Babe please dont overwork yourself. Shoo shoo we dont need you here. Nothing is working.. so if anyones knows I would be forever grateful! And so what if you do your best, youre motivated baby. You told me that waiting for me is worth it, that all those things make our relationship to how it is. I know you dont do it on purpose but honestly sometimes I think you do because its the third shirt this week you washed to hot. Im sorry but can we reschedule! You bitch. I made lasagna, I can heat it up for you? I can imagine you and him sitting at the table, eating some takeaway he got for the both of you. This is slighty different right? With one arm draped over him, your chin resting on his head, you had pulled him closer to your chest as the other arm slid under his neck, using your arm as a pillow for him. Do you want something to drink? You knew it didnt go unnoticed, The only light that shone in your house was by this window, so ofcourse he had seen you, clearly. It seemed that Alfred liked t-shirts as he always find a pile of them at the foot of his bed. You don't realise you're crying until you see your tear drops puddling on the screen. People like you for example. Babe, I wasn'tI'd never hurt you. The kid began to cry while Sniffles happily skipped over to him, dumping the bear infront of his feet. Im sorry you choked out when the first tear fell after that many more followed. You failed him again. 2 minutes, 5? and you can guess what happened.. We can do that later. Hoseok pushed you out of the room, closing the door behind him as if you arent allowed to see it for a couple of hours. Telling you if you needed help, you only needed to ask. Sad is just the main word, wrapped in all different kinds of sad. So please dont hide your feelings. closing your eyes you decided to get some sleep, hoping that tomorrow Jimin would be kind enough to listen to you. You want to listen to the song on repeat forever, but you know if you hear his voice one more time, you mightn't survive it. Thats really kind of you! At least thats what you were trying. Everyone stared at the pile of chestnuts in front of their door not knowing the meaning of it. If it makes you cry. Anyway please enjoy :) Fear which hold his body earlier slipped away but worry had taken over his heart right away. 'I loved, and I loved, and I lost you.and it hurts like hell,' bleeds out of your phone. I just dont want to bother you while youre busy and maybe I should not have thought that. Misunderstandings happen. What if you lay somewhere in a ditch, gripping your leg while screaming in pain but no one heard you? I would totally laugh out of cuteness. One voice is telling you not to believe them and just to let their comments slip past you but there is the other one who is telling you that they are right, that you shouldnt be with me, that you dont fit in but who cares about an image sweetheart? A smile graced his face as he softly sat down beside you but his smile fell when he saw those tear strained cheeks and pulled you into his arms as he lay down aswell. No, not until you agree to go with me. he placed a last kiss on your arm and looked at you while pushing your hair out of your face. Your sudden loud voice asking him to go away and leave you alone made him freeze, his smile dropped and so did his shoulders. You were sitting on the bench infront of the little pond in the park. It seems its nice since you do it a couple of times a day. It wasnt your fault at all, you had not done something wrong. Maybe you were going crazy. The calmness that surrounded your soul at first had made place for guilt and just thinking about Jimin had you sprinting, running as fast as you could to the man who had one of the biggest hearts on earth, the one you had stepped on. No! For people who walked in, this position looked really weirdly since the stain was right above your chest. You know he had a crush on you! Namjoon said annoyed, putting the plates back in the cabinet and took some of his anger out on it making a slam. I take it the studying didnt go that well? yoongi breathed out, tucking you into his embrace when it all clicked. Smiling at beautiful spot youve choosen, you carefully sat down between the little yellow buttercups, not wanting to crush those precious flowers. I really didnt.. you repeated this time a little bit louder, voice cracking, desperately trying to hold back a sob. He could feel you staring, following his every move. I love you like Yoongi loves his dog. And youre still someone who points out the best traits in people.. I am so sorry.. I have. You dont always have to smile Hoseok. With a loud groan you threw the book against the wall as you dropped your head on the desk, tears filling your eyes. Iew gross Hoseok! He knew it was hard for you, but this guy would do anything for you to make feel better. Tears you saw rarely, fell and could feel the bed lighly shaking as he sobbed. You sat there for awhile. A shriek of exciment slipped past your lips when you saw a big notepad laying on top of a closet. Today, the wind was at ease, carefully testing the waters, gently breathing upon earth. Where are you? Were you crazy? Im here for you in the foggy days, in the rainy days and the stormy days. How does that sound? he smiled at you, brushing his thumps over your cheeks and lips to clear all the evidence of your previous mood. He gave you a confused look, asking what was wrong. Flames started to rise. this gis if huge but who cares its Yoongi were looking at here. Jimin: *gif* Originally posted by jiminssibts. The sudden extra weight on his body made him stumble backwards and with a bang you both fell. Ssh sweety. This shows that she loves you so much and that she didnt want to worry you and to just suck it up shows it even more. Yoongi told him and gave him a smile. At first he would look at you like this because how dare you to snap at him while he was trying to make you feel better. Babe? Did you seriously forget? she asked stunned. So what if those letters on top of the paper are bright red cause thats totally okay. Oh dear.. Honey.. I love you like the moon loves the night. (Just imagine him singing your favourite song). I dont want to imagine my life without you. he tried to surpess a smile but he couldnt help to feel immense happy with you beside him. What? was the only thing you could come up with, your brain trying to translate. He was getting anxious as he watched the moon beaming proudly but humble high above the indigo sky. Im sorry. Taking a quick glance at the clock standing on the shelf, you quickly shot up from the chair and shuffeled towards the hall to greet your boyfriend with a smile but your smile fell once you saw the blonde man entering the house. Yeah he had thinking about doing you in the bathroom here but he knew you couldnt be quiet with what he was planning to do with you. It was awfully quiet in your apartment. Yes, your friend. Just wait for a bit you rambled on, needing to get away, feeling the front you put on already began to crack and made your way to the fridge, grabbing the plate you had put away for him, placed it in the microwave and turned it on. Jin/Kim Seokjin. Jimin however hadnt noticed that you werent by his side anymore until he heard you laughing, calling his name as you ran towards him to catch up, but along the way, you tripped over your own feet, stumbling your way further as you hands reached out to grab his shirt in the hope to steady yourself. A/N: I havent read it over yet for any mistake so if there any please bare with me. The last lyrics of the song. whats wrong? you would ask him after his deep sigh. I think its very clear why I am going home Yoongi. He saw you sitting on the couch, staring at the tv which wasnt on at all, your hands turning white from the tight grip you had on the glass of water. Wasnt the asingment due last month though? you asked her confused. What did you do! You had joined Seokjin to one of his shows since he asked you to come with him. You cant even feed yourself. he spat, turning around on his chair, eyes spitting fire. You were very careful I guess you giggled Making him chuckle as you laid your head on his chest. Right at that time Hoseok deciced to show up however from his point of view, what you were doing looked more like coupley stuff than what actually was going on. She would definitely like it. Jungkook breathed out in relief when you stilled against him, heartwrenching sobs no longer being heard and with your breath steady and calm, he lifted you from the ground as he walked towards the bedroom and carefully laid you down. I love you like army loves bts. When Jungkook lost control of his segway and . He noticed how your bright smile wasnt as bright anymore and when he looked into your eyes he didnt see the sparkle, he did not see the joy and if you asked him what he saw instead? Not Suga, not Bangtan. Lets be honest here. Turning your head where the jacket and shoes came flying from you say him standing there all ready and set to go out. His hands were working on the button of your trousers and yanked them down, tapping your now bare legs for you to step out of it. Jungkook heard the lock turning and his name reached his ears. But then he would laugh at you aswell, seeing you squirming around trying to get out of this grasp. He would just sigh as you once again fell over the bathtub. After taking a deepbreath and clearing your throat you answered. I wish we werent out in public, I wish we were alone. I mean on my rare days off I cant believe I dont know what to do and there are a lot of things I can do. you chuckled while shaking your head, your eyes scanning all the flavours in the freezer. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. But today you wanted some company and so you texted the only person you knew would be free at this time and got yourself ready as you got your answer. When his eyes looked into yours again he bit his lips, pushed you down on the bed and crawled over you telling you what he was going to do to you in his husky voice. He carefully placed the bag on the floor as he made his way into the livingroom. You cant always have the best grades and you should not want it too. He had heard you crying yesterday and slammed the bedroom door open asking you what was wrong? To say that Taehyung was happy well lets just say that even the other members were getting a bit tired of his energetic self and his energetic duck. Waah this is so nice! you breathed out in a high voice, letting yourself fall down on the grass, arms under your head for support. He wouldnt have trouble seducing you. I still remember Seokjins face when I told them to help me with the dance. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting! Just wait for a bit and I will have you screaming all night long., A/N: Oh I feel dirty damn. I can show her a lot of things you never can.. always liked the night. He was in disbelief. He immediately straigtened on his chair, focusing on the sound his ears picked up and listened attentively as he stood u while following the sound and stopped at the door where it could be heard loud and clear, his heart shattering at the broken sobs leaving your mouth, your heart aching, needing to release the hurt it must be feeling. Its just being away from home and all the sudden attention I guess im just a bit scared and shocked. Like the rain loves its clouds. Snatching his jacket from the coatrack, he ran after you, putting his coat on while running. I probably will fix them the next morning. He walked down the street, on his way to do some groceries together with his hyung when he saw the bunny in the distance bouncing his way towards him however his eyes widened in shock as Sniffles yanked the soft bear out of the kids hands with his teeth, who was sitting in the stroller enjoying the day out with his mom. Dont even ask me why because I myself cant give you an answer. Gosh the worst scenarios went through my head, I was losing my mind! he told you, hands falling ontop of his head, showing you with gestures how bad it actually was as if you wouldnt believe his words. Clearing your throat, you sat back, hands back on the still warm cup as you shot Yoongi an embarrassing smile. So here he was. Bts reacts to you comforting them. His hands groaping everything he could all the while groaning that you werent as innocent everybody thought you were. I dont know why youre feeling this way he paused. Hey babe he greeted you with a peck on the lips. Jimin bit his lip when he led you to the kitchen. The love I feel for you is infinite. Yeah well it feels like my hearts is about to burst. Taehyung slumped down against the mirror. He however took it the wrong way, stammering your name as his cheeks turned scarlet. You dont want perfect, you want real and raw. 1. Rolling your eyes playfully, you answered him back like the good girl you were. Babe.. Y/n.. he was speechless, the shock which at first had slowly vanished, came barging in again when those hateful words left your mouth and your heart. You could feel his warm hands on you neck as he stopped you, forcing you to look at him. I didnt know what came over me. Also feeling so bad for the both of you, he called Taehyung explaining everything to him. Jimin sighed sadly. I was jealous, I was so jealous I wanted to punch him in the face. You and Jungkook would spend late nights talking about th me future you two wanted to have together. Youre never like this. Pushing Jimin away, you ran out of the room, out of the house ingoring the pained voice calling out to you. after 3 hours strolling and searching he stumbled upon a small shop full of small porcelain items and a particular colour caught his eye immediately. Jungkook: Would smirk at you, smile wanting more *gif* Originally posted by jung-koook. It wasnt almost noticable. No scratch that. Also already kind of used to it, he doesnt give it as much as attention, knowing already you always shrug it off and continue with what you were doing. Standing in the kitchen, you were busy cooking dinner for Kookie and you. Out of his mind! The sight made your heart clench and before Yoongi could even utter some word you already pulled him down, burying his head against your chest, your hands rubbing circles in his back as you whispered soothing words in his hair. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: You weren't very fond of people waking you up. Thats a nice surprise. You smiled at him. I just thought that any smart man wouldnt give my girlfriend a free drink. Oh no, another one who tries to smile throughout the pain. Oh, I was just calling to ask you if you can help me with the essay. It stopped a while ago. Jimin chuckled, hand pressing against your shoulderblades, silently telling you to come closer and kissed your temple when you did. You loved them all very deeply but it was hard to talk to eachother if someone would jump on you guys in a playfull mood or asking to play videogames together. You said that y/n. Gosh what a pervert. Snatching the drink away from his hands, he downed it like a one shot, pushing the now empty glass back in his hands. Shaking his head he motioned for you to open your mouth and fed you the unfamiliar dish. The thoughts of the book still laying under the couch forgotten and only the man called Min Yoongi on your mind. I HATE it when someone gives me the cold shoulder. I doing what I love to do with my most precious friends. I didnt mean for this to happen! Being the sweetheart he is, he understood giving you a quick kiss before leaving the room. Thats rich coming from you y/n. He had you trapped between his arms against the wall, his body pressed to yours, moaning your name as your hands were tre-passing dangerous waters. Turning around his feet took him to the bedroom. Plus he was embarrassed as heck too. The I love you too, so much. You whispered back. I love you so much because my heart and my soul are intertwined with yours. But the moment his broken voice called out to you, you snapped back to reality and held him in your arms. You felt embarassed, you felt bad thinking that he would think he wasnt enough. He was totally jealous! Dont feel embarassed. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. I was loss for words and to make it up to you and to make you feel like youre home I bought the ingredients from your favourite dish. you began to admire its beauty, its personality. It was cold, you noticed. not moving, your face tilted to the ceiling, mind totally blank and it was after a couple of times blinking, you raised your arms and began to stretch, hoping it would get rid of all the tension and stress. almost. Youre like that little star in the sky surrounded by all the big ones. You frowned. Taking a deep breath you carefully put your laptop down on the ground, sitting back against the frame you finally snapped. The look in his eyes told you everything. I am sorry man. Always complaining about work but sir here has a great tan. you tsked while observing him. Maybe I shouldnt have gone out so much with him. Throwing his jacket behind him and almost kissing the floor while trying to take his shoes off in a hurry. And thank you for requesting aswell :) Hopefully you will enjoy reading this and maybe it will brighten up your day ^^. It was late, way too late for you not to be home, the once warm bed could not offer any comfort tonight, only sending him disturbing thoughts. My- my friend called? you stuttered confused. It is not. yoongi finished, gently gripping your cheeks, he lifted your head up and brushed his soft lips over yours. The sight that you found, his stiffled sobs made your heart bleed. you stole my drink honey. Are you even listening to me? Now, please continue with what you were doing.. Namjoon chuckled, elbowing you playfully and began where he left off. There he was. The earthy scent after rain, smells refreshing right? His arms dropped off the wall and landed on your butt, rubbing your bum sensually as his body began to take control. Oh my god? You could feel all 6 pair of eyes burning. And than I just.. Dont be to harsh on him right now. this ladies and gentlemen is also a perfect example of jumping to conclusions. To say it simple. Totally forgot to put that in my bio. Smirking, you hit his chest lightly. I think I changed it kind of.. again? Well I know its silly for me to think like this but I cant help it.. This man was crazy. Havent anyting to say to me? he went on, his fingers grasping your wrist making you shiver. Working hard means showing how dedicated you are. Before he could say something, tears made their way down to freedom, sobs disturbing the silence. Its okay though.. Its not like you broke his computer or anything. The way his face was titled to the sky, the way the wind played with his hair and especially his smile that graced his face so beautifully that your breath got caught in your throat for a minute The moon casted an angelic glow around him and you just looked at him with a big smile on your face. Yes I know you dont like it, but I dont like things either you do but you dont hear me complain. finishing the last touch on your hair, you tidied up the bathroom and walked out, passing your boyfriend. I am not one of those people who will forget about her friends you said sternly, making clear you didnt want to hear anything about it anymore. Me, Jung Hoseok loves y/w/n. Oh Im rambling on. Gosh do you know how painful that is? Time was ticking. No employer would want to hire someone with low grades. You can do this y/n. Hopefully tomorrow otherwise it will be the day after tomorrow. You shattered, yanking him into your arms, one of your hands holding the back of his head, muffling his sobs into your shirt as you slid down the door you had closed in midst of this all. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. Tears rolled their way down over your cheeks, wiping it away harshly because to you it felt like they were burning your skin with your stupid uncertainty. Snot smearing onto his shirt , he was here, he understood, he was sorry. Taehyung was nervously playing with his finger and could feel the tickets burning in his pockets. Its just after a hectic day and youre not here to cuddle me I long to home. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. Your brother however understood rather quickly and laughed. Im sorry. you apologized Its just, remember last week when I went to get an Ice cream? this time your smirked, you had leaned forward again, elbows planted on the table while wiggling your eyebrows. The thought that he didnt want you to hear him crying was so immense hurtful that tears sprung in your own eyes. You were close to swinging all these books out of the window not giving a damn anymore if you passed the semester or not. Youre home? He stood up from the chair and shuffled to the hallway where you were taking of your shoes. I couldnt even describe how much I love you. You were crying aswell, dampening his shirt with your tears while your hand were clutching his shirt. The air was cold, the once drizzling rain now pouring down harshly, drenching you in a minute . Taehyung you turned to him Relax.. Sighing, your eyes drifted back to the screen infront of you. In here with me, between these four walls, know that you can cry and scream if you need it, okay? They were pleading for an answer, pleading you to make an end to his aching heart. Of course it was dumb to feel that way, Hoseok had only shown you love, always made sure you knew he loved you and that you were one of kind and somehow fear showed his side. Oh well he did a good deed. Rolling over still half asleep you shuffeled closer to his warmth, intertwining your leg between his. He felt stupid, he wanted to punch himself in the face for making you feel like this. Glancing at the screen, you saw one of your close friends in school was trying to call you. Hmm you know I love you everyday more and more he whispered in your ear and you giggled. The little bunny kept hopping behind him wherever Hoseok went, the bunny just followed him. They're best friends who look after each other and keep each other safe. You giggled attacking him with pecks, not missing any spot on his face before you jumped off his lap and headed your way to the bathroom. The one, you were talking on the phone with. I will make it up to you. He didnt answer, the door clicking closed. BTS reaction when their pregnant gf suddenly feels pain in the middle of their argument. He felt you struggling at first, trying to get out of his grip but he held you so strong there was no way you were getting out of his protective arms. You greeted him back without looking at him, as you smiled at the ducks who were swimming in circles, clearly enjoying the water. Now, please return the ring where you got it from and we will discuss your punishment later. Reactions. Just as they were to shrug it off and go inside, Taehyungs voice filled their ears and pointed a finger at the end off the hallway. Anyways it was late in the evening and you and Jimin walked in the park enjoying the chill breeze on your skin after a hot day. Trying to stop him before he would hurt himself, you grabbed both of his wrists after failing the first two attempts, sushing him, pulling him back into your arms. Giving you some time alone with them. He pecked you on the cheek and walked away. What did I do? Walking away from the two of you he sat down in the grass, his fingers playing with the grass as he looked away. Heck he has it done on you. Everyone hummed in agreement. Oh dont get it wrong. He went out to look for you.. Giving you a tiny smile back, he grabbed the glass from your hands, placed it down on the table and laced his fingers with yours. They felt it and so you decided to go home. you have but its every time the same and it gets tiring. Yoongi would definitely be worried when you did not response to any of his words. Yeah maybe it was strange that a frog brought dandelions with him It was sweet so who cared. Okay now be a good friend and tell me what it is about. having the phone on speaker, you put it beside you, pen in hand ready to scribble away. You were embarrassed showing a side to Hoseok you never wanted to show him. A squirrel freezing in his steps, with a nut in his mouth, just looking at them. "I made it, though," you stated. It was just plain stupid. Should you answer it? Letting yourself relax in his arms, you felt the tension leaving your body in an instant. Yeah, why wouldnt it be? you laughed loudly and instantly winced how uncomfortable and fake it sounded. Here it is! His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons. Taehyung hated you. Good, now turn around so we can cuddle you giggled, sliding down your arm from his neck while he turned around to face you. Why was he with you? At first he thought you were to the bathroom what happens quite often so he didnt think much of it but when his eye fell on the slight ajar door, his eyebrow rose. Thanks for reading! Yoongi hyung talked to me. "I still don't like this.". Last week or two weeks ago? He only did that when he was flustered or shy so that means. He could get mad at you but he knew you felt quilty and well it just comes with loving you. To bystanders it seemed friendly but the three of you knew it was far from that as Jungkook put a lot of pressure on that poor mans shoulder. You scooted over to him, pushed him down gently to lay him down on the bed as you did aswell. Of course you felt bad for running away because that is what you did. What the heck do you think youre doing? How could be so stupid? Good luck y/n. your friend voiced out softly after she explained what you needed to do. "Can we go? I need response otherwise I just ugh. He pressed his lips against your cheek and just as you thought he was going to lean back he mumbled that you just had to wait for a while, when he was done he was giving it to you all night long. You heard him sigh before he slid down the door aswell. You snapped your head to him, your mouth open in surprise. Yoongi: He's more worried about protecting you so you two are battling over who's going to protect each other and the boys can't but laugh at you two. I should do that kind of stuff with you and not suddenly mister overfriendly! the chair flew back against the desk from the sudden and abrupt movement he made to stand up. Brushed his soft lips over yours over the bathtub on a date leaving room! Scent after rain, smells refreshing right against the wall and landed on your,. 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David Rogers Obituary, Articles B