Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. She was executed in Ravensbrck concentration camp and posthumously awarded theGeorge Cross, the highest honour given to civilians. [5], In January 1943, the Spindle team of Churchill, Rabinovich, and Sansom, feeling vulnerable to German capture, moved north from the French Riviera to the quiet Italian-occupied Annecy area in the French Alps. Germany. Mr. Sansom joined the army at the beginning of the Second World War, and Odette Sansom and the children moved to Somerset for their safety. Peter Churchill survived the war but Rabinovitch was executed by the Gestapo in 1944. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Through an ingenious plot, Bleicher arrested Odette and her commanding officer, Peter Churchill (no relation to the prime minister), on April 16, 1942. She died in 1995 aged 83. They killed anyone they feared might testify. A French agent working for the British during World War II, Odette Sansom left three small daughters to join the Resistance in 1942. On 16th April, 1943, Sansom and Churchill were arrested by Hugo Peter Churchillm. Charles de Gaulle/Date of death. Both Churchill and Sansom were therefore retained in Fresne and frequently interrogated for another eight months. Four female SOE agents had been put to death in a concentration camp by lethal injection that month. Sex/Life is a drama series inspired by the book 44 Chapters About 4 Men by BB Easton. She was brutally tortured by the Gestapo for information on her fellow agents. He was warned to avoid contact with Sansom and 'Colonel Henri" on his return to France, but when he was parachuted back into the Annecy area on April 14/15, he was met by Sansom and Rabinovich. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: She endured months of solitary confinement and death threats, but revealed nothing. SOE agents allied themselves with resistance groups and supplied them with weapons and equipment parachuted in from England. Jorioz by Hugo Bleicher of the Abwehr. Magazines, Digital Biography of Odette Sansom, Oxford,, 16th Mar 2008. In between each "evulsion," he would repeat his questions, telling her she could end "the ceremony" simply by answering the questions. Born Odette Marie Cline Brailly on April 28, 1912, in France; died in 1995 in England; daughter of Yvonne Brailly and Gaston Brailly (a bank official and soldier); married Roy Sansom, in 1930; married Captain Peter Morland Churchill, in 1947; married Geoffrey Hallowes; children: (first marriage) Franoise (b. For eight weeks, the women were apparently forgotten by the authorities and were housed, well apart from each other, in crowded cells in the civil prison. All Rights Reserved. Churchill and Sansom took up residence at the Hotel de la Poste in the village of Saint-Jorioz. She is excitable and temperamental, although she has a certain determination." Charles de Gaulle led the Free French forces in resisting capitulation to Germany during World War II and became provisional president of France in the immediate aftermath of the war. That she survived the war was almost miraculous. On 3 May 1945, knowing that Allied forces had entered Germany, the camp commandant, Fritz Suhren, decided he wanted to escape. Distressed by the occupation of France by the German Army in They were not expected to carry out acts of sabotage or to join in guerilla operations, though there were exceptions. Odette Sansom at the FANY memorial at St. Paul's Church in Knightsbridge, London, in 1948. She was captured six months later and imprisoned in Fresne, the Gestapo prison in Paris. What can I eat if everything makes me sick? They claimed they were husband and wife and related to Winston Churchill. The fact she survived undetected for over a year is a testimony to her care and professionalism. Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. She left her three daughters in a convent school, and was trained to be sent into Nazi-occupied France to work with the French Resistance. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Retrieved February 22, 2023 from Moved north, she was locked for nearly a week in a cage at police headquarters in Frankfurt. It is Odette, Queen of the Swans. A list of 200 potential supporters, lost by Andr Marsac, a Girard courier, was obtained by the Germans. A year later, they were married, and their first daughter Franoise was born in 1932. Agents wore boots and shoes with secret compartments. He was held as a Prisoner of War in 165 POW Camp near Abbeville and succeeded in escaping four times, although he was never able to return to the German lines. 22 Feb. 2023 . Still, she refused to speak. Odette Sansom GC, MBE (28 April 1912 - 13 March 1995), also known as Odette Churchill and Odette Hallowes, code named Lise, was an agent for the United Kingdom's clandestine Special Operations Executive (SOE) in France during the Second World War.The purpose of SOE was to conduct espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in occupied Europe . Odette Sansom Hallowes was born on April 28, 1912. She arrived on July 18, 1944, two days before a now-famous failed plot by members of Hitler's inner circle to assassinate him. near Herrlingen, Germany With her three daughters in a convent school, Odette trained as an SOE agent. She left her children in a convent and began training with the SOE. Before spies left England, Scotland Yard detectives scrutinized their clothing. They hoped that this story would help. By the fall of 1944, news filtered back to prisoners that the war had turned against the Germans. In their striped uniforms, with bristling hair on their shaved heads, Sansom and the other women had to stand at attention for two to six hours until the count was complete. Most WWII history buffs are familiar with decorated spies like Dusko Popov, Juan Pujol, and Roman Garby-Czerniawski. Sansom was aided in her endurance in prison by her early blindness and paralysis, and by the example of her grandfather, who "did not accept weakness very easily." She was captured six months later and imprisoned in Fresne, the Gestapo prison in Paris. The nuns considered her volatile, petulant, and stubborn. On May 26, 1943, Sansom was taken to the headquarters of the German security service. Ask a World War II aficionado to name the wars most highly decorated spy and youre likely to get one of three answers: Dusko Popov (code name: TRICYCLE), the MI5/MI6 double agent who warned the FBI about Pearl Harbor and inspired Ian Flemings James Bond; Juan Pujol (code name: GARBO), the crafty Spaniard who fooled the Germans with a fictional network of 15 agents; or Roman Garby-Czerniawski (code name: BRUTUS), the Polish double agent who at one time had a hundred agents in his INTERALLI circuit. Sansom, an elegant, vivacious young Frenchwoman who had been living in England, detested the Nazi system, the police state, and Hitler. November 9, 1970 To be caught with a wireless radiosomething every SOE agent would transport from time to timewas a capital offense. Odette Sansom Hallowes died on March 13, 1995 at the age of What is a good mission statement for a salon? German field marshal known as the "Desert Fox" Although they had all parachuted into France and been on similar missions, none of the agents had met. Odette Sansom GC, MBE (28 April 1912 13 March 1995), also known as Odette Churchill and Odette Hallowes, code named Lise, was an agent for the United Kingdom's clandestine Special Operations Executive (SOE) in France during the Second World War. She is holding Tania Szab , daughter of SOE officer Violette Szab . They won't have me. The son of Lillie ne Parkington and Abbey Sansom of Colchester. The company . Peter Morland Churchill, DSO (14 January 1909 - 1 May 1972) was a British Special Operations Executive (SOE) officer in France during the Second World War.His wartime operations, which resulted in his capture and imprisonment in German concentration camps, and his subsequent marriage to fellow SOE officer, Odette Sansom, received considerable attention during the war and after, including a . In 1914 when World War I broke out, Odette's father joined the Infantry Regiment and received the Croix de Guerre and Mdaille Militaire for his bravery. She was divorced from Churchill in 1955[28][25] and married Geoffrey Hallowes, a former SOE officer, in 1956. Once more, she refused. While Peter followed SOE training and played the village idiot, denying everything other than being a British agent, Odette did the opposite: she told the Germans that she, not Peter, was the circuit leader, and that Peter was just a pawn in their operation. Bleicher of Abwehr. 1940 she made contact with the Free French forces based in London. Her humility meant she was not keen on accepting the award, but she did accept it on behalf of all agents who suffered during the war. Still Odette refused to speak. Four years later, Sansom was following the fall of France in British newspapers, listening to BBC radio reports as refugees choked every road from Paris to Marseilles while German troops marched down the Champs-lyses. Her father was a soldier in the French Army and was killed during Rarely would an assignment be easily completed, nor did agents have the luxury of time. Some officials did not believe her story and cast doubt upon her integrity. Including; Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Emperor Hirohito, Eisenhower, Rommel and De Gaulle. He told the Americans, "This is Frau Churchill," believing that she was related to the prime minister of England. London replied immediately: "Henri highly dangerousyou are to hide across lake and cut contacts with all save Arnaud [Rabinovich]"[12][13], Churchill was in London consulting with SOE at the time of Bleicher's meeting with Sansom. But German agents had begun to infiltrate "Spindle" by the time Churchill returned to Annecy on the night of April 1415, 1943. [17], In Ravensbruck Sansom was kept in a punishment block cell, on a starvation diet, and could hear other prisoners being beaten. [21], In June 1943 Sansom was condemned to death on two counts, to which she responded, "Then you will have to make up your mind on what count I am to be executed, because I can only die once." Captured by the Gestapo in France and consigned after being cruelly tortured in Pariss notorious Fresnes prison, to Ravensbrck concentration camp, she emerged emaciated, weak and gravely ill at the end of the war. [36], On 6 March 2020 Great Western Railway named a Class 800 train after her; the ceremony in Odette's honour was held at Paddington Station in London and attended by Anne, Princess Royal.[37]. [26] After an appeal by her mother, it was returned with a note saying: "You, Madame, appear to be a dear old lady. You have reached your limit of 4 free articles. When he assures her that he means no harm, Odette reveals to him that she and her companions have been placed under a spell by the wicked Von Rothbart. Sansom told the Germans that Churchill was in the country on her insistence. The medal was awarded after medical records and eyewitness testimony supported her case. He spun a tale to her of them travelling together to London to "discuss means of ending the war." Prisoners, including three SOE agents, were shot outside Sansom's window, which faced the entrance of the crematorium. 'F' Section sent agents to France on behalf of the British Government to work secretly against theGerman occupying forces. French-bornOdette Sansomworked undercover in France during theSecond World War. All of her toenails had been ripped from her feet. To every question Sansom simply replied: 'I have nothing to say'. Held by the Gestapo in Nazi-occupied France, for two years she refused to betray he [34], On 23 February 2012, the Royal Mail released a postage stamp featuring Hallowes as part of its "Britons of Distinction" series. The SS wanted to keep her as a bargaining tool. But it was Odettes commitment to honor and duty that allowed her to persevere under such perilous conditions. Her work brought her initially to Marseilles, then considered a dangerous town because of its infiltration by German agents. They summoned her to Avenue Foch 14 times, always pressing her for the whereabouts of SPINDLEs radio operator and the hideout of another circuit leader. In the end, it was hearing tales of her French family's suffering in German-occupied France that made up her mind to join SOE. Odette is a 1950 British war film based on the true story of Special Operations Executive French agent, Odette Sansom, living in England, who was captured by the Germans in 1943, condemned to death and sent to Ravensbrck concentration camp to be executed. Infuriated, Bleicher sent her to Ravensbrck concentration camp. At Ravensbrck, Sansom was put in solitary confinement underground, in an attempt to break her spirit. [11], Meanwhile, in Paris in mid-March, spy-catcher Hugo Bleicher, an Abwehr counterintelligence officer, arrested Marsac, persuading him and another Carte associate, Roger Bardet, that he was an anti-Nazi German colonel and that they should work together. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. She learned how to fire British guns, how to identify the insignia on German uniforms, how to write, transmit, and receive Morse code, how to handle a canoe, and how to evade answers under SS (Schutzstaffel or "elite guard") interrogation; in short, all the techniques necessary for leading the double life of a spy. [8][9], Sansom made a landing on a beach near Cassis on the night of 2 November 1942, and made contact with Captain Peter Churchill, who headed Spindle, an SOE network based in Cannes. Violette Szabo has no known grave. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Pronunciation: o-dette, od(et)-te. Szabo, George Cross. People of the Second World War (1939-45) Influential leaders, generals and civilians who caused, influenced and fought during the Second World War. Finally, she was taken to Ravensbrck concentration camp for women. Digital Szabo was shot at Ravensbrck; Khan was brutally interrogated and kept in chains before she was executed at Dachau. Instead, Sansom told the Americans to take him prisoner. Two years later, Marianne was born. Mrs Odette Marie Celine Hallowes (see Sansom) (28 Apr 1912- 13 Mar 1995). She feared neither danger nor dagger, interrogation nor torture. Hero of the French Resistance, known only as Odette, who worked for the British War Department during World War II and, when captured and tortured by the Nazis, refused to divulge classified information. While on a secret trip to England, he left her in charge. Odette was a French woman married to an Englishman. Are you going to answer my questions?" Odette Marie Cline Brailly was born on April 28, 1912, the first child of Gaston, a bank official in Amiens, and Yvonne Brailly . Women also died from malnourishment, overwork, exposure, lethal injections or obscene experimental surgery. Another courier, Pearl Witherington , led an underground force of 2,000 young French guerillas, called the Maquis, who specialized in cutting the main Paris-Bordeaux railway. Odette Marie Lonie Cline Brailly was born on 28 April 1912 at 208, rue des Corroyers in Amiens, France;[1] the daughter of Emma Rose Marie Yvonne ne Quennehen[notes 1] and Florentin Dsir Eugne 'Gaston' Brailly,[notes 2] a bank manager, killed at Verdun shortly before the Armistice in 1918 and posthumously awarded the Croix de Guerre and Mdaille militaire for heroism. In July 1940, she had met Etienne Szabo, an officer in the French Foreign Legion. It could have been deleted, moved, or it never existed at all. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980. Odette Sansom (1912 - 1995) - a French/British spy who worked as an SOE operative in occupied France. The Germans wanted to know the true identity of Spindle's wireless operator, "Arnaud," as well as the whereabouts of a British officer, Captain Francis Cammaerts, who had landed in the plane which had taken Churchill to England. She maintained that she, not Peter Churchill, was the leader; she also refused to give any information about other members. A manifesto signed by about 20 former associates accused Churchill of being in France only to collect material for a book about his experiences and asked what acts of sabotage he and Odette had carried out. [6], Originally Sansom was considered too temperamental and stubborn by SOE, with an evaluation stating "She is impulsive and hasty in her judgments and has not quite the clarity of mind which is desirable in subversive activity. After a lengthy fire-fight Violette was eventually captured. This would mean securing an apartment in a specified part of town in France to which the SOE might send other members, either as part of an escape team or to encourage sabotage and action by the French Resistance. Albert Speer Sansom, known as Odette Churchill after her marriage, gained considerable fame after the publication of a 1949 biography[29] and a film on her war work and prison ordeal in 1950. When Odette again refused, the Nazi systematically tore out each of her toenails, one by one. Perles, Alfred, ed. Wehrmacht soldiers, Vichy police, Abwehr (German military intelligence) and Gestapo were everywhere: control checkpoints, hotels, cafes, trains even brothels. Sansom became 'Agent S.23'. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 FAQS Clear - All Rights Reserved Odette (123 min. When Sansom would not answer, the man kneeling at her feet fastened pincers around the tip of one of her toenails and pulled. By October, when her health had just about failed, they moved her to a cell above ground. An unexpected error has occurred with your sign up. Post author: Post published: June 1, 2022 Post category: grafana iframe home assistant Post comments: abkrzungen gehaltsabrechnung ffentlicher dienst jee leg abkrzungen gehaltsabrechnung ffentlicher dienst jee leg Yet, despite the torture and pressure, she remained firm to her story. And danger was ever-present. Despite having all her toenails pulled out and a red hot poker placed on her back, she told them nothing. In January 1943, to evade arrest, Churchill and Sansom moved their operations to near Annecy in the French Alps. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. She was told that the War Office needed people who knew and loved France, people who could move about the country freely without attracting attention. "Life wisdom learnt in the darkness of a torture cell; Odette Hallowes, GC.," in London Sunday Times. Each was awarded the Order of the British Empire, Popov and Czerniawski as Officers and Pujol as a Member. Odette, who by that time had married her third husband and become Odette Hallowes, died in 1995 at the age of 82. He died trying to find two of his men who had gone missing after the Battle of Verdun., "Sansom, Odette (19121995) She left her husband and three children to return to occupied France as a spy for the SOE (Special Operation Executive Program, a British spy agency) The book is well written and researched. Sansom's initial objective was to contact the French Resistance on the French Riviera, and then move to Auxerre in Burgundy to establish a safe house for other agents. [6][5], As cover for her secret work, Sansom was enrolled in the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, which supplied SOE with support personnel. Odette Sansom had been a prisoner of the Gestapo for five months by October 1943. German military commander Heinrich Himmler became, Prisoners of War. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Odette was a quiet child. Despite her appalling treatment, she was not over consumed with bitterness. The couple moved Susan Slosberg , writer, New Rochelle, New York. 42,000 s/f building with Rt. God bless you and your children. She was 82. Churchill and in 1945, with the Red Armyadvancing on Ravensbruck In June 1940, a new volunteer force the Special Operations Executive (SOE) was set up to wage a secret war. Odette is a 1950 British war film based on the true story of Special Operations Executive French agent, Odette Sansom, living in England, who was captured by the Germans in 1943, condemned to death and sent to Ravensbrck concentration camp to be executed. Odette means: wealth. The other began to unbutton her blouse. Messages were printed on ties, scarves, handkerchiefs, and underwear. They were joined there by several other members of the Carte network and SOE, a gathering which attracted the attention of the Italian fascist police and the Gestapo. Educated at the Convent of Therese in Amiens She is buried with Odette at Burvale cemetery where her name is given as Yvonne Marie Rose Brailly. Magazines, CODE NAME: LISEThe True Story of the Woman Who Became WWIIs Most Highly Decorated Spy, Or create a free account to access more articles, The Extraordinary Bravery That Made This Woman One of World War II's Most Remarkable Spies. Great location near I-80 [20] Bleicher occasionally appeared and suggested that they might go to concerts and visit restaurants together in Paris, in return for which he hoped she could be induced to talk. She spent the rest of the war imprisoned in Ravensbrck Concentration Camp. Heroes and Heroines. Odette Sansom (1912 1995) a French/British spy who worked as an SOE operative in occupied France. After she regained her sight, rheumatic fever left her weak and partially paralyzed for months. Was Odette a true story? She left her children in a convent and began training with the SOE. Odette Her Remarkable True Storyby Jerrard Tickell at Amazon. And as every spy knew, the Gestapo needed to turn only one operative to infiltrate a circuit and spoil the lot. She died in 1995, aged 82. She was taught self-defence, Morse code, and how to resist interrogation. Your email address will not be published. Prime commercial lot on Rt. She also accepted in advance that she might be captured by the Germans. Her torture was carried out by a "very good-looking young Frenchman" who she believed was mentally ill.[5], Sansom testified against the prison guards charged with war crimes at the 1946 Hamburg Ravensbrck Trials, which resulted in Suhren's execution in 1950. Where is Violette Szabo buried? A specially trained inner core of Nazis, hand-picked by Heinrich Himmler, interrogated her repeatedly. However, the evaluation noted "her patriotism and keenness to do something for France." Nancy Wake was the most decorated woman of the Second World War and by 1943 she was the Gestapos most wanted person with a 5 million-franc price tag and lived most of her life on the edge and in constant danger and her story is one of sheer bravery, strength and defiance. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". While her brother, Louis, went to school at the Lyce, Odette was sent to the Convent of Sainte Thrse because her mother thought the Normandy air would be beneficial. I gave him a nice pat and left him a piece of meat out of fridge. Despite a report by the camp doctor that she would not survive such conditions for more than a few weeks, after being found unconscious in her cell she was placed in solitary confinement. Odette Sansom returned to the UK and in 1945, she became the recipient of a MBE and the year after, she received the George Cross. (SOE). she worked under Peter Churchill, the SOE's organizer in that part Stafford, David. [2] She had one brother. She was subjected to torture. Sansom was shocked by the lax attitude towards security by her French supporters. Hewson, David in Walters, Anne-Marie (2009), Foot, M. R. D. (1966), "SOE in France," London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, p. 252, Undercover: The Men and Women of the SOE, Patrick Howarth, 1980. Article tool, Pick a style to see how all available information looks when according. And left him a piece of meat out of fridge, he left her in charge was obtained the. Honour given to civilians to timewas a capital offense officer Violette Szab in! Her children in a convent school, odette Sansom ( 1912 - 1995 ) - a French/British spy worked! During theSecond World war. 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