The Factual classifies news sites by political bias as either Left, Moderate Left, Center, Moderate Right, or Right. One of the ideas presented to address this perceived bias of the Arab media was to back an alternative American TV station, called Al Hurra, that would compete in the marketplace and offer a more objective view of events. The question is, for what purpose does Qatar support Al Jazeera? The target audiences of the paper, which is published in broadsheet format, are businessmen, executives and diplomats. Since assuming my post as Singapores Ambassador to Saudi Arabia in March 2013, I have often relied on Arab News to provide me with reliable, up-to-date and interesting pieces on Saudi Arabias domestic and foreign policies. width: 95%; display: none; Arab News offers a variety of news ranging from politics and finance to sports and social events. [9] Arab News is also the first publication of SRPC. is an English-language newspaper based in Jeddah/Saudi Arabia. reliable [ri-lahy-uh-buhl] (adjective) trustworthy; containing true and legitimate information. In an article for the Lebanese newspaper Al Ahkbar titled Al Jazeeras Autumn: The Fall of an Empire,2 columnist Pierre Abi Saab conveyed a feeling shared by a sizable minority who had previously admired Al Jazeera: After the spread of satellites in the 1990s, Arabs came to know two types of liberation. Now, instead of having to view lengthy footage of the royal family meeting foreign guests, viewers were exposed to programming that most Arabs hungered for, from opposing opinions to more information on issues they cared deeply about as Arabs and Muslims. Sources listed in the Questionable Categorymay be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per article basis. This is what The Factual ascertains. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the omission of key facts in stories and misleading one-sided reporting. In the years after 9/11, particularly in the aftermath of the Iraq war, many American commentators and politicians blamed the Arab media, especially Al Jazeera, for stoking Arab anger against American foreign policy. font-weight: 600; @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 875px) { background-color: #333; justify-content: start; In Egypt, whose population constitutes nearly one-quarter of the entire Arab world, there are many people with considerable journalistic talent and skill who have been stymied by the political control of state-supported mediaindeed, so stymied that many of the most talented journalists left the country to work for the likes of Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and the BBC. .tf-form-container-footer .tf-sub-title { On Tuesday, she made our collective jaws drop as the . } .tf-form-container-footer .tf-submit button { Revenue is derived through, stating that Saudi Arabia permits no independent media. This finding has been relatively robust for the three years studied. font-size: 0.8rem; padding: 0.55rem 1rem; As technology advances and the social landscape shifts, it is crucial . A questionable source exhibitsone or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. In stark contrast to 1996 when Qatars role in regional politics was relatively modest, by the time of the Arab uprisings, Qatar itself had become a significant player in the geopolitics of the region: from leading the arming and funding of Syrian rebels, mediating among Palestinian factions, funding the reconstruction in Lebanon after the 2006 war, and providing more aid to Egypt than anyone else after the revolution, to sending military support for the campaign against Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. background-color: unset; left: 24%; We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the omission of key facts in stories and misleading one-sided reporting. A good newspaper offers something for everyone, whether it is coverage of an election race, reports from council and school board meetings, display or classified advertising, and opinion writing that educates and excites the reader. I do not have polling data on the trends and viewership in the 1970s and 1980s, but anecdotal evidence suggests that more and more Arabs in Israel were getting their news from Hebrew sources and viewing Arab sources with suspicion. He is also a contributor to FP Analytics, Foreign Policy's research and advisory division, and an adjunct fellow with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. This is an essential step in maintaining sound research ethics . z-index: 2; The criticism was directed not only at the circumstances of his takeover but also at independent policies he pursued that were not fully in harmony with Saudi policy, including warming up to Israel and taking the lead in helping to normalize relations between Israel and Arab countries. background-color: #F5F8FC; Vote on this source's bias at the top of this page. Among Republicans: On average, 44% of Republicans surveyed found the nine outlets in the survey credible. Fox News has previously said it was "proud" of its 2020 election coverage, which is a statement that only . We also rate them as Mostly Factual rather than High due to a lack of transparency with ownership. In a survey held in 2018, 22 percent of the population regarded CNN as the most reliable platform. They understood that their broader Arab consumer needed more news and more diversity, and they allowed greater coverage of Arab and international issuesalthough critical coverage of Saudi Arabia and its royal family remained taboo. and the second was political, with Al Jazeera, which imposed itself in a short time, regionally and internationally. Almost every government in the region was offended by Al Jazeera at some point, which resulted in significant pressures on the Qatar government. Evaluating source credibility is an important information literacy skill. Filtered Search, Enter your email address to subscribe to MBFC and receive notifications of new posts by email. [15], Khaled al-Maeena became Editor in Chief on 1 May 1982 and remained at the helm until 20 February 1993. In 2006, for example, just prior to the Lebanon-Israel war, 43 percent of Lebanese Shiites, 33 percent of Sunnis, 25 percent of Druze, and 16 percent of Christians identified Al Jazeera as their first choice. width: calc(100% - 6rem); Radio, of course, was relatively easy to jam and governments worked to block threatening broadcasts, but its ultimate undoing as a primary source of news came with televisions power. Overview. In a small rich state [Qatar], an exciting new information experiment was started, and bet on difference, courage, and professionalism. PBS is generally considered a reliable source of news because it is highly respected for its adherence to ethical journalism practices. padding: 1rem; For example, some scored 75% or higher, while others scored below 50%.. [1] It began publishing on 7 September 1984 and its publisher is Lebanese -born Osama Siblani. The Arab media explosion that recently has culminated in uprisings across the region springs from two interrelated sources: the growth of satellite television and the affordability of the . } This segment of the Arab population exists in a democratic state with a relatively free media environment. It is important to critically evaluate sources because using credible/reliable sources makes you a more informed writer. It is impossible to answer these questions without reference to the political aims of the sponsors and the aspirations of the consumers. Saudi Arabia aims to generate some 50 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2030, as part of the Saudi Green Initiative, while the UAE in 2022 increased its targets of reducing greenhouse . Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic Among the newspaper's notable staff are/were Somaya Jabartii who went on to become the first female Editor-in-Chief in the kingdom's history when she took the top job at the paper's rival, Saudi Gazette, in 2014. MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY. MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY. Pro Publica states their mission as "produc[ing] investigative journalism with moral force." Read . For Ad-Free Subscriptions go here:, Terms and Conditions .tf-form-row { The most reliable sources are straightforward about how and why they are presenting their information to the public. For example, they have a page dedicated to women called, When it comes to sourcing, Arab News poorly sources and does not provide hyperlinks, however when covering world news under the section, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. z-index: 1; [30], In October 2019, Arab News launched a digital Japanese edition, called Arab News Japan, publishing in English and Japanese languages as the first middle east media outlet in Japan.[31]. } I looked at website traffic, domain authority. .tf-form-container-footer .tf-submit { Political bias ratings are helpful in understanding this framing. We stand against racism and the oppression of people of color. } Arab News is published by Saudi Research & Publishing Company (SRPC), and the editor-in-chief is Faisal J. Abbas. On GCC partner Bahrain, where a Sunni monarchy ruled over a revolting Shiite majority, Al Jazeera covered the story but only to a limited degree. Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) reaches a similar conclusion, classifying AP as Least-BiasedMBFCs centrist categorybut close to Left-Center. This borderline positioning is due to left-leaning editorializing, but MBFC assesses that AP has an overall balanced story selection. The move is part of the industrial park's celebration of the UAE's 'Year of Sustainability' Tawazun Industrial Park (TIP) has inked a lease agreement with Yellow Door Energy for the development of a 4,382kW solar park project. Another important factor to consider is the author if they are well known and respected in their specific fields, that's also generally a sign that the article is credible. font-size: 0.7rem; Why does Al Jazeera continue to thrive despite increasing competition? border-radius: 5px; } AllSides notes that this is one of their most difficult assessments, given that their rating puts AP very close to Lean Left. Ultimately, they classify the APs global news reporting as Center but its Politics and Fact Check sections as Lean Left. In the most recent blind bias survey of over 2,000 people, a plurality of respondents from every political group surveyed found AP News content to be Center, with a close second rating to be Lean Left. AllSides does note that AP often includes subjective, leftward analysis in hard news reports and omits sources in its political writing. This reflects the worries of some, conservative critics about the creep of liberal bias at the organization, which they argue is moving away from simple reporting to providing contextual and biased analysis. Launched in 1975 by Hisham and Mohammed Ali Hafiz. It also published over 440,000 news stories, boasting that half the worlds population sees journalism from The Associated Press every day. So, how reliable is AP as a news source and how biased is its news coverage? The target audiences of the paper, which is published in broadsheet format, are businessmen, executives and diplomats.[4][5]. font-size: 0.7rem; In fact, no other television station had live coverage from Gaza or Israel during the waran advantage that many stations, including American, tried to overcome in the November 2012 Gaza fighting by sending reporters to Gaza. History The New Arab or Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, launched in September 2014, is a news and current affairs media outlet with online and print editions that provides coverage on middle eastern issues and politics. .tf-form-container-footer .tf-submit button { And there are plenty of modelsfrom BBC to Russian and Iranian Arabic TV. Ex-Traveler | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-Polymath | Ex-Cuses | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer | MBFC corroborates AllSides in finding a slight left-leaning bias in some instances, though they credit AP for maintaining a largely neutral voice in coverage of the Trump presidency. } In the first two decades of Israels existence, Palestinian Israelis primarily listened to Arab radio stations for news, especially Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian stations. Arabs in Israel are thus able to watch media from both Arab and Israeli sources. This surprising innovation became a source for the Arab individual who hungered to uncover what was unsaid, and to follow the political debate, even if in passing. .tf-form-row { } Arab News was founded in Jeddah on 20 April 1975 by Hisham Hafiz and his brother Mohammad Hafiz. People will disagree over what neutral news sources are, and you will learn to trust your judgment as a news consumer. Wikipedia editors have voted to ban the Daily Mail as a source for the website in all but exceptional circumstances after deeming the news group "generally unreliable".. The New Arab or Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, launched in September 2014, is a news and current affairs media outlet with online and print editions that provides coverage on middle eastern issues and politics. The emir didnt appear to have an especially progressive or a Pan-Arab agenda; still, by creating a station that reached not just the 250,000 Qatari citizens but as many as possible of the regions 350 million Arabs, he hoped to take away viewership from stations critical of him and of Qatar. Suddenly viewers noticed that they are watching an official medium akin to those we see in all the authoritarian systems. } height: 13rem; But the Arab uprisings created both new opportunities and new challenges for Al Jazeera. At Politically Speaking, we come together to share our views on politics and society. How is it possible for a political regime that differed little from those around it to create this progressive opening, which made many ignore the strange mix of political constituents for the TV station: from the Iraqi Baath to the liberalism that legitimized Israel during one period, to an Islamist current that swallowed those who opposed it? However, the same is true of almost every other news source in the United States. A questionable source exhibitsone or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Like any news source, scores for articles from CNN varied widely depending on the cited evidence and writing tone. Its reporters are well-regarded for their knowledge and expertise in the field and their commitment to balanced and accurate reporting. In the 2011 poll, 52 percent of Shia Lebanese, for example, identified Al Manar TV of the Shiite group Hezbollah as their first choice for news, compared with only 4 percent of Sunnis and Druze and 1 percent of Christians. [18] This saw the masthead and slogan change for the first time in 43 years. For example, regarding the Khashoggi murder, they continue to report that the Crown Prince is not involved despite. Hana Hajjar, the only female political cartoonist in Saudi Arabia. Israeli settlers storm Palestinian home in Hebron at night, harass family, EU countries have a moral duty to help Afghan refugees, Qatari foreign minister says doing utmost to positively influence Taliban on womens, minority rights, United Arab Emirates Government and Media Profile, The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). The Arab media explosion that recently has culminated in uprisings across the region springs from two interrelated sources: the growth of satellite television and the affordability of the receivers to the Arab masses, and the common language that Arabs share across state boundaries. The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 03/01/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Lozier Institute, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/28/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/27/2023. Please note sources on this listare notconsideredfake newsunless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. Potentially facing common threats, Qatar found itself increasingly closer politically to its GCC partners, especially its senior partner Saudi Arabia, despite their sometimes uneasy, even competitive relations. Arab News reports single-sided news information dedicated to praising the Royal family and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmans achievements such as this: UN envoy congratulates Saudi Arabia for brokering Yemen peace deal, Under the section Deep Dive, there is a subsection called preachers of hate dedicated to exposing extremist anti-Muslim activists worldwide. .tf-form-row { The New Arab is headquartered in London, and Qatar-based Fadaat Media Ltd. Abdulrahman Elshayyal owns the outlet is the newspapers CEO. The regional exclusive deal was announced at the 16th annual Arab Media Forum (AMF) during a special gala held for international journalists. View more posts, .tf-form-mobile{ evaluate [ih-val-yoo-eyt] (verb) to judge or determine the reliability of information. [14], Jihad Khazen, who later went on to establish Asharq Al Awsat, was the first editor-in-chief of the paper, however, because Saudi laws at the time prevented a non-Saudi from being in this position, he was given the title General Manager and that editorial role was assigned to Ahmad Mahmoud who served in that role from 20 April 1975 to October 1, 1977. To be sure, there is room for outside views, whether from East or West, in the crowded Arabic media market. margin-left: 0; U.S. News is best known today for its influential Best Colleges and Best Hospitals rankings. That's just one of the several revelations included in Monday's filing. Revenue is derived through advertising, Reporters Without Borders ranked Saudi Arabia 170/180 in their Press Freedom Index, stating that Saudi Arabia permits no independent media. The first is social . Filtered Search, Enter your email address to subscribe to MBFC and receive notifications of new posts by email. There was another service that Al Jazeera provided to Qatari rulers: As a welcome voice viewed by Arabs as reflecting their own aspirations, Al Jazeera helped protect the Qataris from intense criticism for being a pro-American emirate that hosted a base for American airplanes attacking Iraq in the unpopular 2003 Iraq war. padding-bottom: 0.5rem; With great success, though, came great criticism, at first from outside the Arab world and later from within it. Cindy Crawford has been a blueprint for what makes a supermodel since the '80s and she's clearly not stopping anytime soon. Polls I have conducted over the past decade make it clear that sectarian identity is a significant predictor of television news selection. is the Chairman of the Saudi Research & Marketing Group. When a station fails to do this, viewers look for alternatives. justify-content: space-evenly; News articles always have some bias because all authors have some frame of reference within which they describe a story. The following are the overall bias and reliability scores for The Independent according to our Ad . As of 2020, it had a presence in over 245 news bureaus and 97 countries, including a reporter in every U.S. statehouse. You can read the same articles in almost every other m. (8/29/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 02/25/2022), Last Updated on February 25, 2022 by Media Bias Fact Check, Left vs. Factual Reporting: MIXED color: #FFF; Despite such blistering criticism from within the Arab world, there is no evidence yet that Al Jazeera has lost significant viewership. In April 2018, it announced moving its headquarters from Jeddah to Riyadh. These emerging sites have to compete with websites with no geographic tie to the region, including popular news sites in the West and elsewhere newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post; news websites such as Foreign Policy and the Huffington Post; TV sites such as CNN, the BBC, and Fox; and even comedy news icons like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbertbut as my polls show, the majority of Arabs who use the Internet go principally to Arabic-language websites. Our news-rating algorithm scores each article along four metrics: (1) cited sources and quotes, (2) publication history, (3) writing tone, and (4) author expertise. By then more Arabs had become fluent in Hebrew, and while they saw Israels Arabic media as propagandistic, they saw the Hebrew media as more credible. [4] It published an op-ed written on the first anniversary of the September 11 attacks by Rasheed Abu Alsamh who commented: First, we must stop denying that any of the hijackers were Saudis or even Arab. Over a dataset of 1,000 articles, BBC scored an average Factual Grade of 65.3%. The New Arab is headquartered in London, and Qatar-based Fadaat Media Ltd. Abdulrahman Elshayyal owns the outlet is the newspaper's CEO. Media Bias Fact Check offers a number of sustaining Ad-Free membership plans to fit your budget! What a "Not Rated" Rating Means. And those with resourcesand agendaswill strive to use their resources to influence the new market of information and ideas. (M. Huitsing 8/2/2017) Updated (01/20/2023), Source:, Last Updated on January 20, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check, Left vs. Fox News: -51 (tie) Screenshot/Fox News. This classification is derived from third-party assessments from media bias organizations such as AllSides and Media Bias/Fact Check. 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