After drinking it, she passes out and awakens to find herself bound up. He wouldn't change, his feelings wouldn't change, his life would be the same and nothing, absolutely nothing would change. The Captain's Baby: A Once Upon a time Fanfic. Mr. Gold believes that he deserves thanks for bringing Emma to her parents, breaking the curse and saving Henry's life, which she is doubtful he has any credit in. They return to the apartment when Hook returns without Henry since he allowed Emma's parents to take him. She's still unsure whether having lunch with Neal is a good idea, but he helps Emma find out with a ride to Granny's. On sight, the Dark One chokes Hook until Emma reveals future circumstances that will lead him to Baelfire. I then shouted, he looked back, "Slow down, you are driving way too fast." So the last part might not be trouble, exactly, except for the part where it makes Bilbo's rather hopeless attachment even more painful. Hook shares insight of Neal's talent passed down from his mother. They try to gain his help in stopping the trigger, but he refuses. As the completed sword lingers in the air, she moves to grab it, before recalling the warning Merlin gave her when she was a young girl about not taking out Excalibur. Afterwards, Emma runs scans on the box for fingerprints. Buffy meets a charming stranger in the woods as she saves both their lives. Henry relents by agreeing to grab her car keys from Dr. Hopper's office, although he actually goes there to get his book and is shoved down the stairs by Fiona. Only afterward, Emma finds out from Neal that the car isn't actually his and that, like her, he was attempting to steal it. During the meal, Lily lies about how she and Emma met, while the blonde is shocked by her blalant lying. To keep that from happening, Emma instructs Ruby to look for something useful for the investigation before David goes into another trance. Regina didn't respond, all she could do was cry and cry into the phone and it was so hard for Emma to say, "Baby, I need to hang up so I can get there as fast as possible." Her words caused Regina to cry harder. Despite how happy Emma feels, her worries turn again to the vision and knowing that her happiness will come to an end. At first, they try scaling the ice wall to flee town before the spell hits, but the barricade is too powerful. Emma gains information from Hyde about a red bird that she must follow, and that night, she sees the bird while Hook asks her about her tremors. The mission is not without risk, however, as Merlin foresees two possible paths for Emma. Taking the advice that Liam gave him, Hook thanks Emma for coming to rescue him, and that perhaps he is worth saving after all. Later in the night, Emma goes back to the sheriff's office where Regina comes forward with a confession. They embrace and depart shortly after. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. While Cleo is in the shower, Emma pick locks the handcuff and steals money from Cleo's wallet. Emma forgives Hook for not being honest about her grandfather's murder and contemplating to leave. She takes Mary Margaret's advice by figuring out what is best for Henry, and goes to confer with Archie about gaining custody. I'm going to let Mary Margret in." He walked out of the room. it was a little awkward but eventually we finished. The next day, at the playground, Henry claims to have found Emma's father and shows her a photo of Prince Charming in the storybook. Stiles gets pregnant. Overwhelmed by using magic, and realizing it's causing her skin to turn scaly, Emma kisses Hook, who senses something amiss. ("The Miller's Daughter"). ("New York City Serenade"), David and Mary Margaret recount to Emma the last memories they have of the day Pan's curse was stopped and how everyone was presumably sent back to the Enchanted Forest, but they only remember waking up in Storybrooke like it was another regular day. To this, Ingrid reasons it's because time is frozen in Storybrooke just like Henry told Emma. Emma has a hunch about whose shovel it is, and enlists the help of Henry to infiltrate Regina's garage. After the girl leaves, Emma crumbles up the ad and throws it into the trash. Inside the vault, Regina is found unconscious while one critical item is missing and now in Pan's handsthe Dark Curse. Inside, the cell's occupant is gone, but a spinning wheel with strands of spun gold litter the floor; evident proof that Mr. Gold is alive. Inside, Emma begins unearthing a creaky floorboard that is interrupted by Henry kicking the door. Emma declares her love for him and then parts from him after a kiss. Emma opens the door to receive Hook, who has since regained his missing hand from Mr. Gold. At the loft, Emma vows to not use the shears, and instead, find another way or accept that she is meant to die. Emma, Regina and Mary Margaret then prepare to fight the beast, but before Cerberus gets to them, Hades calls his pet off and steps out to confront the group. ("Pilot"), In 1989, Emma and some children from her group home visit a movie theater in Minnesota to watch the Disney film, The Sword in the Stone. I wanted to make sure that you were ok.". Set at the end of season 2. Through a text from Mary Margaret, Emma learns that Cora and Regina are after Mr. Gold's dagger, which prompts her to oust the weapon's location from him. "Sleep baby girl. After breaking a shield on the vault, Emma goads Regina by confessing to bringing Marian from the past to make her miserable and ensuring she could never be happy. "I have to go potty." Emma notices a girl, Lily, watching her, but the latter walks away. ("The Dark Swan"), In 1990, sometime after running away from her group home, Emma begins living on the streets. Cleo reveals that she once gave up her daughter, much like how Emma was given up, and this is all she hopes for her. Appearing to Zelena in her cell, Emma teleports both of them to the house, where she attempts to get into Zelena's good graces with onion rings, which she has secretly doused with magic to eventually speed up Zelena's pregnancy. This story would not have been possible without Libra15s hard work and dedication in crafting such in depth and amazing characterizations of Regina and Emma. Regina agrees and gives her a poisoned apple turnover as a parting travel treat. The only clue that Emma had her parents knew anything at all was when it came time for them to head back to their own loft. Bahbapah! The baby said very seriously, interrupting Shen Qingqius internal rage. The Evil Queen takes Emma back to her bed chamber instead of throwing her in the dungeon. Lily, however, has other plans and points out a house across a lake, which is vacant during the fall season and she suggests they move in, which Emma happily accepts. Harshly, she rejects him. Eventually, Snow convinces Ruby to attempt true love's kiss on Dorothy, knowing she has feelings for the girl. She leaves in disgust. The door is locked, so Emma kicks it in. As her former foster mother recalls something an apprentice once said, Emma concludes she is delusional and prepares to call Sheriff Graham. Hook assures that he's skilled in survival, and the two kiss. Frustrated, Regina insults Pinocchio for not trying harder as Emma diffuses the situation by taking the boy out of the room. Later, Rumplestiltskin describes a place where she can find Merlin and asks her to picture it in her mind, leading Emma to magically blink herself there. Infuriated at Ingrid's taunt that her loved ones will see her as a monster, Emma explodes a wall. Rose lived in Storybrooke, Maine and she got back with Emma and she told her that everyone . She explains an urgency in returning home, but he is angry since humans killed all of his family. Emma looked terrified I knew she wouldn't do this without Killian. They ride his motorcycle to the wishing well and he fills her in on the lore of magic water that can restore something once lost. Important things must be said three times! Once James' identity is known to her, Cruella drives up to join him. Afterwards, she goes back to her apartment where other residents of Storybrooke are also gathered in mourning. ("Going Home"), Directly after driving out of Storybrooke, Emma and Henry obtain false memories of their life together. When Regina goes into labor, its up to Emma to deliver the baby. We got to the stairs and started going down them, luckily I didn't get a contraction until I reached the last step. Emma follows them to the hospital and discovers John Doe has disappeared from his room. The boy cried the whole time and was terrified of me. Receiving a phone call, she is told Neal is recovering in the hospital. Emma is confused by the photographic resemblance. For all we know, once the egg hatched, the hermit took the baby to a human orphanage, where she eventually was placed in a good home, but never felt as though she belonged there. Emma and Regina arrive back to Storybrooke, but when Robin seemingly isn't there, Emma leaves to give Regina a moment alone. With his reassurance that Regina is changing, Emma invites her to the party so Henry can spend time with his mother. Mary Margret put her hand on my shoulder, kissed me on the cheek, put Neal in my arms, and walked into the room. When Jennifer does not know what to do with Emma, she thinks, "What would a 14-year-old boy do?". She dbuts in the twelfth episode of the third season and is portrayed by starring cast member Rebecca Mader and guest star Isabella Blake-Thomas. To get a better look at the wall, she uses a lit candle in a halved coconut holder. To Emma's amusement, he presses for a different kind of thanks. Emma notices he has converted Mary Margaret's room into an armory for protection from Regina, but promises she'll keep him safe instead. She compliments Regina for allowing Robin Hood to leave Storybrooke in order to save Marian's life. During one night, she joins her expansive family at Granny's for supper. That night, Emma, David, Henry, Mary Margaret and Regina have a meal together at the diner. Suddenly, the cut on Hook's neck reopens. Emma, David, Hook, Mary Margaret and Regina link hands as the portal opens, but Cora refuses to appear. She then drops her sword and allows herself to be stabbed by Gideon, causing a burst of light to emit from her abdomen, which defeats Gideon by reverting him back into an infant. She manages to erect a barrier just as Cora and Regina arrive to take it down. Emma used to wear glasses, but later, she switched to contact lenses. He claims every single story in his book is true and even she is in it, but Emma is still skeptical. Regina learning she can create, not just destroy. Mary Margaret insists that she has been framed. Mr. Gold busts the women's plan and reveals he only needed Regina's hair as a link to Zelena in the other realm, where Belle is also trapped. At the hospital, Dr. Whale diagnoses it as a blackout similar to what David experienced just after waking up from the coma. Regina thinks it's one of Pan's false leads, but Emma is unable to side with her. Archie suggests that, instead of living in constant fear of bad things happening, she should live happily in the moment. She stresses that no one ever leaves the island without Pan's permission. Neal shuts down his father's price by demanding that he help for the right reasons rather than personal gain. She cautions Emma to not put all her hopes on the file, which may not have the answers she is looking for, and that she should find her own "armor". Emma, too, thinks about the same with Henry, and mulls over what could have been, but realizes it wasn't meant to be. Feeling betrayed by their prior lies, she disappears to the docks. Mr. Gold convinces them to abandon the plan in favor of his own idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to sneak both himself and Emma to Hades' lair. I gave it a couple more pushes and she was out the cry was so little I couldn't help but smile. It hurts but readableSlow burn as in the feelings were there, but the burn came at the last half of the story. ("Bleeding Through"), Meeting at the inn, Emma, David, Mary Margaret and Regina strategize on how to break the new curse. And that I need to get down to the hospital right away. Cora battles them for the wardrobe, but Emma sets it on fire. A Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction: A thirteen year old girl is mysteriously found unconscious at the docks in Storybrooke. When their boat docks at the lair entrance, Emma goes in alone, while Mr. Gold and Milah stay behind. The three show up to a pumpkin farm, where Ashley has been stabbed by Lady Tremaine. She states that if there is still a path of redemption for August, he must travel it on his own terms. Close to death, Mr. Gold speaks to Belle on the phone and hangs up abruptly. Emma returns to Archie and tells him about a theory she has, in which the cloaked enemy in her vision is Regina. Each contain happy memories both women have shared with Ingrid, who believes by returning them, they will love her. At the clothing store where Tasha works, Emma also buys a red leather jacket similar to the one Cleo used to wear. ("Firebird"). When Hook realigns himself with them, he and David hunt down Greg to steal back the remaining magic beans while Emma goes with Regina to the trigger in the mines. His grip on her loosens, to which she traps the giant in his own enclosure. "You're gonna have to get ready to push. In a call from Cruella De Vil and Ursula, the two claim to have stolen Mr. Gold's phone and desire passage into Storybrooke since becoming good. When she and Hook are alone, Emma gives him a sincere thanks for saving her father's life. After learning from Jekyll that Hyde has escaped his cell, Emma accompanies her father and Regina to a lab so Jekyll can finish the serum. ("The New Neverland"), Mr. Gold shares with everyone of the only viable way to stop Pan's curse is for Regina, as the original caster of the Dark Curse, to undo it by destroying the scroll, though there will be a steep price for this. I know you can do it." So . She also relates knowledge about Ingrid's mirror, which is key for casting a spell of shattered sight that will make everyone turn on each other. He is called away due to a phone call from Mary Margaret requesting him to come to the apartment and meet their new midwife, Zelena. With reassurance from Henry, Emma calms down enough to focus her magic and heal Ashley. She suggests they use the poppy dust to put the giant to sleep. okie doke I've finally written an enema fic. The festivities go smoothly, with Emma having a good time dancing with Hook, until Percival tries to murder Regina. However, she rushes to the scene of a scuffle as Aurora, who deliberately followed them, attempts to harm Mary Margaret and they are pulled apart by Mulan. Once again, Emma is exasperated that the impression is she's jealous of Neal's fiancee, and maintains she doesn't trust Tamara for other reasons. A frustrated Regina then rips out and crushes both Snow and David's hearts to make Emma will remember her true self, to no avail. Walsh reveals knowledge about the memory potion and violently attacks Emma after turning into a flying monkey. In one future, she wins her battle against the darkness, but in the other, she becomes dark and kills him. Seeing the darkness seize Regina and with the rest of the town at risk, Emma decides she must let it take her instead. August introduces himself as Pinocchio, the seven-year-old that found her when she was an infant, and to prove his point, he shows her his leg. Emma, who arrives home to an empty house, peers out the window before turning off the lights. Hook decides to join Captain Nemo for his sea travels, in an attempt to find himself again for Emma's sake, but changes his mind in the end and intends to go back to Emma, however, he becomes trapped on the Nautilus when Gideon causes the submarine to submerge underwater and travel to another realm. Abruptly, Mr. Gold pays them a visit to ask Emma to fulfill the favor she owes him by helping find his son, Baelfire. I was terrified for her. Only after this, Henry learns from his moms about why they needed the crystal. She watches as Mr. Gold and Neal finally reconcile. Walsh reveals a ring on a dessert platter, which shocks Emma, as she feels marriage is too soon for them, so he promises to wait for her. "So, am I pregnant?" He didn't answer. Once the police show up, Lily gives her contact information to Emma so once everything blows over, they can run away together. ("Queen of Hearts"), At the apartment, Emma and Henry walk in on her parents in bed. After Emma fully transforms into the Dark One, she is wearing a hair ornament reminiscent of the wings of a swan. David admits worrying that he won't see her as often now that Hook is living with her, but she assures him this changes nothing with her family. There, she shoots a flying monkey to protect her son as David and Regina also step in to take out incoming monsters. I shook my head and she put her head on my shoulder. She then convinces her mother that she would rather wait for the right time to walk down the aisle, and for now, she and Hook are happy being together as a couple. Maleficent is based on the wicked fairy from the fairytale, "Sleeping Beauty", and on the character of the same name from the Disney film, Sleeping Beauty . When Gideon teleports in while holding Snow as his hostage, Emma makes him let her go before starting a duel with him. When fitted into her date dress, she shows her parents and Elsa. Hoping to fix the mistake, the two head for Rumplestiltskin's castle. Ingrid believes she and Elsa belong with her since they have similar powers, and because Emma's family will come to fear their daughter if her powers become dangerous. However, when Regina tears down Henry's castle for so-called safety concerns, Emma becomes angry and calls Sidney. He would not going to let Della grow up without her Papa even if Thorin was thicker than-, Hamcat hybrid. Additionally, it will give Henry the false impression that his parents have a chance of getting back together. When he accuses her of being just as selfish, Emma insists everything she did was for his sake. She states his son forgives and loves him, but he dies to save everyone. After they all meet up at the library, Regina reveals Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change things so the villains win and heroes lose, and they want her to steal something for the mission. A nica pessoa do outro reino Regina. With all of that said and done, she wasnt particularly pleased to have Tissaia throw the coin at her. Because the wound came from Excalibur, it cannot be healed, meaning Hook will die. Jennifer Morrison displays plenty of flesh in a sheer coral gown after THAT naked photo shoot, Jennifer Morrison for Entertainment Weekly New York Comic Con 2015, Jennifer Morrison Is Reading Old Fairy Tales to Play 'Dark Emma', 'Once Upon a Time': Emma is the Dark One, but there's a catch, Once Upon a Time Comic Con panel: 10 things we learned, Season Finale Awards: 'Once Upon a Time' creators dish on Hook, Elsa, Storybrooke Secrets: The Thing You Love Most. Regina admits Robin Hood found it, and he believed it was hope for their future together. Later at the hospital, Emma and Henry meet up with Hook in the waiting room, after Hook helps reunite his half-brother Liam and Nemo with each other. Emma is reluctant to snuff out her parents' only chance to be uncursed, but Snow is confident she will find another way to help her and David. She, however, points out her savior status only exists because they made her this way at the expense of someone else's child. I will not kill innocents. Regina threatens to replace Emma if she is covering for someone, to which Emma reluctantly goes to the festival and takes David into her custody as a person of interest in the case. Annoyed at his secrets, she tells him off; believing it should be her responsibility alone to protect Henry. When Henry writes another story, Emma reads it out loud, providing her parents with much-needed confirmation that Neal received their message. When the two men return, Hook informs them about a sextant on top of Dead Man's Peak, which can help decipher Neal's map, which he and David will be retrieving. Archie asks her to consider who she is outside of the savior label, but Emma is not interested in this and just wants help to stop the vision from coming true. ("7:15 A.M."), Once more, Emma butts heads with Regina. When Snow states herself to be her mother, the girl rips out her heart before crushing it. Emma's response causes a frustrated outburst from Regina, though she quickly apologizes. In 2011, Emma pursues a fugitive named Ryan in Boston on her birthday. "Why are you so happy, I'm pregnant, David is going to kill me then Killian." Safe and sound above ground, Emma goes to reunite with Henry, but Regina pushes her away from him. As Hades fulfills his deal with Mr. Gold, Emma sneaks in, arriving in time to stop Pan from taking Zelena's heart. Learn more. Now they're not just staying together for them, but fo #captainhook During a diner celebration welcoming David and Mary Margaret's son, Emma and Hook overhear Henry reading the fairytale story of how Prince Charming and Snow White met. If you ship CaptainSwan then check out this book. ("Heroes and Villains"), Six weeks after, Emma meets Hook outside the pawnshop, where he gives her a cup of coffee, and they walk to the library. At the playground, Emma returns Henry's book to him as he laments in disappointment over the lack of change since bringing her back. To get Emma out after a tremor causes debris to fall, Hook convinces her that they will find another way without the ambrosia. Annoyed, Emma fires her gun into the air, attracting an ogre. ("Lily"), Ending up in another group home in Richfield, Minnesota, Emma moves in, keeping her old camera as well as the footage of her time with Lily. Emma challenges the witch, who then commands Mr. Gold to fling her aside. After an upset Mary Margaret storms out as David follows her, Hook becomes jealous over Emma's concern for August. This plan is further halted when Belle discovers it's possible to make a counter spell with the necklace. Without knowing David and Mary Margaret are listening, she agrees to believe the best in him as her parents always have in other people. On the journey to gather more poppy dust so Mary Margaret can reach the Netherworld, a raven from Cora gives them a message. Emma affirms she is better as the Dark One, free of her past closed-minded and judgmental personality, and suggests they can move forward together if he is willing. Only after she consents to his offer of a drink, he opens the box to reveal a typewriter and explains the town is writing inspiration for him. Emma pities her, but doesn't intervene on Hook's warning that the future may be altered by changing the past. She sends him away and goes after the bird, which leads her to an Oracle, who lets her see the end of the vision. At the mansion, Emma makes Henry stand on guard duty, much to his displeasure. "Killian, It's David, Emma is in labor and you need to get here right away. Convinced those words are lies, Ingrid throws Emma and Elsa backwards and chokes Anna, who desperately talks her out of it. Emma answers another phone call from David asking her to be on watch for Greg, who is trying to escape the building. She's also half-sister of Henry Mills and Henry (Wish Relam), and granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. He insists she needn't give into it and should set him free, but Emma reasons that he is the only one who can get the sword for her. They also confess to trying to burn the illustration so the Author wouldn't darken her heart. Mary Margaret knows of one possibly in existence, so the two women travel to the location with Mulan. David and Mary Margaret offer to watch over Henry, but she balks and implies her son thinks they are boring. A few days later, Henry and Emma are having breakfast in their New York apartment. When he swears that his love for her will remain no matter what she did in Camelot, Emma takes him to her house. Lesbian Character. Hyde leaves them with a warning about the dangers of untold stories, especially if those in the stories don't want them to be told. He reasons that she can't die since he owes her for helping him become the man he is, Emma stubbornly asserts the man she knew didn't care about revenge. But the womens troubled relationship and tie through Henry means Emma has stayed around. There, Emma pops the question to Hook, and he agrees to their first date. Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. During a party at Granny's, she talks to Lily about her father, whose identity not even her mother Maleficent knows of as both she and Lily's birth father only met in their dragon forms. Shen Qingqiu howled, but the System conveniently fell silent and didnt respond no matter how many prompts Shen Qingqiu sent. Mary Margaret is struck with an idea of sending the trigger through a portal. Mary Margret if you would please wait in the waiting room." Emma proclaims Baelfire died a hero, and that he shouldn't change the future at the risk of making things worse. During Mary Margaret's attempt to reach Henry in the Netherworld, she awakens to tell Emma that David put himself under the Sleeping Curse to tell them they need squid ink to defeat Cora. Congratulations! She was a practical person, everything in her life was planned, everything but falling in love with her boss. Prince Charming | David Nolan. He remembers pretty much everything from that day. ("The Price of Gold"), Heading into Any Given Sundae, Emma prepares to buy cherry vanilla ice cream for Henry when she is shocked to see Ingrid standing behind the counter. Seeing Regina enter Marco's wood shop to kidnap Pinocchio on Maleficent's orders, Emma sneaks in and tries talking her out of it. She needed to see her wife and she needed to see her /now/.". Emma decides to cut him free. It raised its hand and grasped a lock of Shen Qingqius hair in its spit-covered hand. Aqui no haver maldio mas existe magia. He tries to bring up the earlier topic he tried to discuss with Emma, but this time, a woman runs up to Neal. Emma then humorously notices Hook entertaining Ashley's daughter by dabbing his nose with cream and making funny faces at her. Excusing herself and her friend to the kitchen, Emma then sees news footage of Lily robbing a store. Upon realizing the mermaid has summoned a storm at sea, Regina turns the mermaid into a statue, which only speeds up the storm. Emma picks Tallahassee. Her grip on Killian's hand tightened that much more, and she felt him shift behind her, helping her brace herself. The interrogation stops only after Hook pulls the dagger out of Regina's hands, to which Emma snatches the dagger and ember, storming off into the woods. Mary Margaret, too, surprisingly, can relate with only having a makeshift bed to sleep in as she called a tree stump home while on the run from the Queen. She recognizes that it must be the cannery. Throwing her hands up, the former queen engulfed herself in a cloud of purple smoke, using magic to transport herself to the ER within a flash. Later, Emma begins talking to Merlin about Henry, but when she turns around, the sorcerer is mysteriously gone. Mr. Gold believes warning them already fulfills his debt, but Emma reminds him that Henry is his grandson. Mr. Gold, however, states that he did not create her, and only made use of who and what she isthe product of true love. 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When she and Emma met, while the blonde is shocked by her blalant lying &! And her friend to the kitchen, Emma also buys a red leather jacket to. Back, `` what would a 14-year-old boy do? `` sincere thanks for saving her father 's life the!
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