The magnitude of loss was positively unbearable. God is with you! But lately, the news has encouraged us all to begin to emerge from our pandemic protocols. Resist the empires to which we have lost the justice which has the power to create peace. Anyone among you, those who aspires to greatness must serve the rest; whoever wants to rank first among you must serve the needs of all. Another great reference and guide, if available to you, is The Worship Sourcebook, published by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.It's an excellent collection of prayers, texts, and litanies, with worship resources for every church season. Jesus passions reveal to us the image of the Mystery that we call God that Jesus worshipped. Alas, if only. /* Apparently, some Lutherans are in this Pentecostal pastors opinion, a bit losey-goosey when it comes to atonement theories. Our very freedom from ancient ways of knowing and being sets of a chain-reaction of freedom which can, if we let it, become Good News for the poor, as we finally begin to understand what Jesus knew all along, when Jesus insisted, I and the ABBA are ONE. For if Jesus and the ABBA are ONE, the Good News is that you and I and our neighbours, we are ONE with ABBA. You would be correct to conclude that I do believe in resurrection. we invite your life to fill us; Thank you. May the Spirit open our souls in order for us to see humanity, God and creation through the eyes of Jesus. So, let us repent. Let it be so. Enjoy! (I have searched for the source of this story, withoutsuccess. At Easter all the themes of the Christian Gospel are held together in one great burst of life. Humans have tried in vain to get themselves back into the garden, to restore our oneness with our creator. Our very own lifestyles, demand what they are selling. 2023, Re-Pitching the Tent: Reordering the Church Building for Worship and Mission, Transforming the Stone: Preaching Through Resistance to Change, A Joyful Path, Childrens Curriculum Sample Lessons for Years One, Two and Three, Find Faith Communities Using A Joyful Path, The Core Values of Progressive Christianity, Bishop Spong Newsletter Progressing Spirit, Advertising on, There are different kinds of life and death: our physical bodies most obvious but we also experience a kind of life and death emotionally and in our interaction with others, We all experience death and resurrection in our everyday lives, New Life we are constantly recreating life, We dont want to change dont want to let go but in the dying, new life emerges. But we have seen the face of CHRIST, and CHRIST compels us, through CHRISTs tears, to go out from the safety of our lofty positions, down into the violent world to be the LOVE which creates peace through justice. There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! Im not sure how many whales entered the bay. jQuery.noConflict(); God is with us! There was work to do. You wouldnt know very much about the civil rights movement, about Dr. Kings dream, his vision of equality, his struggle for inclusion, his cries for justice for the poor, his vision economic equality, or his passion for peace, and his commitment to non-violent resistance. You see the Pentecostal church was located down in the neighboring town of Hinton, about an hours drive away. jQuery.noConflict(); So, when you catch a glimpse of the REIGN of LOVE, celebrate and as you celebrate remember to invite others into the party. I dont think that Jesus, or his followers, or Luke, told these parables in order to teach their listeners about the character of YAHWEH. jQuery('#submit-action').click(); Now, O God, with grateful hearts we remember Jesus. Traditional interpretations of the life of Jesus insist that Jesus sacrificed himself, took all our respective punishment onto his shoulders, died for us, upon a cross, so that our relationship to our creator could be restored. Forgive us, Merciful One. A sacred offering of for the sake of life here on this our one and only planet, a planet capable of nourishing life for all of Earths inhabitants? and celebrate with joy the eternal Life offered to us through Jesus Christ. The writers of our creeds firmly established that God lived in heaven. So, this morning Id like us to take our focus off Jesus death and all we may have heard, or learned about why Jesus died so that we can see what it was about Jesus life that endeared him to his followers. Resist looking for a saviour in these parables who will find us and put everything back together for us. When I read the accounts of those early followers of the way who abandoned the tomb of the upper-room to gather together to build communities of compassion it is clear to me who was raised up by images of resurrection. My predicament often makes it difficult for me to appreciate the beauty of the heirloom. The Easter Peace is shared *Hymn This Is the Day We must put all our many blessings to use, to seek justice where-ever we can whenever we can.We cant do it all and we cant do it alone. Anna knew that Jesus was sent by God as a sacrifice for human sin, to pay the price for our evil ways. You are saved by the gospel if you hold firmly to it unless it was for nothing that you believed. Neglecting the truth that choosing to follow Jesus results in a changed life. Easter 3A in Quarantine: God Sightings. */ But in my heart of hearts, I know that I must learn to see the face of CHRIST in my enemy. Embrace the HOLY foolishness which lives, in, with, through, and beyond you. Although it can sometimes feel like the demands of others, the restriction of our freedom that comes from living with others, and the constant struggle to maintain strong relationships with others are too painful and exhausting for what they cost us, the alternative, which is to isolate ourselves, is far worse. Their beloved leader had been brutally executed by the powers that be and they were terrified that they would be next. But it cannot be like that with you. Humans wrote the Bible; God wrote the sky. Center for Liturgy, St Louis University. With visions of a grand and glorious past they were free from the dangers of the violence being wrought upon their world by the forces of the Roman Empire. When soap didnt work she reached for the butter. You created the world by speaking life into being. I expected that such a thrust would have released my arm from Alans iron grip. Yes, the woman should have been content with her 99 coins. } Alas Paul, if youd been there when the Church was cutting up your letters to be delivered in snippets on Sunday mornings, I can only imagine what you might have said, when they decided to cut you off in mid-stream. Alleluia! To aid us on our journey, we have decided to radically alter the way we worship together. We give thanks for the way he opened our minds and hearts to see and appreciate the intimate and never-ending connection between loving and the spirit of love. Such a strange dualism to entertain on the surface of a frozen lake, beneath a clear blue sky, staring out at a horizon, I have all too often entertained. One of the main attractions at Pachena Bay were the pods of whales that are attracted to the bay. And each and every time we find what has been lost is a time for celebration. Beautiful liturgy. Gracious God, Anna had copied it from the Good News for Modern Man paraphrase of New Testament. Now let us greet one another: I honor the Divinity Within you Namaste Peace. I expect people to act. But on this autumn day St. Francis words provide warmth and peace. This question has generated more than a few sermons of its own. One morning when I was about 13 and my brother was 9 and a half, we were going at it, and to his credit my bother had me in an ingenious hold. Like each flourishing branch of the vine, we, too, blossom in our connection to God and neighbor. When he placed his hand on my forehead, I stiffened my entire being, because there was no way I was going down. Contact Us. Humans are incomplete beings. Jesus vision of the BASILEIA ton THEON, the Empire of DIVINITY, is not the world we live in. Read More. Does attending worship make my heart dance? So, fellow followers of the Way, if Humpty Dumpty wasnt an egg what was she? You sent your only-begotten,in whom your fullness dwells, Alleluia! Easter offers meaning and hope to all people. Amen. Practicing resurrection happens when we gather to build communities of compassion. We lift them up to God. One: It is through our neighbors and creation that we see the rising of Christ, O God. How dare I flirt with new ways of understanding REALITY, new discoveries about the Cosmos, new theories about the nature of human consciousness? The followers of Jesus began to understand themselves in a whole new way. There are times when risks must be taken. <> This week, I have compiled resources that can help in creatively planning worship services. Yes, I have my doubts about the possibility of SHALOM, especially now as we peer into the abyss which are the horrors of Ukraine, Syria, Myanmar, and countless other places where injustice has bred violence the likes of which seems unstoppable. the Divine thrives in our world. People: We praise you, Lord, for these gifts of bread and wine. Today is the 35th annual International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Time for quiet reflection: I am eternally linked with the source of all life, Please respond Amen after each of the following affirmations of our Eucharistic Prayer. Somehow, hed managed to secure me with what we professional wrestlers call an arm bar. 3:4 Everyone who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. The trouble is, we all live in the 21st century and we know that the definition of what it means to be human that these stories rely upon no longer rings true. now we cry to our King immortal, who, triumphant, burst the bars of the tomb'sdark portal; "Alleluia!" *All sing: ("Alleluia, Alleluia! The conflation with Spring and new life is no coincidence we are grateful for the cycle of renewal in all its forms. To believe in the historicity of the resurrection is one thing. Crystal had always been told that one day the magnificent vase would be hers. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.. }); Living the Resurrection Second Sunday of Easter, Year B On the Sunday after Easter, there is a general let down. Amen. jQuery('#submit-action').click(); Followers of the Way are called to reject the myth of redemptive violence. Im not talking about some Pollyanna notion of passivity in the face of violence, and I know that we are not going to solve our addiction to violence anytime soon. During the breaking of bread, the Lamb of God or other appropriate song or chant is sung. This despite the fact that the biblical author of the book of Joshua wrote that God stopped the rotation of the sun around the earth in order to provide Joshua with an extended period of daylight in which to kill his enemies. accept our lives as holy offerings to you, The stories about Jesus have been told in ways that paint a particular picture of what it means to be human. and proclaim the Resurrected Christ who offers life to all. Even our ancient Greek forebearers, they understood that if horses had gods those gods would be horses. On this her Feast Day, let us commemorate Julian of Norwich, who is perhaps one of the greatest English Mystics. and for the mystery of life beyond death. As the night lengthened, Jesus took a simple portion of bread. So, let us see the wounds inflicted by violence, and practice resurrection. I expect that whatever needs to be done will be done quickly, so that I can get back to normal. By your Spirit unite us with the living Christ and with all who seek to follow in his life-giving way, Suddenly, the Cosmos reminded me that freedom from ancient ways of knowing does not mean freedom from REALITY. O God, let us take in the moment of this day of crucifixion, not remembering it in the context of what came after it, but how it left Jesus' disciples and followers in tragic sadness and heart-wrenched disillusionment. A natural body is sown, and a spiritual body is raised up. Written by Rev. Alleluia, amen! Robert Solon Jr. As tensions escalated and our world held our collective breath, the fragility of the peace we cling to, the peace built through military might, and threats of violence and mutual annihilation, this illusion of peace was threatened by the ambitions of a powerful oligarch obsessed with delusions of restoring tribal supremacy for his once mighty nation. Frame 13: I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I am here than a whole truckload when I am gone. In my sacred imagination, I can see the Apostle Paul smiling and nodding. Then there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. if ( thisact == "contact" ) { They were both more than a little relieved to have Grandmas calming presence. Hosanna in the highest. Beginning with the traditional opening from Charles Wesley, this moves into a progressive Christian expression of resurrection. Faith and EthicsKaren Armstrong is amongst a group of religious scholars who have noted that the essential teaching of each of the major religions usually includes some version of "love your neighbour". You sent Jesus, your Son, to walk in the way of Lifethat we might follow. Through his resurrection Life you gave birth to your church, How safe? Then Grandma rubbed little Crystals back, held her close and gently, but firmly said: Let it go, child. While greasing her childs wrist like a cake pan, she asked the obvious mother question. How in the world did you do this, child? Crystal carefully explained that she had dropped candy down into the vase to see if she could still see it when it was at the very bottom. April 17, 2022 (Readings on USCCB website) . Repent: Metanoia: to think new thoughts. Easter is the eternal moment that supersedes all time; the vision that puts into perspective all visionless living. Ready: Perhaps some will ask, How are the dead to be raised up? And star differs from star in brightness. Living lives of reckless abandon is untenable. Imagine knowing everything there is to know about that final day in Memphis, about the motel, about the people who were on that balcony when Dr. King was shot, about the shooter, the gun that was used, about the funeral procession, the grieving, and about the people who tried to go on walking in the ways of Dr. King. It empowers us to hope in the coming resurrection and new life. Contemplating the miracle that these parables survived, were told over and over again, written down and preserved by people persecuted by empire, I have to believe that they are more than nice little stories all about how we should live.They have to be more than mere speculation about the character of YAHWEH, casting the CREATOR of ALL that is, was, and ever more shall be as a fool. OK, if youve stuck with me this far, you are probably beginning to wonder how exactly you, or I deny the resurrection. We thank you, God, for all the love You've given us and for the gift of Jesus. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Send us your: ResourceEventNewsIdeasnow Today! When this perishable body puts on imperishability, and this mortal body puts on immortality, then the saying that is written will be fulfilled: Death has been swallowed up in victory. That Paul didnt much care about a physical resurrection ought to give us the courage to see the notion of a physical resuscitation of Jesus corpse for the late first century development that it was. Frame 4: A smile from you can bring joy to anyone and everyone you encounter. Evolving beyond the myth that violence can solve our problems, or bring us peace, is vital. Lectionary Commentary Elizabeth Myer April 27, 2021 Progressive Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Christian Resources for Advent, Lectionary Commentary, Progressive Liturgical Resources, Revised Common Lectionary Year B, Revised Common Lectionary Easter 5 Year B, Revised Common Lectionary Easter 5, Lectionary Commentary Easter 5 Year B . Benedicite - a Song of Creation Benedicite - a Song of Creation (shorter version) Venite - a Song of Triumph Jubilate - a Song of Joy The Easter Anthems Evening Prayer. Somehow, these long busy days working in my office at home, while we all do our best to cope with what we hope will be the last tidal wave of this pandemic, somehow this created a longing in me, strong enough to push me out on the ice despite the -23 which threatened to rob me of my breath. Metanoia is an invitation to think new thoughts. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=contact&pau_form=contact_form'); Progressive Christian prayers Wild God, talking to Jesus - John van de Laar, South Africa Wild God - words to Jesus It seems to us that things would be much easier if you would just do what we ask, Jesus, If you were more compliant and co-operative, more flexible and adaptable, more open to follow agendas other than your own. For Paul, like Jesus, lived as a Jew in Palestine under the oppression of Roman Empire, which insisted that peace could only be established and maintained through violence. Julian is the author of the first English book ever to have been written by a woman: Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love. All risings of the human spirit are preceded by brokenness, loss or rejection. Only a fool Would rather be relentlessly looking for one small, lone coin when nine, known and countable, are all that are really needed. Your support is needed to help ProgressiveChristianityorg. If you are looking for an Affirmation of Faith for a specific season or celebration (e.g. Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia! Great is the mystery of faith: Others stretched the wings of their spirituality and flew off into the magic darkness joyfully singing: All will be well and all manner of things shall be well! (Julian of Norwich). Jesus Way of being in the world rejects the myth of redemptive violence. Why did they repeat these stories over and over again? They not yet but already here EMPIRE of DIVINITY is here in every stranger who welcomes a refugee, in every aid worker, doctor without borders, in every reckless fool who risks it all for the kind of justice which makes peace. We have technology and access to wisdom. I suspect that even offering all you have to a wastrel and a scoundrel is worth a shot if it means finding peace. Assurance of Pardon, Call to Confession, Confession, Easter, Easter Sunday, Year C. confession, easter, easter sunday, year c, call to confession, prayer of confession, assurance of pardon, resurrection. MEDITATION Music: In the Garden Eddie Watkins. What can progressive Christians say about the story of Easter? He rose again in victory because the powers of death cannot overcome the Divine power of Life. An agency of The United Methodist Church, Discipleship Ministries helps local church, district, and conference leaders fulfill the shared dream of making world-changing disciples. Growing up I had a very clear advantage as I developed my wrestling skills. Instead, I was blessed by two, I dont know if they were my brothers or my sisters or one of each. Pain and suffering perpetrated by our species vain conviction that violence is the way to peace. We are free to embrace this LOVE, to walk in this LOVE, and to be this LOVE. } else { The profoundest act of worship is to try to understand. As a result of this splendid isolation, we spent several weeks as the only family camped in this idyllic bay. Social Justice Lectionary, Bruce Sweet, 2014. heaven and earth are full of your glory. Old and New Testament Canticles at Morning and Evening Prayer. Posted on September 28, 2022 by peddiebill. /* How deep? Yet Easter is about a God who bursts tombs of the familiar, the ordinary and the mediocre. And God called thefirmamentHeaven.. endobj Posted by mictori in Church Life, Holidays, Liturgy, Pop, Communion, Communion Liturgy, Easter, Easter Communion, Easter Communion Liturgy, Easter Morning, Liturgy, non-violent Communion, progressive Christianity, Resurrection. Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountain apart and shattered the rocks by YHWEHs powerbut YHWH was not in the whirlwind. Let us metanoia Let us think new thoughts about who Jesus was and why Jesus died. If I could, I would comfort the young woman I was by reassuring her that whatever the MYSTERY which we call God is, it is not a vengeful murderer whose thirst for a blood sacrifice, compelled Him and I do mean him, to come up with a plan which required violence, torture, and a slow, painful death. Thank you! Set free from a Three-Tiered Universe! I am using it this Sunday and sharing your credit information! //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=contact&pau_form=contact_form'); Glory be to you, Lord Jesus. All your creatures testify to your mighty deeds! Grandma took a good look at the vase that used to sit on her mothers kitchen table all those years ago. Get their attention and then, deliver your point! Lent is observed in the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist, Moravian, Oriental . Well, we never did manage to escape. Then he said to them, Today, in your hearing, this scripture passage is fulfilled. (Luke 4:14-21). I assumed that it had something to do with counting myself out of their way of worshipping. We share this bread and drink, as Jesus shared a Passover meal with his disciples, and we partake of it together as our pledge of openness to the Spirit of Love in our midst, and as our remembrance of Jesus who invited us to do even greater things than he did. Whenever you drink it, do this in remembrance of me.]. Thank you for sharing this liturgy for communion. } else { One of the whales rose out of the water and as she came crashing down, I marveled at the magnificence of this beast. Well, for now, we weep. United States Repent: Metanoia: to think new thoughts Let us repent, metanoia Let us think new thoughts. and for the mission of justice you have made our own. O Easter God, who shatters all the familiar tombs which we create, enable us to move beyond slavish conformity either to old understandings or to new fashions and with joy embrace your ever-changing, ever challenging future. Resurrection is a statement of how reality works. Today, we, ourselves and our neighbours, no longer live captive to the contours of the very tiny universe in which our ancestors confined their thoughts. I dont mind confessing my own fear. The story begins with a familiar nursery rhyme: Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the kings horses and all the kings men Couldnt put Humpty together again. McCourt asks his young students to tell him whats going on in this nursery rhyme. His Blue Origin may not be able to penetrate as deeply into space as Elon Musks Space Ex, but his thrusters are straining just enough to catch up with Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic. give you joy as you share the Easter faith. and out of the death of the old comes the birth of the new. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); *This liturgy is an adaptation of the traditional. Can we ever learn to see the face of CHRIST in one such as him? Youre not a lost sheep, or a lost coin, or even a lost child. delivered us from slavery to sin and death, and made us a new people. For the death of what it took me years to learn about, the death of atonement theories has given birth to the resurrection of DIVINITY, a DIVINITY liberated from ancient projections onto the DIVINE of the myth of redemptive violence. % Bert Polman ( is a hymnologist who is a professor and chair of the music department at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. This gospel was written some 70 years after the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. Only a foolWould leave the ninety-nine unguarded: to wander aimlessly, to be ravaged by some unknown predator, to fall prey to who knows what. We are told by the gospel-storyteller that after his one-line commentary on the words of Isaiah, Jesus hometown congregation were so incensed that they decided to hurl him off a cliff. Let us confess our sins. But those fools made their billions serving us, satisfying our desires, fortifying our comforts, delivering our lifestyles to our doorsteps. What followed was a long, useless argument about the theories of atonement. For more than a decade and a half churches around the world have been relying on Sacredise for prayers, liturgies, sermon starters, and devotional materials to help them create worship gatherings that draw people in and that connect them more deeply with God, themselves, others, and our world. In the same way he took the cup, saying: Repent from the Greek word metanoia to think new thoughts. They were compiled over the years to complement the official resource, the Roman Missal. *All sing: (suggested: "I Serve a Risen Savior" or "Christ Our Lord Is Risen Today"). Life in the spirit continues in ways beyond our imagining. 2021 All rights Reserved | Site by Fix8, Communion: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Twelfth Week after Pentecost, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary John 6:51-58, Three and One: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Trinity Sunday, What Does This Mean? SALTs Lectionary Commentary on Pentecost, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Pentecost, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Acts 2:1-21, Abide in Me: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Easter 5, Progressive Christian Resources for Advent, Revised Common Lectionary Easter 5 Year B, Love and Mercy: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Lent 4, Progressive Christian Lectionary Resources, Why is Jesus Angry? A woman: Sixteen Revelations of Divine LOVE justice Lectionary, Bruce Sweet, heaven! With Spring and new life is no coincidence we are free to embrace LOVE... Your point idyllic bay English Mystics wounds inflicted by violence, and a scoundrel is worth shot... Time we find what has been lost is a time for celebration we... Creeds firmly established that God lived in heaven not sure how many whales entered the bay `` Serve. That choosing to follow Jesus results in a changed life writers of our creeds firmly established that lived. 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