This was a widely published anonymous derivative of. What made Patton a great leader? I mean by that that initially, the SS people were special sons of bitches, but as the war progressed they ran out of sons of bitches and then they put anybody in there. He was known in his time as "America's Fightingest General". Those mannerisms achieved spectacular results. Let's forget those fine firm bases In the dreary shell-raked spaces, Let's shoot the works and win! Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" "The Q Is WHO" by PATTON.45 featuring George Carlin, The jew Assassination of Great White General George Patton, Silence Patton - The Murder Of General George Patton (Documentary), Hitler Truth: Will Out We Defeated The Wrong Enemy (Operation Thunder). Even before the wars end, the British PM expanded his anti-Communist rhetoric. According to the 1987 book Cannon fodder: growing up for Vietnam the exact quote is: We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. So they began a non-stop hounding of him in the press, a la Watergate, accusing him of being soft on Nazis and continually recalling an incident in which he had slapped a shirker two years previously, during the Sicily campaign. If it should be necessary to fight the Russians, the sooner we do it the better., Two days later he repeated his concern when he wrote his wife: If we have to fight them, now is the time. At war's end (WW2), Gen. George Patton awakened to what Henry Ford had called "The World's Foremost Problem." To a man who abhorred defensive warfare with the scorn of George Patton, the shutdown came as a bitter and crushing blow. Are You Ready for Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 American Style? The casualties in the operation had been inordinately high and can be blamed on the Americans complete lack of training for such operations. We are going to twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time. The smell was so terrible that I almost fainted and actually about three hours later lost my lunch as the result of remembering it., These experiences and a great many others firmly convinced Patton that the Jews were an especially unsavory variety of creature and hardly deserving of all the official concern the American government was bestowing on them. They should be killed off like rats. The Third Army suffered 64 men killed, 547 wounded, and 187 missing, assumed captured. Behind Patton's blood and guts personality was an absolute professional, one of the most competent army commanders our side put into the field; the Germans were painstaking in their analysis of the leaders who faced them in battle, and Patton was the only Anglo-American who seriously troubled them. the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. I've heard that he wanted America to ally National Socialist Germany in order to destroy the U.S.S.R. Is this true? Also aboard was Leon Johnson [USAF], who had been awarded the Medal of Honor for the Ploesti Raid, followed by eight or nine noncoms, not one of whom was wearing less than a Silver Star. It is not cricket and is Semitic. For example, the condescending 1943 meeting between British General Bernard Montgomery and Patton in Messina, Sicily, as portrayed in one of the films smarmiest scenes, never occurred. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright John C. Carleton 2023. #googlegate? At war's end (WW2), Gen. Considered one of the most successful combat generals in U.S history, George Patton was the first officer assigned to the Tank Corps in WWI. Today, the evidence that he was murdered -- the first in a line of postwar political assassinations including that of President John F. Kennedy -- is mounting. According to Colonel Harkins, the Third Army had "gone farther, captured more prisoners, liberated more friendly territory, and captured more enemy territory, than any army ever before in American history." HTownWaffen Published on Jan 24, 2022. That purpose is alertness. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I cant see how Americans can sink so low. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? Patton picked up the GI holster in which I carried my 30-year-old Colt .45. With great reluctance, and only after repeated promptings from Eisenhower, he had thrown German families out of their homes to make room for more than a million Jewish DPs part of the famous six million who had supposedly been gassed but he balked when ordered to begin blowing up German factories, in accord with the infamous Morgenthau Plan to destroy Germanys economic basis forever. Communism was a real threat to Europe and America and, we really did fight the wrong enemy. What kind of dog did General George Patton have? Category. We came home that night quite late and the next morning he came upstairs and woke me up and said we were going for breakfast. General George S. Patton "We are fighting the Wrong Enemy" It's the Communist that will destroy Europe! You can't carry that cannon with you everywhere you go.". Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. You are ready for what's to come. As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY", Hitler Truth: Will Out We Defeated The Wrong Enemy (Operation Thunder), Germany After WW2 - A Defeated People - Documentary On Germany in the immediate aftermath of wwII, 2022 Documentary - WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PART 2 - WHO WERE THE BOLSHEVIKS. While I would love to dive deeper into these interesting topics in history, I feel more compelled to quickly revisit and, learn some new unlearned facts on certain subjects and, apply these lessons to todays current events and bring these here for us to discuss in the open. I went home and stayed at Green Meadows. We have gone through extensive research and reading to produce this article on George S Patton We Defeated The Wrong Enemy. Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. He could not help but compare them with the French, the Italians, the Belgians, and even the British. Why does RSASSA-PSS rely on full collision resistance whereas RSA-PSS only relies on target collision resistance? Second, he insisted that every soldier under his command always wear a necktie with shirt collar buttoned, even in combat action. . . 00:01. "WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY" GENERAL G. PATTON 1945 Everything he says is factual. Having been bombarded day and night by enemy planes, having had no sleep for days, a young personnel officer went berserk and had to be evacuated for medical treatment. As General Patton said before the Jews murdered him, "We fought the wrong enemy." Hat tip to PATTON.45 for this one. . First, he apparently loathed the olive drab wool cap that the soldier wore under his helmet for warmth and insisted that it be covered; woe be the soldier whom the general caught wearing the cap without the helmet. WWII hitler germany bolshevik communism patton truth. 2 March 1945 reply to a message from General. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains that victory. . Patton believed that profanity was the most convincing medium of communication to his troops. Churchill was a dedicated anti-Communist. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy's balls. Another September diary entry, following a demand from Washington that more German housing is turned over to Jews, summed up his feelings: , One of the strongest factors in straightening out General Pattons thinking on the conquered Germans was the behavior of Americas controlled news media toward them. Its said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. Killing without heroics, nothing is glorified nothing is reaffirmed? Then, in a press conference on September 22, reporters hatched a scheme to needle Patton into losing his temper and making statements which could be used against him. As General Patton said before the Jews murdered him, "We fought the wrong enemy." WIth him in the aircraft were a couple of division commanders, including John W. O'Daniel, who had lost his son in the Normandy invasion and who later became my commanding general at the Infantry School at Fort Benning when I went through the basic officers course in 1946. And while he strutted imperiously as a commander, he knelt humbly before his God. We are going to go through him like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn! We also accept moderation reports via email. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it., And in his diary, he noted: Today we received orders . Only those who are left alive and those who are left dead. Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation of brave men. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed., This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. MARKET-GARDEN was a high risk operation that failed. Published on Oct 18, 2020 No heroes, no cowards, no troops, no generals? The Americans (for the most part) loved Patton and hated Montgomery. Your email address will not be published. . At yet another press conference, Patton was asked whether SS prisoners would be treated differently from other German soldiers and made this reply: "Hell, no, SS means no more in Germany than being a Democrat [does] in America- that is not to be quoted." The end had finally come for our four all-stars, the greatest group of soldiers to ever serve together in the United States Army, maybe any army, any time. Who said a good plan executed today is better? George Patton was a highly decorated war hero from WWII who led the Third Army to victory in many campaigns. The most admirable quality about him was- I have to be so precise in wording this- that he disapproved of taking casualties. George Patton achieved four-star rank for his battlefield exploits as one of the best commanders of mechanized forces on either side during the War. In my opinion, it is a deliberate attempt to alienate the soldier vote from the commanders, because the communists know that soldiers are not communistic, and they fear what eleven million votes (of veterans) would do., In his letter to Harbord, Patton also revealed his own plans to fight those who were destroying the morale and integrity of the Army and endangering Americas future by not opposing the growing Soviet might: It is my present thought . Germany surrendered, unconditionally, at a minute past midnight, May 8, 1945. We parted friends". 00:01 He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of Americas enemies: , In his letter to Harbord, Patton also revealed his own plans to fight those who were destroying the morale and integrity of the Army and endangering Americas future by not opposing the growing Soviet might: . Gen X to Gen Z - What the f happened? the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually. Most of the Jews swarming over Germany immediately after the war came from Poland and Russia, and Patton found their personal habits shockingly uncivilized. George C. Scott, who portrayed Patton in the 1970. This first part is focused on pre war Germany. Why did Patton say we defeated the wrong enemy? In another letter to his wife, he commented: I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. This is Real History and we shall Never Forget and it will not be Re-written! Attributed as a quote in Charles W. Hudlin, "Morality and the Military Profession: Problems and Solutions". His answer was: No. It was undertaken at the expense of two possible offensives that had to be postponed because Eisenhower diverted supplies to MARKET-GARDEN. Pattons leadership style can be best summed up in his following quotes which remain remarkably relevant to this day: Do everything you ask of those you command. Patton believed leadership was done from the front, he understood that no one would follow a leader that didnt know what the work was like first-hand; No . First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is not intended for the individual but for the race. George Patton was the man of the hour and the darling of most of the press. No surprise, with jews in control. Patton caught his breath and roared, "Well you're the first silly sonuvabitch around this place that knows what he's trying to do. Better he exited the stage when he did. Try it out!Your Dark theme setting will apply to this browser only. The Ole Dog! Close. History. We are the better off for that, by many lives and many victories Patton spared others the burden of winning (the present author was a minute quantity among that multitude), and we have Eisenhower to thank. Rommel, you magnificent bastard! WordPress theme by, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). This is almost always attributed to US Ambassador. So they began a non-stop hounding of him in the press, a la Watergate, accusing him of being soft on Nazis and continually recalling an incident in which he had slapped a shirker two years previously, during the Sicily campaign. WW2 was definitely not a good war. To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of. Sometimes you look back on certain events in your life experiences or, what you have learned and, you realize that you have been misguided or wrong in your original positions. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In his diary, that night lie wrote: There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. SOURCE: Share this: Posted on December 29, 2021 by John Carleton in John | Leave a comment They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. Montgomery became an attrition general who paradoxically could not afford to fight attrition battles. Location: Beyond the Pale. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 436 1 3.3. What did General George S. Patton mean when he said "We've defeated the wrong enemy"? Did George Soros say he helped a Nazi confiscate property? His image with the troops was foremost with General Patton, and that meant always going forward, never backward. This page was last edited on 23 July 2022, at 10:38. The officers, with few exceptions, give the appearance of recently civilized Mongolian bandits. And Pattons aide, General Hobart Gay, noted in his own journal for May 14: Everything they (the Russians) did impress one with the idea of virility and cruelty., Nevertheless, Patton knew that the Americans could whip the Reds then but perhaps not later. You men are veterans or you wouldn't be here. Use the information wisely so that the information will be properly used. He even required that his troops wear a tie and leggings. Of the four, George Patton was probably the most gifted pure warrior, although Douglas MacArthur would undoubtedly dispute this claim. On the other hand, Patton, whose eccentricities were as marked as MacArthur's or Montgomery's and far more flamboyant, did not provoke the same resentment. So forever in the future, Shall I battle as of yore, Dying to be born a fighter, But to die again, once more. The noise against me is only the means by which the, Letter to Beatrice (29 September 1945), published in. that when I finish this job, which will be around the first of the year, I shall resign, not retire, because if I retire I will still have a gag in my mouth . Did Hillary Clinton support legalising such late-term abortions of fetuses as claimed by Ben Shapiro? Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. A New York newspaper printed the completely false claim that when Patton had slapped the soldier who was Jewish, he had called him a , Then, in a press conference on September 22, reporters hatched a scheme to needle Patton into losing his temper and making statements which could be used against him. He dared speak his mind and act accordingly to his convictions. Even if you are hit, you can still fight back. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin! Awakened by Patton's boot in his side, the soldier spluttered in the darkness. Almost every day he would head for the front, standing erect in his jeep, helmet and brass shining, a pistol on each hip, a siren blaring. Did the "Russian Sleep Experiment" happen? When deeply moved, he readily gave way to tears. He was also alarmed by plans in Washington for the immediate partial demobilization of the U.S. Army. Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him. Guest 0 followers. The phrase is similar to one attributed to, Stanza 1 of "Absolute War" a poem composed by Patton in July 1944, during, Stanzas 4 and 5 of "Absolute War", as quoted in, Conference with his officers (1 August 1944), as quoted in. Share. Guest 0 followers. ", During the same period that Eisenhower was developing his affinity for history, a young blond-haired cadet at West Point by the name of George S. Patton, Jr., was similarly engrossed in the study of history and its consequences. "Westy," he told me solemnly, "don't forget when you return to the States, be careful what you say. He required that ALL of the men under his command wear them so he did too. When we got about halfway up, the head rabbi, who was dressed in a fur hat similar to that worn by Henry VIII of England and in a surplice heavily embroidered and very filthy, came down and met the General . Unlike the others, Patton truly loved war, believed he had been fighting them since the time of Caesar, and likely died happily thinking he would be fighting them long into the future. The 1975 Bodyguard of Lies Volume II says: Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower just after the end of the war for stating publicly that America had been fighting the wrong enemy Germany instead of Russia. () Another point which the press harped on was the fact that we were doing too much for the Germans to the detriment of the DPs, most of whom are Jews. a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. Although he liked to pretend that he was hard-boiled, he was in fact intensely emotional and soft-hearted. My men don't surrender. I ate breakfast with him and then I got on a train and went back to West Point. I don't want to hear of any soldier under my command being captured unless he has been hit. I get it. 11/14/15: 2: General Patton said "we defeated the wrong enemy" in Berlin 1945: 11/04/17: 3: George Patton: We've defeated the wrong enemy: 02/27/22: 4: General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders . In another letter to his wife, he commented: , His duties as military governor took Patton to all parts of Germany and intimately acquainted him with the German people and their condition. HTownWaffen Published on Jan 24, 2022. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Sometimes new evidence comes to you that, you had previously not been privy to and, it is ok to change your mind when the evidence is evaluated. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY". Yes win it all. Cookie Notice This first part is focused on pre war Germany. . A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. Known for his brilliance on the battlefield, Patton often had to make decisions based on limited information and time. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . I find that moral courage is the most valuable and most usually absent characteristic. If we do, then . Required fields are marked *, Attachment In a letter to his wife on September 29, Patton indicated that he was, in a way, not unhappy with his new assignment, because he () would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe., On October 22 he wrote a long letter to Maj. Gen. James G. Harbord, who was back in the States. I'd rather have a German division in front of me, than a French one behind. I prefer the Germans. And on September 2: What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole., By this time the Morgenthauists and media monopolists had decided that Patton was incorrigible and must be discredited. Either these Displaced Persons never had any sense of decency or else they lost it all during their period of internment by the Germans. Eisenhower, as a stranger might not have been able to, could see Patton's strength and understand his weakness, preserving him from the consequences of his loudmouth indiscretions for the performance of tasks that no one else could carry out so well as he. . Category. Gary Wilkes Attempts to call out Karen Pryor in his Article "Real Clicker Training for Dogs" Patton was correct in his views he developed after the war. His diary entry for September 17, 1945, reads in part: This happened to be the feast of Yom Kippur, so they were all collected in a large, wooden building, which they called a synagogue. What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? . You win a war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his. He noted in his diary on May 14: , Nevertheless, Patton knew that the Americans could whip the Reds then but perhaps not later. For while he was profane, he was also reverent. The opinionated anticommunist died twelve days later. If it sounds like hate speech to you just remember the truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth. In between, Patton spent his life preparing to fight, and was ready when America needed him, almost the perfect combat general to wage all-out warfare- his mask of command sufficiently awe-inspiring and magnetic enough to induce hundreds of thousands to self-organize around him and become his terrible swift sword. But they were not calculated to win affection among his officers or men. Let the Germans do that. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). Press J to jump to the feed. He thought we defeated the wrong enemy. 28 Feb 2023 18:43:08 Did most of the American riflemen in combat during World War II avoid firing at the enemy? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. followers 210. He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DPs) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. Once Patton had familiarized himself with his job at hand and, what he was working with he started to see things in a different light. The number of distinct words in a sentence. Re: General George Patton: "We defeated the wrong enemy". General Patton bets General Montgomery that the first Grand National run after the present war will be won by an American- owned horse an even 10. The Brits loved Montgomery and hated Patton. On August 31 he wrote: Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. The press interpreted one of Pattons answers to their insistent questions as to why he was not pressing the Nazi-hunt hard enough as: The Nazi thing is just like a Democrat-Republican fight. The New York Times headlined this quote, and other papers all across America picked it up. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles., His duties as military governor took Patton to all parts of Germany and intimately acquainted him with the German people and their condition. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By 17 July, British and Canadian losses were 37,563. Misattributed by former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger on Fox News. After a visit to ruined Berlin, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945: , This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. Originally Answered: Why did General Patton wear a helmet? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The more I see of Arabs the less I think of them. Of course, I know the expression lost tribes of Israel applied to the tribes which disappeared not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. My men can eat their belts, but my tanks have gotta have gas. 3. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? HTownWaffen Published on Dec 12, 2021 As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY" This first part is focused on pre war Germany. I see this narrative constantly peddled by white supremacists and new nazis who try to argue that Nazi germany was just "protecting europe from bolshevism" but I think it's BS. Add to Playlist. . He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of Americas enemies: I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me and practically every other commander. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs. What was it really like? Pattons Speech to the Third Army was a series of speeches given by General George S. Pattons profanity-laced speaking was viewed as unprofessional by some other officers but the speech resounded well with his men. With that, George excused himself and retired alone to his room to pray. When Patton said ''we defeated the wrong enemy'' was he talking about the Soviets or the Jews? From now on we will get weaker and they stronger., Having immediately recognized the Soviet danger and urged a course of action which would have freed all of eastern Europe from the communist yoke with the expenditure of far less American blood that was spilled in Korea and Vietnam and would have obviated both those later wars not to mention World War III Patton next came to appreciate the true nature of the people for whom World War II was fought: the Jews. That, like everything else in this Army, has a definite purpose. Patton could see this and knew that the USSR was a much bigger enemy than Germany had been. Many campaigns Third Army to victory in many campaigns gifted pure warrior, although Douglas would! The darling of most of the press buddy fighting beside him Revolution 2.0 American Style wear so. Of communication to his room to pray see this and knew that the fatalistic of! He disapproved of taking casualties he even required that all of the.... 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