Jacqueline MacInnes Wood and her husband, Elan Ruspoli. Aly stated "Uncle Ridge said I could stay." Eric started talking about Quinn Fuller. Liam and Steffy continued to talk and laugh. She was looking depressed and one woman advised her to visit the church so Steffy went there and burned a candle in Finn's memory. Taylor was heartbroken. They live in lovely homes, wear fashionable clothing, and have access to the best in hairstylists, makeup artists, and plastic surgeons. Wyatt and Steffy get matching wedding band tattoos. At that point Finn is absolutely unaware that Steffy is in danger. Most soap opera characters have a glamorous life. Steffy decided to confront Sheila at her hotel room but she didn't find out anything, but soon Steffy learned that Sheila changed the champagne labels when she overheard Thomas talking to her about it on the phone. However Steffy is unaware that Thomas spiked Liam's drink so that he can willing have sex with her. Steffy eventually broke down and admitted she couldn't conceive again, but rejected Liam's suggestions of adoption or surrogacy. When Katie gave her sisters leadership positions in the company, Steffy launched an all out war against the entire Logan family. Liam tells Hope she is so beautiful. To do so, she puts her hair up in a ponytail and puts conditioner in a sandwich bag over the ponytail. Steffy backed away when Liam saw her through the window and he brought her in to talk. Jack is biologically Brooke Logan Forrester's and Nick Marone's son which makes him biologically Steffy's cousin. Liam asked where Ridge is and why are they so cryptic and asked them why are they so scared of Brooke and Ridge communicating if they are so confident that their parents will be together. Steffy proposes Ivy to be the lead model for the lingerie line. Steffy and Ridge were initially concerned but Wyatt backed her up and Thomas spoke up and agreed that Ivy would be better because people are still talking about the incident with Aly. Liam arrives there and tells a devastated Steffy that Thomas kissed a mannequin and not Hope. Steffy was hesitant. When she walked out of the church, Finn noticed her and called out to her. Sheila arrives and she holds little baby Hayes in her arms when a shocked Steffy enters the house. Liam, wanting to impress Hope created a romantic video using their photos. Here comes your sweet relief, Forrester fans: Dr. Taylor Hayes is finally returning to The Bold and the Beautiful. At home Steffy asks Liam why is Liam to upset with Hope's brother. Ridge was over at Eric's for a visit with Douglas. Steffy came home with Bill Spencer on her mind. Some think she may have had a nose job and eyelid surgery, although those changes are more subtle. Steffy is so angry with Finn that she decides to not sign the marriage license and Finn has to sleep in the guest room. Plus, Steffy's one of the most popular characters on the CBS sudser. Finn will not be forgotten, Taylor vows. Steffy stars walking around in lingerie from her line and tells Liam that she cares only about him and making him happy. Steffy tells Liam that she knows that Hope is on his mind, but it's her job to take her out of it and they kiss. Eva suggests Liam to go on a date with her but Liam turns her down. Photo Credit: (left) Frantogian (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0]. Steffy and Liam slept in Liam's bed although Steffy still carries the guilt. Heartbroken and insecure Taylor allows Hector Ramirez to kiss her. Hope replied that her family is so much bigger and they will all support her. Steffy told Aly "You're my cousin, and I love you, but why would we want you to stay?" Steffy calls Liam's work and finds out that Liam talks with his ex fiance. When he was wondering why Brooke did this to him a pine fell on his head and he immediately thought of Aspen and Taylor so he flew Forrester private jet and appeared in front of Steffy's mom. Steffy talks and confronts her about ruining her family's life and hers and hopes that she spends her life in jail. Steffy says that she wants her to stay away from Liam. She looked at Finn's photos and cried. She flashes to Bridget talking about Steffys addiction. The reverend greets Wyatt while Liam is confused. She is surprised that she see's her there and asks Hope why she is here. Afterwards he calls the hospital on the birth certificate. She cant let her send her back to prison. Steffy asked if he could make a romantic video for them too. Liam calls Steffy and asks to see her. Steffy reminded Liam about the complications Hope brought to their relationship and said that manipulations waren't the only reason he and Hope were kept apart. Aly picked up a rock and attempted to kill Steffy. Wyatt states that the flowery shower cap and slippers are his which made Steffy laugh. Eric disagreed with this after Quinn put her spin on the whole situation. Computer tech Liam Spencer mistakenly recorded Steffy talking to Ridge about Brooke's betrayal. She reminds Brooke about her history with her dad and sarcastically smiles when she mentions the word "destiny" that Brooke often used as a reference to her and Ridge. Liam tells her that if her marriage isn't real, she's free to be with him. She said that the main reason she stayed awat was Brooke. Stephanie "Steffy" Finnegan (ne Forrester, formerly Spencer) is a fictional character on the American soap opera, The Bold and the Beautiful. As Steffy slid into a deep depression, Taylor begged her not to blame herself for riding the motorcycle. Steffy peeks thought the window and see's Hope and Liam making out on the bed. One day Finn tells his wife that he saw his biological mother by accident and that she is dating Deacon Sharpe, Hope's father. When Donna Logan took over at Forrester, Steffy dug up dirt and found out that Donna was Marcus' birth mother. In reality Bill covinced the doctor to say this to Steffy and her family to secure Liam's and Steffy's marriage. Bold And The Beautiful Then And Now For years, we've been told that Steffy Forrester is a strong, resilient woman. Sheila reaches for the dial on Steffys machine. Returning to LA, Eric and Quinn couldn't help but resume their relationship with each other. Shortly after Steffy went into labor and gave birth to her mother's namesake Hayes Finnegan. She tells Wyatt that he has to tell his mother to leave them alone. Steffy calls Liam on her cell phone but he does not pick up. Steffy wanted to go and talk to Ridge, but Taylor stopped he by saying that he went to Brooke's. Steffy hold her and decides to adopt her and names her Phoebe Forrester after her deceased twin sister. Liam goes to the bedroom and finds Wyatt and Steffy in bed together and sits in the chair and goes unconscious. Steffy decided to talk to Hope at Forrester Creations to inform her that she knows about Brooke's indiscretion with Deacon and that she feels sorry for Hope for having a mother like Brooke. She recalled their flirtations and declared that she was a better match for Bill than Katie. Steffy comes over and Wyatt gives her a glass of wine to celebrate all the great times they had together. Suffered a concussion after a high Hope skied into her after taking pills (2012). Ridge gives in believing his wife wants it and Morgan gets pregnant. Whether Jacqueline MacInnes Wood has undergone a nose job is anyones guess but she sure has a better looking nose than before. Steffy decides to take the medicine in secret from everyone including Finn. Steffy is very thankful to Ivy for dropping the restraining order and wants them to move on and become friends. Her cheeks protrude more than before, and a lot of fillers seem to have been used. When Taylor reappeared in 2005 she was shocked to see that Ridge re-married and that he has a son with Brooke, but she was very happy to see Steffy and her other two children again. Speculations about lip fillers, rhinoplasty or nose job and eye surgery are major hot topics of her good looks. She pointed out that Hope doesn't offer him sex and that she is more focused on her line than him. Steffy is shocked that Hope is here holding Phoebe. Steffy doesn't know what she did and Liam tells her to pack her things and move out. Rick helps her to deal with her alcohol problem and the two end up in bed. Wood admits to loving clothes. Wyatt asks Bill to be his best man for the wedding which he agrees. Also informs Steffy that she paid a lot of money for Phoebe. All of Steffy's family feels the same way and finally Steffy and Finn have a beautiful wedding day at Eric Forrester's home. Steffy returns home to hear the good news and is happy to hear the marriage is valid. Liam revealed that he is not her husband and that she has a child with Finn, her husband. Steffy becomes very nervous about Ivy and confides that in Thomas. While talking to Bill, Wyatt takes his shirt off to take a shirtless selfie for Steffy because she asked Caroline to be her maid of honor before Wyatt asked Bill to be his best man. After Liam, Hope, Brooke, and Beth leave, Steffy collapses in Ridge's arms and cries over the loss of her baby. Ivy confronted Liam when Steffy questioned his intentions. Marcus later tried unsuccessfully to revive things with Steffy. Hope wants Liam to remind himself all their great moments like the kiss in Cabo. Hope asked Liam if that's true. Ridge also agreed with them which put him in a tough spot with his wife Brooke Logan Forrester. Quinn rushes to his hospital room to see her husband, but the doctor tells her that he will only allow immediate family. To use natural methods of rejuvenation You can also combine both methods. Liam stated he would like that. Hope went to put her engagement ring on the mantle and when Liam saw it he was heartbroken and angry because he had no idea that Hope saw him cheating with Steffy. Liam pipes up, Legally speaking, Quinn cant be Mrs. Eric Forrester. Ridge notes that he has Erics power-of-attorney, and with this news, he can make sure Quinn doesnt hurt the company or family. As Steffy was trying to help Aly, Aly envisioned Aly saying the words "drunken mother" and "get rid of her". Liam goes to confront his father and Hope says in the Malibu home.When Steffy gets home she see's that Hope is inside the house that she and Liam share. Thomas makes a bet with Steffy that he could get Ivy for himself. She and Wyatt make up, but Ivy admits to him that she is now afraid of Steffy. After many weeks of arguing, Steffy decides to move out of Wyatt's and live with Thomas temporarily. Had to look for professional mental health support in Monte Carlo because she couldn't cope with losing Finn. Its a lot. They joke around and kiss again. When Ivy goes to take a bath that Wyatt convinced her too, Wyatt takes her phone and tries to delete the video, when Ivy comes back out angry. Wyatt states they need money for his future kids with Steffy. However, when Steffy found out about the marriage, she was furious because she felt that Liam had created a situation where they could never be together. Steffy and her brother started arguing and Taylor was on Steffy's side agreeing that telling the truth was the right thing to do. He is supposed to pursue Hope so she and Liam can have a peaceful marriage without Hope Logan in their lives. Steffy notices that Hope came to Brooke with her bag and Steffy finds out that Hope moved out of Liam's home. Also Steffy and Liam one night have sex. Steffy has two living children. Wood loves to dance, anywhere, but she also follows a weight training regimen. Steffy was annoyed upon hearing that Ridge didn't believe her mother right away and she was worried that Brooke will find excuses. He told Steffy that his wife Hope Logan has kissed Steffy's brother Thomas Forrester. Liam agreed to stay with his ex wife which made Hope, his current wife very uncomfortable. Wyatt convinces her that it's time to move on. Liam called Steffy and explained he wanted to meet with her and Steffy stated at his house. Wyatt tells Quinn he is going to propose to Ivy which she isn't thrilled about. An iPad had accidentally recorded video of Liam and Steffy making out in Italy. Katie was shocked as it was the first time she heard it. Second, Bold and the Beautiful had alcohol abuse and other addiction stories, and no one else shipped off the soap for long. After Thomas saved Sally from a prison sentence, Steffy was secretly relieved. Taylor assures Ridge that she is a good listener if he needs to talk. In the past she was pregnant with Ridge's child, but Steffy's grandmother Stephanie Forrester secretly convinced Morgan to have an abortion. Tried to break up Owen's and Jackie's marriage. Wanting to use embarrassing footage of Bridget Forrester to hurt the Logan family, but was stopped by Oliver. Liam continues to assure Steffy she has nothing to feel guilty about and that it's not her fault. She has full, lush lips and a small, neat nose. Liam reminds Steffy about all of their moments in Aspen and Cabo and says it was a hell of a ride and that he wouldn't trade it for anything. Thomas was shocked as he didn't even ask his friend for this. Ridge wanted to stay with Brooke, but she assured him that she would be fine. Quinn insists to Wyatt that her love for Eric is real and that it makes her happier than she's ever been. Liam told Bill that Ivy's on the plan and Bill got enraged that Liam tell another Forrester. The children wanted their parents back together. 2023 SheMedia, LLC. Steffy screamed out of joy and started getting ready. She asks her mother if she wouldn't like to get revenge on Brooke and declares a war between the Logans and the Forresters. In the morning they both looked guilty, but assured one another that it was beautiful and natural. Bill asked Liam how is he going to do that and Liam stated he was married to her. One day Hope decided that she and Liam are so close that there is no reason to wait and she went to his house where she was a parked car and inside Steffy and Liam that were sharing a kiss that Steffy asked Liam for. Ivy was still shaken up by this and Wyatt kissed her to distract her from her distress by Aly's death and Liam dropping her for Steffy. As Liam left, Steffy thought better of it and tried to catch him in the hallway, but she was too late. Steffy started screaming and crying and wanted to call 911, but Sheila demanded from Steffy to put the phone down. She runs straight to Liam and tells him everything. Steffy's brother Thomas Forrester joins his sister and also tries to convince their dad that he should reunite with Taylor. Steffy invited Ridge to have a dinner with her, Thomas and Taylor. So, thank you. Liam, Ridge, Thomas, Taylor and Sheila gathered around Steffy. Quinn convinces Eric to make Ridge co-CEO along with Steffy. One day Steffy's ex husband Liam visits her and sees Steffy passed out on the couch. Bill convinced Liam to dump the plant and go back to Steffy, the woman he was always meant to be with. Steffy and Liam both cry and Steffy takes off her ring and tells Liam to just hold her. Steffy is shocked when she learns that Liam is getting married to Hope, and that their marriage has been officially annulled. Steffy and Liam agreed they would make a great team. She knew that Brooke suddenly wanted her father back and she was scared that they will get back together if they see each other and talk. Steffy informs Thomas that she will never forgive him for hurting her, and will never be in Kelly's life again. Morgan pretends to be Taylor's friend, but secretly schemes and fakes a message from Taylor to Ridge in which Taylor agrees that Ridge should impregnate Morgan. Steffy and Hope argue about Beth. She calls Steffy's phone with Liam's and plays the message. Steffy told Liam the great news in which he was happy for her. Steffy is upset about Liam and Wyatt comforts her by telling her she deserves better and that they both do. The last day of Steffy's marriage arrives. Soon Steffy found out that Taylor and Brooke became friends and that they both decided to not fight for her father's love any longer. Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) can play house with Bill all she wants, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a violent and incredibly dangerous criminal. Liam reluctantly agrees to respect Wyatt's marriage to Steffy. Steffy stopped over at Liam's and explained that there might be another man in her life. One day Steffy discovers that she is pregnant. It was horrible, he explains, when she realized the husband shed only just remembered was gone. Steffy video calls Liam from Paris and pretends that she didn't see anything just as Liam doesn't tell her what he and Hope did behind her back. Steffy is devastated that Finn is Sheila's son and her son Hayes has her genes, but tells Sheila that ultimately she didn't ruin their day and tells her to keep away from her family and slaps her. Jackie thinks that Steffy could give Owen a child as she is young. When Steffy arrives at Brooke's, she demands that Kelly goes back home with her. Steffy was thrilled when Ridge ended up going back to Taylor on his own after he and Brooke broke up after an argument about Rick and his involvement in Phoebe's death, but as their wedding approached, Steffy faked text messages to Brooke to make sure the marriage happened. Steffy goes home and shares this with Finn immediately afterwards. Bill owns part of the company and Steffy and Thomas own a part that combined equals 30%. Wyatt enters her room and asks her if she wants to go swimming but didn't realize she was sleeping. She tries to take care of Kelly, but she suffers when she bends or carries her daughter. Steffy hoped that her father will come back to the Forrester home and still marry her mother, but that didn't happen. Steffy has a talk with her grandma again and Brooke overhears. Liam told Ivy he wants to help her understand something but Ivy stated she already knows. Quinn convinces Steffy to go back to L.A. and to meet with Liam in the cabin. Steffy tells Liam all he has to do is come home tonight if he still wants to be with her. #BoldandBeautiful pic.twitter.com/dydouuoyxx. Hope tells Steffy that truth has changed everything, but Steffy thinks that the clock can't be turned around because she and Liam are connected. But after being played by a series of child actors, she and her twin sister . Steffy attends Hope and Liam's wedding along with her mother, to show the family unity and understanding however Steffy's mother Taylor Hayes has other plans and decides to destroy Hope's and Liam's wedding cake. Steffy tried to get through to Aly once again. Ridge and R.J. then moved back to L.A. shortly after. Steffy tells Liam that if he wants to be with her, all he has to do is come to the beach house. Steffy agrees with Liam's idea but Wyatt and Bill still object to it. Hitting Aly with a crowbar in self defense, resulting in her death after Aly attacked Steffy (2015). Thomas and Steffy asked Liam if Brooke sent him to speak to Ridge. Liam warns Steffy not to go by Ivy. Steffy has a timer set and she waits for Liam to stop the divorce. After that Steffy went to Brooke's and Ridge's house and asked them what is wrong with Brooke. Liam is confused. The two make love. Steffy informs him how she pulled Aly out of the car and Aly attacked her and she slipped and fell and died. Liam takes Steffy to the doctor where Steffy encourages Liam to go check on Hope. Bullied by the paparazzi's almost everywhere she goes a stressed Hope gets high on her anti anxiety pills and goes skiing with Liam and she accidentally crashed into Steffy. Steffy tells Hope again that Liam moved on and this is their home and Hope can't just walk in and tear everything up. Liam and Bill explained the plan and made Wyatt ask Rick for his job back. Wyatt thought Bill could establish a fashion house under Spencer Publications. In Steffys room, Steffy cries, How could I forget Finn? Steffy said she remembers her home and her family with Liam and Kelly. Thorne claims Aly isn't dangerous and didn't want to hear it. She thinks an overdose would solve all her problems. The Forrester man told everyone that she left LA and Forrester Creations. He often stayed the night and things between them started being serious. Hope confronted Steffy about it, but the Steffy was unapologetic. Wyatt is tired of the fighting and wants them to bury the hatchet. Ivy agrees to a truce with Steffy. Hope declines. Wyatt realizes that the man's Reverend Rydell who married him and Steffy. The Bold and the Beautiful Recaps Sheila Plots to Kill Steffy and Make It Look Like an Overdose as She Stands Over Her Hospital Bed Wednesday, April 27, 2022: Today on The Bold and the. Steffy states that explains the shower cap. Taylor and Ridge believe that their daughter fell into the ocean when they find Steffy's lifejacket bitten by the sharks, but Steffy has been hid from them and taken to Morgan where Morgan colored her hair red and asked her to call her mommy. She and Taylor go to Malibu and stop the wedding second before Hope and Liam would become husband and wife. Bill tries to stop her, but she manages to inform Liam and Hope. Quinn still questioned why Ivy was given the position but Wyatt hinted she has something up her sleeve. Continues to assure Steffy she has a child as she is n't thrilled about Steffy was secretly relieved the. Suggestions of adoption or surrogacy her cell phone but he does not pick up video their... Order and wants them to steffy bold and beautiful plastic surgery the hatchet that there might be another man in her arms a! Said I could stay. that their marriage has been officially annulled stated. Have been used child, but assured one another that it was the right thing to is! 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