I knew we were losing our numbers fast but not nearly as fast as we are, thank you for the education. The men who were drafted served and did their jobs well they were all soldiers. Did not know his name but I couldnt bring myself to walk by his A/O after this happened. Thank You. A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a. Burkett is the author of Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of its Heroes and its History, which was published in 1998 and received widespread acclaim. Deborah Grassman, who has cared for 10,000 dying vets as a hospice nurse practitioner at the V.A. INTERESTING CENSUS STATISTICS. Local boards called men classified 1-A, 18-1/2 through 25 years old, oldest first. At the same time all my friends whom never served had good jobs and new cars etc. Grenada, Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing, Panama Invasion, and Gulf War Veterans will all start dying in large numbers. of You dont have parades for soldiers coming home from a war they lost.. It has been a great experience. I used to be with the local VVA and did the Newsletter in 1987+ I added a column of all the OBITS of then dying off Vietnam Veterans from our area. Well, one thing to remember is that not all Vietnam veterans were born in 1945 or later. Recently, a local widow of a serviceman received a shock when. What is the average age of a Vietnam veteran today? I received a memo from the Virginia VA dated March 9, 2010 stating that although VA was required to publish the new regulation by March 12, 2010 (in accordance with the Agent Orange Act of 1991 stipulating timeframes for action), VA would be unable to meet that date. Please post the SOURCE of this statistic. How the hell can anyone answer this question? THERS IS ONLY ONE KIND OF COMBAT VET..ONEWHOWAS IN COMBAT. How many Vietnam War vets are left? It wasnt a bad idea at all, as Ive learned everything on the Kinah making aspect in this game. In 1982 Vietnam veterans march down Constitution Avenue toward the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which would be dedicated later that day. Some pilots, career men and members of elite units may have been much older. that were projected in 2000 to 2010? Two of my long-time friends are in-country veterans. Mike, We had it nice compared to the line Medics. Where is the museum and website referred to as the source of the figure 850,000 living Vietnam veterans? Vietnam Veterans may be eligible for disability compensation benefits because of exposure to Agent Orange. Often asked: What To Say In A Letter To A Veteran? I do not know or care, where your stats came from. It is anticipated that the overall number of veterans would fall from 19.5 million in the year 2020 to 13.6 million in the year 2048. Peter Langenus, today the Commander of VFW Post 653 in New Canaan, Connecticut, commanded Delta Company, 3rd Battalion/7th Infantry, 199th Light Infantry Brigade from 1969-70. Who was the youngest American soldier killed in Vietnam? According to figures provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs of the United States, 530 Vietnam veterans pass away every single day. Except for one, we were all medics. So it is not so much the numbers as the age at which Vietnam Veterans pass on to glory. Lets all prove the stats wrong. im a vietnam vet.i was in the army from 1964 1967.i went to vietnam in october 1965-1966.i was in charlie , company.2-16,infantry, rangers.we fought in many battles.the biggest was operation abilene,april 11th,1966.we had 80% csaulties.i was awarded the silver star,and purple heart for that battle.i became a detroit poilce officer after i left the army.i retired,and moved to san diego ca,after retirment.i then worked as a court secutity officer for the united states marshal,in san diego.i had a very seroius heart attack,and several strokes.im retired now.im a life member of the vietnam veterans of america,life member of the D.A.V. Ischemic heart problems. And yet our government which is one of the best in the world scares the crap out of me. Ill never ware a baseball cap again ever! Can you send flowers anonymously through 1800flowers? He was 15 years old and had been in-country nearly one month. I have met many men who were spat upon. to According the them there was a giant wall that stopped all aerial spraying and river flow from the rivers into the Gulf of Tonkin where we got our drinking, cooking and bathing water just like the Aussie sailors in the Gulf the Aussie government through scientific studies found that drinking the water from the Navy desalination processors actually concentrated the dioxins rather than filter them out. Thanks Jim, that was very thorough. A group of amputee Vietnam veterans talk together at a hospital in San Francisco, California, 1967. best regards. During that year, 1,928 soldiers died in the Vietnam War. No one can do a C & P exam in that short of time. looking around. the word from the rear was we werent authorized cib. educated man, besidesrocknroll there is Classical Music, Jazz and other favorites It can take decades for symptoms to appear. There are tons of Era Vets who are categorized as Vietnam Veterans, which is sort of true, but they are Vietnam ERA Vets, and never left the United States. civilian world and create a new life for ourselves. Twenty-one-year-old Steven A. Wowwk arrived as an infantryman in the Armys First Cavalry Division in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in early January 1969 to fight in an escalating and increasingly unwinnable war. Hi Mike, "Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veteran's age approximated to be 54 years old." I am slowly dying from AO and my country has once again tried to spit on me. I hope you all know that if you were in country and have diabetes you are basically automatically qualified for soem degree of compensation their is a presumptive connection as there is with various cancers. How do I unlock Wattpad stories without paying? We were in the tents in the mud in 1966 /67 . But what are you doing in addition to saying thank you?. Mike: Served in the 5th SFGA 4th ID, and E/20th Inf from 69-71; went from E1 to E6 all in the 11B series. To me, It means today is a fresh start and we have one more chance at having a normal life. Any anecdotal evidence that has come my way over the years is not from books. A fellow soldier in the 134th assault helicopter company with me shot and killed himself just down the hall from where I slept while I was sleeping. However, the unit is most well-known for its exploits during the Vietnam War, which took place between 1955 and 1975. The Vietnam veterans, we couldnt believe it. Jaundice, itchy skin, weight loss and other symptoms appear only when the disease is in its final stages. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Vietnam? Garwood is sometimes identified as the last documented American prisoner of war from the Vietnam War. Soon we won't have any World War II Veterans remaining. Says here, 2047. More answers below James Cain Found your article after reading so many obits lately where the guy was a Vietnam vet and wondering. Before you visit your local recruiter, be sure you meet the minimum qualifications for serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. and were sometimes in more combat during their tour than the actual grunts they supported they still werent awarded the CIB. . OK I also am wary of statistics thrown out on the web, being a former Marine and a Viet Nam Vet I looked up the numbers from one of the sources indicated.. found that the Naval Health Institute who crunches no. Required fields are marked *. Seventeen year-old James Calvin Ward was one of them. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Lincoln, Nebraska is where I call home. This was met by skeptisim by most Veterans groups. I went back to work (with Government Defense Contractor)where I worked before entering service and was laid off after 1 month.Went to VA rep who did nothing about it,but then sent me for a job as an exterminator.went off on him and asked was this supposed to be closest civilian related occupation. I am not sure anyone will ever quantify the exact number of suicides. "I was in a state of shock," he said. You must (with very few exceptions) have a high school diploma. I found out later I am an in country vet and 59 years old, your article wasvery informative. He was the youngest American service member to be killed in the Vietnam War. It is believed that less than 850,000 of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam are still living today; the age of the youngest American Vietnam veteran is around 60 years old. But for the time being, we will just all hang together here and beat the odds. American soldiers returning home from Vietnam often faced scorn as the war they had fought in became increasingly unpopular. What happens if you eat too many brussel sprouts? http://edschultz.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=63544, MY MINISTRY: http://web.mac.com/rthorne2/Site/TRUTH_REVEALED_MINISTRY.html, De Nomie, William D. Sgt. I was wondering about these statistics. We flew to Okinawa, and during the flight on Flying Tiger airlines from Okinawa one of the four engines stopped, we had to make a emergency landing back at Okinawa. Combat Medic Compared to the U. S. population, the mortality rates of Veterans are higher at older ages, and the life expectancy of Veterans are estimated to be 0.7-0.9 life-years shorter for males, and to be 1.2-1.3 life-years shorter for female at age 25, 45, and 65. Some may have escaped the digs and harsh words and that is good but make no mistake those things did happen. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? we went to the 1st sargent and he said ok. i went out for 7 or 8 mo. The past 5 years has seen a ton of so called veteran statistics that are clearly confabulated. Thanks for your attention to this subject. Patsy T. Mink, (U.S. House of Rep-Hawaii) get honored with a burial in Punchbowl. Best wishes, I just watched a VN movie about the Hanoi Hilton.. I hope it will cause your readers to write the Secretary and emphasize their concern about the unfortunate treatment of our Vietnam Veterans. i just learned, they are going to give me 40% for a couple things. In my mind they were throwing out a SWAG. Walker another 4 year RA, he left Germany volunteered for Vietnam, assigned to Im a member of the Vietnam Veterans of American. Though rarely found in Americans, the parasites infect an estimated 25 million people worldwide, mostly in Asia. Yer pal, Ferraeri Bubba. Sorry about the delay here in answering. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Even though thousands served with the Infantry units as FOs, Dog Handlers, EOD etc. I am a Marine Vietnam Vet (6/67-7/68) & a MarineDesert Shield/Storm Vet. Reading Shineskis October news release, which promised a fast track response to those who suffered from ISD, I immediately re-filed with VA. A few days later VA issued a bulletin essentially saying, Whoa, the approvals would be delayed until sometime in summer 2010 because it had to be published with the Federal government.. No way of accounting for one car accidents either. The 69-year-old, who lives in Port Jefferson Station, New York, didn't have any symptoms when he agreed to take part in the study, but hoped his participation could help save lives. According to an estimate by the New York Times, there were 8.4 million Vietnam veterans who were still alive in the year 2000.Of those, 1.1 million had passed away.It was also estimated that there will be a total of 138,000 Vietnam veterans who will pass away every year from this point forward.Editorial note from the administrator of the website: For me, the estimate from two years ago of 610 thousand seems to make the most sense. Last name: "I didn't think it would be me.". As for VA disability, if someone was in combat or experienced documented stressors before or after Vietnam, AND, they are assessed in a VA claim related medical exam, AND they can get someone who was in their unit to verify the incidents, they may be successful in their claim for PTSD or injuries received in Nam. i have been 100% dav. It is believed that there were 58,318 casualties among United States soldiers alone. I may have some choice words to express as well. Your email address will not be published. That often precedes an Appeal. IE 11 is not supported. None of the enlisted grades have an average age of less than 20. Northport VA Medical Center spokesman Christopher Goodman confirmed the New York facility collected the samples and sent them to the lab. Before I married my loving wife, I told her of some of my experiences, but not all of them showed her all themedicine At this rate there will be only a few of us alive in 2015. My name is Jason Gunn and I am a veteran of OIF with the First Armor Div. It stopped short of urging them to get ultrasounds or other tests, saying there was currently no evidence the vets had higher infection rates than the general population. Might any of our readers speculate about why this may be? SFC (Ret.) We met at the replacement battlalion hearing our names at roll call, couldnt believe we were meeting again For myself I always felt that the millions of men who were in uniform before me returned to civilian life, I could do the same, when I went into the army, I was I work with veterans all the time and thought you might find it interesting (if you didnt know already) that any Vietman Vet who served in country and who develops Parkinsons Disease, Lou Gehrigs disease, or a number of other illnesses is assumed tohave been exposed to Agent Orange and AUTOMATICALLY qualfies for Service Connected Disability. Neither of us has since flown again. The AO stuff is just so hard to tolerate as it still invades so many of us. i was as directly involved in the fighting as anyone else in e-troop. As we approach March 29 and this Vietnam Veterans Day, take the time to remember those who honorably served. Veteran Mike Baughman, 65, who was featured in the previous AP article, said his claim was granted early this year after being denied three times. In case you havent been paying attention these past few decades after you MarDivPhoto on Oct 9, 2009 refers to the American War Museum website, and mike_brewer on Oct 12, 2009 refers to the Vietnam War Museum, both as the source of the number 850,000 living Vietnam veterans. second tour. December 21, 1953 Goldsboro, North Carolina, U.S. I heard a pop and at that time guys used to mess with pin flairs so when I was awaken by a popping sound I thought it was a pin flair going off. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. Be safe and well Welcome Home The disability compensation that some veterans get from the VA is factored into the average for veterans. If it is any comfort, one of my VVA pals reminds me that VVA only has a total of about 45,000 members nation wide, so it represents and very small part of all who served. And instead of getting return peace fingers, I got the middle finger.. society. Often, just being in the TAOR, tactical area of responsibility will qualify you for a CIB? Not everyone boosts about how there home comming was and there are those who would like to leave that chapter behind them. I came back from nam in January of 70.Got out September remember being called a baby killer,monster etc ,was not spit on ,but had I been would have given back a proper response.When I came back was wearing my medals and CIB etc. Your email address will not be published. sent back to the 4/18 artillery, the same unit I left in Germany. I do not concur with this figure. Showing It means Hill of Sacrifice. This study was limited by the relatively short follow-up and the young age of the veterans. This is around 9.7 percent of the generation at the time. What is the average lifespan of a veteran? There is always the notable distinction between Era Vets and Combat Veterans. The latter group does in fact have an uncommonly high mortality rate, that includes approximately 115, ooo suicides between 1969 and 1989. Born: 08/27/1943. Mike. I have never had or felt the same camaradrie I experienced serving two tours I was in uniform for 26 years and served honorably and faithfully. So few can imagine that we were really sprayed with chemicals and had to live with the year of VA Denial. Its mostly the exact opposite. Of the 50 blood samples submitted, more than 20 percent came back positive or bordering positive for liver fluke antibodies, said Sung-Tae Hong, the tropical medicine specialist who carried out the tests at Seoul National University in South Korea. He gets cremated and tossed into the ocean with no fanfare. In my 60s now, retired disabled veteran live on my little firebase with my wife we both married for the first time she was 41 I was 43 share our life with our 11 dogs and 2 cats. (Vietnam veterans are passing away at a pace that is about comparable to that of their dads who served in World War II.) My room mate was nick named Budda in the 134th. I am unable to find the museum websites referred to, though I find a National War Museum and a Veterans Memorial Museum. The number of claims submitted reached 60 in 2017, up from 41 last year. at the time i wasnt concerned, though, some of the guys working as fos, who were planning on a military career, were trying to get cibs. HEROLD, W.Va. A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in the jungles of Southeast Asia. 65-66 and Fed-67. I would like to see how much that differs from the civilian population and are they no. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. american legion of purple hearts. Then ask, Do you think I might have been affected by this ambiguity between grounded reality in the tri canopy jungle and political reality at home which was counter to the troops welcome return (sarcasm). While I was in Vietnam I saw men, who did brave and heroic deeds they deserve When the diagnosis came, both Pete and Kate were sure they knew the cause: Pete's exposure to the chemical defoliant Agent Orange during his time as a helicopter crew chief in Vietnam. God bless you guys for your sacrifice. but sofar nothing how many are reallyleft? Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? I too am a Marine Vietnam Veteran; (7th Marines 67-69), with multiple diagnoses. They may look appealing but can actually take up to 5 years to schedule a hearing. No way of accounting for the incidence of this from 1972-85. I do know this. I knew how to get more than enough for everything I needed. 101st Airborne 1971 For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. We returned back to NY on Jan. 2, 1968. I found out he was on the plane behind me after roll call satin the rain and mud (Reuters Health) - According to a new study, mortality rates among Vietnam Conflict veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that were higher than usual imply that battle trauma may continue be damaging veterans' health even decades after the war. He would not comment on the findings, but said everyone who tested positive was notified. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Starting to live with zest at 60 aint so bad. i mention the verified stressers, as i wonder if that could help in the decision on a cib. Discounting senior officers, there must be many Vietnam veteran who have died past the age of 70. Less than half of them submitted claims for service-related benefits, mostly because they were not aware of a possible connection to Vietnam. How to find out who sent anonymous flowers? The aircraft ( helicopter ) went down experiencing mechanical problems. I have had cancer in the crease of my neck were a knot on a kerchief rubbed, and sores in my scalp were the canvas of the helmet sat on my head. Astonishing! While the economy after World War II was one of the most robust in American history, during and after Vietnam the nation was in a death spiral of stagflation and economic malaise. Any way you cut it, the saga of self- destruction was frequent and very, very sad. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. C.I.B. Answer (1 of 7): You're in luck. Scientific Wild Ass Guess. Vietnam Veterans by State 2022. It is a travestywhen I hear about men who gave so much and who are in a sense betrayed by the verygovernment and country they served. Its called Mekong Protocol. How long did a soldier have to serve in Vietnam? I too am a Life VVA member and Past President. After reading your article, were lucky to have him. Looking for people who served in the 134th assault helicopter co. from 1971 to 1972. Ive been filing for years without luck despite having cardiac bypass surgery in my 40s and repeated stent implants, etc., etc., since then. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? I was nearly arrested for trying to defend my honor and service against that idiot. Likely 15 to 20 percent of the total who served after the buildup in 1965 were born before the end of World War II. Do you have the form to apply? served in-country . Hello John: 2015if any.. Can I cut apples the night before for apple pie? But looking out the window and seeing civilians stop to watch the small convoy of hospital-bound vehicles, his excitement turned to confusion. Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, Less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veterans age approximated to be 60 years old.. Its better than nothing. During the Vietnam War, a total of 9,087,000 military people were on active service, with over 2,709,000 Americans serving in Vietnam. Brault Working on a story for my veterans paper at my website and found your blog on this subject. Tragically, though, many veterans have since died waiting for their approval and related benefits. I dont have any but ONE Viet Vet friend still alive, he and I served in Marines 1st marine Airwing, 1967 at Da Nang Air Base and left the day befor TET offensive started Jan 1, 1968. I am asking for a Decision Review Officer Hearing. and welcome home to all my brothers. The collective emotion of the country was divided, says Jerry Lembke, a Vietnam veteran, sociologist and author of The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam. Went looking for a new job,on foot walking many miles every day,but when they foung out that i was a vietnam veteran they would not hire me.Some would ask if I was a Drug addict 0r killed people etc. I don't know about you guys, but it kind of gives me the chills. I appreciate the respect of thank you because that was something I never received when I came home. Age: 84. In war, there are no unwounded soldiers when i arrived at my unit, 2/11th acr, how battery, a scruffy looking latino guy who happened to be back in the rear, convinced me, i needed to volunteer to go out to e-troop, in his stead, (hed already been out there 6 mo. I was spat on in Chicago in Lincoln Park in 1969. FAQ: What Are My Benefits As A 100 Disabled Veteran? id like to comment on the stastistics of our vietnam veteran death rate of 390 vets die every day.i think thatthedeath rate of vietnam veterans,are higher thanthe any other war veterans.i think that our fight wasnt just in vietnam,but after we got home.that took a heavy tole on us.and still is.God bless our verterants, john j. lang. This is an awsome blog, I am glad I have found it. and counseling even before they get out of the service and checks nearly immediately upon discharge in the event of a disability. 1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August, Today the list still grows in our local newspaper, . He graduated from Notre Dame prior to being commissioned, and after his service returned to law school to cash in his educational benefits. Of the 2.6 million, between 1-1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in combat, provided close support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack. , many Veterans have since died waiting for their approval and related benefits as the they..., oldest first compensation benefits because of exposure to Agent Orange new life for ourselves local! Large numbers thousands served with the Infantry units as FOs, Dog Handlers, EOD etc local newspaper.. Everything on the Kinah making aspect in this game, weight loss and other favorites it take! 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