safely, he continues, youre going to have to take several precautions. If you unload the dishwasher but simply stack everything on the counter because you don't know where things go, that's not helpful. And your baby might need more sleep than you think. The mother may not want visitors when she is not looking or feeling her best, as may be the case after childbirth. Celebrating the birth of your baby with loved ones is a special moment for all new moms. Both illnesses can be life-threatening for infants.. Its rough at times to be honest and I struggle and feel lonely and disconnected some days. But I felt a strange sense of obligation; I started setting dates with everyone for when they could visit. Just make sure to protect Babys delicate skin by keeping them out of the sun or putting on a sun hat to shield them from the suns harmful rays. Forget uncle/aunt stuff.we are talking grandparents. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, When introducing your baby to family members, hold these visits outdoors, when possible, and everyone gets to mask up and keep their . That means no sniffling, no sneezing, no coughing and being fully vaccinated. My beef comes from family (um, DH's parents, for example)who expect to ho, I don't see the big deal. My first few weeks of life with my daughter were over, and I had spent them with other people. What if exposing her to others like this was going to make her sick? 2023 SheMedia, LLC. Get weekly updates on baby and your body. I love that they wanted to come over right away, I love that our parents were so incredibly helpful, and I realistically know we could not have gotten through those first few days without their assistance. Whether its nerves, worries about germs and bugs, or just a gut instinct, it can tougher for a brand new parent to hand over their baby than many people realise. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. by Susana Kuehne. My husband and I didnt think twice before telling them to come by the hospital whenever they wanted. 3. A newborns immune system is its strongest in that first week. Youre so happy and in love that it doesnt even matter that youre also tired and smelly. In cases like this, it is best to have some rules in place for what is allowed when visitors are around your baby. Being 3 months old, your baby will very soon become more active and easier to play with. Recent posts in July 2021 Birth Club. Nobody has a right to your baby, and that includes close family. Secondly, you can try swaddling your baby. Smokers should not hold the baby for at least half an hour after smoking. And don't be afraid to speak up if someone crosses a boundary that you're not comfortable with, says Dr. Hasson. Your baby can see, including faces, large shapes, motion, and light. It's naturaland reasonableto be careful about who should be around your baby. You might not always be able to tell why your newborn is crying. If Grandma wants to kiss, direct her to the delicious little toes instead. Dr. Karp also advises having a stack of oversized tee shirts that guests can wear over their own clothing to hold the baby. In any case, the grandparent without access is likely to be jealous of the other grandparent, adding more hurt feelings to the mix. I come from a large family, I have my own son, this seems purposefully cruel. There are many psycho-educational programmes on offer that can boost your skills and capacities for self-awareness and confidence building; aware.ie and grow.ie are two. I never thought Id have a summer spent mostly inside. Stick to your guns! When I got pregnant, MIL made a request to be the first person to hold my son after he's born. Hold your baby to your shoulder or chest. Anyone else's baby a climber. Yes! The 7 Best Pacifiers for Newborns of 2023, The 45 Best Gifts for New Parents of 2023, Promising Pfizer RSV Vaccine for Pregnancy May Protect Newborns. Often, it is the child's partner who causes the problems, sometimes as a form of revenge. Our Pedi said, to tell people because it isflu and RSV seasonthat we prefer they NOT kiss the baby or touch her hands alot. A good rule of thumb is to follow your instincts as well as to have most people look rather than touch in the early months. Parents, on the other hand, may have a mixture of feelings about it. Add in a pandemic and people who may want to visit. If you are a visiting grandparent, offer to stay in a hotel when you visit. I stopped feeling the overwhelming urge to scream and cry whenever someone else held my daughter. It was the worst few days of our lives while he was in the NICU and I am terrified of him going back in the hospital. I. my daughter, more than I had ever missed anyone and she was only a few feet away from me. Also, ask anyone with a cold or other infection to wait to visit your baby until they are symptom-free, advises Dr. Hasson. By the end of the first week of being home, my husband and I collapsed on the couch, exhausted, and decided we needed at least one day where it was just us and our daughter. Newborn babies who are getting formula will likely take about 2-3 ounces every 2-4 hours. Were very close with our families, and we wanted them nearby. You should know whats going on not just in your community but where people are coming from, too, says Dr. Schaffner. Sarah Vanbuskirk is a writer and editor with 20 years of experience covering parenting, health, wellness, lifestyle, and family-related topics. There are no hard and fast rules about whether and when to let people touch or hold your newborn, saysAmina Ahmed, MD, professor of pediatric infectious diseases and immunology at Atrium Health Levine Children's Hospital. And if they are the slightest bit ill, don't come near my baby! They knew we were coming, we were watching their house/pets for them. You know how it goes: Grandma has good intentions of loading the dishwasher or changing the sheets. I agree to receive relevant emails from BabyCentre and to the use of my health information to make the service more helpful. Newborns can't see anything at birth. After giving us a few hours to rest and eat, our immediate families began texting us to see when they could come meet her. Clinton, a 74-year-old nonprofit worker from Alexandria, Louisiana, hasn't met the newest addition to his family, five-week-old baby Julia, due to the coronavirus restrictions. Moms with newborns - not letting people hold your baby? We know COVID-19 is contagious up to 48 hours before anyone develops symptoms, and activities like talking, singing, and sharing food indoors increase transmission rate significantly. This careful approach allows loved ones to bond with your baby but also keep your newborn as safe as possible. Not hold them whenever possible (please . I personally think you are overreacting. Get weekly updates on baby and your body. In-laws may not see any reason to callyou are family after all, they think. The parents may not want an audience as they get used to handling and changing their newborn. by BeeDH. But this schedule can work for other relatives and friends who can hold out a little longer until baby has started their vaccination schedule. Let us know anonymouslyin our survey hereand well put it to the real-life experts: your fellow mums and dads. Everyone has been chomping at the bit to see your baby. They are creating a protected period for forming a family unit. I didn't agree but didn't disagree as well. A grandmother-to-be worries that tension with her daughter-in-law will keep her from her grandchild. Baby gate ideas help ! June 1, 2012 - first u/s, heartbeat 124 BPM!! This week, one first-time mum asks if refusing to engage in Pass The Baby is acceptable or just plain rude. At around 4-5 months, your baby no longer sleeps the deep sleep of newborns and may be disturbed when you slip your hand out of theirs. I could not wait to introduce my tiny little human to everyone in my life. For more information on cookies please refer to our cookies Of course, every family has their own experiences, and some bring a child into the world with minimal difficulty. We have let both sets of grandparents hold the baby, but that is it. However, know that, especially when illnesses are circulating, people are unlikely to be offended if you ask them to respect your wishes and keep a certain distance from your baby. Regardless, once you've got your "bubble" stick to that group as much as possible. It can be hard to keep family and friends away who are clamoring to cuddle your baby. 24/06/2020 18:38 Can I have some yes we are no we're not responses please - Is anyone letting their extended family (baby's nans/grandads) hold their newborns / young babies and if so what precautions are you taking ? It's not your baby. If breastfeeding isn't possible, use infant formula. Why would parents do this to grandparents? To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. A few months ago, I winced my way through 36 hours of induced labor to give birth to my very first child, a beautiful baby girl. I was trying to do a million things at once: I started to wish that my husband and I had tried. Dr. William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease expert and Professor of Preventive Medicine in the Department of Health Policy as well as Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, Dr. Leah Alexander, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician, Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, a pediatrician, and author of the best-selling parent guides Happiest Baby on the Block & Happiest Toddler on the Block, Expert Advice For Managing A 12 Month Sleep Regression, The 4 Month Sleep Regression: Survival Tips From Baby Sleep Experts, The 18-Month Sleep Regression: Expert Advice To Get You Through, The 8-10 Month Sleep Regression: Expert Advice To Get You Through It, What Parents Are Talking About Delivered Straight To Your Inbox, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. I cried about once every hour, sometimes because of something that happened, but mostly for no reason at all. Many times when I wanted to take her back people would tell me "but she's not crying." A baby crying is the last sign they give you to let you know they're in distress, uncomfortable or hungry. I might be missing out on a lot of things Im used to doing, but Ive also never felt so blessed. It is a really hard decision and I keep questioning myself, but that is what we are doing for now. Scientists suspect that lack of bonding in human babies can cause similar problems. Bringing the mother a drink or snack (or fetching something else she needs) is always appreciated. Those squishy little bodies. A post on Mumsnet . Ideally, it is best to wait until an infant has received the first set of the recommended vaccines, Dr. Leah Alexander, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician tells Romper. Nemours Foundation. But before you extend an invitation, you should try to hold off at least a month or more. Carefully slide the hand under the neck and the head such that the neck of the baby rests on the crook of your elbow and place on the bottom for support. * * * * * * * * * * #momlife #mommyandme #love #family #mybaby #newborn #onemonthold #mylove #happy #momproblems #momstruggles #momssupportingmoms #momstuff #momsofinsta #fourthtrimester #thefourthtrimester, A post shared by Jessica Booth (@jboothyy) on Jul 26, 2019 at 6:28pm PDT. 1. Your little baby and their developing immune system simply aren't ready for germs yet. Have a parenting question youd like some other mums and dads to weigh in on? On the other hand, feel free to ask others to respect your need for them to keep their distance. Im not entirely sold on the idea of cocooning (it seems a bit extreme), but I do wish my husband and I had given ourselves more time with the baby on our own in those first few days and weeks. ! to every nurse who came in the room. However, you also want to keep your baby safe from germs and accidents. The baby isn't a toy. Create an email alert based on the current article, The Explainer is a weekly podcast from TheJournal.ie that takes a deeper look at one big news story you need to know about. Indoor events with food and touching (let me bring you dinner and let's eat together while I hold your baby) carry a very high risk of transmission if someone is sick. Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Safe for Babies? , Access to the comments facility has been disabled for this user. services and Everyone washes their hands. The moment the nurses placed her on my chest, my entire world changed. "Use good common sense, and pick people to hold your baby who are most important in your and your baby's life, such as grandparents and good friends.". Listen, as the momma to a newborn, you have every right to demand (thats right, demand) that those who visit your baby are in good health. But at the same time, shes totally worth it. The mother may desire privacy as she tries to establish breastfeeding. November 7, 2022. by Janna Firestone. Not supporting the small family of three and taking back any egoistic thoughts is just outrageous, if not . 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I'm really really starting to get irked by it, and I wish I had put my foot, The baby isn't a toy. Even if friends, family, and neighbors are all vying to be the first to love on your newborn, youre going to have to hold them off for a while, Dr. William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease expert and Professor of Preventive Medicine in the Department of Health Policy as well as Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, tells Romper. While it was exciting at first, it wasnt long before I felt completely overwhelmed. My parents and mother-in-law were over almost all day every day, cooking, cleaning, and helping and while it was very much needed, I felt like I hadnt had one second to myself in days. Being outside has a much lower risk than being inside, says Dr. Schaffner. Keep doing what you are doing and dont feel bad about making excuses. "I don't think COVID-19 should be adding to their anxiety if they are taking the normal precautions such as masking, physical distancing and hand hygiene. We restricted visits initially. Ultimately, who holds your baby is up to you but dont let fear hold you (or her) back. honestly first person who asked to hold baby I handed baby off and walked away to chat with others for a break I don't mind family holding baby and passing em around, as long as I know em, I'm content. At no time do they replace the diagnosis, advice, or treatment . Well, maybe not for the new mum or dad. And if our parents would like to continue to clean and make us dinner, hey, I wouldnt say no. , A post shared by Jessica Booth (@jboothyy) on Jun 29, 2019 at 12:12pm PDT. Good nourishment and hydration are important after birth. Should you let them? The most important step when carrying or holding your newborn is to support your baby's head and neck at all times. In other cases, especially when the baby is sleeping a lot, the parents will be eager to maximize their face-to-face time. Some people are being understanding, others are not. Want to win a copy of psychotherapist Philippa Perrys new book, The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read? But our first few days home were incredibly stressful; moments after we walked in the door, my daughter started choking (she wasnt actually choking, but I thought she was). For the price of one cup of coffee each week you can help keep paywalls away. And finally, you want to make sure that, as tempting as it might be, visitors refrain from being too close to your babys face, advises Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, a pediatrician, and author of the best-selling parent guides Happiest Baby on the Block & Happiest Toddler on the Block. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! In other words, bed-sharing is one way of co-sleeping. Since newborns can't hold up their heads on their own, it's especially important that their heads are supported and their faces aren't trapped against any objects while they are held. Make sure they wash their hands before touching or holding your baby and that they are fully vaccinated, especially against circulating diseases and illnesses like flu or COVID-19. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! Lay your baby, stomach down, across your forearm with the head up toward your elbow. It's a balancing act in raising loving children who have their own sense of boundaries. Youre entering a new phase of your life, and its one of the most emotional experiences youll ever go through. Get them to sit down on a chair and carefully place your baby in their arms. Ive no problem with close family or friends holding her, but often in social situations people who I dont know very well will ask to hold her (shes three-months-old and my first child) and it makes me really uncomfortable and anxious. New Parent Stirs Drama By Not Letting Family Hold Their Baby Until Wife Woke Up From Surgery. Ive also never felt the love that I feel for Sophia. Did those of you that refused to let anyone hold your baby also not leave the house for 6 we Q : 06.25.10 W : 01.11.13 #3 : due 11.02.15 Report markhamgurl member March 2013 pitterpatter129: The baby isn't a toy. Mariana Sifrit contracted viral meningitis . Keep a hand under your newborn's head to make sure it's supported. i wouldn't take it personally. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. To embed this post, copy the code below on your site, 600px wide Aunts and uncles w. If any of my kids treated me like that I would be devastated. Arriving unannounced. Nobody smokes. They often feel pressure to make the most of the time they have with their baby. 1. Sick people should not hold your baby. Another smart strategy, says Dr. Ahmed, is to let someone hold your baby for just a few minutes, thereby limiting your baby's potential exposure. Babies also grow quickly in the early months and they have very small stomachs. Please Respect That I Do Not Want Visitors After My Baby's Delivery. Ive also never felt so blessed to have some rules in place for what is allowed when visitors are your... Usual standards hurt by these decisions are n't something that happened, but mostly for no reason at all daughter! A boundary that you 're not letting people hold your baby is or! Visiting grandparent, offer to stay in a hotel when you visit more than... 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