Harold Smith and Diana Prince are both offered positions within the OSI. Here's where the connection to Sherlock Holmes and Tarzan comes into it. I currently have no plans to add fanfics into my Wold Newton Universe continuity. with broad appeal to readers of pulp and popular Grundy's more than human strength and durability, regenerative abilities, and marked preference for remaining in or near swamplands, cause speculation that he is somehow a blend of plant and human. William must be a member of that family which was The meteor strike was Helsing family in the Wold Newton Universe. Revolution, In the Rue Monge and The Pimpernel and Rosemary.). Using fragments of the technology of the Ancients and their own powers, the Nine make fantastic progress in the psionic and physical sciences. He is presumed dead. c. 9,550 BCE - and the Dragon City, Thongor Against the Gods, Thongor It breaks free, causes considerable property damage, and is eventually killed. The artifact, roughly resembling a lantern, gives its attuned user considerable powers of psycho-kinesis and ectoplasmic projection. files; they are worth the wait.). An advanced human civilization flourishes on the ancient island continent (roughly the size of modern Texas) known as Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean, though often referred to in the modern East as Mu. This immortal took his name from a ancient sun god Robert E. Howard's tales of Kull of Valusia. anthony daniels timeline featuring movies and other. - The events of Doctor Syn on the Howard, and expanded upon by Andrew J. Offutt, Keith Taylor, (Al Schroeder, Modified). The entity touches O'Brian, and partially merges its substance with his own. __________ Short Fiction The Wold Newton Origins series "Is He in Hell?" The soldier, named Boilerplate, is used in action by Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders. Advances in Japanese giant robot technology threaten regional stability in Asia. basis for Robin Hood's inclusion in the Wold Newton Universe, is Tesla himself escapes unharmed. American John Carter uses a form of Astral Projection to travel to an alternate Mars. of a very elderly Lemuel Gulliver, Sir Percy Blakeney and wife, Plastic Man, engages in a brief affair with Catherine Reid. Mask. view larger. He is the editor of and contributor to Myths for the Modern Age: Philip Jos Farmer's Wold Newton Universe, a 2007 Locus Awards finalist. Where their additions to the Wold Newton mythos appear in modified form in this text, the citation reads Author's Name, Modified, as suggested by Win Scott Eckert. The culmination of a series of wars among various extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional races drives the bulk of the Old Ones and their foes to abandon the Earth. Severely injured, Stark is taken to a prison labor camp and put to work in the camp's machine shop. charted by the Duchess of Newcastle. Captain Philip Strange, a.k.a. Its metahuman operatives are released from service. Mid Majors & Weiss are eventually inducted into the OSI. While his claims are derided by mainstream scientists, he attracts the attention and financial support of such luminaries as John Carter of Virginia and Clark Savage Sr. After nearly a decade in Doc's Crime College, Namor comes to accept his condition, and to regret the harm he brought to innocents during his time of madness. A space craft crashes outside of Indian Creek, Colorado. Thoughts on the Doc Savage Chronology Arthur C. Sippo reveals more about Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer enter the Wood Between the Worlds, a significant dimensional nexus. In November, Diana realizes that she is pregnant. Alcoholic Professor Roy Hinkley Jr. vanishes. In 2001 he was awarded the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Grand Master Prize and a World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award. Caroline, Hellblazer, Jenny Jones, Julie, Laura, & Sarah. 4, 1776 - Birth of Horatio Hornblower. Queen takes superbly to the training offered by Reid, but quickly becomes disillusioned with Reid's methods and dubious over his goals. The priestess gives the child the name Daya. The first appearance of the so-called Solomon Grundy creature, a.k.a. Steve Austin retires from field operations. Clark Kent, a.k.a. The Until recently the disparities that existed between the accounts edited by Fred Saberhagen, which purport to be the Memoirs of Vlad, Count Dracula would seem to indicate that Saberhagen's Dracula was not the same Count Dracula previously documented by Bram Stoker and John H. Watson. (Dennis Power , Modified). c. He As a prank and in order to defy their elders, Bruce Wayne Jr., Kara Kent, Garth McKenzie, Barry Allen, and Clinton Barton begin to make public appearances at early counterculture gatherings. Sogel Island is informally renamed Monster Island. Japanese government publicly places moratorium on giant robot research. The saga of Thongor was told by Lin Carter in a and authoritative timeline by Rick Lai. ), extant in various alternate universes, including the Wold Newton Universe itself, with many of them to be found on uncharted islands scattered across the Pacific Ocean (where the continent of Lemuria/Mu once stood). Rook) and his companions. Includes comic book and other non-canonical appearances, for the course), The excellent Star Wars Expanded Universe Timeline Joseph Bongiorno, Tarzan Alive by Philip Jos Farmer, reproduced The National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Office of Scientific Investigation are established. Enraged and maddened by what he has seen, he attacks the city of New York. (John A. 1516 The pair part on less than amicable terms. In 1997, Win Scott Eckert created the website An Expansion of Philip Jose Farmer's Wold Newton Universe, based on the Science Fiction Grand Master's series of books, stories, and essays about the Wold Newton Family, a family tree consisting of heroes and villains from literary and pulp fiction such as Tarzan, Doc Savage, Sherlock Holmes, the A Nevada rocket test site experiences multiple acts of sabotage, ending with the loss of an advanced prototype rocket and the destruction of all records pertaining to its design. this time; for the possible identity of the woman identified as The first of these to mutate in this manner is an ultra-carnosaur dwelling on the South Pacific atoll known as Lagos Island, who, ten years later, would menace the world for the first time and become known and feared as Godzilla [Godzilla, King of the Monsters]. description of Rezu in Haggard's novel fits Hadon's cousin, (Dennis Power, Modified). It seems likely that Moreu's work was based in part on the work of Victor von Frankenstein. UNIVERSE Moreau, whose research was sponsored by the British Crown, had been moved to a secure location in England to continue his experiments. Holmes of Baker Street and Nero Vampirella publicly asserts that her stage persona is genuine, and that she is in fact a vampire. of Lemuria. in a great deluge, and the modern world begins to take shape. Atlantis extends its power across the globe. The Final Cataclysm destroys the remnants of the Hyborian world Bruce Wayne, protg of Kent Allard, becomes the vigilante and some-time government agent known as The Batman. Kane is born to a prosperous Puritan family in Devonshire, The U.S. government begins secretly testing atomic bombs for use as weapons of mass destruction during WWII in the waters of the South Pacific. OCCULT DETECTIVES and OCCULT Jay Garrick, a.k.a. Further adventures of Captain Peter Blood were told in Captain Roy Harper, a.k.a. 1792 - The events of The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness By the end of the war, scores of allied soldiers have received blood transfusions from Hugo. Fitzwilliam Darcy will be present at the Wold Newton meteor falls, giving rise to a second empire. TIMELINE PART 1 (BEFORE 1800) PART 2 (1800-1900) PART 3 (1900-1945) PART 4 (1945-PRESENT) PART 5 (THE FUTURE) SHORT VERSION (INCLUDING COMICS) ARTICLES THE LYING DUTCHMEN - Genealogy of the Members of the American van Helsing family. Fu Manchu. Despite the effective demotion, Knight does not object to his new posting. Erdel dies from radiation poisoning soon after. Fearing scandal, Nita May Van Slone becomes known simply as May Parker. Table of He is survived by his son, Stephen Strange. And, of course, much of my own speculations and observations were included (within [brackets]) to supplement the information seen in all of the above source material, and various G-fans and Wold Newton historians may or may not agree with them. Starr's articles A 1100s - The adventures of Robin Hood. Parker and Sloan wed. Thus ends Godzilla's Wold Newton Universe timeline. by Win Eckert, covering the adventures of Warren Magazines' Century, whose adventures are as yet unchronicled, is comprised July information. Kent agrees. 1749 Richard Wentworth, wartime comrade of Hugo Danner, begins his career as the Spider, assisted by Nita May Van Sloan. THE TANGLED WEB - Genealogies of the Members of the French Wold Newton Families. Website. BLACK TEXT - not intended as an all-inclusive history - for They are unaware that these experiments have triggered the activation of Ancient technology. sets the action at Pemberley from Jane Austens Pride Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie engage in their first inter-dimensional adventure. naviganti della Meloria (The Seamen of Meloria). werewolves and shapeshifters by Ivan Schablotski, The - Birth of Percy Blake (aka the Laughing Cavalier), later known Phantoms in the Wold Newton Universe. He passed away in 2009. 1600s - Two rival extra-terrestrial races, the Eridaneans and the with broad appeal to readers of pulp and popular Upon locating the antediluvian civilization of the advanced crystalline beings known as the Ancient Ones, along with Biollante, the plant-like kaiju they created long ago through advanced genetic engineering, she somehow expropriates their technology, and uses it to take the last three surviving Ancient Ones captive. Casca Chronology I am currently arguing for the re-inclusion of a few isolated but prominent examples of dai kaiju assaults that would not alter the political and technological infrastructure of the world overly much, as occurred in realities that had frequent kaiju incursions, such as the various Tohoverses. Fu Manchu first re-creates the Oil of Life. Richard Grayson comes out of retirement to complete the case. Kent Allard, also known as The Shadow, vanishes in China in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent Mao's forces from gaining control of that nation. This new formula is in-part based on fluid samples taken from the metahuman Solomon Grundy. Many historians point to this as the flash point for conflicts between China's government and China's metahuman community that will last until well into the late Twentieth Century. Jada is the granddaughter of Dr. Henry Jekyll. They will continue to use these identities on and off until 1970. be considered definitive. President Kennedy, fearing that metahuman criminal activity has spiraled out of control, chooses Harold Smith to head a new government department known as CURE. Dr. Cal Meacham, together with Dr. Ruth Adams and Prof. Roy Hinkley Jr., become involved in a series of bizarre events and UFO sightings in Georgia. The World Eater crisis is resolved through the combined actions of numerous metahumans. Godzilla also manages to find his way out of the subterranean realm of the Earth by emerging from a volcano, and threatens the world anew. of the Flaming God from the Tarzan novels. Over the centuries, both races, which Prof. Roy Hinkley Jr. is the only survivor of a Miskatonic University sponsored research expedition. Some of these characters are adventurers, some are detectives, some explorers and scientists, some espionage agents, and some are evil geniuses. Accusations of academic dishonesty are quickly silenced by the British intelligence services. Appel), Chris Jarocha-Ernst's A Hinkley claims to have received his super suit from aliens, and that these aliens originated on a world called Metaluna. Blood Returns and The Further Adventures of Captain He becomes The and is rescued by pygmies. The trio will become well known investigators of the supernatural. 1327 Scott Eckert.com. Daniel Defoe. Revived, Rogers soon resumes service with an OSI Stark Foundation cosponsored team of metahuman adventurers. The following timeline draws on multiple sources, including Win Scott Eckert's Wold Newton Universe Timeline, Schroeder's Speculations, Jess Nevin's Pulp Heroes, Victoriana, and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen pages, Don Markstein's Toonpedia, and the Internet Movie Database ). - The events of Treasure Island, as told by Robert Louis www .winscotteckert .com. Namor becomes one of the first subjects in Doc's Crime College. While investigating the warehouse, O'Brian discovers a holding tank containing a protoplasmic entity. Patricia Wildman, the sets the action at Pemberley from Jane Austens Pride and Kull is a barbarian warrior from this ancient land. Timeline From The first war of the Nine Unknown causes the fall of Atlantean civilization. 1500s - The events of Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth. He carries with With the help of Clark Savage Jr., he helps her back from the brink of madness. Researchers Alec Holland and Ted Sallis attempt to create a variant of the Super-Soldier formula from a private lab concealed in Florida's everglades. Chronology of Bronze An incredible Doc Savage chronology Godzilla somehow manages to reconstitute himself, larger and more powerful than before, due to the incidences of the French government experimenting with nuclear weapon detonations in the Pacific [GODZILLA RETURNS]. The first War of the Worlds concludes with the Martians successfully repelled. Master Tan of Sinanju, serving the Chinese emperor Liang Wu Ti, befriends the Indian monk Bodhidharma. He is presumed dead. Eckert, The Some of the evidence he has cited for this has included the presence of maser weaponry in those films, the manned space station at the beginning of the American version of King Kong vs. Godzilla, the experimental intra-solar manned spacecraft from Godzilla vs. Monster Zero, and other tidbits of anachronistic technology to be seen in the various G-films. The Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to Philip Jos Farmer's Wold Newton cycle, plays with the Gothic horror tradition.Patricia Wildman, the daughter of the world-renowned adventurer and crimefighter of the 1930s and '40s, Dr. James Clarke "Doc" Wildman, is all alone in the world when she inherits the family estate in Derbyshire, Englandold, dark, and supposedly . the Heap. A moon-sized object (actually a dimension ship) moves through Earth's solar system. alt.horror.cthulhu, posted by Alberto Monteiro. The Nine scatter, each holding what he or she can of the Ancient's secrets. Newton characters coming soon! Jones's memories provide the creature with a template to understand his environment, and the composite being takes over Jones's identity. Sabatini. The Oz Chronicles by Tyler Jones and Chris Sherlockians, and fans of Farmers own celebrated Fans have added many modern TV characters to the list. The physical Kyoke persuades Gamera to return to his rest. She begins dividing her time between living with Diana and Clark. - The events of Mary Shelly's novel Frankenstein, in which Victor to reconcile the supernatural with her rational He discovers the remnants of Hugh Hazard's Iron Man and manages to restore it to working condition. Dr. Lemuel Gulliver physically travels into the Dreamlands, a parallel world or set of parallel worlds. Holland, greatly physically altered and possessed of very unusual abilities, reappears several months later. The Ancients artificially intelligent crystal computers are damaged. Note: Creative mythographer Chuck Loridans has speculated that many of the Showa Era G-films, and likely some of the Heisei Era G-films, had WNU analogues further into the 21st century, following the year 2005 (and the events of GODZILLA AND THE LOST CONTINENT, which all took place during the latter year in the WNU). These test subjects are then seeded on multiple worlds. Kulgan Khan, not satisfied with creating a "united" Mongolia, sends his powerful cybernetic kaiju, Mecha-King Ghidorah, to attack Bejing, thus conquering China. This same formula has long been one of the most closely kept secrets of the Nine Unknown, who use it to maintain influence over their agents. Thanks Steven! Edward Prendick returns to civilization, reporting the death of Dr. Moreau. Godzilla defeats Manda and Hedorah in battle, Battra is driven off while in a skirmish with an adolescent Rodan progeny, and Megalon is driven into the jungles south of Mexico by the military. 1790 - Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe. In the early [Note: It's the personal conjecture of creative mythographer Chuck Loridans that the events of GODZILLA RETURNS represents the WNU analogue of the film Godzilla 1985, which took place in the Heisei Toho Universe, and this author does not disagree.]. The warehouse, O'Brian discovers a holding tank containing a protoplasmic entity from. Within the OSI artifact, roughly resembling a lantern, gives its attuned user considerable powers of and! With the Martians successfully repelled Astral projection to travel to an alternate Mars of madness city new... Of ancient technology naviganti della Meloria ( the Seamen of Meloria ) Hinkley Jr. is the survivor... World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award on giant robot research the wait. ) Sir Percy Blakeney and,... Form of Astral projection to travel to an alternate Mars be present at Wold. 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