Last shareholder season, seven shareholder proposals on Amazons proxy either directly or indirectly addressed racial justice issues. (go back), 116See How Amazons Emissions are Hurting Communities of Color, Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, May 26, 2020, available at; Amazon workers demand end to pollution hitting people of color hardest, NBC News, April Gleiser and Leticia Miranda, May 24, 2021, available at In this way legislatures and/or regulatory authorities have the ability to serve as the catalyst for change and wider-reaching adoption by forcing companies that might have been unlikely or slow to act on their own to adopt such policies. Only the Anti-discrimination team, Security team, and research partner will have access to this information. [115] The companys environmental impact has also been called out for allegedly disproportionately affecting minority communities. Others in the tech industry can dive deeper into Twitters tactics around building an inclusive workplace by reading the companys May 2020 Inclusion & Diversity Report. This is because issues relating to climate change and the environment, racial justice and diversity, human capital and governance may influence companies at large and shareholder investment flows. Further, companies wishing to stay ahead of the curve may start by critically and objectively looking at their current internal practices and policies relating to equity and inclusion and identifying areas in need of improvement. In 2017, Airbnb released a feature called Instant Book, which sought to combat prejudice by allowing guests to book an Airbnb listing without prior approval. The increasing focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations at public companies, including this years highly publicized proxy contest at Exxon Mobil Corporation (Exxon), has demonstrated the growing importance of understanding ESG and the implications it can have for investors and companies. Airbnb and Facebook have also completed racial equity audits in recent times. [111] Despite the laundry list of examples Amazon cited in its No-Action Letter, the SEC did not concur that the proposal was excludable under Rule 14a-8(i)(7). Otherwise, these proponents posit, a lackluster or hastily conducted Racial Equity Audit or failure to take meaningful action in response to an audit may actually have the opposite effect for the implementing institutioninstead of insulating the company from potential proposals demanding Racial Equity Audits, faulty or perfunctory audits may instead create a target on the institutions back for ESG activists in the following years. [25] Accordingly, the 2021 proxy season saw an influx of shareholder proposals submitted pursuant to Rule 14a-8 (Rule 14a-8) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, for companies to conduct Racial Equity Audits. On a more ongoing basis, Brands Inclusion and Diversity team facilitates discussions with the companys nine business resource groups, which represent various communities within Twitter. Our partnership with Airbnb on this project has been years in the making, and has led to tangible policy developments to reduce discrimination that should serve as a model for Airbnbs peer tech companies, said Color Of Change President Rashad Robinson. 2017. (go back), 54Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. To that end, they believe companies should clearly disclose and explain the processes and personnel roles within a Racial Equity Audit and undertake to publicly share the results of the audit. The companys response to unionization efforts by its predominantly Black workforce at a warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama raised further concerns about justice issues. [63] If the company determines that it is not in the best interests of the company to include a Rule 14a-8 shareholder proposal in its proxy materials, it can (i) seek no-action relief from the SEC staff (the Staff) that, if granted, would allow the company to exclude the proposal without the threat of Staff recommendation of an enforcement action based on a procedural deficiency or a substantive exclusion under Rule 14a-8; (ii) take legal action in court to exclude the proposal; and/or (iii) negotiate with the proponent to withdraw the proposal. Shareholders hope an Alphabet audit would cover a range of topics including: (go back), 21Cal. We saw this occur in California with Senate Bill 826 and Assembly Bill 979 discussed in further detail above. Will Corporations Deliver Value to All Stakeholders? The methodology is publicly available in a technical paper for other companies who want to detect and remediate bias and discrimination on their platforms. (go back), 4ESG investing: Discover funds that reflect what matters most to you, The Vanguard Group, Inc., available at As Black Lives Matter uprisings continue to swell beyond the borders of the United States, the tech industry has been forced to reckon with racism within its own companies. The good news is that some tech companies have been promoting racial equity and justice long before these latest protests and the tragedies that inspired them. 34-40018, May 28, 1998, available at These audits, often conducted by outside firms or individuals, examine and assess company actions and how those actions advance or prevent discrimination within their workplaces. Racial Equity Audits and similar equity and inclusion initiatives that are not robust or designed with the aid of independent third party consultants may risk being perceived as mere window dressing and invite criticism from shareholders. From 2016 through today, over 1.3 million people have declined to agree to Airbnbs mandatory Community Commitment and Non-Discrimination Policy, and have therefore been denied use of the platform or had their accounts cancelled. Not everyone did. (go back), 27Racial Equity Audit Proposal Q&A CtW Investment Group and the Service Employees International Union, available at Dalana Brand is the Vice President People Experience and Head of Inclusion and Diversity at Twitter. Bringing in external partners provides critical feedback and, ultimately, produces better products. [30], The impact a Racial Equity Audit may have on a company may be felt in many ways. In partnership with Color Of Change and with guidance from civil rights and privacy rights organizations, Airbnb is launching Project Lighthouse, a groundbreaking effort by a consumer tech company to collect the data needed to measure and evaluate discrimination on its platform in the US so it can take additional action against it. [23] In the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd in May 2020 and the subsequent civil rights movement and unrest, many companies announced a number of initiatives and measures to address social justice issues, including committing financial resources and reviewing their own policies and practices. (go back), 30Webinar, Cyrus Mehri, Founding Partner of Mehri & Skalet, PLLC, supra note 23. If a company lags behind in this quickly developing area, we believe shareholders may become more willing to launch shareholder campaigns focused on ESG issues, including demanding objective results through Racial Equity Audits. (go back), 100Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement, supra note 35. SEC interpretations of this rule provide that proposals that concern ordinary business matters but focus on significant social policy issues would not be excludable because the proposals would transcend the day-to-day business matters. [82] In seeking to exclude Racial Equity Audit proposals, companies argued that these audits concerned day-to-day aspects of their ordinary business operations, including: (i) product sales and advertising; [83] (ii) customer relationships; [84] (iii) the nature of the companys public relations, messaging, and communications with its shareholders and other constituents; [85] (iv) workforce management; [86] (v) relationships with suppliers; [87] (vi) community impacts; [88] or (vii) decisions regarding the products and services [the company] offers. [89] Furthermore, these companies contended that the proposals did not focus on a significant policy issue that transcended their ordinary business. (go back), 120Amazon investors reject New York retirement funds call for a racial-equity audit, 10 other shareholder proposals, MarketWatch, Levi Sumagaysay, May 28, 2021, available at [62] Under Rule 14a-8, a company is required to include a shareholder proposal and related supporting statement in its proxy statement and list the shareholder proposal on its proxy card to be voted on with the companys proposals if: (a) the shareholder satisfies specified eligibility and procedural requirements; and (b) the proposal is not excludable under Rule 14a-8(i). "From securing Airbnb's initial racial equity audit in 2016 to our partnership on Project Lighthouse, Color Of Change has succeeded in ensuring this leading company follows through on its . 20091 (August 16, 1983)). Our team was very intentional, she explained. [48] New York State Comptroller Thomas F. DiNapoli, a staunch advocate of Racial Equity Audits, has stated that such an audit should ascertain at least three things: First, whether a companys policies, practices, and products are equitable and nondiscriminatory for employees, customers, and the communities in which they operate. In addition, there has also been a rise in ESG-specific funds as well as a growing number of ESG-specific products at mutual funds and other financial institutions. (go back), 48Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working Ideal, supra note 23; supra note 27. Areas include, for example: This project has been in development for nearly two years with support and input from Asian Americans Advancing Justice AAJC, Center for Democracy & Technology, Color Of Change, League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Action Network, The Leadership Conference, and Upturn. "The reason we started Airbnb was to connect people, to make sure that they feel like they belong in the communities they visit and the biggest obstacle to belonging is . Julie Wenah, Community Counsel and Acting Regional Counsel for Africa at Airbnb, was a speaker at Scaling Social Impact in a Remote World. For more information on the study please see Edelman, Benjamin, Michael Luca, and Dan Svirsky. However, not all companies have been as eager and willing to comply with these requests. And the same study found that white Airbnb hosts in Black neighborhoods earned an estimated $160 million, compared to only $48 million earned by Black hosts. . In partnership with Color Of Change, the nations largest online racial justice organization with millions of members, and with guidance from civil rights and privacy rights organizations, Airbnb will launch a groundbreaking project to measure and fight bias and discrimination. (go back), 24Heres What Companies Are Promising to Do to Fight Racism, The New York Times, Gillian Friedman, August 23, 2020, available at (citing Exchange Act Release No. Companies that dismiss these concerns or lag behind their peers in addressing ESG matters may find themselves in the crosshairs of investors and proxy advisory firms, or even state legislatures and federal agencies. For example, Patagonia, Inc., which has been a vocal public champion of environmental activism and whose founder and chairman once declared that the company was in business to save the planet, has seen its revenues quadruple over the past ten years. [76] To demonstrate that they had substantially implemented the audit proposals, companies argued they had (i) made pledges and commitments towards racial justice initiatives and made such information publicly available; [77] (ii) issued ESG and/or diversity focused reports; [78] (iii) issued press releases and public disclosures addressing racial inequality; [79] (iv) implemented initiatives to advance racial equity; [80] or (v) financially committed to racial justice initiatives and causes. New York State Common Retirement Fund et al. (go back), 122NYS Comptroller DiNapoli Statement on Major Support for Racial Equity Audit at Amazon, Office of the New York Comptroller, May 28, 2021, available at The following proposals will be put to shareholders at its May 19, 2022 annual meeting: The following proposals will be put to shareholders at its June 1, 2022 annual meeting: Alphabet, the parent company of Google and YouTube, faces nine shareholder proposals this year on issues relating to diversity, racism, lobbying activity, and platform use problems facing the company. BlackRocks response to the Racial Equity Audit proposal that SEIU submitted for inclusion in its proxy statement was an outlier among the other financial and asset management firms that faced similar proposals. . Airbnbs partnership with Color Of Change does not involve any financial arrangement. (go back), 50Webinar, Pamela Coukos, Co-Founder of Working Ideal, supra note 23; supra note 27. (go back), 79See Citigroup No-Action Letter, supra note 78; JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary, supra note 77. 16, 1992)). (go back), 64What You Need To Know About The 2021 Proxy Season, Forbes, Bhakti Mirchandani, June 28, 2021, available at [139] The draft legislation would also require banks to investigate what ties they may have to slavery and disclose steps such institution would take to reconcile profits it may have received from slavery. (go back), 98Wells Fargo & Company, Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 16, 2021, available at [hereinafter Wells Fargo Proxy Statement]. Public, third-party racial equity audits have supported companies like Facebook and Airbnb in acknowledging areas for improvement and beginning to put in place company infrastructure to prevent and mitigate harm. Beyond the scope of this initiative, Color Of Change will continue to advise Airbnb on strengthening its commitment to civil rights and rooting out racial bias in other areas, including background checks and risk assessments, law enforcement engagement, and community resources about support services to avoid potentially violent interactions with the police. [81], Rule 14a-8(i)(7) allows exclusion of proposals related to a companys ordinary business operations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Like just about every other industry, tech has felt the glare of the anti-racism spotlight following the killings of George Flloyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, and others in the Black community. All rights reserved. The . (go back), 125Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter, CtW Investment Group, November 12, 2020, available at This is all while donating the greater of 1% of sales or 10% of profits to environmental activism, working to be 100% carbon neutral by 2025 and allowing employees to spend up to two fully-paid months of working time on supporting environmental conservation projects. ESG considerations can be broken down into three categories. The audit was led by Laura W. Murphy, a civil rights advocate, with help from a civil rights law firm. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential or proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on BofAs website. One of key takeaways from Airbnb and Twitters leadership on racial equity is that the commitment to justice and inclusion must span businesses and products. Shareholders and racial justice advocates have coalesced around racial equity audits as a mechanism for uncovering and addressing the racist harm perpetrated by corporations internally and externally. The project will start on June 30, 2020 and will be limited to U.S.-based hosts and guests. (go back), 70Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69; JPMorgan Chase & Co., 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on April 7, 2021, available at [hereinafter JPMorgan Proxy Statement]. In a moment when many corporations are making hollow declarations of support for Black lives, Airbnb is commiting to do the work of addressing discrimination thats been an unintended consequence of the companys rapid growth. For all companies, and especially tech companies, that means its time to get to work! [i]f CEO Jeff Bezos shares (70,616,270 shares, 14%) were to be removed from those voting against it, the proposal received majority support. [122]. .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [98] Wells Fargo also said it is making efforts toward expanding [its] diversity and inclusion commitments with a focus on hiring, promotions, and turnover, with increased accountability across all of those areas and [is] taking specific actions in support of these commitments. [99] The board of directors of Goldman recommended that shareholders vote against the shareholder proposal on a Racial Equity Audit, saying it has taken additional steps toward racial equity in the past year, including assessing its shortcomings and committing to hiring more analysts from historically Black colleges and universities, while maintaining [its] existing programs focused on other diverse populations. [100] Goldman also pointed out that it is [b]uilding upon more than $200 million of grants in minority communities and to minority-owned businesses over the past two decades and in 2020 [Goldman] created the Fund for Racial Equity to support the vital work of leading nonprofits that are addressing racial injustice, structural inequity and economic disparity, which has committed $10 million from GS Gives in addition to matching employee contributions to recipient organizations. [101]. , 100Goldman Sachs proxy Statement, supra note 23 i ) ( 7 ) allows exclusion of related... ; supra note 23 access to this information efforts by its predominantly Black workforce a... Inclusion and Diversity at Twitter the Vice President People Experience and Head of Inclusion Diversity! Proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on BofAs website available at https: // this! Report on the study please see Edelman, Benjamin, Michael Luca, research. 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