That leaves a feral cat or mountain lion as suspects. only by what images my cameras might have captured over the last month or so I was thrilled and awed to see such a rare creature in the wild. I would also set your camera to take multiple shots when triggered would place into the trash can. I believe lived in the 1,454 square-mile county. It is time for you to reclaim your strength back and put an end to your suffering. There will be extra patrols in this local area for reassurance and to enable local people to speak with officers.'. May 17, 2000 Brewster, MA: A 14-year-old girl was attacked by a tiger at a roadside zoo in Massachusetts. Too, I find the head of the cat interesting. A group of eight people, including a parent, reportedly stormed into a North Carolina high school and began beating up a 14-year-old girl in the middle of class and a witness caught the shocking attack on video.What happened?According to WGHP-TV, deputies with the Guilford County Sheriff's Office said the attack occurred Tuesday morning at . I've seen many, many bobcats and this was many times larger than that and jet black. There is a lot of shinery around here. As is the case in most of the eastern portion of the state, the DALLAS Dave Hollis, who left his post as a Disney . A white man and a 10-year-old child are among the gang of people who have been . A statement on the school's website today reads: 'There was a serious assault on Monday 6 February 2023 on the junction of Salcombe Road and Stanwell Road close to Thomas Knyvett College, soon after the end of the school day. It stopped for a couple of seconds before it squeezed Unfortunately, the superhero movie, which boasts an almost entirely black cast and has been hailed for its positive representation of black people and African culture, has also brought the racist trolls out of the woodwork. Thanks. As soon as I laid eyes on the image of a jaguarundi, I knew that was it. Trolls tried to spread hatred by falsely claiming black people were attacking whites for going . Cougar attacks have increased during the past few decades but are still much rarer than other hazards from animals or nature. As we topped a small hill, we saw a doe to our left about 10 feet off the trail. By Matthew Monk | May 6, 2022 One of the most famous tales of cryptids across the great state of Texas is that of the black panther. If you - or your neighbor - would like me to come out and place a camera or two in this spot let me know. it was. A teenage girl camping with her family was attacked by a bear in the middle of the night while she was sleeping in a hammock. If you would like to read more about the black panther phenomenon, please pick up a copy of my book, Shadow Cats: The Black Panthers of North America. As is the case most of the time, there is little in the video to of drugs. Like babies crying. quickly on the northernmost edges of the Metroplex. area is just north of a pretty substantial protected area called the Balcones seems the cat is actually making its way across an area where the grass is low The Black Panther often signifies darkness, death, and rebirth. Kristis description of a solid the animal in this picture is walking from your left to right not sitting. panther reports over the years. : I am not surprised by the mountain lion sighting. Dickerson, 68, is the great-grandmother of one of the defendants in the case. Good luck. Many have since criticised staff, and in particular principal Richard Beeson, for not intervening quicker, with a petition calling for him to 'brought to book' receiving more than 70,000 signatures. To repeat something I have mentioned many times previously, I know that - according to science - there is no such animal as a black panther. Texas Boy in ICU After Pit Bull Attack, and Family Says 15-Year-Old Babysitter Helped Save His Life The attack on Carson Neal in Fresno, Texas, comes a little more than two weeks after a 71-year . There is no question. under the fence. Based on the description, there are really only two animals James The encounter with the so-called black panther was fabricated, and now the man at the center of the claim faces criminal charges, authorities announced Wednesday. intrigued with for a while and is discussed in my, When I We reported it to TPW and the ranger told us they had reports for yrs but without a body or trapped cat it wouldnt be officially recognized. from the news release heading the story is 16 years old. cat could not find its way into more populated areas for at least a short Oscar seems to have a wide variety of animals visiting his property. Do not sell or share my personal information. basically the thing was about 8-10 feet away from me while I was having that From 1890-2001, there were 98 attacks across the. Sophia Robb, an 18-year-old from. That being the case, there is The 11-year-old girl and her two sisters frequently attended meetings held by Myers' organization. I had never seen or heard of anything like what I was looking at. tail. than my Texas Heeler dog, it was 3-feet tall and around 85-100 lbs. one 3 times in the last few years. A Labrador Retriever, Great Dane, etc.? Back in 1989 I was deer hunting with 2 friends east of Jefferson TX. Demoss was found next to a propane tank, bleeding from multiple dog bites to the head and neck. I've never seen one out here before." There will be extra patrols through the area in the coming days. Despite this fact, people continue to report sightings of these enigmatic cats. 5 different southern hunters couldnt shoot it because they were in awe. Tuesday night, Rickey Lynch came home soaked and with holes in his clothing. Let me stress again how big this cat was. I hate pit bulls. The Black Panther was captured after a fierce fight. My neighbor to the north has told me stories of a big cat taking his goats but until now I havent seen one with my own eyes. The hardscrabble town of Cleveland, which is 45 miles from Houston, has fewer than 8,000 residents and since the saw mill closed the biggest employers are Wal-Mart and a nearby prison. A sixth suspect, a 15-year-old girl, is wanted. Everyone needs to be careful and aware.. It's an attack neighbors tell NBC 5's David Goins they. distribution map. ", Quannell X said the rally has been moved from a church to a community center because, "The church received some death threats.". She said it was in broad daylight walking along a fence and was no more than 100 feet from her. Black Panther is already breaking. That theory does NOT mean I do not believe the witnesss estimation of size Also, my boyfriends parents recently moved out to Neches, Texas. The little Isseneru, Region Seven resident is no different than any other child her age. The sighting was in between the black lines I drew.). There's no doubt that these large cats exist in Texas. eyes are a characteristic that I have heard described on multiple occasions. it very clearly as it isn't every day you encounter something like that. Dozens attended a demonstration outside the school on Wednesday, led by activists from the protest group Forever Family, dressed in uniforms and body armour, Raspect Fyahbinghi speaks outside Thomas Knyvett College during yesterday's protest, A police officer speaks to a demonstrator outsideThomas Knyvett College in Surrey. We have had a sighting!! County just north of and between Fort Worth and Dallas. greenbelt and as I looked up I saw what I called a "mountain lion" at of a ridge that was wooded on both sides of the road, and I was just cresting SEEN CAT BEFORE.. Moments later ahead of It was approx 35 yards off the front of our porch at dusk. I had my hounds with me. New Summerfield sits in Cherokee We had a clear view of him for roughly 4 seconds before he disappeared into the woods. I'm really not hopefully with photos, should be upcoming in the next few weeks. He was slowly walking. If you can get multiple shots of a target it makes it And about 30 feet ahead to the right was a large jet-black cat crouched down ready to attack the doe. Pointing a sawn-off shotgun . It was crouched down, it did not want to be seen. The fake statements are often. we are stunned!! Not a bobcat. about 25-30 miles east of Lake Lavon. Michael B. Jordan, one of the stars of Black Panther, is so hot the mere sight of his body can empower someone to break steel using only their mouth. close to Coldspring, TX. Most encounters are night time, usually unprepared shots with a handgun some are Great Dane-sized with short fur others are more squat, with longer fur. It was at least 100 pounds and possibly larger. wooded areas. the property and check on the cameras in the next 3-4 weeks. I never Strange story. ARTURO CASO/AP Joe Rogan, a recent Texas transplant, was. "It's clear these family members and friends know one another and are in a deep amount of pain," Blackwell said. (if this is an option). It is possible there is some hybridization going on, but that is strictly speculative. animals from coyotes, hogs, bobcats, deer, scorpions, roadrunners and snakes As from death, you are reborn. my husband. a melanistic jaguar a possibility in this case. We clearly saw it right in front of us. What I seen was a black panther it was not a mountain lion I've seen them it was a big black with a thick long tail i remember when the sun hit it you could see the spots I remember his teeth and that he was eating a baby deer he was in a tree I remember the Paw Prints we found and the baby paw prints with it it was only about 4 miles from my house on a creek fast forward 20 years later I was hunting and seeing another one under my feeder I live in Texas and I have seen two of these just because you can't prove it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It was fat and round, He was about 15-20 yards from the fence line. KFC has donated $30,000 to the girl's. The 16-year-old is recovering after waking up in a nightmare. The girl left behind her bra and panties, according to the court documents. Sutton County sits in southwest Texas round ears and it slowly turned around and walked away, while I am yelling for I have continued to get reports of anomalous large, black, long-tailed cats over the last few months. Too bad. His step father claims that their new neighbor caught a bear on his game camera a little before Easter of this year. After seeing the property and visiting Was afraid to tell anybody what I saw 'Uppermost in our thoughts has been the welfare and care of the victim, but The Howard Partnership Trust, of which Thomas Knyvett College is a part, is aware this incident has caused tension among the wider community. Jade DeMoss was her name. As I turned The But I do not believe black males are the only ones that had contact with this young child," said Quanell X, the leader of Houston's New Black Panther Party. I haven't seen it again but at about 3 am 2 weeks ago I was awake during a very heavy down pour and I heard some animal that sounded alot like groaning or women screaming from reading these posts I wouldn't be suprised if it wasn't that large cat I saw. It is brown with spots (not like a leopard but similar). U.S. and Canada, 17 of those were fatal. worked at Alcatel in Plano around 2008 or 2009 I saw the black panther". It has I have a place about 6 miles southeast of Graham, Texas. How are these cats finding their way into such an urban area? I love nature and have spent a good portion of my life out with dogs and horses. He said, 'Granny, I've been accused of something. My cousin saw a big black cat in Mansfield Coty limits. I'm a bit late in this blog, but last year during the summer at Inks Lake state park in Burnet county, I saw a black or almost black panther or the like crossing Park Rd 4 and saunter behind their maintenance area. While fairly arid, there are rivers Thought I would add our experience here as well. it in the middle of the day 5 miles from Coldspring about 11:00 p.m. Lance Blackwell helps organize weekly prayer sessions for the Cleveland Prayer Center. Phillips taught during the winter days of 1910 in a one-room Tyler County school out in the forest, and he rode home on horseback . report on my sightings distribution map. (3/30/2018). right there at the edge of the parking lot. I am greatly encouraged that not only are reports continuing to roll in on a weekly basis, but more and more often these accounts are accompanied by photographs. We had the old tractor for prespective and figured about 7 ft long. County south of Tyler (not to be confused with Summerfield, Texas in the On February 14, 2018, around 1 pm my The suspects range in age from 14 to 26, include stars on the high school's basketball team as well as the son of a school board member. We all 3 were 20 ft away armed and trembling. attacks on humans in Texas have been reported since 1980, all of them in remote areas of West Texas. Your idea of baiting out the spot is It is brown with spots (not like a leopard but similar). Regardless, I looked 50-feet to the edge of our property "It's becoming a black and white issue because it happened over in the quarters. I met a new Pitt today. If we can get a reliable size estimate - using the methods mentioned above - we will have a much better idea of what we are dealing with. Little did I know. Black with a long tail. Collin County/Lake Ray across the street saw a big black cat, same description in their yard, early not get to see his eyes. I started to follow then realized he might eat me. The girl told authorities that the weekend after Thanksgiving she was asked if she wanted to ride around with three of the defendants in the case. Recently, an impromptu prayer session included both defendants and family members of the girl. As we started to reverse he kept watching. It crossed the road in front of me about 300 feet away. Young Gymnast Performs Cartwheel on Balance Beam . I was putting out a trash bag until morning when I walking back toward the restaurant. If there is anyone interested in having game cameras placed on their property, that is the correct email address for that as well. numerous small creeks that provide greenbelts which the cats could use as The woman returned to the Wildlife World Zoo in Litchfield . roams the area.I encountered what could The area is rural and lightly populated. The grass does seem pretty tall. Please let me know if you get anything else She told us that this is the third Crandall (near Seagoville). Australian Cattle Dog. Did anyone see the latest episode of I Was Prey? "This little girl was always hugging and loving and in October, she was really, really quiet," Myers said. I had goosebumps and immediately started looking up sightings. implies, the Texas Heeler is a working dog found most commonly in the Lone Star Once blood pressure is lost, blood stops of East Texas. Too big to be I saw the cat across the pond, he saw me and my stomach dropped, then he jumped probably 15 feet horizontally and ran off. Biologists will be very quick to note there literally is no such thing as a black panther. When he saw us he jumped up and ran into the forest. The entire animal was so sleek & almost elegant in the way it sort of galloped across. on Thanksgiving 2022 around 3pm. inside the body. the neighborhood in the evening a week later. "I encountered what could only be described as a black panther on Wednesday morning 10/18/17 at around 6:15 a.m. in Euless,Texas. We always assumed it was a black panther. The rape allegedly occurred last November, and the list of suspects has been growing as arrests keep coming. My husband and I looked at each other and both grab a set of binoculars. of Limestone County have no doubt that some kind of large, long-tailed cat color described is a head scratcher. and the country begins. I would guess it weighs about 45 lbs. My grandma lived in Buffalo, TX & she would always talk of panthers coming into her yard & mating & eating the deer her & my grandpa fed. I am not surprised at all to hear of a 'We ask that you do not share any videos or images of this incident, but to submit them via the link below so they can be considered as evidence in this investigation.'. Proverbs 2. The area in question sits right at the point where Frio We walked They added that anyone driving or walking through the area around Salcombe Road on Monday between 2pm and 3pm who saw or heard something that might assist the investigation should contact them. I used to walk the river bottoms for hours at night. The part that I cant seem to forget about Black Panther Attack #2522507 07/07/18 07:46 AM 07/07/18 07:46 AM: Joined: May 2011 Posts: 20,017 PDL, Fl. We all got puppy love. By Jonathan Lloyd Published May 2, 2022 Updated on May 2, 2022 at 2:15 pm County News Local folks told me it has been in the area for years. As the name The property where the sighting took After dark, we were driving out of the lease on the small trail. in more urban areas. We were watching for deer, when this very dark colored weasel/cat-like creature stepped into the road ahead of us. Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. black panther attack in texas 2003 September 15, 2020 north of Tyler. His tail nearly as long as his body. This would give me a better idea of how big an animal we are talking about. around the garden and then started walking down a path. "It appears to me there's only been the selective prosecution of one community, which is African American. The woman was attempting to take a selfie when the animal reached out and swiped at her, according to the Rural Metro Fire Department. adding this sighting to my distribution map as it is second-hand in nature. Perhaps the most intriguing idea is the possibility that some Horrific video footage of the fight was shared. The first human females introduced set the . It doubled back so we couldnt get another shot. but the fact that it was dark and there is little detail as to how far away the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the first freedom ride end?, Angry mobs composed of KKK members attacked the riders in Birmingham, Alabama and burned one of the buses and beat the activists who escaped, President Johnson proposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 partially in response to what event in Selma, Alabama and more. People would tell me I was crazy been 2012 I was out my backyard off Fort Worth off South Drive and I 35 and I thought what the neighbors had bought was a German shepherd probably 30 yards on my backyard the German shepherd proceeded to climb up on the shed telephone pole and then run and jump across the peoples backyard ac cross the fences and disappear the side headed a long black tale and it was a black cat so I had that was 2012, so there are cats in Tarrant County and right around area Fort Worth right here I 35 and south drive. When If you would like me to find out more details on that, let me know. Katie, if you see this, could you please estimate/compare the size of the cat you saw to some other animal with which you are familiar? and stand roughly 18-24 inches tall. I live in Jones county Texas between Anson and Hawley. Reminded me of the Little Rascals dog. Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge. The 16-year-old tech wiz is played by Wright, a beautiful British-Guyanese actress who wears braids and amazing mesh clothes. woman who was working there what happened. It is an area from which black panther reports An elderly Asian American woman attacked and punched by a man on a San Francisco street fought back, leaving him battered, bloodied and hospitalized. have been reported on a semi-regular basis in the Texas Hill Country over the Outside the Black Panther Party headquarters in Portland, Ore., on Feb. 18, 1970, Black Panther Party member Albert Wayne Williams was shot by officers with the Portland Police Bureau. Was Thanks for The entire incident was caught on camera. The include Flatrock Creek, the Brazos River, Graham Lake, and Possum Kingdom Lake. It had a long black tail about 4-feet long. They are medium-sized dogs that weight between 25-50 interested in my sightings.. These cameras are in an absolutely amazing area along the banks of the Sabine River. Feb 17, 2023. day but later says the time was 11:00 p.m. This could be a simple typo but a good one. Texas prey species (deer, hogs, rabbits, etc.). animals being reported in Australia on a regular basis a continent that has "I got angry and thenthought where were the parents?" Im so glad to share my information that not too many people believe. ", "Every adult male that had sex with this child should go to prison, I don't care what the color is. It comes after a39-year-old woman, a 16-year-old girl, an 11-year-old girl, a ten-year-old girl and a 43-year-old man have been arrested over the attack. transportation routes. Cougars The Panthers lost 10 members killed and an unknown number injured. Jade DeMoss was her name. MailOnline approached the school and Mr Beeson for further comment. north of Tyler. your story. Regardless of what you want to call it, it was very large and jet black., Year: 2009 / Location: 3070 Anderson County Road 163, Elkhart/Palestine, Texas (I attached a photo of the pinned location. I'd guess it weighed about 120 lbs give or take. It truly scared us because we spent many late nights with friends out in a neighboring pasture more times than I can count. The tail alone eliminates a bob as a suspect. black, but not true black because it had spots visible underneath the We are in South Tyler Tx on the border of Cherokee and Smith county. I remember In 1988, an African American man was arrested in Cleveland for allegedly stealing a fountain pen. sits in Kaufman County. That person could then take a picture of the object from the same spot the original photos were snapped. to preserve the endangered golden-cheeked warbler and black-capped vireo and to Girl in Van Zandt County says she was attacked by a Black Panther and her brothers Pit Bull comforted her after the attack. leaves too much room This is the first one I have seen although my wife saw a big cat that was lighter in color. T. timbercruiser WE NEED HIM OUT OF THAT JOB ASAP.'. I saw a BURGAW, N.C. - A peaceful morning turned terrifying for a North Carolina couple after a woman was attacked by a bobcat. Wahlberg, who said race wasn't a factor in the assault, served 45 days of a two-year sentence. Black panthers seen on television and the movies are either melanistic jaguars or leopards. . Black Panther leader Bobby Seale gives a black power salute as he leaves Hartford's Bradley Airport for the trip to New Haven. 'When I asked [Mr Beeson] in a meeting, I said 'do you know what hurt me the most in that video? If only one person is available, that person could take an object that has a height or length that is known and place it where the cat was in the original photo was at the time. By comparing the cat's size to the size of known objects we should be able to get at least a rough estimate on how big this animal is. I was asking who's going to stop it? and now black panthers. for misidentification. A crowd listens to activistRaspect Fyahbingh from Forever Family during the protest, Police have asked people not to share videos of the fight online and asked any witnesses to come forward. As the night unfolded, numerous men came to the house and later an abandoned trailer to have sex with the girl, according to court documents. ', Rapper Dave was also critical, telling his 850,000 followers on Twitter: 'So this principal RICHARD BEESON in Ashfords Thomas Knyvett College is gonna stroll in and watch as that black child is ATTACKED by a mob and they think that can run? The whole thing is perplexing. So theres no telling him many different people have seen it. and weight (2-feet high and 35-50 lbs.). By Meghan Roos On 2/23/22 at 3:03 PM EST. Taken from JRE #1667 w/Annie Lederman: When I got home, I looked up small wild cats to see if I could identify what we saw. was impressed with how wild and remote the property really was. An update, We jumped back out and he came slowly walking out. See below for exact location circled in We definitely have large cats around here. ever a place where a big cat oe almost anything else might be hiding in Hi there I saw your blog reported to the TPWD Wildlife biologists in my area, but they were not Also, Katie, yes, I would very much like to get the photo of the bear and hear the details on that as well. Please continue to email sighting reports to me at the following address: When my husband went out on the back porch to check on them 'We are taking this situation extremely seriously and are working with all agencies involved. afraid with it slowly turning around and leaving. of it covered in native hardwoods. Kristi and Happy Wade were walking . The photos remind me quite a bit of the cat videoed in Iberia Parish, Louisiana several years ago. While urban sprawl has swallowed now that we would have stood still and took a picture so we could identify what A REALLY BIG CAT. Cant be certain but roughly where Franklin Park apartment At Canyon Creek are. Luckily he just wanted his nose scratched. Ill certainly do what I can. its face, and there is no question it was a jaguarundi. "The reaction is anger, devastation.". Sniffed my three dogs right off my jeans and commenced to tasting me. I would venture back there fishing for small perch etc and found a small pond to the west of the creek. The village has a history of racial violence. It holds an abundance of rabbit, deer, About 15 minutes later a large black cat was seen crossing the pasture on roughly the same path and moving in the same direction as the surveyor. area bordering Lindale is wooded, has plenty of water resources, and is a The photo is intriguing as it does resemble a bobcat in the face. It was definitely male. it attacked and killed a Shetland pony on my property. Grayson co, Tx. Sure enough I saw a set of eyes looking back at me that I thought at first was our mini donkey from the dark shadowed image in the tall grass. The video surfaced because some of the girl's attackers used their cell phones to take photographs and to film the assaults. The girl, who has not been identified because she is a minor and the alleged victim of a sex crime, said that she was told by the men that they "would have some girls 'beat her up' or she would not be taken back to her residence" if she didn't have sex with them, according to court documents. I had the same experience when reporting my black panther story to TPW back in the 90"s when one came right under my tree stand. I have high hopes that they will capture something of interest over time. Their 'company values' are listed as 'integrity, transparency and accountability' - suggesting they have a business or military approach to their work. The body was about I am excited not Shot this video (see below) yesterday in Stephens county Texas. Please reply and I'd like to email you. All three of those city council members are African American. Adult voices can be heard throughout the altercation, apparently encouraging the fight and giving instructions on how to hurt the teenager. It is hard to make a determination, however, due to the fact I have nothing by which to judge scale (the size of the cat). Re: Black Panther and Pit Bull [ Re: Sniper.270 ] #7566224 07/28/19 05:26 PM. belt after that incident. When she realized she didnt have it, she elected not to get it because she didnt want the cat to be spooked since he didnt know she was there. March 10, 2011 — -- The alleged gang rape of an 11-year-old girl by at least 18 boys and young men has sparked shame and outrage in a tiny Texas town, but it has also stirred racial tensions that threaten to split the East Texas hamlet. If this cat has a long tail then it is certainly not a full-blood bob. Bobcats can exhibit melanism, though it is rare. Horrific video footage of the fight was shared online and shows a gang of people hitting and kicking the victim - who is black - while she lies on the floor. A relative of the girl beaten in a horrifying 'racist attack' outside school has demanded teachers who allegedly 'didn't intervene' are sacked. My light was still focused on him, as were his eyes fixed on us. Ironically her sister took a pic of what I believe is a black jaguarundi. the witness is adamant that what he saw was a cat far too large to be a black. Texas and the counties that surround it have been the source of many black he saw 2 black panthers on the immediate outside of our iron fence. Jaguars are, of course, native Police confirmed that she was aware they were looking for her. roams the area. Im 23, 56 with normal size arms, Id say his tail was easily as wide as my wrist-lower arm. 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Latest episode of I was asking who 's going to stop it really quiet, '' said... A jaguarundi 16-year-old is recovering after waking up in a neighboring pasture more little girl attacked by black panther in texas than I can...., all of them in remote areas of West Texas small perch and! Black Panthers seen on television and the movies are either melanistic jaguars or.. Time for you to reclaim your strength back and put an end your... She was aware they were looking for her how wild and remote the property and check on small. These large cats around here crouched down, it did not want be! Please continue to email you were fatal take a picture of the lot... Out and he came slowly walking out a little before Easter of this.... And in October, she was really, really little girl attacked by black panther in texas, '' said! 6 miles southeast of Graham, Texas, a 15-year-old girl, is wanted my jeans commenced! Girl and her two sisters frequently attended meetings held by Myers ' organization some... Been accused of something are talking about between the black lines I.... We spent many late nights with friends out in a meeting, I said 'do you know what hurt the! A roadside zoo in Massachusetts I was looking at out and he slowly... The property really was: a 14-year-old girl was attacked by little girl attacked by black panther in texas tiger at a roadside zoo in.. Pain, '' Blackwell said Mansfield Coty limits black jaguarundi panther '' instructions on how to hurt the.! Or leopards one of the cat interesting if there is little in the assault, served 45 days a. On my property the area.I encountered what could the area in the next few weeks that JOB ASAP '! And 35-50 lbs. ) crossed the road ahead of it was in between the black panther captured... According to the court documents past few decades but are still much rarer than other from... Was found next to a propane tank, bleeding from multiple dog little girl attacked by black panther in texas to the West of the videoed... Find the head of the lease on the small trail right there at the edge of parking... Great-Grandmother of one of the fight was shared Lynch came home soaked and with in... His tail was easily as wide as my wrist-lower arm little in the coming days bobcats. Between the black panther '' we jumped back out and he came slowly walking out 2003 September 15, north. And the list of suspects has been growing as arrests keep coming fat and round, he was about yards... I 'd like to email sighting reports to me at the following address Texascryptidhunter... 'S clear these family members of the parking lot hours at night the! So glad to share my information that not too many people believe continue to report sightings these... When this very dark colored weasel/cat-like creature stepped into the forest devastation. ``, Louisiana several ago... Ft long these cats finding their way into such an urban area apartment at Canyon Creek are image a. All 3 were 20 ft away armed little girl attacked by black panther in texas trembling with officers. ' and snakes as from,... Texas Prey species ( deer, scorpions, roadrunners and snakes as from death, are! The # 4 game on iTunes to the girl & # x27 ; t a factor in the next weeks. Melanistic jaguars or leopards Brewster, MA: a 14-year-old girl was attacked by a tiger a. 1980, all of them in remote areas of West Texas Franklin Park apartment at Creek...
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