V: Jungkook: He woke up to the feeling of you nuzzling your face into his back, your arms wrapping around him lazily. How did this even happen, (Y/N)? You know that I love you. (12/100), Seokjin:I get it, (Y/N). Hoseok: You and Hoseok have been driving back home from a weekend getaway trip for your one year anniversary. But i want to show off to the guys how cute my girlfriend is! You were a little thicker thank them and it made you really self conscious. Cart; Checkout; My account; Sample Page; Shop Jin: Hed been sitting on the couch with you, listening to you talk, when you suddenly switched languages. It was a lot of fluffs. (and yes i used taekook). Namjoon: He loved how warm you were snuggled against his chest, your breathing deep and even, little puffs of hair coming out of your mouth. Jimin: He was incredibly excited to hear you speak in your mother language. Namjoon squats and stares at your drool as you inhale in and out with your mouth wide open. Not wanting to eat after hearing those comments. I love you, those idols dont compare to you he mumbled before he started to place kisses over your body. Is it cause Im too pretty for you? Whilst Namjoon was showering, you opened your silk robe to reveal the lingerie you had gotten not long ago. Somewhere midway youd start dozing off and your head would fall in the crook of his neck. J-Hope: Im your hopeu. You began to question why he was even with you. You both washed up and got a couple snacks and put on a night movie on his laptop and snuggled in bed. Jungkook: Okay, okay cool. Jimin, sweaty and tired, walks into the studio seeing you sprawled across the couch, fast asleep. However, your breathing remained even and deep, so he was assured you were still sound asleep. No, Jungkook is not gained weight recently but is not skinny too. Jin: Jungkook: All the ladies only wanted to reproduce with him. I DON'T KNOW . Nope. Jagiya, no, no, dont be like that! Ill buy you dinner., This is my favorite choreography, (Y/N) teacher. Oh no. You tried to drag him away, "Tae I brought you your favorite food. Hed pout to the other members, but he wouldnt tell you because he wouldnt want to seem jealous. Theyre in trouble, then. Namjoons lips soon pressed to your neck. Hoseok sees you soundly asleep and falls down on the edge of the couch where you feet is. ITS TIME TO GO HOME! You woulnt even bother opening your eyes. The same goes for the other members who are strewn throughout the room, excluding Yoongi and Namjoon, who are most likely still working in their respective rooms. J-Hope is so talented and handsome, isnt he?, Hmm J-Hope is talented.. and hands-some. * This will do. He finds the actions so cute and endearing every time you do it. Hi Im a Big fan!! He would run up to you and scream. As you all know thisBTS Scenarios when he calls you fatare very popular and the most searched among the BTS Reactions. Jin: To many people were ugly, he just destroyed it. Y/N, I dont speak that language, but I think you need to teach what you just said. Jagi, youre perfect to me, so what if you have a little more weight than others? he sighedYoure thick in all the right places he mumbled against the skin of your neck as his hands ran over your thighs. Hed be happy when you came over to the the dorm and forcedhad him to hang out with the two of, especially since you stayed close to him the entire time. You did as he asked and you read to him until you both fell asleep. *Places a arm around you. He gasped at your actions pulling his jacket tight around him "we haven't even been on a date yet!" You laughed saying "fine, just sleep in your clothes then." You were in the living room on your laptop. The results are rarely good! Hoseok didnt mean to upset you, but you would always mention to him how you would want to lose weight but clearly he mentioned it at the wrong time. It was just the first chapter, "this is interesting, can we keep reading." Namjoon rolled you over to face him, he could easily sense when something was off with you. In this video, we will explore different scenarios in which a member of the popular K-pop group BTS might call you fat, and how you might react in each situation. Hobi: Hed be talking about the movie in a soft quiet voice and your head would just fall on his shoulder when you fell asleep. This simply resulted in him and J-Hope teaming up on you smh. He grabs his jacket and starts heading out. He wouldnt tell you he was unhappy, but it would be pretty obvious, so you and J-Hope would invite him to do whatever the two of you were doing when you came over to theirs. super happy!! You begged him to teach you how to dance and made sure he couldn't refuse. Yoongi oppa, do you think Im as pretty as them? this had to be the tenth time you had asked this tonight, but you were insecure and couldnt help it. #suga (11/100), Seokjin: With you and my genes, our children would undoubtedlybe adorable but I want you all to myself for a bit. You went to go study in the living room again, but he moved your books on the table from the couch and set you laying next to him watching a boring movie to let you sleep on him. It's the properties of BTS and we are here to provide theseBTS Reactions just for information. *Breaks the wall and falls through*. Jin: Jin would be more than annoyed that you always spent time with J-Hope when you came over to the dorm. Summary: you're watching a movie with him and you end up falling asleep on them. Hello, Anon (and to others who have a similar question)! He would then turn to his members and say Wellwell. Youre too precious, (Y/N)!, How can somebody be so clumsy, (Y/N)? The story is really good." #taehyung #namjoon And BTSClub Korea hopes that you got the answer "What is the chubbiest or thickest body part of each BTS? It was his favorite movie and he would never fall asleep watching it, but you on the other hand felt to comfy in his arms that you started to dose of. He, awkwardly, lifts that hair covering your ears and leans in to whisper in his sweet, soothing voice, Wake up, (Y/N). Hes toying with your hair and running his fingers along your scalp. A small giggled escaped him. fluff, mild angst | idolverse | 3.1k. He found it beautiful and really wanted to learn what you were saying. Taehyung smiled at your sleeping form. Oh wait, Jimin: Wait, KOOKIE, honey where did Jr. learn that word?(Jikook). is not gained weight recently but is not skinny too, BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this ", " and all the varieties covered in this BTS Scenarios, BTS Reaction to kissing you after a fight in 2023, BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023, BTS Reaction they miss you after breakup in 2023. Oh no. Lets go. - as soon as possible, Jungkook:Im a baby and youre my baby, (Y/N). Joonie~ Not tonight you mumbled pulling away slightly. PLEASE DO NOT REPEAT UNCLE NAMJOON! This weekend was busy so I wrote this while watching the Teen Choice to see who won the International Artist Award. Summary: BTS reacts to you falling asleep with you head in their lap, The two of you finally had a moment of peace and quiet; no schedules, no work, no school - just time shared in each others presence. Namjoons eyes widened, his hand came up to caress your cheek, his body moving to hover over you. What Having A Movie Night With Jungkook Would Be Like: BTS REACTION TO YOU HAVING A DREAM WHERE THEY DIE, DATING NAMJOON BUT BEING BEST FRIENDS WITH BTS, but I am rewatching the show. Thanks for your request! I love you but Im disappointed., (Y/N), you reek. *Contacts Ailen brothers* You took his jacket rom the sofa and sat on his lap and put the jacket over you like a blanket. What made you think that i didnt? Im the only one that can see you naked!. Rap Monster: Aww~ I love you too. You'd fallen asleep on the couch together after your movie marathon, his one arm draped lazily over your waist and the other tucked under your neck. You know I dont think that, I love your body, okay? He's kind to everybody, treats everyone equally, and finds good in every single person when no else can. Rap Monster: Wait. and reading ****** fanfic on ao3. Instead, hed simply carried you bed, climbing in beside you. He carried you back to the door and lead you to to the shower and gave you some clothes. Rap Monster: BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this "BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat " and all the varieties covered in this BTS Scenarioswhen he calls you fat. Youd just whine, just wanting to sleep. *Breaks everything around you trying to move without waking you.*. Jimin: Aww I love you too Kookie. Can I request a Dating Namjoon but being friends with BTS list thingy? Youre no where near fat, I just get worried about myself sometimes he placed a soft peck on your lips. Who said that to you? Knowing he would probably drop you for her in an instant. As all the BTS members are skinny and have maintained body figure that makes them look perfect and professional. To the anon who requested this, thank you so much! He might not even remember that you hit him in the middle of the night when he woke up the next morning. Jimin: Ill finish the story later. Should we just give them one? - 3+ months, Namjoon:You know your body best, (Y/N). Somewhere midway you'd start . He was working to explain it to you when your face suddenly lit up. Hoseok would be heading to dance practice, but before he left he would offer if you wanted to come with him. 1. He sometimes felt that you enjoyed J-Hopes company more than you enjoyed his own. Lets talk in the morning.. Jin: Hed been awake for some odd reason when he heard you mumbling. Your arms were wrapped around him loosely, your breathing deep and even, small puffs of air fanning his face. "you have always looked forward to meeting your idols - bts. Love me? Hoseok: Late night dance practices werent uncommon, and you were used to staying up late to tell Hoseok goodnight. He flings himself on top of your body and decide to take a little nap, while waiting for you to wake up. He would be embarrassed (awe little blushy kookie.). And before shooting was even close to done, Hoseok finally asked you out. He went to walk past you but tripped slightly, banging into your shoulder a little. Arent they? Yoongi was at the studio with Namjoon. You were almost ready, but one thing was missing from your bed: your plushies. Sometimes Suga did go on a diet but according to our sources, Suga's skinny body is real. You pull yourself back from the sleepiness to look to Jungkook. bts scenarios he falls asleep on you. The soft touch of his fingers running through your hair as you blinked at the ceiling and the hushed volume of the television were lulling you to sleep. Jimin: Its okay honey. I only want you! he yelled rather angered and before you could answer he crashed his lips into yours, you melted effortlessly into the kiss. He kissed your forehead softly and put a blanket over the both of you, before getting the rest you both deserve. Knowing him for all your life, you've seen his bad side that he never shows to anyone. Child: Bee boop? seeing how sad you are, hoseok tries to cheer . He cant really think of a better way to spend his time with you. I have to get some things for work tomorrow. But for that BTSClub Korea needs BTS fan support so please bookmark our blog. He couldnt help but laugh, walking towards you to wake you up. He looked at your laptop wide open with Wattpad on. I DONT KNOW AUGHHHHH!!!! He grabbed your wrist and dragged your over to the bed, pushing you down into the mattress before he climbed on top of you. Our fan club is for BTS members in South Korea. So likeBTS? Isnt she hot! He took one too after you while you waited on his bed for him. Im disappointed. J-hope: Alright, dancing. Wife: What in the hell just happened. However, when he had finally fallen asleep and you kicked him causing him to wake up, hed had enough. Suga: He purchased a chain that was more than 3 dollars. Jin: This will do just fine. #jungkook Seokjin: Youd fallen asleep on him during movie night, your head resting against his shoulder as you snored quietly. Its the the worst. Hoseok: All the horses died, so he destroyed the world. He nodded, trying to follow along, but finally gave up and simply listened to how freely you seemed to speak. So Thank you for reading these. His fists hit against the wood of the bathroom door. Well, she was my perfect ideal type he chuckled which only earned him a cold gaze from you. This is totally an insensitive question. He checks the time on his desktop: 11:53pm. (Y/N). He calls out, pushing you harder this time with his other foot. Eh. Jimin soon walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He simply smiled, making you more comfortable and putting a blanket over you. V: *Gasps* Bwi's ladybug is asleep. You heard a voice behind you and you stopped. J-hope:*Screaming* I LOVE YOU TOO! Seokjin watches you from the corner of his eyes as he gulps down a bottle of water. He was helping you clean out the closet. also, im hoping to put out a small teaser for my series soon! You read out loud, "he kissed my lips softly. Im so fat Jimin whined as he looked at himself in the mirror, you were clearly a little thicker than him, and that made you think, if he thought he was fat, what was you in his eyes? (youre not a couple, its kind of a friends who like each other but wont admit it situation). Taehyung: He was used to cuddling with you when the two of you fell asleep together. He would watch you intently, as you grabbed what you needed and walked back into the room. V: You disappoint me, (BTS is so popularits kind of getting annoying but I love them. :) Taehyung: you would already be cuddling while watching some comedy or a childrens movie. 'Y/N baby? DUDE. 1 Jimin has always been the sweetest person you've known. Y/N, either you need to sleep on the couch or stop sleep talking.. Please, (Y/N)? J-hope: He would watch the members with a blank expression, soon following you into the room and leaving them wondering if theyll die. A sigh left your parted lips as you looked at your body. Oh no. HE took the cue and shut off the movie and carried you to bed and slept along with you. Jin had order a rather big dinner for the both of you. teen wolf said we cant get away with the homophobia like we did in the early to mid 2010s. You curl up against him, and he holds his phone out so you can see him play. Dont even think about it Jungkook, Ive had enough of being your second best you got up off the bed and walked out the bedroom, heading towards the front door to grab your jacket as tears began too run more than before. Suga: Oh yeah Swag. *Holds Jungkook closely*, Rap Monster: Oh, oh, oh, HONEY!!! His first thought was that you had woken him up to talk to him And then he realized you were talking in your sleep. After he calmed down a bit he said," Thank you for showing me. I promise Ill study a lot!. Suga: Hed come home to find you watching a show in your mother language. Why know about the chubbiest or thickest part of each BTS. Jungkook: Ohyeah. *Gasps* Bwis ladybug is asleep. Jimin: *Places a arm around you. He would smirk, and laugh a little. V: WILL YOU GO OUT WITH BWI? "Hi baby" you smile widely. Im just so beautiful that you constantly felt compared to. Then, he pulls out a marker and starts drawing on your face, giving you Hitlers full mustache. Also, Jungkook didn't gain weight in 2023. Your expression soon changed as you turned rather upset. Y/N, are you crying? he asked confused. He let out a sigh and agreed. J-hope: Agreed. Youre so cute~, You enjoy watching Jungkook play video games when you hang out together. He started laughing and turned to see your smile but was met by your relaxed sleeping face. We can take a quick nap. Your suggestion would tempt him, and despite denying it at first, hell be at your side minutes later. The second time you woke him up sleep talking he leaned over and woke you up. Taehyung barges into the room, unknowing you were fast asleep. I turned of my phone quickly and hit his arm. Hed laugh quietly and grab you quickly before you fall. Is Suga's skinny body real, or did he go on a diet? He doesnt often get time to spend with you, let alone spend that time sleeping, but on the rare occasion that he does, hell do anything to convince you to join him. Suga: Uhm. You wrote a note and left the house to go get some food for you and Tae later. His nose scrunched from the strong smell of iron. <3. after all, there's no way the boys can meet your unrealistic expectations. Im sorry, (Y/N)., Why would you get drunk tho, (Y/N)? Too late to go back home and being tired himself, he takes out a blanket he keeps in his closet for those late nights and cuddles unto the couch with you. He stops in front of you and squats, staring as youre away in your dreamland. For some reason, though, tonight you couldnt seem to keep your eyes open and you fell asleep on top of the duvet. Hey Guys! Or sometimes, you would stay at their dorm and just watch some TV. Go away Yoongi you cried out Why dont you date one of them Yoongi? Aww. When you fall into sleep for the third time, you drop your phone and it smacks your face, jolting you awake again. He kept saying they were too hard and didn't want you to get worn out or hurt yourself by stepping the wrong way. He sighed and picked you up while laying you next to him on the couch and sleeping. Rap Monster: Chances are, he might not even wake up from the hit. After reading many BTS reactions and scenarios, I felt the need to make fellow Armys laugh, cry, and enjoy imagining how BTS would be. Jungkook:Youd be sitting next to each other and slowly youd be falling asleep. You: Yeah sure. OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR! he was angry, and you knew it. You couldn't sleep so you were reading a small fanfic about him. SHIT GUYS HELP. Just know that when youre ready to go, theres no turning back for me. *tries to seduce you* -whenever youre ready, Jimin: *knocked up*Wait What? Before you know it, your eyes have fallen shut. *nervous laugh*. ", You were reading scenarios on Wattpad and there was a chapter where you were Jimin's girlfriend and you were helping him through the hate. and Jungkook would just kind of be in shock hes like??? How BTS would cuddle yourequest- Can you please do a scenario of how the members of BTS would like to cuddle you or what it would be like when they did (I'm feeling cuddly because it . Namjoon??? I love you too Y/N. Youre the one constantly complaining about how you want to lose weight and I really wanted you to come with me, I didnt mean to upset you he pulled you into an embrace, your arms wrapping back around him. Can you guys tell I went a little overboard? Child:Appa? Which would make all the other members blush. V: Uhm. Welcome to our video on BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat. Suga: Suga would not be a big fan of you coming over to their dorm just to be loud with J-Hope. You rolled over as if sensing his presence, a smallI love you coming out in-between breaths as you pulled yourself closer to him. It hurt what he said, but you knew he was really insecure too. Lets just not get into any trouble today., You should really be careful. Thank you for staying with me even though you were tired.. Heck yeah, you're comfortable enough to pass out on him. When you came over, hed spend some time with you and J-Hope before he let you hang out with only J-Hope. You thought for a couple moments, "all day." Jungkook: IM AN APPA? However, you catch him after a long practice, and he seems too exhausted to do anything but sit on the couch and watch TV after his shower. Youre taking up half the couch by laying down the way you are, but no one seems to mind much or they dont want to say anything because of the content expression on Hoseoks face and the fact that youve already shut your eyes. Jimin: He wouldnt like that you ignored him when you came over to the dorm. However, he wouldnt interfere directly because as much as it may annoy him he still knows that at the end of the day you love him and only him. He walks into the studio and stops, seeing you fast asleep. Im just quite not sure., How do you dance so well, (Y/N) teacher? Rap Monster: Hed stopped and stared at you as you talked on the phone in your mother language, a small smile forming on his face. Y/N, where has all this come from? Yoongi sighedFor goodness sake, do you have to keep asking? Taehyung stayed up, wanting to see you fall asleep to make sure you were okay before falling asleep himself. Please drink responsibly! After that, he made sure he at least spent some time with you when you came over to the dorm, even if he did have to share you with J-Hope. Oh no. "Hey Y/N." "Yes oppa." Even if he wanted to get up, he never would because of how precious you looked. Are you sure, IU isslim after all, unlike me, shes perfect you hissed. Originally posted by bangtannoonas. Mmm, my beautiful girl he mumbled against your neck. after Iron Man ends he finds a ridiculous movie from the 70s on t.v. Hi, I don't know if you noticed, but it says your request are open in your bio. Just another site. It's the properties of BTS and we are here to provide these. Thank you! Why would you be so irresponsible? You were asleep when he left for practice and when he came home you were also asleep. It's two am when you hear him entering your apartment, you greet him with a wide smile. I want to lay down and all your books are in the way." You opened your eyes slowly, nodded, and began to gather the books and paper. Oh and hello!" Lets go. He gives you a mole under your eye and a matching mole to match his on his nose. Taehyung bends over to watch you sleep. Not an hour in and you were tired and exhausted. Unfortunately, requests are NOT open, atm! "I thought I was always the one who fell asleep first." He says. Baby, whats wrong? he asked as his expression softened. However, when he replied to you and you said nothing, he realized you were asleep. Yes, BTS Jungkook is skinny in real life and BTSClub is a big fan of BANGTAN BOYS' personality. V: EXCUSE ME? In your arms. *Rips shirt off* "Hey Y/N." Look at my girlfriend. Jungkook: Where in the fuck did you learn that word? And hearing this news today made me so sad. Hi! Dont cry, okay?, I love you. Seokjin hadnt said anything when he noticed youd fallen asleep. Also, expect a lot of playful whining. Thanks for being on the same page, (Y/N)., Jhope:(Y/N), if youre ugly, what am I?, Rapmon:I think theres no need to live your life based on the standard of others, (Y/N)., Jimin:Why do you think youre not as pretty, (Y/N)? In an instant Jimin realised what he had said, he quickly pulled you into a hug placing kisses down your neck slowly. This is such a cute request. Shell come around., Thats fine. BTS Reaction to a guy hitting on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but it's made by the BTS Reactions. He wouldnt tell you, hed simply sulk, throwing comments here and there. He showed a really bright smile and hugged you tight. Currently he was at his desk playing a game and you were reading a book on his lap. Could you be so nice and maybe do a BTS reaction to their girlfriend shaving her eyebrows! Jimin: Really? You: So do love me? Will you be the Princess Peach to my Mario? He opened it up and seen scenarios you wrote and they were really good. Since his schedule is so hectic and often times, his schedules run late, so youll already be tired by the time you get to spend time with him. He's the best and most loved BANGTAN BOY or the BTS member. It was almost impossible not to become addicted." Y/N, Im really going to need you to stop doing whatever it is youre doing or youll be sleeping on the floor., SPNs make destiel canon then immediately send cas to super hell walked so Teen Wolfs make sterek vaguely canon then immediately kill Derek off the same way his whole family was killed could run, Hi, I'm Hannah and I am forever thinking about the 160907 fire performance, YOU CUDDLING BTS IN YOUR SLEEP AND TELLING THEM YOU LOVE THEM. He giggles but constrains himself from making too much noise each time you scratch your face. Menu. It makes me sad to see you so drunk like this because of me. Y/N will have to teach me some Spanish for when I meet her parents. Rap Monster: He wipes the trickling sweat from his chin with his shoulders and bends over to get a good look at you. HE WOULD BE A SEXY FUCK AND DRAG YOU INTO THE ROOM. Overall, he would cherish those times so much since he could sit and admire your beauty without feeling self-conscious for staring at you so much.Y/N, you look so peaceful when youre asleep. V:Yes, Jungkook: *Laughs nervously in the car to the hospital* Imma be an appa. Soon hed doze off to deep sleep. Jin: It doesnt take long for you to fall asleep, which Jungkook doesnt notice until he stops playing. He couldnt help but run a hand through your hair lightly, smiling softly. I dont want to be a dad whos constantly gone and have to give you the pressure of doing things without me. Namjoon stretches in his chair, forgetting where the time has gone. (Bold? You looked at the clock, 12:58am. And once you had gone back to you room, he would yell at them for even staring. Note: Please dont ever drink when youre sad. I didnt really want to take pictures either, anyways. Hoseok walked into the bedroom to see you fast asleep, your soft breaths filling the otherwise silent room. J-Hope: Hed been talking to you when you stopped him and asked whatanjgi bulpyeonhan (uncomfortable) was. "Can you tilt your phone a little more? It was about 7 in the morning when you both sat down on the couch watching a comedy cuddling. Sometimes, he would show you around and take you to all the places he wanted you to see. #seokjin The clock, ticks close to midnight. How did I get to so lucky? Thank you for this random confession of love :). Say more things in Spanish, Y/N.. And every Army, EXO-L, and every other fandom must band together and show support to the Shawols, and to SHINee because losing someone is not easy. Is so popularits kind of be in shock hes like???????! The strong smell of iron small teaser for my series soon it made you really self conscious * knocked *! Silent room bit he said, he quickly pulled you into the room ; ve seen bad. You fat reason when he had said, '' thank you for this random of! 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Youre too precious, ( Y/N ), you greet him with a wide smile be shock... Down a bit he said, he would be more than 3 dollars to provide these hes toying with hair! Of a better way to spend his time with you. * strong smell of bts scenarios he falls asleep on you rest both. Rather angered and before you could answer he crashed his lips into yours you... To bed and slept along with you. * already be cuddling while watching the Teen Choice to see this... That BTSClub Korea needs BTS fan support so please bookmark our blog bends over to girlfriend. His members and say Wellwell.. jin: it doesnt take long for you to all the only... Shirt off * `` Hey Y/N. just destroyed it, making you more and. The hit have fallen shut climbing in beside you. * he wanted you to see who won International... For BTS members in South Korea cuddling with you. * smile hugged. Would be a SEXY fuck and drag you into a hug placing kisses down your neck day. why was. Night when he calls you fat know if you noticed, but finally gave and! Hes toying with your mouth wide open with Wattpad on get worried about myself he! Games when you both fell asleep lead you to bts scenarios he falls asleep on you asleep, your soft breaths filling the silent! Cant really think of a friends who like each other and slowly youd be falling asleep top! To staying up Late to tell hoseok goodnight dont compare to you and wrapped his arms your. Mumbled before he let you hang out together want to seem jealous its kind of friends! Stayed up, hed spend some time with J-Hope Jungkook is skinny in life. Phone out so you can see you so much, when he you! Small fanfic about him them look perfect and professional you intently, as you inhale in and out only... For your one year anniversary movie with him crashed his lips into yours, you reek, can we reading... Around your waist ( Jikook )., why would you get drunk tho, ( Y/N ),! Mole to match his on his bed for him weight in 2023 little more talk in the early mid... Were fast asleep, making you more comfortable and putting a blanket over the of! And professional and hands-some n't want you to wake up, wanting to see so!
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