9 d. 395 opinions shared on Marriage & Weddings topic. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. If she does, thats okay! Some people will still make a big deal out if it. Women have 10 lb babies & tighten right back up with the right maintenance (from experience). Im not bitter, Im BETTER andin retrospect, I can say this: as a man, it is impossible for me to love a woman more than I trust her. Personally, I dont want to marry a woman who looks at sex like a man does, and acts the way a man does. If a girl is promiscuous or has had behavior IN HER PAST showing lack of self-respect, self-esteem, integrity, etc., she can tell me she has changed all she wants, but shes blown her chance at a LTR with me, simply because plenty of women have the character to not do the things she did. it's up to you to be good enough for them. Shes going to be somebodys wife or girlfriend, because he values her more than his immature philosophy. They would always want to be with me even not wanting sex. I seem to be shunned by women when after the 3rd date I still havent tried to get into her pants. Messing with them is the same as messing with everyone else they been with. Men lie, because it increases theirs. I think it opens up the mind to think past a selected numerical value that is supposed to be moral and fitting of all positions and start asking questions to seek who the other is on a much deeper level in order to find a partner that is truly worthy of spending life with. Now the real problem is that not only are these type of women promiscuous, they lie about that number. What if a person did poorly in the 9th grade, hell they flat out failed. Her sexual promiscuity or lack there of does not control control his actions or level of respect. I AM SORRY, IT IS DISGUSTING TO THINK ABOUT A WOMEN WHO HAS LET MULTIUDES OF MEN DEFILE HER BODY. Also if we take a spiritual perspective, then let me add that we all live in sin. Im hoping this article opens some eyes and gets people to start looking at all of this differently. Ive always been that way since I started having sex. Being of the younger generation (twenties in college) you often here a lot men degrade women for sleeping with plenty others but rarely hear the men being treated the same. If you are prepared to be the man she needs, and you have a genuine connection with her, then all that other stuff really does not matter. All statistics show that, you instinctual disgust by it is natural because only guys that avoided dirty women like that managed not to be cucked and got to reproduce, science just confirmed what we knew long ago 19 is so, so young. We should strive to be righteous. Altamera what is an acceptable amount of men for a woman to sleep with before marriage to you? pasts at all, dont have intense feelings for her. There are 7 common signs a woman is perceived as low value to all men, because men simply perceive value differently to women. You dont think there are alpha women out there? I would just say that the specific number wasnt the real issue in your case. I think how many sex partners you have had should matter. You are correct that you cant do anything about the man before you being bigger but I most certainly believe you can still be better. Do boys and men get self conscious taking their shirts off in front of girls? That should only matter! Women are no different than men. So the numbers are irrelevant. I've never been completely on the red pill stuff mostly on the more toned down r/seduction and general PUA stuff. Please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news in your domain of interest. Stop bashing each other, and tearing each other down. Using the number of sexual partners as one proxy for how someone views sexuality, intimacy, and as insight into part of their value-system iscompletelyrational and reasonable. It felt right in me. someone to come along and love you for who you are? The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Some males like feeling dominated. Some may argue that it speaks to her character. So I am simply saying view them for who they are now, not who they once were. But what about the woman who is completely secure with herself, single, and likes to have sex. Months later she reveals that she many years ago she was promiscuous but since then has walked away from that approach to sex and shares the same values as you right now. For 10 years I was her world, nobody else mattered to her ,we have 3 kids ,then she became a bar tender, I was out, another Guy with a bigger d*** was in, and I was scum. Yes, there is certainly a price I am paying: not seriously dating sluts. (sorry so long lol just trying to get you the most info). If it says anything its that she owns her own body and doesnt let herself be dictated by societys so-called morals. Its an individual thing as to how they perceive themselves. You and your cohorts. Lastly all should value themselves because at the end of the day it is best for all to wait (though many of us struggle with it), so dont just put that on women. There is not much left. They are also more secure with the idea that if one relationship ends they can easily find another. Likewise, promiscuity is also very common in women with trauma in their past (e.g., rape, molestation, physical and emotional abuse, etc.). Its not likely to end up well (in terms of happiness and emotional satisfaction) for either the man or the woman. (one-nighters) out of the 19 people Ive had sex with that I didnt get to Dont get mad if needs/wants change. the more different men she has slept with, the more chances she had sex with an extremely endowed man, which would compromise the elasticity of her vagina. You sir, are that stupid guy in this instance. Most of you would reply yes. I believe the average male has a high sex drive, created to be the leader/pursuer.. STDs are always a risk, but that usually comes up pretty early, and even if there is an STD involved if you really want to bang anyway, that's what condoms are for. Obviously the more people you sleep with the higher your possibility of having an std are. 4 years ago. It is the best indicator of who someone actually isyou knowhow theyve actually led their life. Those who belittle this concern are just those who have a sketchy past and don't like being possibly judged for it. I have zero interest in dating a woman that has had a double-digit amount of partners. If a woman had many relationships and then relationships failed, this is other thing and issue yes.. Right now though, I really do not think that the problem is the girl, or the potential relationship itself even. My girlfriend of 8 months told me in the beginning of the relationship she had only been with 2 other men which were her past relationships. Excellent point. The West is the last, civilized group that needs to comment Its profitable and acceptable. Some guys don't want something that was shared by several others. LEsson learnt, men cant handle the truth, but they want to know everything, wise women, give information very selectively. There are women who have been with one man, and have gotten an STD. Or not. The reality is that many people marry for the wrong reasons. Much like you are forcing the woman in your life to do, would you rather start out a relationship based on a lie? It comes in handy. I think Im old enough to understand that and act accordingly. Imagine for a moment that the United States was an egalitarian society. Yes there is a double standard. So if he is in a relationship that he feels is the best he ever had, and everything is great, but then she reveals the number. I like her a lot cause she is smart, funny, outgoing, pretty, and we just have the exact same sense of humor and get along better than I do with almost anyone in my life as we're really similar people. There are all kinds of reasons why things happen and who you were at one time doesnt necessarily mean you are the same person now. This is why men are actually attracted to more pure women. Be willing to compromise on some things, and she should be willing to compromise on some things as well. about their past. Okay okay, maybe that is a bit extreme. But it will be in the back of your mind. Still, a pregnancy or disease can and does occur. Furthermore, I think that guys that dont care about their partners A Woman or Man that sleeps with 100 people is emotionally DEAD! In addition, the divorce rate in my country of Canada is lower than it is in the US, and we have a more sexually permissive culture as well. Perhaps you should take your own advice. We have to be mature enough to accept people for who they are today in the same way in which we would want others to accept us. idk how to both handle my parents and be safe around them. Individuals must and should always attend to their home garden and not others. We dont know how many partners a woman should have. happen and now there are consequences: possibly guilt, insecurities form in Your source was concerned with the myth of high rate of divorce in general, and was not studying the relatively high incidences of higher divorce amongst women with more sexual partners. It doesnt matter where Ive worked, or what my experience is, or how successful I have been at what Ive done. eliminated the need to be selective by being careful in terms of sex, due to Being a guy in his thirties who has waited until marriage it gets really tiring to hear from so many people things like Your future wife isnt going to be a virgin so shut up and get over it or Her sexual past shouldnt matter now stop whining and man up or my personal favorite You just need to get laid, sex isnt that big a deal. Well sex is a big deal, at least for me, Im not going to have it with just anyone, I shouldnt be shamed or forced into dating or marrying a woman who didnt take sex seriously. I found a guy, we connected so well, he told me about his past relationship which lasted for 4 yrs. Whos gonna stick around for that? I am hopefull If instead, we asked, "Would you marry a man who had sex with more than 15 people", the first thought that would pop into my head would be "15? This isnt about telling women it is good or ok to have a lot of sex partners. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 2,105 posts. I think many married couples lack a connection. Im 25 and have been with at least 20 different partners however that number does not define my character. She has turned away from that since, but would you still feel you should hold this over her head? Eventually we grew apart because she was ready to start a family and I was not. They are seeking love. Marriage is a serious commitment intended to last a lifetime. So keep railing against common sense and reality, well be here if you ever stop. ) Also Men sleeping around should be judged the same as Women sleeping around! for adults. Doctor lady walks up and says hey it has been forever how are you. Sexual life is not the most important aspect in the relationship, but it is a very central one. Ive been involved with both chaste and promiscuous women. Actually, the vagina does not get loose. The problem here is that she does not come off like a ho AT ALLshes ambitious, intelligent, fashionable, etc etc. I would find disgusting to kiss a woman of that kind. unwillingness to invest in a cheap female advertised with non-existent People are different and can change! No problem. My happiness is not based on marriage. So its cool to wife up a porn star? For rich or for poor.. You know the real story and you still love her. Lets say it was you in their spot. As soon as women get that into their thick sex driven heads they will realise the truth. I even recall my mother saying on several occasions how she would have probably married another man. they resort back to their network of past sex partners, or start going I agree that we should know our partners past so that we may have a better understanding of who they are today. I am already spoken for. It shapes us. how to get likes on dating apps as a male? I totally agree. CLICK HERE to download this special report. I feel like my bf doesn't love me anymore and it scares me. Live up those spring break days if you must, but Ps if women werent sluts you wouldnt be on this planet. And our son, how would he view women? downward but thats not a bad thing. There's countless men with who she has either talked or shared pictures with or kissed etc etc, some of them while she was in a relationship as wel. I'm not sure if she has cheated in the past and while I want to ask that could come off in a really bad way which I want to avoid. You can say no, no, no as much as you like and deny up and down till youre blue, but that still doesnt get the idea about a woman, out of a mans mind. This girl helped open my eyes to all sorts of fun ideas in and out of the bedroom. The fact is that how I have decided to look at my wife is not an issue within myself I look at her in the way she has represented herself to me if she has misrepresented and has been sleeping around she just built a lie around her and I have looking to a fake picture of the reality. I am a woman with a not so squeaky clean past but that was mostly due to my upbringing. Most often it takes more than two relationships to find your life partner. No matter where you go and no matter how much you pray to the Lord for time to pass and grant you maturation. Just women who act out and try to dodge the consequences of doing illogical stuff. Personally, I think that men and women should strive to have a lower number of sexual partners but I don't think that women should try to act like men in the thinking that having numerous partners is a good thing. And realize having sex with a lot of people has its consequence you cant always have your cake and eat it too so **** smart and **** protected. sleep with more people towards the beginning of their dating/sexploration stage I would rather be morally responsible than put another person through the consequences of my decisions. Now I will excuse most of the ignorant post below as I can appreciate that most of the beliefs that you all have that enraged me are based in religion, the way you were socialized, or etc. umm doing your kegels will fix that and also not true unless the promiscuous lady in question is having babies left and right. Now if she has actually slept with 80% of her male friends and she still associates with them, then I can see where that may be to tough of a pill to swallow. same discounted price. Exactly, the past should only be used as a way to better understand who that person has been and who they have become. And if he is, so what? Im very flattered, but not creeped out enough yet to worry about it. Just judging by how erratic, panicky and rather desperate you have written your message above. Wild oats = sewn. to ask. I believe, What ever happened to the days when articles encouraged people to better themselves. It does matter how many men, a woman I will talk about what I feel is best, when it comes to sex and being promiscuous versus waiting. Press J to jump to the feed. It is amazing to see how in other know if your lover truly loves you for who you are if they dont know. If you can't, she'd be right to drop you. No one wants to date or marry a hoe. Just keep going forward. At the end of the day, I dont want to ever sleep with another man besides my boyfriend. she has slept with in the past as evidence for if she is someone to be A lot of men would have a problem respecting and trusting a woman that is currently on or has been on the hoe stroll as you call it. Many women (not all) but many women have gone through there Hoe Stroll (not trying to offend, just making a point). Im tired of men having to settle for a woman that has been around the block.. Im saving myself for my wife It saddens me to see humans sleep with anything.. Men and women are worth more than that Smh -_-. Well said. I might ride in it a It benefits to see the bigger picture and all angles of a situation. Men are sure as hell trying to do it now! They want to have fun or they're lonely so they sleep around, devalues herself by doing so. If a guy was to meet me he would never guess my number is so high because its all about how I carry myself. Now, I know you didnt use any of these words. You live and you learn and then hopefully you do better, so if someone has slept with 99 different people, that doesnt mean there doesnt come a point in their lives where they are ready to settle and be in a committed relationship with just one. Im just curiouswhat is your take on any of your male gender having premarital sex? You dont think thats extreme? I choose to try not do that. Then she hit me with the old.Those men were before I met you, they should not matter, it is all in the past. The number is certainly not all that matters. if you're concerned about self-destructive behavior, you need to actually understand what that is and isn't before you start judging people. And if I never read this post again and some young man is dealing with the same situation.
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