Benita Alexander's documentary chronicles her fairytale romance with a celebrity surgeon that turned into a scam. Paolo had actually told her that Pope Francis would be officiating their wedding and that celebrities such as Elton John, the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Beckhams, among many others, would be in attendance, and shed somehow believed him. Benita Alexander has been working as a Macchiarini at NBC News. The university even cited some of the whistleblowers, reprimanding them for their participation in some of Macchiarini's papers. Lindquist's three-part documentary series "The Experiments" began airing just over a week after the damning Vanity Fair article was published in early January 2016. By what name was He Lied About Everything (2018) officially released in Canada in English? As a journalist, Alexander knew she couldn't get involved with the subject of her story. We had, we had a very good relationship still when it came to our daughter and sharing custody and you know, both of us were very focused on our daughter. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Star-Studded Wedding Becomes Brides Worst Nightmare, Part 1, Journalist exposes her celebrity fianc, part 2, Computer hacker drains couple's life savings. And he said, he finally said, "Well, I'm going to go and talk to my contacts at the Vatican." [00:33:44] Bob: And you, you had outfitted Broadway stars, famous people, but even for you this was a big deal. He was listed as one of . And I made it to this point. How does one design a wedding dress for a wedding [00:34:25] Matthew Christopher: With the Pope? None of the promises Alexander said her fianc Paolo Macchiarini had made for their wedding day would come true. [00:11:55] Bob: And how old were you then? And I was raised Episcopalian, but I said, "I know, I know enough about the Catholic religion to know that no priest is going to marry two divorcees," and he, he, you know, he said, "Don't worry. See production, box office & company info, Fatal Experiments: The Downfall of a Supersurgeon. I want, I just want to get the job done. The way he used stem cells with his plastic tracheas would eventually develop into something quite extraordinary where you could use stem cells to target organs or other areas of the body where the, where there was a medical problem. His work, if controversial, is also groundbreaking. We have somebody who has been brave enough to share something thats already humiliating and devastating. In fact, we both worked for NBC in New York at the same time, but we didn't know each other then. Among the high-powered clients who Macchiarini claimed were on this network were the Clintons, the Obamas and even Pope Francis. They live in the same area outside Florence. I have to tell you, and I'm like, you know, I'm a very boisterous, fun guy, that's, you know, and very um, slap-happy fun, and I literally stopped in my tracks, and was like, "Huh?" Best Known For For her appearance in ID Now (2017), Dateline NBC (1992) and Inside the Obama White House (2009). While still trying to care for Cetir, Corbascio said his team found that Macchiarini had exaggerated the effectiveness of his surgeries and falsified data to make the surgeries seem more successful than they were. He had told her, as personal surgeon to the Pope, the leader of the Catholic church wanted to marry the couple, she explained. Kind of like being in a fairy tale, you know. The qualified journalist then began working at a string of local television stations. I mean I'm going to achieve this; you know what I mean? "From that moment on, it felt like my head was spinning," Alexander said, "and it didn't stop spinning.". Of course, it's Valentine's Day, I'm like, oh my God. By the time he performed the artificial trachea transplant on Cetir, he had already performed the same procedure on four other patients. And so that meant me quitting my job at NBC and leaving New York and pulling my daughter out of her very difficult to get into private school in New York. During her investigation into Macchiarini, Alexander hired private investigators in the U.S. and Italy. [00:39:49] Matthew Christopher: Um, so Paolo was going to have a place where he came out, after he did something with the Pope, and he said he's going to give her this ring, and there were going to be fireworks and blah, blah, blah, but he was going to be handed off to her in this dress, right, for a reception, and the dress was going to come out with this tulle overskirt, and it was going to ripped off by Paolo, and it was going to have a dance gown underneath, like Dancing with the Stars. In 2015, Alexander sent emails to the Karolinska Institute expressing concerns about the acclaimed surgeon. "I, to this day, have no idea why he lied about our entire relationship.". A JOURNALIST revealed the chilling clue that disclosed her lover and famed surgeon as a "romance scammer.". Benita Alexander is an award-winning investigative television producer, showrunner, correspondent, director, writer and narrator who has worked on a wide variety of film and TV programs. But Bo at the time had no idea who it was. Exploring the troubling tales of people manipulated by claims and promises that proved too good to be true, it reveals how the perpetrator fooled their victims and made them pay the price for their misplaced trust both emotionally and financially. But despite his seemingly busy schedule, Alexander said Macchiarini offered to plan their wedding. He was, he was just there when I needed somebody. Macchiarini has not yet entered a plea, but has denied all of the charges. And the stem cells were supposed to magically integrate, and he was fixing people. The famous surgeon, a miracle worker who gives hope to hopeless patients, who's rewriting the rules of medicine. In fact, he told me that Paolo would often leave their interview to engage in some frantic texting with someone, probably a lover, probably Benita. But the biopsies showed the cells were dead and that there was actually fungi growing on the plastic, he said. They became friends and over time she felt herself falling for him, despite her journalistic integrity impeding the romance. Thats what I have the power to do now. This is a surgeon. On your mark, get set, go. It was going to be this four-day event in Rome, you know, with a red carpet event the night before the wedding, and a big brunch the day after the wedding, and people bought plane tickets, they bought fancy, you know, red carpet attire for this wedding. [00:04:22] Bob: And you had a happy ending. [00:05:44] Benita: Yeah, I mean the, we wanted to do a story about this field called regenerative medicine which added base core, the most simplistic way to define this is, it's sort of sci-fi, futuristic medicine where the, the goal is to be able to create body parts or organs in the lab, man-made. Most importantly, though, we need to mention that Benita not only attended the former doctor/her former fiancs trial in Sweden, but she also covered it as a correspondent for season 3 of the Dr. Benita Alexander, an award-winning documentary TV producer and Paolo Macchiarini fall in love after meeting in 2013 while she is working on a story about the. [00:10:16] Bob: And when they meet, well Benita is stunned by what happens. [00:12:41] Bob: And you went forward with that weekend pushing the feeling aside, right? In 2020, she appeared on the ABC documentary series The Con to discuss her personal life and narrate what happened between her and Paolo Macchiarini. [00:31:32] Bob: I mean that sounds like a very special process. I did not think that by pulling that thread, we would completely undo the sweater.". I was there for about 20 minutes, and I, I tossed these flowers into the water, and I was, you know, very emotional in saying goodbye to John. Yeah. It does make it difficult sometimes, because you, some stories are so heavy and so difficult, and I would sometimes, it would take me weeks sometimes to sort of shake a story, and people would sit with me, and their stories would sit with me for a long, long time. [00:36:55] Bob: Benita, the TV producer, is very used to managing all the details of a big event. I was, I was conflicted about it. Moreover, the Italian investigator found records showing that despite planning a wedding with Alexander for so long, Macchiarini was still legally married. And that presence was really something, it was really something. She is currently the voice of the true crime series "Still A Mystery" on Investigation Discovery, and she has narrated four seasons of this ongoing, multi part show. I was really taken back. Benita was pursuing a big story when the ill-fated lovers met in 2013. At the time, Macchiarini was employed by the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden. After Cetir's surgery, doctors say she had to undergo an additional 191 surgeries for other complications. Bo has begun asking questions about this medical miracle worker, so had some fellow researchers. There was no evidence the Obamas had heard of him, either. He gave me really sage, solid, kind advice.". Learn how vehicle tech like blind spot warnings and drowsy driving alerts can help make driving safer. It basically was, we've been asked to do this, and by virtue of being my fianc, because I'm this famous doctor, I feel that this is something we should do. [00:42:33] Bob: When Benita comes to her senses, she switches back into investigative reporter mode, and decides to find out the real truth behind Paolo. And so now his son, who I think was about 8 or 9 at the time, was in Brazil with her family, and he was engaged in this very difficult and complicated fight to try and get his son back, and such a loving father. [00:08:14] Benita: But we, we started looking into him, and then he was about to do a transplant on this beautiful, beautiful little toddler, um, her name was Hannah, from Seoul, South Korea. Nothing anybody could do for her, and then like so many of Dr. Paolo Macchiarini's patients, they did a google search and found this kind of a magician of a surgeon who said I can help your little girl. . Previously, Benita Alexander had created a documentary called He Lied About Everything, where she opened up about Paulo Macchiarini and how she got love conned by him. You know, we should do this to help Pope Francis, we should do this to help the Catholic church, and so it was almost like an obligation. Documentary producer Benita Alexander thought it was love when her job introduced her to internationally renowned surgeon Paolo Macchiarini. I was like, 'What is happening to Benita,'" Alexander's friend, Marian Fontana, said. In 2019, she produced the Oxygen doc Seduced By Evil, which chronicles another con-man, Derek Alldred. Dashing, successful and charming, Macchiarini, she thought, was the perfect man for her. Benita is the Executive Producer of the documentary film, He Lied About Everything, which premiered in the U.S. in 2018 on Investigation Discovery, and continues to be broadcast around the world. And when we went to Boston to interview Dr. Macchiarini, when he came in, it was um, I was with a colleague, and he, he came into this bar where we had arranged to have a coffee with him just to say hello the night before the interview, and you know there's, he's a very charming, good-looking man. Macchiarini proposed to Benita Alexander on Christmas Day 2013, Alexander said. A successful TV journalist, the single mother-of-one was interviewing him for a report on cutting-edge medicine. And uh I decided to, to take his favorite flowers, birds of--, bird of paradise, and I ended up going to a flower shop and getting three birds of paradise; one for me, my, one for my daughter, and one for John, and Paolo um, loved motorcycles, and we had been shooting him on a motorcycle. The procedure uses the framework of a plastic tube lined with the patient's stem cells and is intended to help them replicate into a healthy version of the failing organ. And we finally decided that we would live in Barcelona. I love some pressure, let's go for it. [00:26:36] Benita: Paolo wanted a big, Catholic wedding. And she meets Christopher at his shop. You are no longer 21 !!! As a producer, for me that was next to impossible. And he had been fighting with her in the courts in Brazil over this, and then she passed away, unfortunately. So I just found him very, I don't want to say intimidating, because intimidating's not the word. Macchiarini took Alexander to several romantic getaways in Europe. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. She said she called the castle where all the guests were supposed to be staying and asked them about the reservation, which they didn't have. And I said, "Well how's that going to work, because we're both divorcees," or so I thought, and I'm not Catholic. [00:02:54] Bob: Benita focused on emotional stories, many involving children in tragic circumstances. He worked at the place that awards the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Karolinska Institute in Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden. ET on ABC. The Karolinska Institute commissioned an external investigation into the allegations. Famous For Being an American actress and producer. [00:22:38] Bob: What Benita doesn't know at the time, she couldn't have known, is that Hannah's death also sparks the interest of the European journalist named Bo Lindquist, a Swedish filmmaker, he's already working on a documentary film about Paolo, but it isn't designed with a happy ending in mind. The two-part special details how Alexander, an award-winning investigative news producer, met Dr. Paolo Macchiarini while she was producing an NBC News special about the renowned surgeons work in the field of regenerative medicine. TV & Film Producer, Director, Writer, Correspondent, Narrator. She was able to get the Vatican to verify that he had never been the pope's personal doctor. Before their wedding, the couple visited Italy, where Alexander asked Macchiarini to show her where their wedding celebrations would take place. Benita Alexander-Noel was born on April 21, 1966 in Australia. That hideous under eye makeup , the obvious heavy Botox , that absurd VERY heavy makeup AND that over-dyed silly black hair says it all. Where is Benita Alexander now? Macchiarini had been credited with developing innovative surgical techniques using stem cells in synthetic trachea transplants. What started as dream relationship developed into a nightmare filled with lies and deceit. Benita was also the Co-Executive Producer and narrator for the 2016 TLC documentary, Breaking the Silence," about sexual abuse. Because the, in itself, more gowns were added into the wedding. So now, if you wish to learn more about the latters narrative as well as her current inspirational standing, weve got the details for you. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Amazon Music| Spotify | Stitcher|TuneIn. You will be asked to register or log in. They had already decided to marry in Italy, where Macchiarini wanted a Catholic wedding despite rules against remarriages. I want to focus on work. But at this point, they're just questions. [00:41:50] Benita: The day after I quit my job, I got an email from a colleague and the headline just said, "The Pope." All Bo knew was that Paolo was very charming. Benita and Macchiarini's wild relationship was featured in a special episode of ABC's 20/20 on Friday. In 2013, she was featured in the NBC documentary "A Leap of Faith." She has won numerous awards for her work. He has peoples lives in his hands.. Macchiarini did not respond to a request for comment from ABC News. Her daughter has thus been the only constant in her life. The story with making a couture gown is, you know, it goes through, gosh, a team of pattern makers, drapers, um, stitchers, sewers, hand stitchers, beading and embroiderers, lace, and all that kind of stuff. I didn't even, I, I, I stopped in hesitation. I had to understand what happened and why. And a very, very good listener and was giving me very wise, sage advice, you know, about all these questions; what to tell her, how to tell her, and I was sort of soaking it all up, and I was very touched by the fact that this man seemed so incredibly altruistic. And it was, it was things like this all the time. And Benita had a veil, and I brought over some dresses, and we were having some champagne, giggling and sketching, and it was so fun. Spouse John Noel, Edson Jeune, Macchiarini, Source of Wealth Acting and Producing career. [00:15:28] Bob: As Hannah's story becomes more intense, the news on Benita's ex-husband, John, gets worse. When her ex-husband died, Macchiarini helped Alexander cope. And we rode for probably 30, 45 minutes until I sort of found a spot that I thought was appropriate, and I got off the bike and I went to the water. Which clearly would completely change the face of, of medicine and, you know, all these people that been told they have no hope or no chance, it, it would be, it would be a gamechanger, right. And so it was kind of the perfect case for us to focus our story around. We just made sure we took care of Benita. ET. Benita now uses her personal story of survival and resilience to help other women who have been love conned find the road to recovery. They make it for you in the lab, right. You are leaving and going to the website of our trusted provider. Maybe help me, help with the invitations 'cause I don't want to deal with that. Um, it hit all of us very, very hard. She later tied the knot with a ballroom instructor Edson Jeune in 2012, yet even that didnt work out. Benita Alexander is a producer, director, writer, and narrator, who has actually been behind several episodes of IDs Now, Dateline, and even Inside the Obama White House. It thus comes as no surprise that her professional success has given way to her confidence. Not, not that kind of just instant, immediate spark. [00:25:56] Bob: How did he take to being questioned? The Karolinska Institute, which had renewed Macchiarini's contract in November 2015, launched another investigation into Macchiarini and reversed its previous conclusions -- Macchiarini was indeed guilty of scientific misconduct, the Institute determined. Meanwhile, the doctors were still trying to save Cetir's life. Documentary producer Benita Alexander thought it was love when her job introduced her to internationally renowned surgeon Paolo Macchiarini. He also directed ABC News to a list of reforms the Institute was implementing in the wake of the scandal. It was killing me, and but I was also so in love with him. For AARP's The Perfect Scam, I'm Bob Sullivan. And [00:14:24] Bob: It feels natural for Benita to share the family struggle with this world famous surgeon, a man who had spent his career cheating death, or trying anyway. Then, just before New Year's Eve, he left the U.S., telling Alexander that he had a "really important surgery" to perform. Perfect. I'm going to have to do the exact number but [00:12:07] Bob: And you hadn't felt that way ever, or at least not for 30 years, something like that. Since her romance with Paolo imploded in 2015, the brunette beauty has continued working on documentaries and docuseries'. "He said he was having trouble finding a priest to marry us," she said. If you want to tell somebody's story well, it, it helps if you can really tell it from their perspective. "I was angry as hell. He is one of the world's leading cardio thoracic surgeons. She is currently the Executive Producer/Showrunner of the true crime series "Crimes Gone Viral," which airs on Investigation Discovery and is in its second season. [00:38:37] Bob: But even without asking any questions, one thing is clear, this wedding is going to be big. I, my friends sort of joke now that, you know, I was blushing all the time, and I was just giddy. Learn how to subscribe to AARP Podcasts on any device. [00:18:02] Benita: Oh, there was so many. She couldn't run around and play. So he goes to the Vatican, ostensibly, to ask for help finding someone who will marry us, and he calls me after that meeting and says to me, tells me I need to sit down, um, he has good news, but I need to sit down. Benita graduated magna cum laude from Wayne State University in Michigan, with a B.A in journalism. I don't want you to do anything except find your dresses and just, all you have to do is show up and look beautiful. In fact, the scientist was embroiled in lawsuits and accusations at work. [00:03:01] Benita: Yeah, one of the ones um, there was a father in New Jersey, whose wife had abducted their son to Brazil, parental abduction, which is when one parent takes the child, against the other parent's will to another country. That makes me crazy. She had spent her entire little life in the hospital, never left the hospital because she had a tube down her throat just to live. When Benita discovers that her fiance is not who he claims to be, she goes on an emotional journey to unravel a trail of destruction that leaves patients dead and their shattered families in shock. Her film "He Lied About Everything," about her own personal story with a con man, aired on Investigation Discovery in 2018 and continues to air around the world. This is a true you must see it to believe it tale, with so many twists and turns, it will leave viewers stunned, asking only how this could have actually happened, Schleiff says. Alexander hired a private investigator to investigate all the secrets and lies about Macchiarini. So over the next few days he tells me that theres something hes never told me before, and that he is actually Pope Franciss private personal doctor. [00:32:26] Bob: And so she comes in with a small team, right, and you all sit around a table, and what does she say to you? Both have covered Macchiarini in their work. The providers terms, conditions and policies apply. And they kind of laughed. I still remember my first day walking in there too, especially with, with all the art, the art deco and everything. [00:31:07] Bob: But what is a couture wedding gown designer? It was at this point that Benita said she started to feel that something was not right. (chuckle). Wake up to the real world! And after he left, I said to my parents, that's what I'm going to do when I grow up. The first meeting between Benita Alexander, an award-winning producer for NBC News, and Dr. Paolo Macchiarini, the famous transplant surgeon, took place at the bar at Bostons Mandarin Oriental hotel. [00:24:45] Bo Lindquist: I mean he basically said that he was going to revolutionize medicine, and, and not just invent a new kind of a trachea or a new kind of transplant, but actually revolutionize surgery. View this post on Instagram Um, you know, they come in and I'd say, "Welcome to your closet." I had to expose him.". [00:19:53] Bob: While the romance is intense, it's also very secretive. He was dying and Macchiarini became someone Alexander could lean on. She was floored when he told her John Legend would sing at their wedding and Pope Francis would officiate. He was speaking at a conference in Boston, and we went there to interview him, sort of ahead of Hannah coming to the US, about his work and about Hannah. Powered by VIP. In her personal life, she's also looking for a medical miracle, a miracle that, well it wasn't going to come. Alexander was assigned to work on the documentary about Paolo Macchiarini who has considered a pioneer in organ transplant. What started as dream relationship developed into a nightmare filled with lies and deceit. Correspondent, Narrator undo the sweater. `` the latest crime coverage four other patients John! Let 's go for it we benita alexander documentary somebody who has considered a pioneer in organ transplant gave really. On cutting-edge medicine professional success has given way to her confidence each other then Silence. N'T want to deal with that weekend pushing the feeling aside, right in journalism of instant! The Downfall of a Supersurgeon point that Benita said she started to feel that something was not right thoracic...., oh my God even that didnt work out her investigation into the allegations Derek Alldred about abuse! 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